The Perfect Scandal

By harperlbrennan

646K 23.6K 10.8K

After two years of mixing drinks at a local bar and serving caramel macchiatos to the stereotypical, teenage... More

Coming Soon
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Final Regards
New Developments
Deleted Scene I

Chapter Twenty-Two

13.5K 580 331
By harperlbrennan

Walking towards the reception desk, I nodded a greeting at Vaughn. His face was strained, mouth downturned as he stared at me. I shook it off, smiling in hopes to change his mood.

"Hey Vaughn," I chirped, getting ready to walk past his desk and to Mallory's office.

"Wait," he exclaimed, throwing himself up from his desk and trying to block me from getting past. "You can't go in there."

I laughed, shaking my head. "And why not?"

"Mrs. Morgan's request."

"Come on." My voice sounded whinny, but I was slowly getting irritated. Why would Mallory not want me to come back? Did it have something to do with the night in the hotel room? God, I hoped not. "Just let me in. If she asks, I got in when you weren't watching."

He seemed to contemplate the option, running a muscular hand through his fluffy, black curls. "I really shouldn't, Esme." A heavy sigh fell from his lips, and I knew what that meant. "But I can tell her you'd like to speak to her, through the intercom."

Leaning forward on his desk, a perfect smile on my lips. "Thanks so much, Vaughn, you're the best."

Nodding, he sat back down in his seat and hesitantly pressed the red button on the phone port. "Mrs. Morgan?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Esme is here." His voice shook, raising an octave. "She said she'd like to speak to you."

There was silence.

"Mrs. Morgan?"

"Tell Miss Holland to leave, she's excused for the day. I have no use for her. If I need her presence, I will call."

I raised my eyebrows, curling my mouth in annoyance. Vaughn glanced at me apologetically.

"I'm so sorry, I wish I could do somethi—."

"No," I stated, maneuvering around the desk and towards Mallory's office door.

Ignoring Vaughn's requests to come back, I stormed through the door, slamming it behind me. Mallory was seated at her desk, looking impossibly difficult with her glasses pushed up the bridge of her nose. She continued her work, doing whatever stupid paperwork the stupid city wanted her to do...stupidly.

Wow why am I like this.

Marching over to the desk, I waited, hands on my hips. I looked down at Mallory, who still did not take any notice to me. I knew there'd be consequences for disobeying and creating an overly dramatic entrance, and standing in front of her as if I were the mistress, but I cared little about the stupid consequences. Mallory would talk to me before I left. She would give witness to why she has been acting like a stubborn bitch.

"Miss," I blurted harshly.

Again, she paid no attention to me, so I repeated myself.

Her voice finally rang through, but the tone concerned me. There wasn't anger bubbling from the words. She was calm, like the center of a tornado. Mallory voice was the eye of the storm, and I worried about the aftermath. "Was I not clear in my directions?"

I spat back at her. "The connection must have been bad."

Slender fingers stopped their work and focused on removing glasses and setting them on the desk. Mallory finally looked up at me, blue eyes seemingly calm but raging beneath the surface like the chaotic waves in a hurricane. A smirk of amusement lined her nude lips, but I was sure it wasn't because my remarks were comical to her. Perhaps she was imagining all the ways she could torture and murder me, then discard the evidence.

I shivered.

"I think," she husked, raising her eyebrow at me, "that the only thing bad in this building, is my dear slut."

Standing my ground, I lifted my chin up and tried to lift my rapidly decreasing confidence. "If you paid a little attention to me once in a while..."

The dark haired woman stood from her seat, slowly, predatory. Her heels clicked against the floor, her body twisting around the desk like a snake. I stood still, the little confidence I had left gone and there was no way I'd get it back. Mallory stopped in front of me, her nose inches away from mine. I could smell her perfume and feel her breath on my skin. Her eyes were darkening, with lust or rage I could not tell.

She grabbed ahold of the waistline of my pants and pulled me closer, my body flush against hers. Skilled fingers pulled my slacks open, and pushed their way into my underwear. I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around Mallory's shoulders for balance. My nerves started to react, tingling in my stomach and consuming everything below.

"I'm sorry," I moaned, letting my head fall back in pleasure.

"I'm sure you are," Mallory whispered, teasing me with two fingers. "Is this the kind of attention you were wanting?"

Grinding myself on her fingers, I cursed under my breath. "Miss!"

Her fingers sped up and I held her tighter, my nails digging into her shoulder blades. Mallory hissed in pain, but continued her assault. My stomach was coiling, twisting in a delicious pre-orgasm manner. I rocked my hips in tandem with Mallory, adding fuel to the building orgasm.

I looked back at my mistress, panting "My god, yes."

Her eyes were wide, blown with arousal. "I believe the proper term would be goddess, but that works too," she smarted, flicking my clit with a free finger.

Sitting on the edge of orgasm, I stared into Mallory's eyes, holding eye contact just as the swirling in my stomach was at its peak, ripe and ready for release. A devious glint glimmered in her icy eyes, and just as release was prompted to begin, her fingers stopped and were ripped away from my underwear. Breath caught in my throat and mouth agape, I wanted to protest. I wanted to scream and kick and punch until I got my orgasm.

I watched as Mallory rebuttoned my pants, straightened my shirt and blazer out, and went back to her desk. She sat down, and reached into a drawer, pulled out a wet wipe and wiped her fingers off.

"You may leave, dear. I'll check in on you in a few hours."

I watched as Mallory resumed her work. Again, I almost protested, but figured I shouldn't. Straightening out my shirt, even though Mallory already did, I made my way to the door and left without a word. Vaughn glanced up at me, wide eyed. I knew what was wrong, and before I left the building, I shot a few words back to him. "Get her the sweetest and strongest  coffee. She's handing me my ass tomorrow, and needs the energy."

When I got home, I tossed every single article of clothing off of myself and got into the shower. Once the almost scolding water caressed my skin, trickling down my back, I relaxed. My hand slipped between my legs, and the pressure began to build once more. I closed my eyes, lost in the sensations and imagining it was Mallory's fingers instead of my own.

Finally climaxing, I washed and rinsed off, reluctant to leave the comfort of my shower. Hearing my phone ring, I figured I had spent enough time in the bathroom. I walked out with only a towel, water droplets from my hair collecting and dripping down my back.

I hurried to my room and changed into sweats and an old high school team shirt, wrapping my hair up in the towel. I forwent a bra, knowing that Aurora was the only company I expected today, and I wasn't going anywhere anyways. Walking to the kitchen, I pulled out a bottle of water and went to the living room, turning on the television. Plopping on the sofa, I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Rory.

Pick up 2 packs of shocktop ruby fresh pls. only have budweiser in fridge

A second message followed.

oh and do u want pizza bc bbq chicken sounds soooooo good

I left my phone on my chest as I leaned back on the couch, completely ignoring the call I had missed when I was in the shower. Grabbing a blanket off the back cushions, I laid out with my feet put up. It felt nice to lay down, and the time away from Mallory was, to my surprise, pleasant. When she was avoiding me, she was all I could think about. I wanted her attention, I wanted her to want me. But she didn't. And I didn't know what I did. I still don't. If it wasn't for me disobeying her earlier, she wouldn't have even looked in my direction.

Mallory Morgan is such a mystery. I wasn't sure I would ever truly know her, or at least fully know her. It was as if she only wanted me to know pieces of her, portions of who she is and why she does what she does. But I wanted more. I wanted every layer of her peeled away until I knew her true self. I wanted to know every inch of her, every crevice and curve of her body and soul. I wanted to know how her mind works, every secret meaning. The enigma of Mallory Morgan needed to be solved, and I was overly willing to be the sleuth to discover the truth.

My phone vibrated, illuminating with a new message from Aurora. On my way. order the pizza.

I should have known that she'd say yes to pizza. That doesn't ever get turned down by either one of us.

I called our favorite place; Andy's Garage, and order our usual. Of course, when the kid on the phone asked for my name and address, he had to mention that I had my credit card put on my virtual account for easy purchases. He continued to poke fun at my slight love for their pizza before telling me how much I was being charged, and that the pizza would be delivered in twenty minutes. I settled back into my spot on the sofa, at least until Rory arrived.

"Honey, I'm home!" She shrieked, her voice entering before she did.

Gladly ignoring her, I glanced over, watching as she put the beer and a bottle of wine on the counter. As I got up to put the beer in the fridge, a knock on the door interrupted us. I pulled out a five dollar bill from a spare "everything" drawer and rushed to the door. Pizza engulfed my nose once I opened the door and greeted the delivery boy. Her was new, I hadn't met him before. With a smile, I thanked him, took the pizzas, and gave him his tip.

When I sat the pizza on the kitchen counter, Aurora looked as if she were drooling, her eyes locked on the boxes. "Hungry, princess?" I joked, grabbing two paper plates and filling my own with two slices.

"When am I not?" She responded, reaching over me for her own pieces.

"Good point."

I grabbed a shocktop from the case and hurried to the couch, making sure Rory didn't steal my spot. She had a habit of sitting in my spot, which was positioned slightly diagonal to the television, a perfect viewpoint, and in front of the coffee table, the perfect footrest. Kicking my feet up, I sat my plate on my lap, flipped the cap off the beer bottle, and settled into my seat. Rory joined me, plopping on the sofa beside me in her finest sweats and hoodie.

"What're we watching?" She mumbled, mouth full of dough and barbecue sauce.


Aurora went to grab the remote off the coffee table, but I kicked it away and out of her reach. She huffed, stuffing her face once more. "You're an ass."

I stuck my tongue out at her and redirected my attention to the television, devouring my pizza.

Two hours later and we were in the same spots, only having moved to get more pizza, more beer, or go to the bathroom. The only thing different was the television being turned off, and Rory and I actually talking.

"No fucking lie, he asked if I'd be okay with a threesome."

I shook my head, taking a gulp of beer. "Guy or girl?"

The brunette stared at me, straight faced. "Guy. He wants to have a threesome with another guy. What guy wants that?"

"Maybe he's bisexual? Or he is considerate of you and feels like you'd be more willing to fuck another guy than a girl?"

"Probably not," she laughed, taking a drink of her bud. "I would consider sleeping with a girl though."

Spitting the little bit I started to drink back into the bottle, my eyes widened. "You?"

"Yeah, why not? Can't be too hard to get a girl off right?"

Oh if only she knew.

I took another drink. "How should I know."

"Because of Miss Morgan," Rory sang, a smug smile on her lips.

"You're delusional," I replied, trying to keep my tone even. Of course I was shocked, but I couldn't let Aurora know the truth. That would mean breaking the contract, and Mallory would be pissed.

She rose from her seat, grabbing my beer and putting her own and mine on the coffee table. Before I could register what was happening, Aurora grabbed my hands and pulled me off the couch. She pinned me to the floor easily, due to my shock and lack of fighting back. One hand held my wrists above my head while the other ran up and down my side, tickling me. Squirming underneath my best friend, I tried to get out, but was failing because of the crippling laughter.

"Admit it," she shrieked.

"Admit wh-what?"

She stopped immediately. "That you're sleeping with her."

I was about to reply in the negative when a knock on the door interrupted us. With Aurora's guard down, I wiggled free and pushed her off of me, getting up to answer the door.

Another knock came. "I'm coming," I called out, opening the door without checking who it was.

To my unpleasant surprise, Mallory stood before me, and I could tell she was furious. She was in the same thing she had on earlier, but her hair was less picturesque than it had been. Her blue eyes were lit with a frozen fury, and I couldn't help but shrink back.

"Good evening, Miss Holland," she rasped, inviting herself in. She reached into her purse and pulled out a file of papers before her gaze shifted between Rory and I. "Sorry for intruding, but you never returned my call.. I wasn't aware that you had company."

Closing the door, I shrugged before throwing a look at Aurora, demanding that she leave.

"You seem to have forgot the paperwork I asked you to go through."

I watched as Aurora began cleaning her mess up, not replying to my miss.

"I need these done tonight, Miss Holland." Mallory hissed at me, taking a step closer. "Are you even listening?"

Glancing to her for a split second, I started to walk away, helping clean the mess. "I'm listening Mrs. Morgan." I mumbled, folding blankets and putting them back on the sofa before grabbing the various beer bottles and cans.

The older brunette crossed her arms, file still in hand, and stood with a scowl. She said nothing, so I continued to clean until Rory was done and ready to leave. My best friend hadn't said a word since Mallory came in, and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or bad.

In the midst of giving Aurora a quick hug, she pulled me closer, whispering in my ear. "She's a bitch."

Chuckling, I let go and opened the door. "See why I wouldn't even have a chance?"

Rory stole one last glance at Mallory before leaving. "I'll text you," she called from behind.

As soon as I closed the door, I was pushed back against it. Mallory was on top of me, her cheeks flushed and eyes dangerous. I was afraid of her wrath, but couldn't help the arousal that was already collecting between my legs.

"Miss Holland," she seethed, her voice low. "You continue to make a fool of me."

I assumed that she let go of the file as soon as Rory left, as one hand slithered up to my throat while the other held onto my hip, nails digging into flesh. I placed both of my hands on the wrist closest to my neck and looked up at her with pleading eyes. "Please Mis—."

"Hush dear, you can speak to me when I give permission to do so."

Obediently, I nodded. Sliding down the door to my knees, Mallory followed, leaning down to my level. I hoped to escape her grasp while seeming apologetic and "less than". If she was going to punish me, which I was sure she would, then I needed as many brownie points as I could get, even if it meant kneeling before her.

A pleased smile graced her lips, and sharp eyes softened their gaze for a moment. "Are you finished with these petulant acts of disobedience? The continuous punishments are tiring, dear."

Silent, I waited for some type of signal that I could speak. When Mallory finally quirked her brow, I responded. "I'll stop Miss, but only if you stop ignoring me." My stomach was turning. I didn't know how she would react, and the worst case meant she would leave and never come back.

She chuckled, low and thick. "I don't think you are in any position to make demands." Her soft fingers moved to my cheek, caressing me. I leaned into the touch, eyes closed, only to open them at the sound of her voice. "But," she husked, "I will grant you that request." A gentle kiss was pressed to the tip of my nose. "Now, go to the kitchen and bring me back a wooden spoon. Your penance is well overdue."

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