Daddy Long Legs | narry au |

By twinkiepayne

23.3K 565 217

" What did you just call me?" " Daddy Long Legs." " Why?" " Because you have long legs and you're daddy." ~*~... More

last authors note :(


1.1K 32 12
By twinkiepayne

Niall was glad the weekend was over. He kept thinking about the whole Harry leaving with another girl situation and he couldn't help but feel shook. Niall was literally the one who came up with the phrase 'I'm shook' because of the situation with Harry.

Niall just didn't want Harry to confront him about it. Niall wasn't ready to talk about what happened yet.

Niall shows up to his friend's morning spot and sits down. He looks at his friends.

" Hi guys. How was your weekend?" Niall says.

" Other than being shook about Harry seen with another girl and talking about him when he was there, it was fine. I had a good weekend with you guys." Liam says.

" Are you going to talk about what happened this weekend with Harry?" Louis asks.

" Hopefully not. I don't want to talk about it, let alone think about it." Niall says.

" What if he comes up to you and starts talking to you about it?" Liam asks.

Niall shrugs his shoulders," I'll give him shitty answers."

" But you'll be talking with him. You can't give him shitty answers. You're talking to the guy you like." Louis says.

" I know, but I don't want to talk about what happened. It's too embarrassing." Niall says. Liam and Louis look at each other and shrug their shoulders. Then Louis looks down the hall quickly like he just realized something.

" Fuck! I have a test today!" Louis screams. He frantically looks through his backpack. Liam and Niall just look at him weird. Liam looks at Niall.

" What the hell was that?" Liam asks.

" I have no words." Niall says. The school bell rings and Louis let's out an angry groan.

" I'm fucked!" Louis exclaims. The friends stand up from the ground.

" When do you have the test?" Niall asks.

" Second hour and I don't have time during first hour to study." Louis says.

" Yeah, you're fucked." Liam says," Bye guys."

" Bye Liam. Have fun in gym." Niall says.

" I'll try." Liam says. Liam walks off to the gym while Niall and Louis walk off to Niall's first class. The two get to the class and stand outside the class.

" I'm so scared for my test." Louis says.

" Don't worry about it Louis. You have Spanish so it can't be that hard. You know what you're doing." Niall says. Louis lets out a sigh.

" I guess you're right." Louis says," Why do I have to forget things."

" Don't blame yourself. We're all forgetful sometimes." Niall says. Louis nods his head, trying to feel better about himself.

The 2 minute bell rings. Louis shakes his head.

" Looks like I have to go. Bye Niall." Louis says.

" Bye Louis." Niall says. Louis walks away and Niall walks into his class. He sits down at his spot and looks down at his phone.

The bell for class to start rings. The teacher tries her best to start teaching, but Niall still didn't understand her. Niall regret taking this class only because of the teacher. Niall would've been fine with any other teacher, but nope the teacher had to ruin his love for learning another language.

During the middle of the class while the teacher was teaching, Niall couldn't help but look at Harry. And Niall found Harry staring at him. And Harry wouldn't look away. Niall quickly took his gaze away from Harry. Niall doesn't like when people stare at him.

The bell to leave class eventually rang, which Niall was glad for, and yet Niall still hasn't learned anything from French. He packed his backpack and stood up from his chair. He started to walk out of the class when Harry stops him.

" Hey Ni, can I talk to you?"

Niall looks at Harry behind him and give him a weird look," What's up?"

The two walk out of the class together. They walk up the stairs to their next class.

" I want to know your opinion about what happened this weekend." Harry says. Niall was so upset. This was the exact conversation he didn't want to have.

" I just would like to state I'm sorry for talking about you so loud. I feel kind of embarrassed by it now. We had no right." Niall says. Niall guides the two to Niall's locker to stand by because their second hour classes were near each other.

" I was okay with that part. Made me feel good about myself that you like me as a person and how you like me a different way." Harry says, which makes Niall smiles." But I want to know how you feel about my actions and who I was there with."

Niall was starting to question Harry at this point. Harry is making it seem like he likes Niall, but if Harry likes Niall, why would he be seen with someone else? Niall was so confused about this boy he likes. He was getting mixed signals from him.

" I mean, it threw me and my friends off for the rest of the night, but I was okay with it. We're not really friends and we don't know much about each other so it shouldn't bother me." Niall says.

" I just don't want you thinking the wrong way. The girl I was with was a friend and we were only hanging out. Nothing more, nothing less." Harry says. Niall shrugs his shoulders. He knew the two were more than just friends. Niall wasn't stupid.

" I don't mind Harry. That's your business, not mine." Niall says. Harry smiles at him.

" Okay good. I'm glad we got that out of the way." Harry says.

" Okay. Bye Harry." Niall says.

" Bye Niall. See you later." Harry says. Harry walks to his class as Louis walks up to Niall.

" Was that the dreaded conversation you didn't want to think about?" Louis asks. Niall nods his head. Louis shrugs his shoulders.

" Sorry dude." Louis says," What did he say to you?"

" He explained to me that the two were friends and he was okay with us talking about him. It was actually a weird conversation about what happened." Niall says.

" I don't think the two were only friends." Louis says.

" Oh, I know. But he was sending me mixed signals because he didn't want me freaking out about what happened. It was really weird." Niall says.

" Maybe he does like you." Louis says. Niall shakes his head.

" Don't get my hopes up." Niall says.

" We gotta stay positive somehow." Louis says. The 2 minute bell starts to ring. Niall looks at his friend.

" Good luck on your Spanish test." Niall says. Louis lets out a sad sigh.

" Thanks. I'm gonna need it." Louis says," Bye Niall. Have fun in English."

" Thanks Louis. Bye." Niall says. Louis walks off to his Spanish class as Niall walks into his English class. He sits down at his spot and starts thinking about Harry.

Harry was always on his mind.


Hi guys!! I'm sorry it took forever for me to update because I started school last week and you know how school goes. Last year of high school tho so I'm happy :)))

I'm also sorry that this chapter came out short. It came out more like a filler chapter.

What do you think is Harry's deal? Do you think he likes Niall or is he playing him?

We'll have to find out soon :)))

I'll try my best to update as soon as I can, but school comes first. We'll see.

Thank you so much for reading my story. Please continue to vote and comment your thoughts. Thank you again. I love you all.


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