Socializing [Pierre Gasly]

By pasfeatvic

16K 475 28

Madina never thought this would be the outcome of sending someone a message on Instagram. She never thought h... More



2.4K 44 13
By pasfeatvic

Madina lazily lays on her bed, reading a book. She has nothing else to do than read, even though it's 2 P.M. She is currently ignoring her boyfriend, who's been an asshole to her. Everytime she doesn't respond quick enough, he gets angry. They were fighting, so Madina decided to just ignore him completely.

Her phone buzzes with a new notification. She opens her Snapchat, seeing it comes from that.

Pierre Gasly has added you

Madina frowns. She knows damn well who Pierre Gasly is, what she doesn't know is why he would add her? She's just a normal girl, and how does he even get her snapchat name? She does get curious, although somewhere in the back of her mind, she knows this isn't the real one. She adds him back, locking her phone again and continues reading. After about 2 minutes, her phone buzzes again, she sees a message from "Pierre". She opens it, reading it a couple of times while frowning.

Hi, where are you from?

Madina doubts her actions, should she reply or just let it go? But what if it is the real Pierre? That's something that goes through her head a couple of times, before she replies.

Azerbaijan. Why? Are you the real Pierre Gasly?

She lays her phone back down, her eyes fixed on her screen. She can't concentrate on the book again, she just stares at the phone screen. She sees the small blue dot popping up, signalling that he is typing.

Cool. Of course!

Madina frowns. Just that? How is she supposed to know for sure? What if it's some 40-year old creep?

Send a selfie!

This creeps her out a slight bit. If it's the real Pierre, it's no problem, but she doesn't want to send a photo of herself to a creep.

You first!

She waits until she sees the blue dot again. Her eyes can't seem to leave the screen, watching it stay in her screen, until a new message pops up.

I can't. Red Bull is in charge of my media, can't send pictures.

Madina raises her eyebrow, scoffing out loud. That's bullshit, she knows that isn't true. She knows Pierre Gasly is a Red Bull junior, but he is allowed to do whatever he wants on his own Social Media accounts.

How am I supposed to know it's really you, then? Can you follow me on Instagram to prove it?

I can't. Red Bull is in charge of my IG.

Madina shakes her head, this can't be the real Pierre Gasly. She knows he is way nicer to his fans and he'd follow her if she asked it like this. This can not be Pierre Gasly. She rolls her eyes at this fake creep, taking a screenshot of the conversation.

She opens her Instagram app, going to the Direct Messages page. She types in Pierre Gasly, tapping on his name. She quickly types a message, waiting a couple of seconds before sending it.

Hi Pierre! Is it true that you have a Snapchat? Someone has been talking to me saying it's you and not sure if it really is you..

Madina reads the message a couple of times, before sending it.


[A/N: this will be a Social Media story! First couple of chapters will mainly be messages.
This story is a combination story with lovestorieswriter who will write Camila's part of the story, check that out! There will be conversations between Camila and my character Madina!
Hope you like this idea !]

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