Ablaze [Gale Hawthorne]

By Clawdeenwolf0123

6.9K 121 18

"She survived because the fire inside her burned brighter than the fire around her." She was an ungrateful sn... More

Dear Readers
Welcoming The Girl On Fire
Mental Hospital
The Cast


991 25 8
By Clawdeenwolf0123

"This loneliness can seriously be the death of me. I'll die of social isolation." This wasn't how Cassandra had predicted her death. 

She wanted more of a glorious death such as, she died supporting the Mockingjay, juggling chainsaws while riding a cycle on a beam instead of She went crazy of social isolation, thus resulting in her death. Doing something of use was proven better than cribbing like an ungrateful snob she was. This was literally the hundredth time she looked around the room to find an escape device. She had many options such as the table on which her medicines were kept, she'd haul it up and fling it against the door. But, then she'll be destroying the public property of 13 and get arrested by 13 for her deadly crime. Moreover, she wasn't that pumped up to be locked up in an underground prison. In that case, the hospital was preferable. All kinds of harmful instruments were kept out of her reach on purpose. Thanks to Katniss pulling that attack on Haymitch in the hovercraft that she was deprived of any weapons, as if she'll try to kill her doctor. She might've. The monitors around her scanning her heart rate, blood pressure and stuffs she didn't care about were embedded in the walls and she had no energy of exerting herself so bye-bye runaway plans and hello loneliness.

A remote seated on her bedside table caught her eyes. Never was she ever happy to see a low-standard TV remote. Back in the Capitol, she was equipped with tons them to make her head spin. There were remotes for televisions, holograms, the door, curtains, servant-call, the screen on her window and even for the angle of her bed. It was a hard time getting used to those things and embarrassing too when you have a guest over and you grab the remote to increase the brightness of the ceiling lights when in fact you call in for a dog-patrol with those pups sniffing all over the visitors. They are adorable, but, animal drools are not very appreciated by the Capitol citizens. Cassandra's brilliant mind told her if there was a remote here, there should be a television in this room somewhere, her only hope to remain alive.

In the upper corner of her room was a rustic, beaten-down, dilapidated box which once would've been a charming television. Sticking out the remote in front of her, she punched the red power button and expected one of those over-dramatic Capitol soaps or the repetitive clips of the Games. But, neither showed up and instead of the pale beings were letters in solid font, forming words on the dark pixels on the screen Cassandra wanted to destroy from the face of this planet

'NO SIGNAL'      

This was it. Yup, this was it. She'd had enough. She had funded to Rebellion and now this is the treatment she gets?! Being strapped to bed in a high-tech coffin, confronted by unfriendly doctors, injected with drugs without her own consent and providing her with a television having no signal. This wasn't royal treatment they should be giving to their only benefactor. All the hard earned money she received by hosting campaigns, modelling for various brands, plastering a fake smile on shows, she spent it on funding the Rebels saying that she was an addicted shopaholic to her grandfather (who nearly took from her the right of shopping). Sacrificing such great amount and an output like this, it was unacceptable. And if 13 doesn't realizes their mistake sooner, Cassandra won't be responsible for her violent actions.

The fire raged within her body, lucky that the doctor wasn't around or else she would've flung the remote at his skull. Anger rose in her veins that she wanted to scream, but, since Finnick was in the room next to her's and she didn't have the heart of intruding the Odair's mental weeping with her own foolish tantrums, she suppressed it with a guffaw, kicking the mattress with her ankles. It still wasn't enough to extinguish her rage, if she was in the Capitol right now, her screaming was as important as a crow's cry. Her nails dug into her arms and she waited for the burning sensation of pain only to realized her nails were trimmed when she was unconscious. Another reason to curse this bloody faculty. Did they knew anything of sanction? She had to take out her anger on something or she might just explode into a huge lump of lunacy left here to die underground in the humble, presumed District 13. She fiercely looked around, flicking her head at every object in the room. There was a large towel sitting on a table next to the door, unfortunately far from her reach. And the towel can do much harm than a syringe, she thought. Damn it! Her pills sat obediently on the side table, she could throw them but, they did did an amazing job to easing her headache. It would be too bad to do that. Her fingers wrapped around the remote tightly as if it were to sprout legs and run away. The thing she was about to do was the least destructive gesture she'd have done. At least, in the Capitol. Summing up all of her fury and temper, she mustered up all her strength to lift her hand and aim the remote at the sad-looking T.V. Yes, this was the least destructive thing she could do- shatter a T.V. to pieces. Maybe, stab it with a dagger and then shoot some bullets at it. Probably drop a grenade if she had time. She was about to toss the remote at the set when the handle of the door clicked open. Cassandra's eyes flickered at the window fixed to the entrance. All she could catch a glimpse  of was a tuff..... no...... waves of sleek, grey hair straighter than the three-fourth population of the Capitol. Should it be....

"Pleasure meeting you in person, Miss Snow." A woman greeted while entering her room. She was a bit aged, maybe in her senile sixties though she didn't look senile. The parchment-like skin near her brows and lips wrinkled as she smiled to reveal her insignificant jowls. It would take a genius like Cassandra, who had lived among permuting facades basically all her life, to figure out it was fake.

"Pleasure's all mine, President Coin." Cassandra grinned back in a more humble way, her Capitol warmth, though when she caught Coin's gaze, they radiated something very vicious that it made Cassandra uncomfortable as soon as she looked into them. This was the very first impression of Alma Coin on Cassandra, she couldn't bring herself to trust this lady. She was still unconvinced for the was the President acted around her, as if she's a threat to 13 right away. To sum it all up, she didn't quite like Coin. Oh, if she likes anyone in 13. 

"I am well-aware that you have been funding 13, but, that doesn't give you the authority to destroy the district's property." Coin nodded at the remote in Cassandra's grasp.

Shit your authority and your property. 

"Oh, this?" Cassandra inquired at the remote, sweetly, "I have no intentions of destroying anything. I was just turning off the television. It's quite informative, really." She lied through her teeth when she had an urge to crack open Coin's skull no matter how lavish her hair might be. But, she contained it by using her raised arm to turn of the T.V. to prove her innocence, "Ti-ding, see?" She rolled her eyes demurely at the screen which was now blank, the screen she so badly wanted to shatter.

"Glad to know that." Coin stated with a ghost of a smile, making Cassandra snicker internally, "So, now that you have arrived at 13 and have officially become it's citizen, there are certain rules and regulation you have to follow to live here without any occlusions." After seeing the look on Cassandra's face that showcased negligence, she raised her tone, crisp to the ear, "They are obligatory. Should you not follow, we would have you stripped from that post you earned by funding us so will our gratitude towards you will cease." 

Cassandra groaned loudly just to annoy Coin, she definitely wasn't the one to go by the rules. She's a Snow, for shouting out loud and not being able to play by her directives was as if claiming the sun isn't the center of the solar system. It was partially smarmy of Coin to address her like that. Honestly, it felt like Coin was threatening Cassandra. Which she, basically, was. Alma's features hardened a bit at her reaction and caused Cassandra to applaud herself for achieving her deliberate aim, "Do I look like the one to follow the rules, President Coin?"

"Plutarch warned me about that. But, he did ensure me if I give you three hours of training sessions everyday, you would rather bare with us."

Now we're talking, Cassandra thought. Atleast, she wouldn't have to sweep the floors during the kitchen duties or try not to fall asleep while they taught her the importance of family planning. Hosting the Hunger Games each year had its perks. Being from the family that overlooked the undertaking and preparations of the Games, she had access to all the weapons that came from District 2 as well as the trainers who'd find it amusing to see a Capitol girl, to be precise, President Snow's very own granddaughter, try to wield a knife. She had won them over with her basic skills and they would train her with every weapon that ever existed. From a dagger to a rifle, she had learnt to use each of them in 20 different ways. This perceptual passion for martial arts and arms came from the blood she carried. Her noble mother's judgments and her brave father's fighting instincts.

"But...." Alma raised her palm, sounding like a malfunctioned drone,"We will have a trainer appointed to you."  

This just can't get any worse,  Cassandra thought to herself, what will the trainers teach me? How to spoon-feed the veteran trainers from the Capitol? She straightened her back against the turgidity of the pillows to tell Coin she was more competent than that, "If Plutarch informed you everything that is to know about me, he'd have definitely brought your attention to how well I am in that field."  

"He did, actually. Yet, by the rules of the government here in 13, you have to be trained by a trainer from 13. Every citizen of 13 is to be approved by our trainers so in case of any external aggression or internal complications, we can assure everyone's safety." Alma stressed the word 'our' and Cassandra didn't like the tone of it. It disconnected her from her pride. Fine lines and wrinkles now appeared to be more prominent near Coin's lips, her pupils dilating more and more to look upon the President's granddaughter. Cassandra despised to be looked upon. But, Coin's character was such that she could be easily read, no matter how cold she displayed herself. From the moment she laid her eyes upon Alma Coin, she knew it right away that this woman could never be trusted or trust a Snow. To catch her off guard, Cassandra changed her tactics. Objecting Coin won't help but, bring down her luxuries she had in 13. If they had any, "Awesome! So when do we start?"   

As Cassandra had predicted, President Coin had an unusual flicker of astonishment in her pale eyes, her chapped lip ever so slightly turning into frosty scowl, things only fakers such as Cassandra could notice, "That's surprising, Miss Snow." She tried to recover, failing in Cassandra's sight but, adding to her rejoice, "I'm afraid you will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Then, we will see who will take the trouble of handling you."

Cassandra could bargain a bit by slightly ticking off Coin, she whined willfully, "What? Tomorrow? Why such hurry?" Of course, she knew Coin would do just the opposite of what she says. Subtle. Frankly, while living among changing facades practically her whole juvenile life, she was accustomed how to treat each of them with her wits at her back. 

Coin bought this, "Fine, today it is." Cassandra wanted to do her ditsy happy dance after Coin said this, but, it will arouse only suspicions and probably land her some more dates with the doctors here, worst being Coin changing her statement and being stuck in this hell forever. She tried her level best to hide the impostor rage to egg Coin, but, canvassing Alma's features, she could conclude Alma was stormed and stared at Cassandra as if she had done something infamy, "The only problem is that who will train you....." Coin had this wicked poker face, contemplating a say which said, Only if you get a worthy trainer you will get out of here, when the door flew open. A man stood there, leaning against the frame, panting and gasping for air like he had ran a mile with the MUTTS after him until he lifted his gaze to the President and Cassandra. He was brunette, hand a ting of befuddlement in his glimmering, yet, dull eyes when he looked up at the duo. Cassandra knew that spiritless look of eyes, that always prevailed in the eyes of the citizens of the outer Districts. He was too strong-built for a messenger and too striking for a soldier. His expression, though, had a vague mixture of trauma and confusion as he exchanged glances between Alma Coin and Cassandra. Wow, Cassandra thought, I've been getting a lot of unknown visitors for 'get well soon' greets.

There was a moment of unwelcome stillness until Coin spoke, "Ah, Soldier Hawthorne, what brings you here?" She inquired, warmly, unlike the tone she had when talking to Cassandra, the way when you are partial with your own children. The guy.... Soldier Hawthorne, shifted to a much straighter posture as soon as Alma addressed him, but, his eyes trailed on Cassandra as if she had done something to offend him. She would've cared less if he wasn't that pretty, but, now that his reaction towards her intrigued her, she glared right back. He flinched slightly after her received it, yet, held calmness in his voice.

"I was informed that Katniss escaped the facility. I dropped by just to check on her."

It was then it struck Cassandra. Like a flamethrower. Soldier Hawthorne and Katniss, the perceptual drabness in his eyes.... he was Gale Hawthorne, who was portrayed as Katniss' cousin because he was too handsome to be her lover since she was with Peeta.

"Perfect!" Coin clasped her palms together like those evil surgeons back in the Capitol, much to Cassandra and and Gale's astonishment. Especially Cassandra, it creeped her out, the way Coin rubbed her insipid hands and slowly looking from Gale to Cassandra. Then Cassandra and Gale looked at each other at the realization of Coin's intentions, 'Oh shit!'. Before any of them could object, President Coin announced, "Soldier Hawthorne, from now on you are Miss Snow's trainer!"    

It took a while for reality to settle in, Gale was beyond flabbergasted. Was he really appointed as a trainer for that snarky heir? While Cassandra was unfazed, she knew the early freedom would come with a price. That too in the form of Katniss Everdeen's best friend. He hates her for all she is, from her mannerism to her appearance to her lineage, she was well-versed with deepest of expressions of the people from the Districts, "Wait, what?!" Gale's confusion did betray his hatred. A bit, "Me? A trainer? For her?" The way he said it made Cassandra's heart so used to the love showered by the Capitol ache. But, even the brightest of smiles hid the worst of despondency, it was her job to not be disconcerted by any revulsion, "Snow's granddaughter?" 

"Isn't it great!" Cassandra forged a squeal to show Alma it wasn't going to hold her back, she knew the President planned this godawful pair just to taunt her. Gale obviously despised her; her grandfather nearly slaughtered Katniss. Cassandra's training sessions will be torture as Gale will gladly dish out the crimes Coriolanus Snow did, all the innocent lives he had compelled children to kill brushing aside her presence resulting in a satisfied Alma Coin. She won't judge him, he gave out that kind of vibe. Moreover, if she tries to fend herself he'll once again start about her vile grandfather and let her drown in the ocean of her own resentment. Verbal tortures was perhaps his forte.

"I will hear no more, Soldier. You are commanded to do so. Three hours of training everyday starting from tomorrow." Coin chirped, advancing towards the door, clearly overwhelmed by her decision.

"Think of it this way, Haythrone, you will get to spend time with moi, the Panem-famous Cassandra Snow." She faked yet another animated shrill.

Gale immediately flicked his head from Alma towards her with an overwrought frown, "It's Gale Hawthorne. Not Haythrone."    

"Galehawthorne?" She acted dumb on purpose, scratching her chin, ruminating, "That's a heck of a name, Lamb." She just loved annoying people, let it be her own grandfather or an absolute stranger, she'll grab the first opportunity of making fun of them. It's a God gifted trait of her's along with her flawless level of sarcasm.

Gale now fully faced her, his features warring between exasperation and anguish, but, held restraint to not strangle her that encouraged her even more, "It's Gale." He pauses by lifting his arms to the left, "Hawthorne." And he shifts his arms to the right. He repeats the gesture again, "Gale. Hawthorne." Which makes it even more hysterical with his darn straight face, he sticks out two fingers and remarks, "Two different words. And don't call me lamb!"

"Never. Lamb sounds better seeing how polite you are." Cassandra is suddenly overcome by nostalgia.

Lamb. Just like Lamb Stew. God, I'm going to miss Lamb Stew. Especially with dried plums.

"I'll report you to the President." He warned clenching his jaw whilst Cassandra had noticed something he hadn't.

"Sure, go ahead." She smirked and added a sinister, "Lamb." In the end.

Gale was offended by the person whose grandfather was the reason why his best friend's life is in chaos. How could he not hate Cassandra Snow with those snake-like deceiving eyes of Coriolanus Snow's? He was meant to loathe her on Katniss' behalf as a dutiful friend he was. That, and she had just disrespected his family name. He fumed with anger and swiveled around, "President Coin...." To find that Alma had already disappeared into the maze of passages to escape their bicker, "Damn it!"

  "Really, Lamb?" Cassandra highlighted the celebrated word with a slight hint of resentment of not being able to devour the Capitol dish ever again, underwhelmed, "You have my best wishes with training me."


How was it? How was it? How was it????? Please don't hate me for I'm too tired to keep on typing non stop. And how can i forget my laptop dilemma that few of my keys aren't working. 

My life sucks.

So does my laptop.


And please, please, please leave a comment. Any suggestion is welcomed. Any fangirling? Well, that's welcomed too!


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