A Bet With The Devils

By Pam-The-Lamb

2M 92.5K 48K

Highest-ranking in Humor; #1 "They all eventually end up falling" Alex adds and I smirk. "Not me" "Are you... More

Fuck Those Who Put Us Down - TW: Fatphobia
Chapter 1: Masks, Sex, and Pranks
Chapter 2: Making A Deal With Satan's Three Children
Chapter 3: If You Attack A Women's Pride All Hell Breaks Loose
Chapter 4: The Damsel In Distress Always Beats The Egotistical Grass Ass
Chapter 5: Dillweed Goes Boom Boom
Chapter 6: Late Night Adventures And The Destruction of Property
Chapter 7: Oh, My Bad, I Guess She's A Nice Bitch
Chapter 8: She Wanted My Big Oversized Log For Her Bonfire
Chapter 9: The Slut, The Grass Ass, And What The Hell Was That?
Chapter 10: An Intelligent Sexy Hot Piece of Meat, For Me? Yes Please!
Chapter 11: The Damsel In Distress Always Beats The Egotistical Grass Ass Part 2
Chapter 12: Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, I Didn't Kiss Him, That's On You
Chapter 13: Ass Kicking, Pink Wearing, Parent Cussing Girlfriend
Chapter 14: In A Moment Of Distress Cover It Up With Your Girly Mess
Chapter 15: My Bad, I Didn't Mean To Kiss You There
Chapter 16: Damn You Heart, Why Can't You Just Choose Already?
Chapter 17: I Should Wax Away My Hair Legs To Forget My Problems Like Mick Does
Chapter 18: Boy, You Ain't Got Nothing On Gale
Chapter 19: I'll Make It Officially Official After I Kick Your Ass
Chapter 20: If Revenge Darkens My Heart, Then Call Me Rumpelstiltskin
Chapter 21: Oh My God Elliana, You Can't Just Ask People Why They Snort Cocaine
Chapter 22: Meow, Meow, Meow, More Like Shut Up You Egotistical Grass Ass
Chapter 23: You're Just As Dark And Twisty As Meredith Grey
Chapter 24: Bad Boy? More like Momma's Boy!
Chapter 25: If I Die Please Give All My Worthless Belongings To Marge Simpson
Chapter 26: It's True, Red Heads Have No Soul!
Chapter 27: I Have A Suprise For You. . . It's Poop!
Chapter 28: If There Was Someone Selling Drugs In​ This Place, Weed Know
Chapter 29:Dear, Life When I asked If My Day Could Get Worse, I Was Being. . .
Chapter 30: Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, I Wanna Punch You In The Face. Oops
Chapter 31: Take Notes Boys Gale Is Back In Lady Town
Chapter 32: I Dont Want To Say I Told You So, Just Kidding, I Told You So!
Chapter 33: One Punch In the Face Definitely Keeps The Red Head Away
Chapter 34: I Was Beat Up By A Gang Of Evil Dwarfs While Hanging On For Food
Chapter 35: He Likes Perveted Men Who Visit DirtyGirls.Com
Chapter 36: Elliana Sat On A Wall, Elliana Had A Great Fall, All . . .
Chapter 37: Oh, You're Sorry? I'm Sorry Too, For Not Giving A Shit!
Chapter 38: And I Thought Dora Was The Only One Who Created Awkward Silences
Chapter 40: Don't Hate The Player Bitches, Hate The Game
Epilogue: Goodbye Egotistical Grass asses From This Alien Looking Creature
Bonus: I'm Not Like A Regular President. I'm A Cool Bad Boy President

Chapter 39: Snow White Has The Look Of A Princess, But The Attitude Of A Bad Ass

30.5K 1.3K 731
By Pam-The-Lamb

Feel free to point out any spelling, grammar, or spacing errors. I would really appreciate it and will fix them right away :)


Ch39: Snow White Has The Look Of A Princess, But The Attitude Of A Bad Ass

"Fine," my mom says slightly upset by my decision. "Your dad and I have decided it's time for you to come home. We want you to move back with us."

What the fuck?

"Are you serious ?" I ask.

"You want to be close to Lilo, right?" My dad asks and I nod. "Coming home will help you Elliana. You can visit her grave, go to her room, and we can all be together again. I know it's been hard being so far away and we are sorry that we made you go through that. We're hoping you'll come home."

I can visit her grave.

I can go to her room.

I can be around people who actually understand how painful losing her was.

"You left her," Alex says glaring at my parents. "Now I may not know what having parents is like, but I do know that when times are tough your family should be by your side. You left. Put her on a plane and left."

"You don't understand how tough losing a child is," my mother glares at him. "It makes you go mad in ways you never thought possible. We made a mistake and Elliana is the only person who can judge us for it."

I can visit her gave.

It's all I can think about.

About how close I could be to her.

I could visit her favorite restaurants.

Her favorite stores.

Her favorite places to read and write.

"No," Vincent shakes his head. "You treated her like crap for months. She lost her sister and you treated her like crap. I know you suffered an unimaginable loss, but so did she. She lost her sister and for a while she felt like she had lost you too. You think you can just show up, say you're sorry, and pretend like everything is okay. No, Elliana won't leave with you."

I can finally buy her flowers for her birthday and balloons.

Big extravagant balloons.

The crazier the better.

I think she'd like that.

Maybe I can even put them on her grave until they deflate.

"Princess," Josh takes my hand, quietly whispering in my ear so that i'm the only one that can hear him.

I close my eyes and slowly nod. Everyone continues to yell around us, even Janet's joined in against my parents.

"Don't listen to what everyone else wants," he whispers "because what they want doesn't matter. It's your choice princess."

I expected him to tell me he wanted me to stay.

To tell me not to leave.

"Okay," I frown before I turn to look at him and he smiles.

"Don't you think so Elliana?" a voice says and I turn back to look at everyone.

Taylor is the one asking.

"I don't know," I say.

"We should leave," Josh says and everyone starts arguing with him except my parents who are looking straight at me. I look down at my hands.

It's my choice.

Damn it, why can't I think about what Lilo would do?

"Shut up," Josh yells loudly and everyone stops talking. "We're leaving so that they can talk."

"Seriously Josh?" Vincent scoffs. "You're going to let them talk her into leaving!"

"Have the decency to allow her to make her own decision," Josh says directly speaking to my parents and I can hear the anger in his words, but he's trying his best to be polite. "It's the least you can do after everything you've put her through."

"Josh," Alex scoffs. "Are you really not going to say anything else?"

"I'm hungry. We should go buy some food," he says before turning to look at me. "You want anything Princess?"

"Sushi would be nice," I say trying my best to act normal.

Why didn't he tell me to stay?

"You got it," he smiles, but its not his usual ear to ear smile.

Is he sad?

"With a large coke please," I smile back and he nods.

"Are we all going to have to eat sushi?" Janet asks as they start leaving the room. "I kinda wanted a burger with some large fries."

"We'll be back in a few," Taylor smiles at me and I nod.

"Sweetie," my mom smiles once everyone has left the room. "What do you think about going home?"


I can't picture it without Lilo.

But I also want to see her room, her grave, and everything she loved about Colorado.

I want to be able to finally say goodbye.

But here I have Taylor, Pipper, and Mick.

I have Alex and Vincent.

I have Josh.

I don't know what choice to make.

"I need to think about it," I say.

"Elliana-" my mom starts, but my dad cuts her off.

"Take all the time you need sweetie," he says.


"Where is Josh?" I ask as I sip my coke.

"He had some things to do," Janet says giving me a small smile.

I think that's code for 'he didn't want to come'.

I don't understand him.

Why didn't ask me to stay?

"He's working on getting Pipper out," Alex adds and I nod. "Talking with different cops and lawyers to get us as much help as possible."

Out of all people he had to be the one to do that.

"Okay," I say trying my best to sound unaffected. "So what's the plan?"

"I'm the plan," Janet smirks.

"Are you guys trying to break him out?" I ask.

"No," Vincent shakes his head. "Just listen to Janet."

"So I'm not exactly the leader of a gang," she says. "I work for the Los Angeles police office as well as the NGIC."

"What?" I ask.

"Do you know what happened the night the Zelos gang took me hostage for Vincent's initiation?" she asks and I nod.

"I'm going to find Josh," Vincent says before walking out the room.

"Anyways," she rolls her eyes. "After Vincent decided he couldn't pull the trigger I was dragged away into a dark secluded area. One of them made me get on my knees and as I was bending down  I saw a metal pole on the floor a few feet away. I took a hold of it and swung at the man hitting him in the face. He dropped the gun and I grabbed it. Without even thinking about it I shot him. I shot him and ran as fast as I could. "

"You did what you had to," I say and she nods looking completely unaffected.

She doesn't look upset by what she did. As if shooting and killing a man was an everyday event. As if it was nothing to her.

Unlike Vincent. He seemed to struggle with the idea of shooting someone much less killing them.

"I know I did," she says. " As I was running I heard gun shots coming from the abandoned building and I thought they had killed Vincent. So I kept running until I reached the police station. I told them everything that had happened and they introduced me to an FBI agent called Jerry. He worked for the NGIC also known as the National Gang Intelligence Center, and told me about a new underground program they wanted to start in order to capture powerful gang leaders all over the world. I was the first person to survive a negative encounter with the Zelos gang, as far as they knew. So they asked me to be a part of the program, but I didn't want to be involved in anything gang related.

"Even after they told me the gang would be after me. I told agent Jerry I wasn't interested in his proposal and he said it was fine. He said he would relocate my family the next day, but I would have to spend the night at the police station. He said taking me home could lead the gang to my family. So I agreed to spend the night and he sent cops to watch over my house in case the gang showed up. "

Suddenly she stops talking and I can see that whatever is coming next is difficult for her to talk about.

"You don't have to tell me," I tell her. "I don't need to know."

"I want you to know exactly what your friend has agreed to," she says "and for that to happen you need to know the entire story. All of you."

The only people in the room are Alex, Taylor, Mick and me. I'm guessing she wants all of us to know.

"The next day," she says taking a deep breath "me and agent Jerry drove to my house to pick up my family. He said that the police officers he had sent last night were instructed to explain everything that had happened to my family and tell them to pack everything they wanted to take. When we arrived at my house I could sense that something was wrong because the door was unlocked. . .My mother never left the door unlocked. Every night she would make sure everything was locked before going to bed. I knew that. . .So as soon as we walked in I knew something had happened to them. The entire house had been trashed. Not only did they take everything of value, but they broke everything they found. Even after seeing the house trashed I wanted to believe they were alive. I had hope.

"I searched every room on the first floor before going towards the stairs. As soon as I spotted the stairs all hope was gone. Every step was covered in blood, the cops he had sent were lying there dead and I knew. I knew they were dead. Still I had to make sure so I walked up the steps and I saw them. My mom in the bathroom shoved in the tub. My dad in his bedroom on the floor. My sister in our room on top of my bed. The Zelos had slaughtered my entire family. I had no one left. We drove back to the station and I told agent Jerry that I would join his program. That day I became Red, the vicious female gang leader who wanted to kill every Zelos gang member. I play the role of a gang leader, but in reality my entire 'gang' is made up of people who want to change their lives. "

"I don't get it," I tell her. "How does this 'gang' of yours help catch gang leaders?"

"Think of me as an undercover cop," she explains. "I play the role of a vicious gang leader determined to get revenge for her family. Gang members are more likely to interact with someone like me than with the cops. So I get important information on other gangs in the city and their leaders. Other times we actually catch members of different gangs and deal with the in different ways."

"Deal with them?" Taylor asks. "How do you deal with them?"

"It just depends on the situation," Janet says, her jaw tightening. "No one can know that I work directly with the police because that would ruin everything. So either the gang member becomes a snitch which insures he won't talk or we deal with them."

"But you're eighteen," I say "and some of your men are in their late forties."

"It's never too late to change your life,"she says "which is the deal I made Pipper. I told him my entire story and what we do in the gang. He agreed to join and now we're just waiting for a judge to allow his release. Agent Jerry said he'd put in a word for him with the judge so that should help."

"So when does he leave?" I ask.

"We're letting him graduate from high school," Janet smiles "and we're offering to help him pay for college courses if he wishes to continue school, but that would be after he served a year with us."

"Just one year?" Taylor asks and she nods.

"Some people leave after their commitment to us is over," she nods "but most people tend to stay longer."

"When will we know if the judge allows his release?" Mick asks and she shrugs.

"It's different with every case," she says "and with every judge. It may take a few days maybe even weeks."


I open my eyes to a fresh new day and I remember what day it is.

It's my birthday.

The first birthday I celebrate without her and I feel dreadful.

I never thought I would turn eighteen and she wouldn't be around to see it or that i'd be in the hospital for that matter.

I guess things never turn out the way you think they will.

I slowly get up from my bed still feeling a bit lightheaded before I make my way into the restroom.

I stand in front of the mirror and I shake my head in disgust. My brown hair is in nasty tangled frizzy waves and my eyes have big dark bags underneath them. I look terribly pale the only color I have is some redness on my nose and a small bruise around my eyebrow.

"Elliana," a voice yells and I recognize it.


"In the restroom," I yell back and a few seconds later she appears near the restroom door.

"Are you allowed to get up?" she asks and I shrug.

"No one told me not to," I say still looking at my reflection.

"A little birdie told me today was a special day for you," she smiles. "Happy Birthday Elliana."

"Thank you," I turn to look at her.

Her bright red hair is thrown into a sleek high ponytail and she's wearing a pair of ripped jeans with a light blue crop top.

"You look nice," I smile.

"Me and Alex were hanging out before I came," she smiles, her cheeks going red.

"I'm glad," I say before turning back to look at myself in the mirror.

"I'm here to transform you," she says. "Janet's running a few minutes late, but she's going to help out too."

Transform me?

"What are you talking about?" I ask and she gives me a sheepish smile.

"It's your birthday," she says. "We are going to make you look nice."

I guess I could use a little fixing up.

"Thanks," I smile.


"Are you sad?" Janet asks as they finish straightening my hair.

"It's the first birthday I have without my sister," I say truthfully "and Josh is acting strange."

"Strange how?" she asks and I shrug.

"I don't know," I exhale. "I guess I expected him to react the same way Alex and Vincent did, but he was the complete opposite."

"No he wasn't," Taylor shakes her head. "When we got out the room he completely exploded on Alex and Vincent. Telling them that it wasn't right to put pressure on you to make the choice they wanted you to make. That they should allow you to make your own choice based on what you wanted to do."

"He told me it was my choice," I say. "When you were arguing with my parents he whispered in my ear that I shouldn't care about what others wanted."

"Alex was mad at him," Janet says. "He asked Josh if he wanted you to leave because that's what it looked it and Josh got was so angry. I don't think i'd ever seen him that angry before. He shoved Alex telling him that he wanted you to stay more than he wanted anything, but that putting what he wanted on your shoulders would be selfish."

All he wanted was to respect my decision.

To give me chance to choose what I wanted without having to worry about what he wanted me to do.

God Elliana, why couldn't just see that?

"So he does want me to stay?" I smile.

"Of course he does," Janet rolls her eyes. "It's why he didn't come yesterday after we brought the food."

"What does that have to do with anything?" I scoff.

"He said it was hard for him," Taylor explains "being with you and not being able to ask you to stay. So he wanted to give you space until you made a decision so he wouldn't be tempted to put pressure on you."

"Is he coming today?" I ask and they both nod.


"Thank you for helping me look decent," I laugh. "I looked like a shaved monkey."

"You say the strangest things," Janet laughs.

"Thanks dillweed," I smile.

"I can understand grass ass," she chuckles "but what the fuck is a dillweed?"


"Happy birthday Elliana," my mom smiles. "We brought you some cake. It's chocolate which is your favorite."

"Thanks," I force a smile.

Josh still hasn't shown up.

Ugh, what is taking him so long?

Everyone else got here fifteen minutes ago.

"We also brought you a gift," my dad says.

"What is it?" I ask as he hands me a small pink paper bag. I quickly peek inside before taking out a pair of black MMA gloves.

They didn't.

"Lilo use to say those were her lucky pair," My dad smiles. "Maybe they'll bring luck to you too when you start training again."

Do not cry Elliana.

"Thank you so much," I smile fighting back the tears that are threatening to spill down my face.

"We decided to get you something too," Alex says and I give everyone a strange look.

"You guys didn't need to buy me anything,"I say.

"Shut up and accept the gift," Janet rolls her eyes.

"Fine," I smile. "What is it?"

"They're not allowed inside the hospital," Mick says. "So you'll have to be satisfied with a picture."

"Now I'm really curious," I smile.

"We all pitched in," Vincent says. "Even Pipper put in some money."

Awe, Pipper.

I need to get him a welcome back gift when he's released.

"She's a cutie," Taylor smiles handing me her phone and I gasp at the image. It's a baby white Persian cat with bright blue eyes.

"We all agreed it was the perfect gift for you kitten," Vincent says and I chuckle.

"This is a really expensive cat," I say. "Thank you so much."

"We agreed that it could come home with you if you decide to come home," my dad says and I smile.

"I'm here," the door opens and Josh walks in giving me a sheepish smile. "Sorry i'm late, but the traffic was heavy."

"We just showed her the picture of the cat," Janet says and he grins.

"Did you like it princess?" he asks and I nod.

"Does it have a name yet?" I ask and they all shake their heads.

"It's yours to name," Alex says and I grin.

So many names to choose from.




Wait, what if I name her princess?

No, I have the perfect name.

"Snow White ," I smile. "That way she'll be a princess too."

"How cute," Taylor smiles. "I love it!"


"The cake was very good Ms. Bair," Taylor says.

"Of course it was," she laughs. "It was store bought."

"Well we better get going," my dad says. "I know you want to be alone with your friends."

"Thanks," I wave at them. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"I have football practice," Alex says.

"Yeah me too," Mick nods and I look at the time on my phone.

It's late.

"It's already night time," I say and they both look at each other nervously.

"You don't know our coach," Alex says. "He wants us to always be training. You know on top of our game so that we can. . .make touchdowns. . .and win lots of games. Lots and lots of games when season starts because we will be on top of our game because he had us train right now."

"See ya," Mick waves before they both leave the room.

That was strange.

"Did you like your gift?" Josh takes a seat next to my bed and I grin.

"It was perfect," I smile.

"I have some business to take care of," Janet says.
"Pipper's judge is going to need a lot of convincing apparently."

"I'll go with you," Taylor stands up.

"Okay," Janet nods.

"Is this bad news?" I ask worried. "That Pipper's judge needs so much to make a decision."

"No," Janet shakes her head. "Some judges are just. . . harder."

"Harder?" I ask and she nods.

"You know," Taylor says "they're judges so they're use to judging and some judge more harshly than others do. That's what is happening with Pipper."

"Let's go," Janet says quickly grabbing Taylor's arm and pulling her out the room.

What is going on?

"I couldn't come up good excuse to leave," Vincent says. "So i'm just going to walk out the room right now."

"Why?" I ask but he just ignores me and walks out.

"They're so bad," Josh chuckles.

"You asked them to leave?" I laugh.

"I told them to be discreet about it," he shakes his head. "I should've known they're incapable of doing such a thing without being total weirdos."

"Why did you ask them to leave?" I smirk and he looks down at his hands nervously.

"I have a gift for you," he smiles. "It's why I was late."

"A gift?" I ask. "Snow White was more than enough. You didn't have to get me anything else."

"I know," he says "but I wanted you to have something special."

"What is it?" I ask and he pulls out a small wooden box with a golden lock and a rose detailing on the edges.

The same box they put my bed's screws on when they pranked me.

It's beautiful.

"What is it?" I ask suddenly feeling nervous.

"Open it," he smiles and I nod.

Taking a deep breath I open the box and see a necklace that has a small golden locket with a silver crown charm paired with an oval bright red oval charm. 

"Its beautiful," I grin taking the necklace out the box and Josh smiles.

"Open it," he says and I unlock the locket.

"Is that?" I ask staring at the image in front of me.

"You and Lilo,"' he says. "I was in your room the other day because I wanted to sit on the roof for a while and I saw it. I took it out of the portrait and I sent it to a place in LA that is dedicated to making personalized lockets with images in them."

It's my favorite picture of me and Lilo.

Both of us grinning at the camera looking extremely happy.

"It's amazing," I hug him tears falling down my face. "Thank you so much."

"That way she'll be by your side when you need it," he says and I grin.

"I can't explain to you how much this means to me,"       I close the locker and hand it to him. "Will you put it on"

"I mean it would look fabulous on me," he says.

"I meant put it on me," I shove him playfully. "You're such a dillweed."

"And you're aggressive," he chuckles putting the necklace on me.

The necklace that has me and Lilo.


She can be with me all the time now.

I think i've made a decision.

A/N: YAY FOR THE LONGEST CHAPTER EVERR!! These last few chapters are going to be really long because we will be closing the story up and giving everyone an ending.

Picture of the locket Josh gave Elliana is attached at the beginning of the chapter!

I hope you enjoyed it!!


I'll update soon!!

QOTC: Would you guys want a epilogue?

Comment & Vote

Love, Pam

August 31, 2017

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