Hypocrisy (Austlan Cashby)

By Um_Jackbarakat

186K 8.2K 3.9K

It started with name calling. Fag, emo, gross, ugly, anorexic, boney. Then, he laid hands on me. On Decembe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
The End
Sequel Information!!
social media

Chapter 21

4K 195 48
By Um_Jackbarakat

We didn't plan on Aaron spending the night, but we didn't care. He was still sad, judging on the muffled sobs at two in the morning. Little does he know, I stay up way past Austin. Just because we're a couple doesn't synchronise our sleeping schedules. I still have as much of insomnia as I did before Austin.

But, when I did sleep (due to a sleepy pill) i woke up at the same time everyone else did. Or, maybe they were up before me and didn't show it. All in all, everyone was really grumpy.

It was my decision to go get coffee for everyone, but then Austin wanted to go with me and we couldn't leave Aaron alone. So we just all went together. The closest Starbucks wasn't within walking distance, so we took a smelly bus.

Me and Austin sat together and Aaron stood beside us. When Austin kissed my forehead, I tuned out the rude comments. The smaller the town, the bigger judgement.

Soon enough, the bus stopped at Main Street, which has a shopping Centre and conveniently, Starbucks. We had to walk a bit, but we didn't mind. The walk woke me up with every step.

We all slunk back into small talk, which would eventually lead to past events again. Talking like this makes me happy because I no longer have anything clinging to me. I'm set free from all the things that ever held me back. All I had to do was talk about them and get other peoples opinions, and weight was automatically lifted off of my chest.

Is that what therapist are for? Just talking. Over the stage of my depression, I've had a therapist. It didn't help at all and I had to switch multiple times, but maybe they aren't supposed to help. Just lift weight.

Austin nudged my side, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Are you okay?" He leaned down to whisper in my ear.

I nodded, but I wasn't in the mood to talk.

Has that ever happened to you? Where you kind of just feel to sad to talk and you feel like if you have to talk, it's so forced and it takes way to much effort. Therefore, I just don't want to and don't try when I get that sad. It's almost as if I shut down. Become too pathetic to attempt anything and just stare and zone out for however long I remain that sad.

This isn't as severe as it was in the past, but I still don't feel like talking. Resulting in me just nodding my head and hoping Austin would drop it. But, being the concerned boyfriend he is, he didn't and pulled me away from Aaron and excused us.

"What's wrong, babe?" Concern and paranoia laced his voice. I have to talk.

"Nothing. I'm fine, darling," I reply, adding as much faked happiness in my voice. I'm not completely sad, but I'm not exactly happy again. It's just my thoughts again. I need to stop, doing this only drives people away.

"You promise?" Austin askes, leaning down and kissing me before I can reassure him.

"I promise."

He nods his head and we walk back to Aaron, apologising.

When we arrive at Starbucks, I am not surprised by the amount of people in there. After all, it is the morning. Sending Austin to go get the drinks, Aaron and I take a booth outside.

As soon as we walk over there, Aaron's hand clasps over his mouth.

"Tino," he whispers.

Tino, the guy who had him crying on the street. Oh, this can't be good.

Aaron tries to walk back inside, but Tino spots him before he can hurry inside and grabs his shoulder. I was useless in this situation, so I awkwardly back out of the conversation and stay in earshot, prepared to break up any fights if any start.

At first, Tino rushes out billions of explanations and apologies. But, it's obvious Aaron wants nothing to do with it. Although his excuses are truly believable, it seems as if he can't believe a word he says. This situation has left Aaron riddled with trust issues. Something that's hard to get over. Suddenly, I can't stand Tino anymore. I am now aware of the hole in his excuses and why they can't be true.

I'm standing next to a big liar, and it makes my bones heat up. I have to resist the urge to hop into their conversation. So, I clench and unclench my fist at my sides until Austin walks out, holding all of our drinks in one hand. Oh, my strong man.

Austin and I walk over to our selected booth and I explain to him who Aaron is talking to. We have similar reactions, telling my the way his ears turn red. I've learned the hard way on how to tell when Austin's mad. It was me that made him mad and me that got beat for it.

Pushing those thoughts to the very back of my mind, I concentrate on calming him down. Also, calming me down in the process. My words for once reassure myself.

After about ten more minutes of Tino and Aaron talking, I watch Aaron walk back to our table.

"Are you okay, man?" Austin asks. He's never been one to consider the questions he asks.

"Better now. I think we worked it out, somewhat. He said that he was sorry and after about a billion excuses, he just gave up and told me the truth. They were both drunk and horny and I was at work. So, they took matters into their own hands. It still hurts, but I still want to be friends with him. After all, bros before hoes."

Austin and I smile at each other. That rule doesn't apply to us. Were all we have.

"That's great," Austin says, patting Aaron's shoulder and placing the same hand on my thigh.

"But, I have to go back home now. I hate to leave you like this, but we can keep in touch, right?" Aaron ask quickly jotting his number down on a napkin and handing to me.

"Of course, bye man!" I say, folding the napkin and placing it in my skinny jean pocket.

Austin waves and now it's just me and him at the booth.

We ordered the same drink.

Haha, that's love right there.

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