Pretty Boy; Junhao

By gochii_

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In which Xu Minghao had a crush on the school's pretty boy, Wen Junhui. Started at: 02/18/17 Finished at: 04... More

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By gochii_

  Xu Minghao

I woke up with the most severe headache that I have ever experienced. 

 What the fuck happened? 

 "You're finally awake." My mom announced as she entered my room with a bowl of what seems like soup. 

 "I told you never to overdrunk yourself. Just because i'm giving you the freedom to do what you want doesn't mean you have to abuse it." Mom scolded once she put the bowl of soup in my bedside table. 

 Sorry mom but my head hurts too much for me to listen to your sermons.

"It won't happen again." Is the only thing I let out. She heaved out a sigh and explained that i'm not attending school today. 

"You were so drunk that your friend Chan had to bring you home. Are you having some problems right now?" Wait, Chan took me home? I tried to recall the happenings last night but all I got was a sharp pain in my head. 

"It's nothing really. We were celebrating and we got carried away." I tried eating the soup but before I even got a spoonful, my phone goes off. 

 "You should answer it. He's been calling non stop." My mom said before leaving my room. I checked the caller's id and it was Jun. 


 "Yah! What happened to you?!" 

 "Good morning to you too." I said sarcastically. Not the greeting that I was expecting, really.

 "Seriously though, you got me worried sick. Dino said you were so drunk last night." 

 "Yeah... I kinda went overboard with the alcohol." 

 "I shouldn't have left you. It is all my fault. I'm so sorry Hao." 

 "No it's okay seriously. I'm okay now so no need to apologize. This is just a simple hangover." 

"You're not coming to school right?" I nodded but realize after that he cannot see me through the phone. 


"Okay, i'll jot down the notes for you. I'll be visiting you later when classes are finished. Anything you want?"

"Nah i'm good. I'll just see you later." 

 "Okay okay. I have to go now because the teacher is coming. I'll see you later! Get well!" He said before ending the call. I went back to my soup while still playing with my phone.I checked my message and there it was, my drunk texts to Chan. This is embarrassing. I dialed Chan's number and called him.


 "Hey Chan." 

 "Hao! What the hell happened to you last night? You're so wasted." 

 "Wait, you have no teacher?" 

 "Yep, they said Mrs. Park is not coming to class today." 

 "I can't really remember anything from last night." 

 "Seriously, if you can't take care of yourself when your drunk then just don't drink at all. Aish."

 "Yah yah, i've got enough scolding from my mom. Stop nagging me." I let out a laugh. 

"I just called to thank you for bringing me home last night. I would be sleeping in the streets if it weren't for you. And sorry to bother you at the last minute last night." 

"That isn't for free. I expect some free lunch from you tomorrow." He joked. 


 "You better or else forget that i'm even your friend." 

 "Yeah sure hahaha. I've got to go. As much as I would like to entertain your ass from being bored, my headache is still killing me. Hangover sucks." We bid each other goodbye before ending the call. I finished my soup and played some calm and soft music, hoping that it would help ease the pain. I was getting a bit sleepy, probably because i'm still tired so I decided to head to Wonderland once more. 


 "Hao! Wake up! You have a visitor!" My mom said, more like shouted, while trying to wake me up. Luckily, the heavy pain in my head was now gone.

"Who is it?" I asked. I sat up and stretch my body. 

 "Jun." My whole body was awaken by the mention of that name. I almost forgot that he was coming today and I look like a freaking mess. I haven't even showered. 

 "Hi." Jun greeted. Being shock was an understatement. I just woke up for pete's sake and then there's Jun. 

What the fuck? 

 I cover myself with the blanket while Jun just let out a soft laugh. I hear footsteps walking out of the door, probably my mom. 

 "Hao, it's okay. You still look cute in your bed hair." If he could only see how much i'm blushing right now. 

 "C'mon." He pleaded. I let out a sigh and remove the blanket from my face. 

"Fine. Atleast let me wash my face." 

 "I'll wait for you here." He said as he assisted himself in the chair by the study desk. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror.I look awful. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I also decided to change some clothes which Jun probably enjoyed. Maybe because he saw my shirtless back. Once I was done, I sat by the bed and wait for him to say something. 

"I brought pizza." 

 "And I left your homework here in your table." I let out a laugh and told him to come sit beside me and to bring the pizza. 

 "There's nothing to do here." I said while I munch on my pizza. 

 "We can watch something" He suggested.

 "Sure." I took out my laptop and opened it. We searched for some good movies but we ended up watching Tokyo Ghoul.

 "Do you think ghouls exist?" Jun asked once we finished a few episodes.

"I don't think it's impossible." 

"Yeah, me too. There's no way we can predict whether they're real or not. What if the same thing happened to us?" He asked as he stared intently into my eyes. 


"The ghouls. What would happen if they did exist?" 

"I never really thought about it." I said. Too much thoughts makes my head ache. I'm still recovering from my hangover. 

"I have." I gave him a questioning look and told him to continue. 

"If they really were out there to eat humans then we'll head to the forest and go underground. Probably keep a few stash that would last a week then when it's gone, i'll head out again to find new supplies." He explained proudly. 

"How are you suppose to find an underground place that is safe in the forest?"

"I'll earn some money so I could build myself one." He shrugged. 

"You're crazy." I let out a laugh. Jun can be so random sometimes, I swear. 

"Crazy for you." He said finishing it of with a wink. I fake vomit and he just pouted. 

"Maybe I should dress as Kaneki. Do you think it would suit me?" He suddenly asked.

"Yeah everything suits you." I said honestly. After watching the movie, Jun decided to go home. My mom invited him to dinner but he refused since we just had pizza. I also didn't ate any dinner since i'm also full. We bid each other goodbye before he went his own way. 

The next day... 

The thing is, Jun and I are not official yet. Yes, we've been dating and being all sweet but he never really asked me out to be his boyfriend. 

Should I ask him instead? Uugghhh this thoughts are driving me insane. This might also be the reason for my sour mood in the early morning. 

"What's with the sour face?" Chan asked when we met by his locker. 

"Train of thoughts." 

"About what?"


"You're telling me later at lunch. I have to go now, bye!" He ran away from me to reach his first class so I went ahead to my first class as well.  

"How are you feeling?"Jun asked once we reached our seats. Jun is wearing an eye patch, the one like Kaneki's. He's so extra I swear.

"i'm good. And nice eye patch." I simply replied. 

"Dude what's wrong with your eyes?" Mingyu asked. Jun and I looked at each other and just laughed. Mingyu gave us a weird look and took Jun for a second because he has to say something. I took out my notebook to finish on the assignment I wasn't able to do last night that's needed to be pass by today.

"Well someone's busy." Someone said, taking the vacant seat beside me. IT was Yoon Jeonghan, the school's playboy. This definitely took me by surprise. I closed my notebook and decided to finish my homework later.

"Hi Jeonghan." I replied. Yoon Jeonghan was known for being a womanizer here in our school. He had so many girlfriends before, it's too hard to even count. You can't blame the girls though because Yoon Jeonghan have some undeniable charms. Even I was no exception from his angel-like charms. I used to have a crush on him back in middle school since he was rocking this long locks. Now he had chopped his hair and dyed it blond but his angel-like charms still haven't faded.

"I kinda miss talking to you, you know." Jeonghan said. Oh, and he used to be my best friend. We were inseparable back in middle school but when high school came, Jeonghan got too popular and I got too busy with studying that we drifted away.

"Me too, I guess."

"I see you're dating our flower boy now." he teased. I suddenly remembered my thoughts a while ago making me a little down.

"Well not really."

"Don't give the label bullcrap. You guys are too obvious and probably inseparable. So how does it feels like? Finally getting the man of your dreams?"

"How did you know?" I never mentioned to Jeonghan my undying crush for Jun. Was I too obvious? Can anyone notice it so easily?

"C'mon Hao we've became best friends for like how many years. You're an open book to me." I just gave him a shrug, unsure on what to reply. Our friendship ended in good terms but it's still awkward.

"Don't you get like threats or something? Dating a flower boy must be hard."

"I get some but it's not as bad as you expected it to be." I replied honestly. I get hates sometimes but it's mostly just from a die-hard fan of Jun. Mostly everyone was pretty chill that Jun was dating me.

"I suddenly remembered a flower because of you guys. Ever heard of a begonia?" Jeonghan asked. I shooked my head to say that I never heard of it. He fished out his phone and showed me a picture of a flower from an album from his gallery. It was filled with different kind of flowers. 

Never knew Jeonghan would be such a flower nerd.

"It's a beautiful flower." I said. I don't know what to say because the flower he showed me doesn't seem to be extravagant or peculiar to catch my attention. However, the flower is indeed beautiful. It was a flower with an orange ombré effect.

"It is." He replied.

"but not really." he continued. I tilted my head hinting my confusion and he just let out a small laugh.

"You see, the thing with Begonias is that it can be pretty deceiving. We all get awestruck by it's beauty but what we don't know is that it contains dark and a deeper meaning." He explained. I have to admit, he looked handsome explaining it. As if he had know this line his whole life and was reciting it to me.

"What does it mean?" I asked.

"Warnings about future misfortune and challenges."

"umm... okay." I simply said. What's that supposed to mean? Why would he suddenly think of an unlucky flower when we're talking about Jun and I. What was he trying to say?

"I'm telling you Hao while it's still early. Jun is not what everything you thought he would be. He is the pretty boy in our school and is known for being unpredictable too." Jeonghan advised. I suddenly become frustrated with what he said.

"Who are you to say that about Jun?"I asked raising my tone a bit.

"Trust me in this one, Hao. I'm just telling you to be careful. I know you'll probably give your all to him because you've been inlove with since like the first time you laid his eyes on him but you never get to know him personally for a long time."

"And you did?" I shot back.

"No but-"I cut him off.

"Then stop saying things that are not true."You personally don't know Jun. You said it yourself so stop spatting some non sense."

"You're just a friend from middle school so who are you to say those things to me." I finished.

"I'm just helping you. I've got more experience in love more than you." Jeonghan replied still keeping his chill while i'm on the verge of lashing out.

"Yeah because your definition of love is having different girlfriends every week. Yeah sure, you have more experience than me."

"You're too innocent for a guy like him."

"Seriously Jeonghan if you have nothing to say nice then just shut up." I spat.

"I'm just helping you Hao, as a friend."Jeonghan said before going back to his girlfriend. I shrugged him off and continued my assignment. Jeonghan doesn't have the right to judge Jun only because he's popular. Jun would never hurt me. I just knew it. 

The teacher entered the classroom and everyone scurried to their respective seats.

"Hey are you okay? I see you talking with Jeonghan. Did he say something to you? Do you want me to put him back in his place?" Jun said once he took the seat beside me.

"No it's okay. We're just talking about old times." He asked me if i'm sure and I just agreed. There's no use in letting Jun know about what we talked about anyways.

"Hey Jun." I whispered in the middle of the class.

"yeah?" he asked, eyes still glued on the board.

"You won't hurt me right?" I asked.

"I would never." He replied almost too quickly, giving off a genuine smile. I rest assured.

See Jeonghan, I told you.


After class...

"Let's go somewhere." Jun told me once he reached my locker.

"Where to?" 

"Your choice."

"I don't know. Where do you like to go?" I asked.

"A stroll in the park?" I gave him a nod and soon, we were off to the nearest park. We bought some snacks before taking a walk around the large playground.

"You know that my feelings for you are genuine right?" Jun said, all of the sudden. I replied with a nod.

"And you feel the same way right?" I nod again.

"Then be my boyfriend." He stated. I stopped in my tracks and he stopped as well. Did he just asked me to be his boyfriend?

"I just realized a while ago when you asked me if i'll hurt you or not. You know I would never hurt you. I really love you and I hope you would be my boyfriend. I would show you off to all of my friends. I'll bring you your favorite snacks everyday. I promise i'll be the best boyfriend you'll ever have. Please sa-"

"Yes Jun. I'll be your boyfriend."I replied with a sheepish smile. He was surprised because I cut him off and because I said yes. I was surprised by his sudden question too. I guess we're even.

"Really?" I gave him a happy nod. He jumped in joy and kissed me passionately as if i'm the greatest thing he have.

"I love you Xu Minghao."

"I love you too Wen Junhui."


A/N: Well that took me long enough lmao I'M SO SORRY OMFG. to make it up, here's a very long chapter lmao. 2.7k + words omg. My update schedule is pretty sloppy and school is on the way of my social and author life so please bare with me.

Credits to my favorite Meanie Story "The End" for introducing me to the flower Begonia. Ever since I read that story, I got hooked to it. It was emotional and really beautiful. Thank you author-nim! Creds to you haha. Go and read it guys! It's truly an amazing story.

Thank you so much for the support that i've gotten throughout the story. It really made me happy. To all those active and silent readers, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

Anyways, i'll be attending Seventeen's Diamond Edge Tour on MNL in October 6 and i'm so freaking excited omfg lfkhafkjgahsfjkgaf If any of you are attending then message me!! Maybe we can meet up before the concert starts!

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