Harry Potter Preferences

By QuidditchCaptain_

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The title says it all. ⋆⋅⋆⋅⋆⋅⋆⋅⋆⋅⋆ I will do : Harry Ron Fred George Draco Cedric Neville Seamus Dean O... More

01| How you met
02| what House you're in
03| Blood status
04| he realised he likes you
05| He asks You out
06| first thoughts
07| Fight/break up
Which cover?????
09| when they're jealous
10| their favorite thing about you (personality)
11| their favorite thing about you (physically)
12| PDA?
New characters decided
Tom Riddle catch up
Newt Scamamder Catch up
Lily Evans catch up

08| you make up

4.2K 65 35
By QuidditchCaptain_


You tried your best to avoid him, and he tried his best to talk to you. Even Hermione tried getting you to talk with him.
But you continued to stay away from him. One day, you saw him in the common room crying, head in his hands. He was muttering things about him being and idiot, and stupid.
You honestly felt bad that he was just as miserable you. So you quietly sat next to him, he lifted his head and he saw it was you.

"y/n, im so, so sorry. I don't know why I kissed cho, I love you, and only you. I swear, please forgive me, I'll do anyt- " his voice was breaking, and you couldn't take it anymore.

You cut him of by crashing your lips on his, he eagerly kissed back. After breaking apart for air you told him,

"but I swear to god Harry James  Potter, if you ever do that to me again I will kill you ."


After catching Ron and lavender together, ginny despised ron more than ever, she would help you stay away from him.
But today, Ginny wasn't here, so ron could get to you.

You heard Ron call you on your way to the Hufflepuff common room.

You started to walk faster but he caught you with you and grabbed your wrist.
"let go of me!"
"not until you listen! I can't live without you y/n!"
"then why'd you do it? Huh!? "
His grip on your wrist tightened and he pulled you closer to him.
"I don't know.. she just came up to me , kissed me and I guess I was just lost in the moment , please y/n, I'm sorry. "
You took no longer than five seconds to hug him tightly.
"fine, but if you ever-"
"I won't do it again." he said laughing.

" was I not good enough?"
You asked Luna, crying.
It was only two days after your break up.
"You were more than enough y/n, Fred was just too stupid to see it."
Luna said rubbing your back. You were in the ravenclaw common room and you never stopped questioning what you did wrong for him to cheat on you.

"y/n!" You heard and all too familiar voice of your ex.
"how did you get in? "
Luna asked, pulling you closer to her. She was a bit overprotective .

"that doesn't matter, I need to talk to you y/n, now!" he pleaded, you scoffed and looked away.
"she doesn't want, nor need, to talk to someone like you." luna replied for you, you sometimes wonder what happened to the calm and sweet Luna lovegood. but you knew she was very scary when mad.
Even though you hated Fred's guts at the moment, you wanted to hear his excuse.
"it's alright Luna, let him talk."
You said, Fred let out a sigh of relief and Luna let out a huff.
You told Luna, who was still glaring at Fred. She Left  the common room and Fred sat next to you, you scooted away.
"y/n, im sorry..."
You stayed silent.
"I was stupid, I know. Angelina started flirting with me and I was just being playful and flirted back, but when she kissed me, I just... I don't even know. But I'm begging you to forgive me, I love you too much... Just please forgive me." he looked at you with watery eyes and you sighed in defeat.

"fine. But this is your last chance."


You were currently chasing after George with Fred and you found him in the griffindor common room on the couch, with his head in his hands.

"george!" You yelled, and you rushed over to him, with Fred close behind. You ran in front of him, got on your knees and cupped His face in your hands so he would look at you. There were tears streaming down his face and you wiped them away with your thumbs. Fred sat next to him but George was not happy.

" I swear to you George, nothing happened between fred and I, we were trying to prank you and Fred was whispering to me that you were coming. It looked like we were gonna kiss but I swear George, I love you too much to even think about me cheating on you. Please believe me." You told him, Fred was rubbing his back.

"nothing was going on." 
He asked.
Fred confirmed.

George smiled at you and leaned in to kiss you . You started having a snog session and Fred left the room and left you alone.

"so you were trying to prank me?" George laughed.


You were going to the girls abandoned bathroom for the third time this week. You would always cry your eyes out in there.
But when you did you saw Draco looking at himself in the mirror, his eyes were red, face paler than usual and he was quietly sobbing.

He spun round to look at you, and you ran over to him and hugged him. Instead of fighting, he hugged back and buried his head in the crook of your neck.
"Draco, what happened? What's wrong?!" You were still hugging him.
"they made me, I had no choice... Y/n, you don't deserve me. I'm dangerous." he started quietly sobbing and held you tighter. Whatever happened, you knew he had been trying to hold it in for a long time.

"what did they do? Who?!"
You were very worried at this point.

He let go of you and hesitantly rolled up his sleeve To reveal a death mark. He was a death eater.
"oh Draco... "
"You hate me now don't you? You can leave now."
"Draco, I'm not leaving, I don't care if you're a death eater... Your still Draco." You hugged him again because he clearly needed it.

" I love you y/n... I love you so, so much." I whispered.
"I love you too Draco, don't you ever forget that."


Everyday Cedric has tried to get your attention, but you stayed away from him, went the opposite direction as him when you saw him in the corridor, avoided going to the common room at the same time as him. Things like that.
His friends were also trying to get you to talk to him, as well as yours.

But you didn't listen. You couldn't believe Cedric would cheat on you.You were both miserable and heartbroken.  One day, you were going to the common, but you over heard someone Inside.
"You don't understand, she hates me!"
Who ever this was, they were crying. A lot.
Being the nosy person you are, you decided to listen to the conversation.
"she doesn't, y/n just didn't know the whole story."
Your eyes widened. Cedric was crying over you.
"I lost her, don't you get it? "
Cedric choked out.
You had enough, you couldn't take being away from him any longer and it was pretty clear he didn't mean to do what he did.
You got inside and Cedric and his friends looked at you. Cedric was a mess, his eyes were red and puffy, his hair was a complete mess and his face was covered in tears.
"we'll leave you two alone." one of his friends said before they all left. Cedric stayed quiet as if you didn't see him or care.

You ran over to him and kissed him. He was taken by surprise but he then wrapped his hands around you and kissed back hungrily.
"I love you"
He managed to say between kisses.
" I love you more."



You were still upset from the breakup but you went to his games because pansy was still a hardcore fan. She didn't want to force you too come , but the girl loved quidditch . You didn't want to stop her from seeing one of the biggest matches of the year because you were a lovesick puppy.

You were in the front seats next to a screaming pansy, cheering for her favorite team. You saw Viktor playing and you kept your eyes on him the whole time. You still loved him even after what he did. You hated the way the girls everywhere looked at him like they were in love, but the thing is, who wouldn't?

He looked like he was angry, very angry. He couldn't concentrate, you could tell, you wondered what was on his mind.

His eyes met yours when the game had ended, his team won. His face lit up but he composed himself again, he still kept his eyes on you and you rolled your eyes. You hated him, but loved him more. Memories of what he said to you came back and you wanted to cry.
Pansy noticed.

"You want to go now?"
She asked, you nodded but stayed quiet as she held your arm and walked towards the exit.
"y/n!" someone yelled but you couldn't hear them because girls screaming muffled the sound .
"Y/N!" The voice was louder and clearer. You and pansy turned around and saw Viktor pushing his way through a crowd of fangirls, coming towards you.

He eventually reached you and instead of saying anything, he grabbed your face and kissed you passionately. You, of course, kissed back. You heard cameras flashing and girls sobbing but you didn't care. You enjoyed every second of of it. When you broke apart, he told you,
"I'm so Sorry for what I did, I took out my stress on you but the truth is, your the only thing that calmed me down. I love you so much y/n, please forgive me."
"of course, I love you too Viktor."
Pansy left you two alone as you kissed again.


Since the breakup, you decided o show Oliver what a real distraction was.
You practiced twice as hard, and you were already a great beater.

Oliver seemed to concentrate less. He could only think about you. He had to get used to missing your kisses because there was no way he was going to get you back.

You drowned yourself in quidditch, so much that it was actually unhealthy. But the real reason behind it wasn't to beat Oliver, but to distract yourself from him.

Your teammates started to worry, especially your friends. Today, Fred and George came running towards you, and you didn't really expect what they told you.

"y/n! Oliver's a mess, he skipped practice today and we caught him in the common room crying over you." Fred told you.

"if you don't talk to him we'll make you" George finished.

But they didn't need to, you were already running to the common room.

"fortuna major!" You yelled at the fat lady, who shook her head at you and opened the door.  You ran inside to find Oliver crying on the armchair like the twins said he was. It painted you to see him like this.

"Oliver?" You said, Oliver's head shot up, his eyes were puffy and he ran towards you, engulfing you in a hug.

"y/n I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said, I was just frustrated. I love you, please don't leave me." he choked out, you only hugged him tighter.

"I love you too. And I'm not leaving."


seamus feeling terrible was an uunderstatement. He felt like an idiot, you deserved to be treated like royalty in his eyes but he treated you like you were his last priority.

One day in class you got a Note in class that said,

Dear Y/N,

Meet me at the astronomy tower at midnight.

It didn't say about was from so you were curious, and it could possibly make Seamus jealous.

Skip to midnight

You walked up to the astronomy tower and saw Seamus walking towards you.

"y/n... I'm sorry I wasn't romantic enough for you, I'm new to this dating thing and I never really knee how much you meant to me until I let you go. Just give me a chance and I'll prove to you that I do truly love you, please."

"ok, I'll give you another chance."


Neville felt terrible that he was the reason you two broke up, even though it wasn't really his Fault that  Dean was a jealous mess, he did fell bad after breaking up with you without letting you explain . It was quite clear the both of you were not doing so good. Dean started skipping class and you started drowning your self in study books to try keep your mind off things.

So Neville tried to make it right. It took him a while to get Dean to talk to him, but when he did, Neville keep explained nothing happened between them and you were ONLY helping him with his homework and things he didn't understand. Dean felt even worse for accusing you of something you didn't do.

He ran to your common room where he hoped to find you, and he did find you, but you were crying on one of the wooden chairs.

Dean said and you looked up at him and wiped your tears, you crossed your arms and looked at him.

He ran towards you and sat next to you,
"I-Im sorry, after you spent all your time with Neville, I got jealous a-and thought were cheating on me, I should have believed you. Will you please take me back?"
He asked, you unfolded your Arms and smiled.
"of course, and if you ever have any doubts, TELL ME ABOUT IT FIRST!"


Hermione was currently chasing after you after you saw her and Ron together, you regret showing her how to get into the ravenclaw common room because she followed you in there with ease .

"y/n listen to me, please!"
Hermione yelled, her voice cracked
And she grabbed your arm.

"ok, tell me then, WHY ON EARTH WERE YOU KISSING WEASLEY!?" You yelled back at her, she was taken back since you never yelled, and never at her for that matter.

" I don't know, I'm sorry. I had no right to kiss him while we were dating and I never liked him in that way. I font know why I did iit. You don't deserve to ve treated like that y/n. I understand if you want to leave me for good."
She was crying at this point and instead of ' leaving her ' as she put it, You hugged her tightly.

She was surprised as why you were hugging her after what she did, but she hugged you back and apologized multiple times again.

"I'm not leaving you, ever."


All that was going through your mind was why they were so close, you were the jealous type and you got jealous very easily.

"y/n wait!"
You heard the voice of Luna Yell. The incident of earlier flashed in your head and you ran faster.

"y/n you have to listen!"
This time it was Neville who yelled, so
you imagined he was being crushed by a troll.

You were able to get into the Griffindor common room.
You heard Luna and Neville outside.
"how do you get in- NEVILLE OPEN THE DOOR!!"

Soon enough, the fat lady opened the door, Luna and Neville came rushing in. You gave Neville the death glare and ignored Luna.

"y/n, It wasn't what you thought it was, Neville was helping me with my herbology homework and he tripped while trying to sit down, because he's really clumsy. When he dropped his face was close to mine and it looked like we were going to kiss. Please believe us."

You had to admit, it did make more sense for that to happen so you smiled at her.
" I believe you, but longbottom I swear to you, if you get too close to her I'll murder you , and that isn't a joke."


So Ron saw that his little ' joke ' didn't go so well so he asked harry and Hermione what To do. Hermione thought he was stupid for getting you two to break up so she told Ginny and you about what Ron did.

You got back together but thou told the twins to get Ron badly, since they were your best friends, they did.


Pansy had no idea why you were staying away from her. She would get so frustrated she would trash her dorm, trying to figure out what she did wrong. She didn't know that Crabbe who sent that note, since he fancied pansy.

She decided to confront you without you running away.
She found you heading towards the girls bathroom and she followed you. Locking the door behind her, she pinned you to the wall, since the was a lot stronger than you.

"Why are you avoiding me?!! What did I do wrong!!!???" she yelled at you, her face softened when she saw that your eyes were already red like hers from crying.

"what do you mean? You break up with me, through a note, and you asks me why I'm avoiding you?!! You dated me because of a dare and your asking me what you did wrong?!" You yelled at her, tears threatening to come out.

She let go of you, " what note? I never broke up with you, and I definitely didn't date you because of a dare!"

" Can you two keep it down-"
You both yelled at the same time.

"typical, nobody cares what I have to say." The ghost muttered.

" anyway, Yes you did, I still have the note... Don't ask why."

You got the crumpled note out of your bag and gave it to pansy, her eyes widened.

" Y/n, I swear I didn't write this! Does this even look like my handwriting?! It's Crabbe's- im gonna murder him - you have to believe me!"

It took you a while but eventually, you said,
"ok fine, I believe you. "


You and James split for only a week so far and you were both heartbroken. He didn't stop trying to explain but you didn't need an explanation. He obviously liked lily while he was dating you, simple. He used you to get to her, that's what you thought.

The marauders have never seen James cry and when they did, it was a big deal. He was crying over you.

The marauders saw how miserable the both of you were, so they decided to get you to talk to him.

You were in the common room reading when James had entered. You were to fixated on your book you hadn't realized his company, its why you were always so easy to prank.

Your head shot up and you met his gaze, your eyes widened and you got up quickly.
"y/n wait!" james yelled and ran after you.

You kept walking towards the girls dorm buy you felt a hand wrap around your wrist tightly, stopping you from going any further. Sure enough, that hand belonged to James.

"can you let go of me and go bother someone else Potter? Like lily?!" You yelled and tried pulling you hand away, which only resulted in James holding it tighter.

"No, because I don't care about Evans."
He stated, but you could hear a crack in his voice.

At this you scoffed and sarcastically replied with,
" Right, of course you don't. Exactly why you act like she's the only girl you've seen in years."

Again you tried pulling your hand away which made hands pull you towards him.

" I'm sorry, Ok?! I didn't mean to pay all of my attention to her, but you always spent time with snivellous all the time!"
His face went red with anger at the sound of severus's name, well, nickname.

" He's my best friend, James! And that's your excuse?!"

"I'm not lying! Your always with with him! I wanted to make you jealous, but that clearly didn't work. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry y/n, but please take me back. I'm begging you "
You could see his eyes becoming to water, you tried to fight the urge to hug him right now but you couldn't stand seeing him like this.

You ended up kissing him, and he immediately kissed back.  You began snogging eachother pretty soon.

God you missed this


You were in the Library, trying to finish your homework to get your mind of Sirius cheating on you. You knew Sirius barely ever went to the library so you thought you were good.

Lily said she needed to meet someone so she couldn't study with you, you hoped it was James. You found those two cute together. after the while thing with Sirius, she had been with you nonstop. Even when you were crying for days.

Now to say you we're over Sirius would be a complete lie. But saying you weren't expecting him to bursting in the library wouldn't be a lie. You thought he was probably going to Marlene who was struggling to do her homework a few tables away, her face lit up when seeing Sirius and you were disgusted.

You looked back at your homework and tried ignoring his presence, but that became very difficult when he came towards you. You noticed thus and finished the last question quickly before shoving it in your  bag and getting up to leave. But this wasn't going to get you away from Sirius and you knew it.
He didn't say anything but grapes your arm and dragged you out. He was alit stronger than you, so you gave up trying to pull yourself away.

He went towards a storage room and licked the door behind him.
"what are you doing?" you asked, one of his hands were still holding your arms so you couldn't move.

" it was a dare." he stated, he looked Angry, and it was quite frightening.

"what was?" You spat.
Just because you still loved him didn't mean you didn't hate him.

" To kiss Marlene. Even Ask Peter, he was the one who dared me." when you didn't say anything he continued.
"Please believe me, I love you too much to cheat on you willingly."

You signed un defeat and looked at him.
" ok, fine, I believe you, now can you let go of me?."
You asked, in which Sirius replied with a smirk.

"not yet love."
And before you could ask what he meant, he crashed his lips onto you and kissed you roughly, you smiled in the kiss.


The marauders hated seeing Remus like this, by that I mean how he was so miserable he didn't even look forward to class.

You too were a miserable mess. You didn't know what you did wrong. You lived him so much. So when the marauders told you that he was the hospital wing, you were a now a worried mess.

You saw Remus with scratches and scars all over his body. You gasped, alerting him of your presence, and rushed towards him a no sat on the chair next to the bed.

"what happened to you? " You asked him. He looked up at you with teary eyes.
"I can't tell you." he whispered loud enough for you to hear.

"I don't know why your mad at me, or why you just really don't like me, but you're telling me what happened to you."

"I do like you, in fact I love you, and I'm not mad. I just can't tell you, or you would leave me."
He was fighting back years, you took his hand in yours and looked at his scars. This was the first time he had told you that he loved you.
"Don't be ridiculous Remus, I love you. On Earth would I leave you. "

"i-i could hurt you y/n, I'm a monster."
"Remus, tell me the truth."
You said seriously, he took a deep breath and looked away.

"I'm a werewolf." he said, still not looking you in the eye.

You smiled at him, did he really think you would leave him for this?
"why are you smiling? Aren't you scared of me?" he asked confused.

"No Remus. I'm not sscared of you. I don't care if you're a werewolf, I love you"

"I love you too."


After Severus and you broke up, he had lost two important people in his life.
His best friend and his girlfriend.
All because he was being an idiot.

He found both, you and lily, near the black lake, sitting under a tree.

"y/n! Lily!" he yelled and ran over to you two, lily just sighed and you tolled your eyes.

"can you hear that annoying sound lily?" You said to lily, ignoring Severus.

"listen, I'm so, so sorry lily. I didn't mean to call you a mud blood, it just slipped out. Y/n, I can't live without you. Please, I'm begging you to forgive me. "

Lily, being the forgiving and kind person she is, forgave him.

"y/n, what about you? Do you forgive Severus?" she asked you, it took quite a while but you eventually gave in.

"yeah, I forgive him. "

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