
By wickedclifford

453 22 6

freedom: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. More

||Chapter 1||
||Chapter 2||
||Chapter 4||

||Chapter 3||

44 4 1
By wickedclifford

I was awoke by a series of loud claps and hollers that came from around me.

I sat up lazily and opened my green eyes slowly.

Everyone around me was standing up and happily getting their suit cases from their overhead compartments.

Suddenly I became thrilled and awake. I cannot believe I am finally in my paradise.


Excitedly I stood up and opened the over head compartment revealing my black matt suit case. Grabbing the suit case I ran towards the exit of the airplane. Finally seeing my daydreams come true. The bright yellow beaming sun already was out.

I quickly looked my black Nokia cell phone only to check the time but instead I was greeted with six missed calls from my mother and father.

I had to call them back they where probably crying or worried. Thinking about where I am. I was never going to tell them where I was though, my parents would drag me back to live in my old house that I only saw once and it when I was leaving that horrible grey house.

I am angry. So angry. I cannot be anymore angry that this. They hid me all my life for no reason in particular.

I had to call them back. So thats what I am doing.

After two rings an enraged sounding woman picked up the phone.


"Alice! May I ask where are you? We are worried sick since five in the morning! Alice you are coming back right this instant from wherever you are! What where you thinking? Just because you are twenty does not mean you can run out on us. That is so disrespectful. We did not raise you to be this way."

She forgot my birthday was today.

I stopped listening after that. I was too focused watching the red haired little girl crying for her 'mommy' in the corner. I never was aloud to call my mother 'mom', 'mommy', or 'ma' only mother. One time I did call her 'mommy' and she told me to never call her that again. That day I remember being terrified and I went to my room crying.

"Alice! Are you there?" she obnoxiously asked me.

I hung up. I could not tell her where I was or she would probably come to my getaway personally and pick me up from wherever I am at the time.

Talking about time. I have been a while walking through these crowded airport halls with different kinds of people with different languages.

Finally I find my way out of the airport and call for a taxi for the second time this day. But this time I was shouting for one.

"Taxi! Taxi!" It seemed like I called that out like a million times when finally a orange and black greeted me by parking next to me. The man inside it was young maybe 24. He ran to my side greeted me with a harm smile opening the door for me and taking my suit case and placing it in the small taxi's trunk. His name tag said Sed. He had beautiful black hair, a dimpled smile, and a perfect tall figure. He was handsome. I sat quietly in the backseat waiting for Sed to get inside of the taxi.

"So where are you heading to ma'am?"

"Do you know any good motels near by?"

My cousin once told me that motels where affordable and sometimes the rooms where in good or decent conditions.

"Well there is one near the city called 'The Motel Seven' and to be completely honest its not all that bad and its cheap if you ask me." Sed smiled, his sweet Australian accent sounding like music to my ears.

"Well that seems just perfect to me." My American accent sounded like nothing compared to the beautiful Australian one.

I looked out the window in awe. The streets did look like big gold bricks and the famous Sydney bridge did look perfect. Everything I ever wanted is right in front of my eyes and nothing is going to change that.

"So are you on a holiday...?"

Sed asked, wanting to know my name. I turned my head quickly to face him. My eyes looking for his tan face.

"Its Alice and actually no I am not on a holiday. Today is my twenty first birthday and I finally escaped from what I called 'home' and now I am here free finally free to see the world." I said dramatically rambling while looking outside.

"Well happy birthday Alice. So you are telling me you escaped what was your house that who kept you in?" He said taking this as a joke.

"My parents. My parents never left me leave the house. I never knew why." On the contrary I took this completely serious because I was not a luniac and I do not want anyone looking at me like I am.

"So this is basically the first time you are out and finally seeing the world and you came to Australia to make this your new home?" Sed said quietly with a serious look on him face.

"Pretty much." I said with the same tone looking at the incredible view in front of my green eyes. I was speechless.

Soon I stared at a small turquoise blue motel named 'The Motel Seven' like Sed had said. It look partly nice except the turquoise was fading and the paint was ripped off at some parts of the small walls. I might as well get used to it because I am going to be living here until I find the perfect apartment.

"Well this is it. Your stop." Sed said sounding awkwardly quiet.

"Thank you for telling me about this motel. I would have been homeless if it wasn't for you telling me and taking me here." I joked.

I handed the money and he chuckled at me and gave me the money back. I gave him a strange look.

"Its on me darling." He laughed with a wink. I laughed at my self feeling a heat rise to my cheeks.

"Do you have a cell phone number Alice?" He asked curiously.

"That I do have." I chuckled.

We traded numbers and I left happily with a pearly white smile;

I think have just made my first friend.

{So you finally now her name! Its Alice! I know some of you wanted to know but I did it for a reason lol! What do you think about Sed? I think he is nice:-) In the next chapter maybe Sed or Alice will tell you haha! I saw a really pretty comment on instagram and thank you for who ever sent that! bye lovelys}

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