Zodiac High!!

By BananaTreeLady

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Imagine if the 12 zodiacs (you know who they are) lived on Earth and went to the same high school! What love... More

Chapter 1: Introductions
Chapter 2: WHAT?!?!?!
Chapter 3: Amusement Park
Chapter 5: Moving in
Chapter 6: One Final Goodbye
Chapter 7: Pool Party
Author's Note: Apology & Thank You
New Looks:
Halloween Special!

Chapter 4: Perfect Prize

532 16 5
By BananaTreeLady

Pisces' POV

"That was so much fun!! We should do it it again!" I exclaimed after the four of us had just gotten off a cool ride (A/N: Too lazy to come up with a name XD) 

"Yeah!" Aqua agreed. 

"NOO!!!" Libra and Taurus yelled in unison. Me and Aqua laughed at our two motion sick friends. 

"Fine, let's go to a booth and win some cool prizes." Aqua suggested. 

"But what about food?" Taurus whined. We all laughed. Geez, this guy and his appetite. We finally decided to go and get some food since we realized none of us have actually eaten in a while. We each got a small bowl of nachos, while Taurus got an extra large. I wonder, if he got into a relationship, what would he put first? His love, or his love for food? I smiled as I daydreamed about a possible future with him, but I was soon interrupted by Libra squealing. 

"OMG! THAT IS SO CUTE! I NEED ONE IN MY LIFE!!!" She screamed before standing up and running over to a booth that sold cute little stuffed pandas. I giggled as we followed her, Taurus taking his food with him. 

"Libra, you have to win the game to get a panda." I told her, patting her shoulder. 

"I'll get it for you." Aqua said before buying 3 darts, and throwing them, them each landing perfectly in the center. The clerk gave him the stuffed panda, before he gave it to Libra, who's face was now a deep shade of red. 

"T-Thanks." Libra replied. 

"Heh, no problem." He grinned before we headed off to the other booths.

Scorpio's POV

I was walking around with Cancer, Cap, and Virgo, while Virgo and Cap were arguing about where to go next. I sighed at my so-called friends, before catching up to them to actually hear the conversation. 

"We should go check out the rides! That's basically what Amusement Parks are made for!" Virgo shouted. 

"No, I think we should go get some food. We haven't eaten since lunch time! And that was quite a while ago!" Cap argued back. 

"WOULD YOU GUYS STOP ACTING LIKE CHILDREN!! We are going to the booths over there! END. OF. STORY." I snapped. They both stared at me, wide eyed with fear as they nodded and walked over to the booths with me. Cancer snickered quietly, as Virgo lightly punched her shoulder. I soon followed, getting enchanted in the beautiful grey eyes I saw ahead of me. I hate to admit stuff, especially when it comes to feelings, but I think I did like Virgo. Gemini thinks so too, and she keeps teasing me about it. 

After about another hour later, we had won almost every prize we could afford here, but we didn't want to get everything, because then we would look crazy, like a certain group. I sighed as we continued to walk around.

Sag's POV

Me, Leo, Gem, and Aries were walking around the far side of the Amusement Park, talking and laughing loudly together. We had gone to literally everything in sight, apart from the little kid rides of course. Aries was telling a hilarious story, and we were all laughing. Well, me and Leo were, while Gemini was staring at something. She was eyeing weird game area over in the very back corner of the Amusement Park. It did seem strange, so I slowly walked towards it. But of course, Gem bet me to it. Aries and Leo followed us, looks of confusion covered their faces. We made it over, and suddenly a man popped out of nowhere, making us all jump. 

"I'm sorry, but this game is reserved for 12 special people." The man said in a slightly raspy, yet kind voice. 

"Oh, uh, sorry. We'll keep moving then." Leo apologized. As we started to walk away, the man stopped us. 

"Hey wait! What're your names?" He asked. 

"Oh, my name is Sagittarius, and these people are Gemini, Aries, and Leo!" I answered cheerfully, making the other three turn their heads to me with pointed looks, since I had just blurted out our names to a complete stranger. The man's eyes widened. 

"Oh! You are them then!" He said, before opening the gate to the strange game that lay before us. We all looked at each other, confused, before slowly going through the gate. 

"I wonder if he's got the right people. I mean, wouldn't we know if we reserved a game at an Amusement Park?" Aries exclaimed, still confused. I mean, he had a point, but none of us could answer it. I wonder why only us 4 and 8 others are allowed in here. 8....WAIT! We came here with 8 other people! Could they be who he was talking about? I don't even know what to think anymore.

We slowly followed the man around the giant game in front of us. 

"Now, you guys are lucky that you have an air sign with you, otherwise, you wouldn't be able to win the prize" The man informed, gesturing to Gemini. 

"Air sign? What do you mean?" She asked. 

"Oh don't worry about that. For now, I need you to take this dart, and throw it straight in the bulls eye of the target over there!" He continued, pointing to a target that was only barely visible from where I was standing. 

"HOW? The targets like 30 metres away!" Leo whined. 

"It's not as hard as it looks. Now Gemini, focus really hard on where you want the dart to go" He told Gem. She narrowed her greenish blue eyes, still unsure whether to believe his was possible or not, then she sighed and grabbed the dart out of his hands. She focused on the target ahead, keeping as still as possible. 

"Really picture it in you head. Now, when you can see it clearly, throw it. If you focus hard enough, you will know how far to throw." He said quietly, letting Gem focus. She took a deep breath......and threw with just enough force to get it over there. I watched it zoom through the air, like an arrow being launched out of a bow (A/N: Hehe. Get it?). I heard a slight noise come from the target, indicating that the dart had hit it. We followed the man who was walking towards it, then stopped, turned around with a smile on his face. Then he moved aside, showing us the target. My jaw dropped, and so did Aries' and Leo's. Gemini just smirked and did a small victory dance. It landed perfectly in the middle of the red circle. I can't believe how she did that! She really needs to give me some lessons on my aim! 

"Excellent job Gemini!" The man clapped, before giving us a warm smile. 

"Thank you! I don't even know how I did it though! But wait, didn't you say there would be a prize?" Gemini asked, still smirking slightly at the fact that she threw it perfectly. 

"Oh, Right! But first. you need to get your other friends." he smiled. We just did as we were told. We didn't really want to ask questions because we just wanted the prize. We eventually gathered everyone up before we headed over to the corner where the man was still waiting for us. He started walking off over to a nearby shack. There was a code on the door, and he quickly typed in some numbers before it opened up, showing a white staircase. We followed him down the stairs and through a tunnel that sparkled in the the light of the torches that hung on the walls. We soon reached the end of the tunnel, and we went back up on a different staircase. At the top was another door, which he opened, leading us to a nice area of the city, away from where the Amusement Park was. 

"What the-" I heard Virgo question, but she stopped in her tracks. Standing right before them was probably the best thing they had all seen in a very long time. I heard squeals and yells of happiness as we ran towards our prize.

A/N: Hehehe I'm sorry I left it on a cliffhanger!! What do you think the prize is? Does the man seem sketchy to you? I wonder who he is....

I know that Sag's POV was ALOT longer than the other 2, but I didn't want to make the chapter too long, and out of Aries, Gemini, Leo, and Sag, Sag probably had the least amount of attention, so I gave her the spotlight for a bit! I promise next time there will be more POVs of signs I haven't done yet, so stay tuned!

But until next time, goodbye fellow Bananas <3

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