Sky High ( The big 8 fanfic )

By paticefaithjohnson

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The book is about how the big four girls and big four boys meet in Sky high.... Well the boys are childhood f... More

Chapter 1 (In the bus)
Chapter 2 (All Powers Shows up)
Chapter 3 (In the Guidance office)
Chapter 4 ( Homeroom/ English class)
Chapter 5 ( Snack Time )
Chapter 6 ( Some Classes before lunch)
Chapter 8 (Talk between Elsa and Jack)
Chapter 9 (The Big News)
Chapter 10 (The Group)
Chapter 11 (Music)
Chapter 12 (Dinner)

Chapter 7 (Lunch)

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By paticefaithjohnson

Elsa's P.O.V

Rapunzel and I talked she asked me "are you inlove?"

"Ummm.... I don't realy know" I replied

"Well you better be in someone you love  because.. " she said and pause

"What?" I asked her

"Cause when I went to see Jane our cousin in the other power school she said that there will be something bad happening to you.."she said

"But I can't do something stupid " I said

"Well just ask me if there is something bothering you okay?" she said

"Okay"I replied.

Jack's P.O.V

When I went to the cafiteria I saw the boys....

"Hey,Jack come"Hiccup called me..

"we already got you some lunch."Flynn said

"Umm... guys did you saw Elsa pass by?"I asked .

"No"Hiccup said

"Jack !" somebody shouted..

we all look where the voice came's Elsa..and her friends..

"Jack can we seat hear ?"she said..

(each table can occupy 8 person)

"Umm... yes of course "hiccup said..

"So can be best friends ?" Rapunzel asked..

"Sure.."The boys said in unison..

Hiccup's P.O.V

"Sure .." all of the boys and me said in unison.

But are we sure about it? I guess? but thier pretty,cool and friendly but there is sonething wrong that is going to happen...

"Ummm.. bro are you alright?" Jack asked..

"Umm.. can I talk to Jack for a sec.?"I said and walked with Jack away from the others without taking thier answers..

~~~with Jack talking~~~

"Umm...Jack can I ask you something?" I asked Jack .

"What is it bro?" he said.

"Jack I have this feeling when we said sure to the girls.." I explained..

"Go on" he said

"I think there is something bad happening to you and somebody in the girls.."I explained further..

"What?!"Jack said in shocked.

"Shut it! they'll hear you"I said mad

"But who?"he asked me .

"Ummm...we'll just go with the flow and be close to Elsa.." I said ..

"Why ?" he asked..

"Umm.. I think you'll be safe with her and if you don't want anyone in the girls hurt be with her cause you have this aura (pronounce as o-ra) that we don't have when it comes to her."I said ...

"Well alright.. but what kind of 'be with her?" he asked..

"Like the G.F thing " I said....

~~we went to our table~~

"Umm... what are you talking about?" Flynn asked me... while whispering ..

"ohh.. nothing.."i said and look at Jack..

Jack's P.O.V

'The G.F thing'

Snap out of it Jack just go with the flow first then after few days or something go on and ask her ....

"Umm... Merida can I sit thier?"I asked merida while whispering ..

"Sure"she said ..

"Umm Elsa can I talk to you alone?"I asked Elsa..


I just  leaved it with a cliffhanger...

sorry :-) :-) :-)

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