Just A Kiss On Your Lips

By SnowMione18

127K 2.4K 834

Barry Allen soon finds out that Caitlin Snow kissed Hannibal Bates. When Caitlin tells Barry will these two c... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22

Part 14

3.8K 95 16
By SnowMione18

Barry's POV

I woke up surprisingly early. Dinner last night with Joe and Iris was like it always used to be, we talked about our jobs and the cases i was working on. The only problem was Iris, every time Joe asked me about my trip Iris always seemed so upset, she was probably still hung up on the fact that there was a girl in my room. I looked over at the time to see it's nearly 7 in the morning, i decided to run over to the bakery and pick up some bagels for Caitlin and I. I quickly got dressed and grabbed the food then i headed over to her house. I know that she is awake since she always wakes up early. I knocked on the door and when she opens it i could see she must have just woken up since she was still in her pajamas.

"Barry what are you doing here?" She asks confused

"Well i wanted to spend the morning with you. I brought you breakfast" I tell her as she lets me in

"I'm so glad you're here i missed you last night...alot" She says before pulling me to her lips

The kiss soon turns passionate as she pulls me to the couch, not seperating our lips. She pulls me closer causing no space between us. I pulled her on top of me, she starts pulling my jacket off but before she can my phone goes off.

Ring Ring Ring

"Sorry" I apologize as she gets off me and walks over to the bag of bagels

I answered my phone to hear Iris starting to freak out that I'm not there. I was really not in the mood to talk to her, especially when she just interuppted me and Caitlin.

"Iris can we talk later I'm kinda busy"

"Well i left early. I had to do something. What does it matter?" I asked her over the phone

I looked over at Caitlin to see she just finished her food. She walks over to me and starts whispering in my ear.

"Barry I'm going to hop in the shower do you wanna join me?" She whispers

As i listen to Iris yell at me. Caitlin stands before me and begins taking off her clothes. Slowly she pulls her shirt off over her head and pulls down her shorts. I could feel my cheeks getting warmer as i felt her run her hands over my chest.

"Barry if you are not there in 1 minute I'm locking the door" She whispers one last time before walking down the hall and towards the bathroom

I instantly hung up on Iris and followed Caitlin to the bathroom. I know that Iris will be upset but oh well.

Iris's POV

Did he just hang up on me? What the Hell! I can't believe he just did that. It has to be this new girlfriend of his that he says he doesn't have, i know he is lying. I want Barry, It's not fair that he is spending all of his time with whoever this girl is. What's wrong with me? I sound jealous...Whatever i am just gonna head off to work and try to not think about it, if i can.

Caitlin's POV

After this morning's events Barry dropped me off at work. When we walked in Cisco is standing in the middle of the cortex with a very happy look on his face?

"What's with you?" Barry asks

"Yeah, you are acting happier than usual" I tell him

"I have it. I finally got it. We can now give it to Joe and Wells will soon be arrested" Cisco says holding the flash drive

"But now we hand over this revised copy to Joe and we will have a killer"

"That's great man. I will call Joe right away" Barry says just before walking out

"So where is he?" I ask

"I have no idea. When i got here this morning he wasn't here"


"Do you two have something to tell me?" Wells asks startling both me and Cisco

I turn around to see him walk into the cortex. Walk? Since when can he walk?

"How...How is that possible?" Cisco whisper stuttering his words

I start to walk back towards the wall as he comes closer to us. I pulled out my phone and text Barry.

"Well Dr. Snow it seems you guys are smarter than i anticipated..." Wells says starting to moving closer

Barry's POV

"Hey! Get away from them!" Barry yells running into the cortex

"Barry Allen, you realize i have the same powers as you do. The only diffrence is...I'm faster" Wells says running around me eventually stoppping inches away from me

I look over across the room to see a scared yet confused Caitlin and Cisco.

I made the split decision to run out of the building, i looked behind me to see him chasing after me, he starts to speed up as i ran across the buildings and through the streets. I run through the crowds of people hoping to lose him. As I'm still running i looked behind me to see that he is gone. I ran straight back to S.T.A.R labs .

"Are you guys okay?" I ask slightly out of breathe in the cortex

"Were fine...scared and confused but fine" Caitlin tells me

I can tell she is very tense, i just wanna go over to her and hug her and tell her everything will be okay. But i know i can't.

"Where is he?" Cisco asks

"I don't know i lost him somewhere"

"Well while you were gone i sent Joe the recording. He says it's enough to convict him of murder. Now all we have to do is find him and your father will be set free" Caitlin explains

"Well...i need to find him. Please be careful, i don't know what i would do if you...you guys got hurt" I say to her, she is staring into my eyes and i can tell she is more relaxed.

I look over to Cisco who just has a confused face.

"Okay? You two are acting weird...anyways i will get to tracking him" Cisco says walking out

"I should have been here" I said as she runs into my arms

"It's okay...I'm okay" She says tearing up

"I will be here for you" I whisper to her before kissing her on the head

"Barry you need to go and find him" Caitlin says letting go of me

"I will find him" I tell her giving one last kiss on the cheek before running out

2 hours later...

Well i scanned the whole city and there is no use. He must have fallen off the face of the earth. I called Cisco awhile ago and he hasn't found him either. The police are searching but they aren't gonna have any luck. I decided to go and check up on Caitlin before i stop looking for the night.

I run to her house an knock on the door. She doesn't answer? I knock one more time, she eventually opens it.

"Cait i was so worried when you didn't come to the door" I said pulling her in for a hug

"Hey I'm okay. I didn't here you the first time"

"I'm here now and I'm going to protect you" I assured her as we both walked into the living room and took a seat on the couch

"Thank you. Now do you wanna watch TV or something? I just need to get my mind off everything" she asks

"That sounds perfect"

After a couple of hours of TV. Caitlin asks me something.

"What are we gonna do Barry?" She whispers

"I don't know but i know that we will figure it out together. I promise you that"

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