16,000 miles to run

De Summerlove827

909 50 18

Two teenagers. Two countries. Two continents. Two friends. One syndrome. One world. One feeling. One hope. Mais



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De Summerlove827

John's Point of View.

          I haven't know him that long, 4 or 5 years now, but boy when I met him, our lifes would be changed. It all started (for me) When I was sitting in Outdoor Ed when this new kid walked in. The teacher introduced him to the class and told him to take a seat. I summoned him over to 'my' table.

          From that moment onwards I became friends with Daniel, by for your average grade 10 boy, my mate was seriously undersized at about 5 foot tall I would say. I didn't know there and I think nor did he, that he had Kallmanns Syndrome. 2 years passed and my mate moved away.

          A few years later I get a call from Daniel saying "I'm in Dev, mind if I stop by?" So I nervously wait out the front of my house, waiting for my "short" mate to stop by, I was standing looking for a bloke 5 foot odd when I hear a guy call my name, more like 5"8 now.

          "Daniel, is that you" I exclaimed as I hugged my mate.

           "It's good to see ya mate" Dan who was 5 foot tall was now a head taller, had as it turns out undergone treatment, for his condition. Every time he stayed over I always asked him to smell something and he kept reminding me he can't.

          I learned over time that he couldn't smell. But something was missing, a loneliness inside him, like something was missing, someone with a understanding. Everyday I tried to understand but I just couldn't quite, then one day he messaged me, something along the lines of

          "I've found her. She has it too, Her name is Rebecca" Then one day as he comes down for a weekend or two, he asks me to borrow my webcam "I thinks he wants to keep it"

          "She's perfect! She's perfect! She's perfect!" I swear that's all I heard after he finished the skpye call, with this girl he loves (I think) They have been skyping pretty much ever since and I'm sure he loves her.

          Oh one last thing, she lives on the other side of the world. How far exactly I hear you say? 16,000 miles to be exact I say. 16,000 miles away, 2 people 1 world, how far would you run for this love?

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