
By lalalerah

446 7 5

January Fox is a 19 year old musician who travels town to town living her life the way she wants too. It's a... More


Lights (chapter two)

82 3 2
By lalalerah

Chapter Two

Life according to January

"Wow was" all I could say at my new hair color. The silver shinned in the light, giving me an airy halo. It wen perfectly with my light brown eyebrows and freckled skin. My green eyes looked more intelligent with the change as well. "Why didn't I do this sooner?" I exclaimed out loud as I spun around in my new dress. The light above the mirror of the motel I was in flickered. I stopped and watched is suspiciously, I did not want to have to buy a new light bulb. The flickering stopped and I sighed in relief. Motel are for sure not the cleanest things, but their cheap and it beats sleeping outside.

I skipped to my bed, loving the feeling of being able to wiggle my toes. My only pair of sandals currently donned my feet and my motorcycle boots were packed away for another time. Once I'd made it to my destination I flopped on the saggy mattress and pulled out what was left of my money to count it. Forty two dollars left, that could last me about two or more days for food if needed. I really hoped I would be able to make more money today because tonight I was planning on treating myself to a fancy dinner. With my self pamperment in mind, I grabbed my guitar and headed out to explore more of the town that I'd fallen in love with the night before.

The sun was bright and hot out but the fact I was wearing a light dress helped. I ambled down the main street, looking at all the vintage shops. This town was amazing! But I could never escape the judgment of other humans. As I continued my journey it grew harder and harder to ignore the weird looks I was getting. Had no one here ever seen a girl with silver hair before? That answer was apparently not.

I tried to shrug off the stares as I searched out my new street corner. Finally I'd found the perfect spot. The area was not paved but was covered in gravel. There was a fountain with a fish in the middle of it. I sat down on the edge of the fountain and started getting out my guitar. Before I'd even started playing there were two or three people milling about. It was funny, they were trying to look like they were doing something or waiting for someone but really they were trying to decide if I was the same girl that enchanted them last night. It was a big difference, the red-headed motorcycle babe to the silver-haired airy girl that was standing before them. But it was me and they figured that out as soon as I opened my mouth. Once again I closed my eyes. Everything felt so good, the warm sunshine, she breeze that made my dress wave, the applause from the crowd when I was down with a song. By the time I was done singing my guitar case was full of tips.

After dismissing the by-standers I bent down to scoop up some of the money that had overflown. "January Fox." Came a familiar voice. I froze my actions but didn't look up. I knew who it was.

"It seems I'm the one at the disadvantage." I straightened up and brushed the invisible dirt off my knees before finally looking the most gorgeous guy ever in the eye. He cocked his head to the side in a silent question. "You know my name but I do not know yours."

"I'm Lee, and I'm sure glad I got your riddle right." Lee laughed, the sound echoed around me. "Could you imagine how weird that would be if that wasn't your name?" He laughed again and I giggled.

"Ya, really weird." I sat down casually on the edge of the fountain and took in Lee's full appearance. Today he was wearing a black v-neck shirt, loses jeans without the holes, and vans. "So what's up?"

"Not much, was just wonderin'. You wanna hang out with me and my boys today?" Lee shoved his hands in his pockets and gave me the most irresistible pout. I wanted to yell yes but something was wrong.

"Your boys?" I cried out in alarm. "You have kids?" To my surprise Lee began laughing hysterically. I didn't get it, what was so funny about having kids at such a young age? Besides, the fact that there was more than one of them made it even more strange to me. Eventually Lee calmed down enough to give me an answer.

"No," wheeze. "I don't," wheeze. "Have kids I meant," wheeze. "My friends!" More laughing and wheezing. "Wait till they hear about this!" I couldn't help the smile that broke out across my face. Good, so Lee wasn't a daddy.

"Oh, okay." It was still for a moment while Lee straightened up from his doubled-over laughing position. The silence seemed to stretch on for another couple of seconds while the hot guy in front of me seemed to be thinking.

"So was that a yes to hanging out with us or a no?"

"It was a yes." I smiled then hopped off the fountain edge. "Lead the way!" With that me and Lee began walking down the street, chatting about the wonderful new town I was in. Luckily he didn't seem too curious about my past. If he had been then he would have been greatly disappointed, I don't share that story, with anyone. Besides, I wouldn't be here long enough to get attached anyways. Before Lee knew it I would be back on that bus, living my life the way I wanted to.

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