One Piece- Future Saves Ace...

By KitsuneHisoka

39.4K 931 158

Luffy goes back in time to save his brother More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five- Shanks

Chapter Two

8.2K 213 32
By KitsuneHisoka

"We should all get some rest tonight, so we have plenty of energy for tomorrow," Robin stated.

Everyone agreed and went to their rooms to sleep for the night.

In the men's room

Quo stared through the darkness, careful to not let out a sigh.

He wasn't scared or worried.

He just felt bad.

If their captain found out what this would cost, he wouldn't do it.

Quo didn't want his well being to get in the way of his captain's happiness.

No, Luffy has had enough pain, he deserves that painful hole in his heart to be filled.

And no matter what it did to himself, he would ensure that Luffy would have that.

No matter the cost.


The next morning Quo had gotten up early, by this time Sanji, him, and whoever was on night watch, was up.

He walked out of the men's room and peered at the crows nest. He could tell that it was Zoro, by his noticeable green hair.

Quo decided that he should go to the kitchen, and hopefully not get kicked out by the sudden disturbance.

And surprising enough, he didn't get a kick as he opened the door.

"Smells good Sanji." He said as he sat down.

"You seem worried about something." He replied.

Crap, of course. That's why he didn't kick me the moment I entered.

"More nervous than anything. Everything is relying on me."

"Hmm. I guess I didn't think about it like that, but I know you can do it." He said, never looking up from what he was doing.

Honestly, what should I do? I can't teleport everyone within the right amount of time... and if I do...

I shake my head, pushing the thought out of my mind.

I should talk to Robin about this.

I sigh and slump back in my seat.

This time Sanji looks up for a second and studies me, and he sighs himself for a moment.

"Okay, what's wrong?" He says and takes a seat next to me.

This time it's my turn to study him. Should I tell him?

I sigh again, maybe a little bit.

"I won't be able to teleport everyone at once, so I'm worried about who should go." I finally reply.

Sanji thinks about it. "How many can you?"

"Three, and myself," I answer, even that's pushing it.

"Ultimately it's the Shitty Captain's choice." He replies.

I nod. "Yeah. I'll have to talk to him, no everyone about it." Then I smile. "Thanks, Sanji."

"Yeah yeah, now get out." He says grumpily, but he was smiling a little.

I nod and head out of the kitchen.

Luffy and most of the others won't be up for a little while.

Quo sits down on the deck, watching the horizon as the sun slowly made its way up.


At breakfast

"About the time travel." I interrupt near the end.

Everyone looks at me, and Luffy, who was still snatching food, watched me.

"I can only send three people excluding me, to help save Ace, afterward I can start teleporting everyone else." I look at everyone but aim my words at Luffy.

"Is there any reason to why?" Robin asked.

Of course, she would catch on.

I shake my head. "Not really, I'll just get a little tired but that's about it."

Robin had a sense that it wants the full truth but decided not to engage on the subject.

"Anyways, it's up to Luffy about who we bring," Sanji states as he eyes Luffy, making sure he wouldn't take food from Robin or Nami.

Everyone turned to Luffy like they were silently asking him the question.

I sigh, thinking of a way to push the pressure off of Luffy. "Well, I personally think we should bring either Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy. Or Zoro, Chopper, and Luffy."

Everyone looks at me this time.

"Why would you switch out me instead of moss-head?" Sanji yells angrily.

"Chopper is a doctor, which could be beneficial, but we could use the strength. It is war." I pause and look at Luffy. "What about it captain?"

"Hmm, Zoro and Sanji sound fine. Then afterward you can just teleport chopper to heal us after the battle and whatever."

"Eh? You said something smart!" Yelled Nami.

Robin just chuckled.

"He has his moments." I smile and nod my head. "Okay, that settles it. I'll be heading there first, 2 days before the execution. The first day, I'll teleport Sanji. And the second Zoro and Luffy."

"You're not teleporting us all at once?" Luffy asks.

I shake my head. "No, if I do Zoro will get lost, and well Sanji is more reliable. I can trust that he won't wander off while trying to get a boat."

"Speaking of, where will you be teleporting?" Robin asks.

I start coughing at the question. Causing everyone to look at me.

"Enies Lobby."

This takes a moment to register, but everyone, to say the least, we're shocked.


I put my hands up. "I kinda went there at some point in time before the execution, to destroy something. So I'm going to teleport to that."

"Won't your younger self-be there?" Robin asks.

I nod my head. "Yeah, but I'll just say something only I know and then we can go undercover, and since Sanji's poster is a little different from how he looks now, we should be fine going undercover."

"What do you mean a little different!" Sanji yells, this causes Zoro to laugh and mock him, and a fight to break out. Only to have Nami break it up.

I laugh at the scene, and everyone soon follows, releasing all the tension that I hadn't noticed before.


"Okay, I'm heading out first. When I'm in the clear I'll bring Sanji." I give a reassuring smile.

"Thanks, Quo." Luffy looks at me with a huge grin.

"No problem, Captain."

"Well, see you later..." I look at the ground, not sure what to say.

The whole crew either smile, or give a thumbs up, and send me on my way.


A bright light blurred my vision until I was in a dark room. I close my eyes and open them to help adjust to the sudden change In light.

I look over to see a young man, long blue hair, in a navy suit, looking at me like I was a ghost.

It was me.

My younger self.

"Yo, I'm from the future," I state bluntly.

My younger self-shakes their head, breaking them self from the shock. "Prove it."

I walk over to him, and lean in, to whisper a secret, that only I could know.

His eyes widen, but he quickly recovers. "Okay, what are you doing here?"

I shake my head. "I'm here to change something, anyway carry on, I have to run. But we will be seeing each other again." With those words I run out of the room, leaving a very confused younger me.

I need to find a locker room.



I open the door, luckily no soldiers were inside at the moment. And run over to the uniforms.


I peer into the mirror, fixing my long hair to look blander so I don't stand out.

"Now for Sanji," I say to myself while grabbing another uniform.


Sanji was walking around the deck, waiting for the teleportation to start. Yeah, he was nervous, and it could start any second. Most of the crew could care less, but the Shitty Captain was bouncing around him, just waiting for him to vanish into thin air like it was magic.

He sighed as he lit his cigarette, blowing out the smoke, calming his nerves.

And then there it was, a bright light surrounded his vision, forcing his eyes to close. Until he heard a voice.

"Put this on Sanji." He could recognize the voice, it was Quo.

He slowly opened his eyes, adjust to the light change. And as he did so, he could see Quo toss a marine uniform in his face, again blinding his vision.

"GAH! Dammit." He grumbled but decided to let it go since they were inside a marine base.

He quickly got dressed, while Quo stayed by the door on watch.

"You ready?" Quo didn't bother to look at him as he asked.

Sanji nodded. "Yeah, what now?"

Quo shrugged. "I don't know, we are gonna board a ship heading to MarineFord, but it's almost night time."

"I thought we were two days before the execution."

"Time traveling messed with it a bit, it only felt like seconds, but a lot of time went by." Quo replied.

"Okay, so what are we doing?" Sanji asked again.

"We will stay here, for the time being, take turns on watch."

Sanji shrugged and sat down. "So we are just biding our time."

"Pretty much."


"Oi Sanji, wake up." Quo gently shook the cook awake.

"Sorry, I fell asleep." He replied while getting up.

"No problem. Anyways it's morning now, so let's get going."

Sanji raised his brow. "Did you not sleep?"

Quo shrugged. "Somewhat. Let's go." He urged.


On a ship- 3 hours before the execution

"We actually managed to get a ship." Sanji looked around surprised.

"Took awhile. But yeah." Quo replied. Then looked around. "Let's beat everyone and throw them over."

Sanji chuckled. "Time to kick some ass."


"AH! Where am I?" Luffy looked around, he was on the sunny only moments ago.

"Did you already forget Luffy?" Quo asked his captain.

"Oh Quo! Where are we?" Luffy ignored the question, with his own.

"A boat, on the way to the execution." He replied.

Luffy's eyes narrowed. "How much longer?"

"We are cutting it pretty close. An hour before, the time Ace died."

Luffy flinched.

"By the time we get there, he should already be gone from the platform." Quo continued, despite the pained look in his captain's eyes.

"Okay. I understand." He choked out.

"Sanji and Zoro are already here, out on the deck." Quo nodded to the door. "Let's go."

Luffy nodded and followed him out to the deck.

"Oi Sanji, Zoro." Quo grabbed the two's attention and threw a cloak over too them.

"What's this for?" Sanji questioned.

"To hide our face, there is going to be two Luffy's, and it's going to be for the best." Quo replied.

He nodded and put it on, as well as Zoro.

"Here Captain." He held out another cloak to Luffy.

"AH SO COOl!" Luffy had stars in his eyes and he quickly put the cloak on.

Quo smiled as he did the same.

"Let's SAVE ACE!" Luffy punched his fists in the air and gave a huge grin.


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