Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITI...

Від niallsbabe_xx

2.9M 57.5K 26.1K

(Kind of Niall/ Luke book, but only a little lol) Good grades, full scholarship, rich lifestyle, what more co... Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Not a chapter
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Epolgue 1: Move-in Day
Epilogue 2: Along Came April
Epologue 3: Promise
Epilogue 4: June 12, 2018
Epilogue 5: Better Days
New Frat boy Niall book!

Chapter 27

38.8K 632 457
Від niallsbabe_xx

"Gemma..." I groaned, rolling my eyes and backing away from her. She still held a smirk, staring intently at me while awaiting my answer. Her dull hazel eyes now filled with a wicked energy that enclosed them into a thick sheet.

"Let me guess.. Niall?", she asked with a sly smile. Seriously? How the hell does she literally know everything!?

Turning slightly to try and avoid her gaze, I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "W-What?", I gave a nervous chuckle, playing with the hem of my shirt. Way to look obvious, Khlo. She raised her eyes as I stood silent, my cheeks slowly starting to burn. "Why do you say that?"

"Oh, 'ya know.", she sang a little, spinning on her heel to take her seat again. "Only because you guys were all lovey- dovey yesterday, and then last night, he came to me for help about something to do with you- Which don't tell him I told you that I helped!", she pointed an accusing finger at me. What does she mean he came to her? She's the one who gave him the picnic idea? I thought that was just his random act of what kindness he has in him..

My heart sunk at the thought that it wasn't him who had thought of it. Even though I turned it down, I still had that little flicker of hope that just maybe he could be one of those romantics with the fun adventurous side that I was looking for. But now, knowing that Gemma's the one who thought of it, it turns my perspective a little. It's Gemma's act of kindness, not Niall's..

"Wait, you gave him the picnic idea?" She nodded eagerly and smiled big. She folder her hands on top of the counter, resting her head on them. "Oh...", I looked down, not wanting to show that it had got to me. "Well, I didn't go. Luke was taking me out instead.", I sighed, glancing up to see her smile had now faded.

"Yeah, please explain! Like Luke Hemmings? What the hell?", She exclaimed, surprise clear in her eyes. "How the hell did you get ahold of him? No offense or anything, but what?" My cheeks heated and I couldn't help but giggle. "Like. I don't understand. Really!"she laughed.

"I don't know.. we just kinda started talking.", I mumbled, not really knowing what to say.

"L-Luke Hemmings. What? Like, Khlo, you have no idea how big that is! He doesn't ask girls on dates, no matter what.. trust me. We've all tried!" Gemma laughed and smiled big. Really? I don't see him turning girls down though..

"Oh.", was all I could say. How was I supposed to react to that? I'm a first for once. Feels nice.

"Wait, so holy cow, so Luke's the one who gave you love bites?" She beamed, staring at my neck. I shifted under her gaze, leaning against the small sink.

"No... Niall did.." Her smile dropped again and her face twisted as she stared at me.

"Okay... I'm confused..." I sighed, thinking of a way to say this with out it sounding bad, because honestly, I'm confused too, just in a different way.

"Um.. well, I don't really know how to start this.", I sunk lower, crouching to the floor as I plopped on my butt.

She's going to know I lied about this morning. I should have just told her the truth to begin with..

"I um, I was at the beach with Liam while you guys were all bowling. Then Luke showed up, apologized, and asked me on a date- which I of course said yes to. Then when I was getting ready, Niall showed up with the basket and all, not even giving me a heads up or warning. Nothing. And I already had plans, so I turned him down and told him I was going on a date." I glanced up to her to see if she was still paying attention, which of course she was.

"When Luke showed up, Niall was still there and they both were in shock, I think.. then Niall just snapped. He started yelling and stuff which made me of course yell back and defend Luke. Then he just kind of stormed off, leaving me in the hallway, crying." I let out a big breath as the memories flooded back to me.

"Wait, then how did he mark your skin?"

"Well, I ended up just canceling the date- which I feel terrible about- and ended up just going to bed. That's when you came home. Then around three this morning, I got a call from Niall..." Gemma's dull eyes pierced my own as she stared directly at them from across the small space. "And I'm not sure, but I think he was high. He was with a few friends and he was just saying all this stuff to me over the phone. I could tell that he was out of it, so I had him give me the adress to where he was staying. So that's really where I was this morning.." I bit my lip, looking to the tile of the kitchen floor, finding them more interesting right now.

I never lie, and even though it wasn't a big one, a huge amount of guilt had still taken over and flooded through each of my veins, tingling the nerves.

"But, I thought you were out getting coffee?" her voice was generally questioning, no judgment present.

"Nope.", I popped the 'p', still not looking up. I sighed, running a hand through my damp hair, straightening it out. "He ended up talking me into staying there for a while, and I just kinda did. We didn't really do much talking -well because he was not really, fully there- if ya know what I mean." Gemma nodded slowly, taking everything in.

"And then, I don't know, one thing lead to another and we ended up in his room, and I was left with little marks." I felt my cheeks flush from embarrassment.

"So did you guys, like have sex?"

"What?" I was taken back by her question but even more so by the butterflies that twisted my stomach at those words. "No. Oh gosh, no." I couldn't help dirty thoughts that now filled my brain, thinking of Niall above me. Oh my gosh, I need to stop..

"oh, okay. Good.", she smiled and twirled a strand of hair between her fingers.

I whined, tossing my head back against the cupboard door. "But it's not good. I'm so confused! My emotions are like completely messing me up. I'm acting like a-, like a whore!" I can't believe I am telling her all of this.

"Okay.. well first of all, have you even kissed Luke?" I shook my head. "Okay, then you're not a whore, you're just confused. Second of all, lets try something." I nodded and watched as she stood up and walked towards our beds. She pulled out a sheet of paper, placing it on the desk. "okay, come here."

I slowly stood up, stretching my legs out. A second later, I was walking over to her, taking a seat on the mattress.

"We'll start with Luke. Write down everything you like about him on the left and everything you don't on the right."

I took the pencil from her, trying to think of what to write. Okay, what do I like about him? My hands began to move before my mind could catch up.


good looking

has a great smile

makes me feel good about myself

Doesn't boast about himself

Sticks up for me

Give me butterflies

While jotting these down, I began realizing how much that I don't really know about his personality.

On the right, I began on things I dislike, which weren't that many.

Can be aggressive (but doesn't mean it)

Yells (but he had a reason to)

"Okay.", I said while handing the paper to Gem. She smiled and read over it quick, then asked me to do the same with Niall.



I can trust him

says what he feels

his laugh

his eyes and smile

his kisses

(I blushed when I wrote that down, but I'm being honest)

Has a way with words


Don't like that he sleeps around

Taunts me

drinks a lot

gets high

says things to hurt me

yells at me

confuses me

Has a way with words (I like it but I don't..)

I sighed, placing the pencil down. All this did was make me feel bad for Niall. It didn't really help other than to actually see what he does to me.

Gemma took the paper from me, reviewing both answers. She chuckled and I looked to her confused.

"That didn't help me understand at all.." I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Okay let me ask you something. Rapid fire, go." I nodded. "Kiss or hug?"

"kiss." How is this helping at all?

"Fork or spoon?"


"Apple or orange?"

"Um.. apple?"

"Blue or green?"

"Green." okay, I don't get this..

" Niall or Luke?"


She smirked at me, placing the papers down. "Well, I think I found who's on your mind." I sighed again. I want to just scream, but that'd be inappropriate at this time.

"Babe, just try with Luke. You need to get your focus on one man, and you seem to have Luke on your mind. Don't let Niall change that. Remember what he'll do to you in the end, then I'm sure you'll end up wishing Luke was the one."

So what now? How am I supposed to tell Niall that I don't want to be anything more than friends with him? Am I allowed to be friends with him? I don't want to hurt him..

"Can I be friends with Niall?", I asked.

"If you feel like you can handle it.." Why does life have to be so complicated?

"Well, thanks. But I better get going, I don't want to be late for the appointment." She gave me a small smile and nodded. So much for going out to breakfast..


"Okay, Ms. Sparks, you are all set. Just keep the wrap on for at least three weeks and we will see you back here, then." I smiled and nodded, watching a head of me as Dr. Shultz and I walked into the waiting room.

I glanced to Niall who sat in the corner, shaking his leg as he scrolled through his phone. He looked up and smiled as I entered. I gave a weak smile back. "Thank you, and sounds great."I stated, not even looking to the older doctor as he flipped through some papers on a clip board.

"Anytime.", with that, he walked around the corner, leading back into what I am assuming is his office.

"Hey. Everything alright?", Niall stood up from the chair and began to pace towards me as I stood still in the doorway.

"U-um, yeah." Why am I stuttering? I mentally laughed at myself. "He said there were no signs of it being fractured. He thinks that it's probably just sprained."

"So what's with the thing?", he furrowed his eyebrows, looking to the wrap that supported my wrist. It was much more flexible than the stiff brace I had on earlier.

"He just said to keep it on for about three weeks and see him then. He said I should be fine for volleyball tryouts next week, though." Which I am so thankful for! Niall just nodded and lead me out the sliding glass doors of the hospital.

We walked to his black car and I hopped into the passenger side, not waiting for him to open the door for me, not that he would anyways..

He started the car and began to back out of the small parking space. "Niall?" He glanced over to me and I felt the nerves starting to form in the pit of my stomach. "U-um, can we go some-" Take a breath, Khlo. "um, somewhere to talk?"

He furrowed his brows, taking his bottom lip in between his teeth. Man if that wasn't sexy, I don't know what is.. No, Khloe. You have to just focus on Luke. He's who you want to be with.

"Um, yeah, if that's what you want.." He took the next turn, leading us onto a side road.

"Thanks.", I mumbled, already feeling bad for what I was about to do.

The car grew silent and I had to crack the window to not only let some of the tense air out, but to also calm myself. I'm doing it for the better, not to be mean. I can't have a friendship with someone who is just after me for sexual action. This is why I told myself not to befriend him in the first place.

The road suddenly turned into a gravel, the rocks slowly turning into dirt, the further we drifted away from town.

I narrowed my eyes and glanced to Niall who was already staring at me. I blushed and looked back ahead of me and he did too. "Do you know where we are?"

"Yeah, you've never been out 'ere?", I shook my head.

"No, I just moved here this year, so I haven't really been to a lot of places yet.", I mumbled.

He smiled his perfectly white smile and nodded, running his hand through his blonde quiff. "Oh, well, it's a plain meadow, field-type place. My brother took me out here for my first college party, my freshman year. Pretty sweet, if 'ya ask me." I nodded, not knowing what to say.

We finally came to a red closed off gate that was rusted along with a rusted sign that said: No trespassing.

I glanced at the sign and looked back to Niall. Of course he would take me to a place that was illegal to go to.

"Don't worry, it's been here for years, and I've been here a million times.", he stated as if reading my mind. But, only if he really was reading mind, then he wouldn't be so happy right now..

I nodded and stayed silent as I climbed out of the car, following Niall around the fence and onto a little dirt trail. It was surrounded by weeds and green grass, along with dead leaves that had fallen over the years from the trees that lined the path.

We walked for a few minutes before the trail lead out to reveal a breath taking scene. The deep green, angel like grass sprawled across the field with little purple flowers pressed into it. There was a small river that rustled along the rim of the tree line, the only sound being the water gently flowing over the little rocks and tree branches and the birds in the trees.

Such a beautiful place, almost too beautiful, soon to be ruined by the words that are energizing my brain at the moment.

Niall guided me to the bank, neither of us saying anything. I watched him closely as he took off his shoes, dipping his feet into the water. Little goosebumps formed on his ankles but he ignored it, and I did too as I followed his actions. The stream was a lot colder than I expected, but definitely warm for it being September.

"You wanted to talk?", Niall started out. He looked at me with a straight face, but his blue eyes were dancing with a wild fire.

"Um.. uh, yeah..", I looked down to my hands in my lap, fiddling with a small blade of grass. "Niall..", I sighed, not knowing how to say this.. I-I don't think-"

Holy fuck! I felt a cold, liquidity substance engulf me from my toes to my head. I held my breath by instinct as I battled to get to the surface. My clothes clung to me and my hair was now twisted and matted. I popped up and took a gasp of air, holding onto a fallen tree branch for support. The current was a little faster than I thought, but I was still able to hold my balance well enough. The water level came up to my chest, slowly trying to push past my body.

"Niall! That wasn't funny!", I looked to Niall who was roaring with laughter on the edge. I turned around and pulled myself up to sit on the log, trying to compose myself. My heart was racing and my nerves were tingling with adrenaline.

"I was trying to talk!", I stated, trying not to smile because it was tempting with his laugh. Damn, he irritates me!

"Oh, come on. I was just having a little fun.", He said as he pulled his shirt over his head and striped down to his tight black boxers. I tried not to stare at him, but it was almost impossible.

"Stop staring."I blushed and looked to my soaked shorts as he entered the water too. The light breeze was cold across my skin, mixing with the cold water. "Are you getting in, or are you going to sit up there and pout?"

"I'm good up here." It's not that I don't want to get in because I do, but I'm supposed to be distancing myself from him and this... is not helping.

"You're no fun.", he stated, sinking under the current, letting his body be endorsed by the cold water.

"I am to fun!",I yelled, even though I'm not sure that he even heard. A mere second later he was standing beside me, holding on to the same tree to steady himself. He laughed and ran his hand over his eyes to wipe the water away.

"Sure 'ya are", he smirked and I splashed him with water which resulted in him splashing me back.

"Niall!", I yelled, smiling as he grabbed ahold of my sides. I grabbed ahold of his wet hair that was sticking to his forehead for support as he lifted me off the log and threw me into the cold stream. I laughed as I came up for air, pushing my hair out of my face. "You are so dead!", I laughed as I swam towards him, trying to push against the current.

"And what are you gonna do?", he taunted, the fire now raging in his eyes.

I stood in front of him and pushed the water towards him, soaking his face. I smirked and started to swim off but ended up letting out a squeal as he grabbed ahold of my ankle and tugged me back to him, pulling me close by my lower back. I smiled and wrapped my legs around his waist. His eyes grew wider and mine did too. I quickly released them, blushing.

"No, you're fine.", he smiled, pulling at the bottom of my thighs to wrap around him again. We sat there for a minute, just staring at each other.

I know this was not how it was suppose to go, but I just couldn't help myself. He's like a drug.

He slowly backed up, still holding onto me as he leant against the fallen log. I wrapped my hands around his neck. The speed of my heart increased, no doubt he could feel it as he pressed our bodies together, his lips coming into contact with mine.

He smiled and I did to but quickly recovered as he squeezed my bum making me squeal. Niall took the opportunity to take entrance and pull me even closer if that was even possible. I smiled and tangled my fingers into his wet and matted blonde locks.

I giggled and pulled away, resting my forehead against his. "Nuh-uh..", he mumbled and pulled my chin up so that out lips would meet again, him automatically taking control. I felt my cheeks heat despite the chills that were sent down my spine from the cold water and air mixed as he turned us, pressing me against the tree now. So much for talking.. "Khloe..", he murmured against my lips.

"Hmmm..", I hummed, pulling his head closer.

"I want to make you feel-", he kissed me harder. "-like you deserve to be felt..."

Happy Easter guys! Sorry it's been a few days, honestly, this chapter was really hard for me to write!

Like always, Thank you all so much for reading and voting! I love it and I love your comments too! They make me smile! haha

Also, one more thing, I've been thinking.. Should I edit the book into present POV or should I leave it in the past tense?

Love you all! And, hope your weekend was good! Xx

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