Do I look like a dream to you...

By nightsacidream

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"...Upon the impressive seat was settled an angelic looking young woman, dressed in a blood red gown, with he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 10

160 9 2
By nightsacidream

I looked up at the person in front of me preparing myself to spit a smart remark, being already angry from the school incident, but I stopped myself when I saw that it was actually a cosplayer. Not that was something to stop me, but the fact that someone dressed as a villain, was actually acting nice. Plus, the costume was really damn good.

'Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't watching where...' he said holding a hand out to help me, but suddenly stopped in the middle and just starred at me.

I noticed that behind him there were a lot of guys dressed as the Akatsuki. It wasn't something unusual, yet there was no convention around this time so it was a bit fishy, but who am I to judge if they wanted to dress like that just for fun. Who knows? Maybe they were going to a party or they were filming something.

'Um... no worries. I'm fine.' I replied standing and brushing myself off trying to ease the uncomfortable feeling his starring was giving me. 'Cool costumes, by the way. They really look like in the anime. If I didn't know any better I would say you were the actual Akatsuki.' I exclaimed after and smiled.

'Costumes?' the one dressed as Sasori inquired.

I tried focusing on the others but the one dressed as Deidara wouldn't quit starring at me. I was preparing to say something to him but I was interrupted by ''Pein''.

'You seem to know who we are. How?'

I was quite shocked to say the least. I mean what kind of a question was that?! They had to be joking. Yes! That's it!

'Ha ha ha, that was funny, you guys!' I voiced while laughing, it wasn't a real laugh though, the kind of strained laugh you do in an awkward situation, but when I looked at them, they just starred at me as if I was the crazy one, well except for ''Deidara''. He was already starring at me. And the creepiest thing, he was starring at me in shock. Almost as if I remembered him of someone. 'Um... well you know... you are kinda dressed as the most popular villains from the anime Naruto...' I was hoping they would say something like 'Got you! Ha!' but there was nothing. That until the blond's features suddenly lightened.

'Of course! I completely forgot about that!' he jumped face palming and then turned to me, trying to hide his smile but failing miserably which made me take a step back. 'We are the real deal. See?' and he raised his hand, his palm facing me.

I looked unsure at his palm only to notice a thin line slashing it. I wasn't expecting anything to happen, since I was sure he'd drawn it for the cosplay and I was still convinced they were playing a prank. Though the way he reacted just a few minutes ago made me more cautious about these unusual anime lovers. But then, the last thing I would have ever expected to happen, actually did. A tongue sprang out of his palm. And if that wasn't going to make my life the strangest and maddest thing, I didn't know what would.

I couldn't believe my eyes. They were real. Flesh, blood and bones real. Standing in front of me. The REAL Akatsuki.

'I must be dreaming...' my mouth muttered without me and I was hoping they didn't heard me, but of course the luck was anywhere but not with me, probably on the highway. Half of me wanted that hole in the earth that everyone talks about to be real and swallow me right about then, yet the other half was fangirling like the crazy bitch she was.

'Do I look like a dream to you?' Deidara, the real motherfucking Deidara said smirking. Well, bye bye anger and welcome shyness!

I actually turned red knowing how stupid that sounded. And I already felt bad about it. But at least I was trying to come back to my senses. Keyword here was trying.

'How?' I mumbled but then saw the questioning glances received by the others. Well, I clearly expected them to understand what I was referring to, but I guess not. So I corrected myself. 'How did you get here? I mean in this world?'

I saw Pein glance at Deidara and then back at me. His Rin'negan eyes scanned me, sending chills down my spine. If I thought I was frightening when I glared at that sorry excuse of a teacher, then this was a combination between intimidating, terrifying and paralysing but tripled. He looked as if he was trying to find an explanation that made more sense for him, yet I think that, in the end, he got nothing.

'We don't know. We just woke up in 'parcing lot' as Deidara called it.'

'Parking lot.' I corrected him.

'Yes. That.' he confirmed annoyed and glared at me while I was trying not to cower in fear of losing my life. Yet a part of me knew that was not going to happen and told me not to be scared.

In the end, my 'motherly' instincts beat all my fears and made me realize they needed help. There was no way they would be able to act like normal people from here. It would be chaos with them not knowing anything. And if they gave themselves away, people would find ways to defeat them and study them. They were at a huge disadvantage there. There was no other way. Plus, it was not everyday you got an opportunity such as that and I was living in a fucking mansion. What could possibly go wrong?

'If you want, you could come and stay with me. I have more than enough space.' I suggested hoping they would accept. It kinda of felt good to have someone else to talk to. But as much as I tried lying to myself, there was another reason as to why I wanted them to accept. Yet I had no idea what it was and of course I was never going to admit it.

Pein took his sweet ass time thinking but, in the end, he realized they were going to be dead meat without help from someone who knew what was going on, so he nodded.

'Lead the way...' he ordered with a little bit of remorse. But, after all, I was the one at risk since if they thought I might threaten them in any way, shape or form it was 'off with my head'. And that was when I remembered they didn't know my name. I opened my mouth as to answer but Deidara beat me to it.

'By the way... Is you name, by any chance, Tenshi?'

Well, the was the cherry on top for that day. Just that sole question was enough to make my blood freeze in my veins and my heart to beat at an abnormal speed. He just asked me if my name was the one from my dream. I knew it was impossible for him to know it, but he still was in my dream. Though how? I mean, yes, he was in it, but it's still impossible. Maybe it was just a coincidence. Yes. That must have been. I reassured myself. Maybe he was confusing me with a girl from his world that had similar looks to mine and her name was Tenshi. It wouldn't be that unusual, since he is coming from Japan in a way. But why did my mind went instantly to that damned dream?! There was no way in stressing myself. That was what nights were for. So I decided to play it cool. Yet I still made a note to ask him about it later.

'No. You must be mistaken. My name is Avalon. Avalon Green. Or Av for short.' I replied smiling. His face fell a little at that and it made me really curious as to why. 'Well then, come on!' and made them a sign to follow me.

At first I though the whole trip would be consisted of uncomfortable silence, but they slowly started to open up by asking a lot of questions about the things that weren't in their world and that we passed by. They honestly were like little children trying to learn new things. It was quite funny and, in a way, cute. But there were a lot of bloody questions. And as funny as it was, it was becoming annoying quickly, especially with my short ass temper. Plus, I never expected Hidan to have such a mouth. I knew he had a mouth, but damn, we could have a contest and I wouldn't know which of us would win.

At last we reached my home. And if I thought their questions were funny, their faces then beat anything. They were all in awe and, quite frankly, I didn't blame them. I mean it WAS HUGE. You could easily get lost in it. And more than half of the rooms, I had never used or even entered into.

'You fucking live in there?!' Hidan almost screamed.

'Yup' I responded proudly popping the p at the end and walking inside the house.

'Othil, I'm home! And I brought some friends!' I shouted and everything echoed. That was how bloody big it was.

The mansion didn't have a front garden. You would directly enter through the front door. For someone who didn't know it, they would say it was an apartment compound entrance.

Once you got through the three meters tall mahogany, Victorian style double doors, you would be met with a long hall that would be perpendicular with the way you entered. On either end of the corridor with white walls and ceilings, were wooden doors made this time out of ebony and long forest green carpets. At each end there was a white marble staircase that obviously led to the upper stores of the house. Just in front of the entrance doors, there was another set of wooden mahogany doors, but way smaller. They were leading to one of the kitchens, that used to be another study room that I later turned into a kitchen since I thought it was madness to always have to go to the lower level to get a snack, same goes with climbing stairs and going to the other side of the bloody building. The second set of doors was also leading to the biggest living room, that would also be considered a ball room or party room. But it was way more comfy to have it as a living room along with a dining room.

I saw Othil open one of the double doors, probably coming from the kitchen, since she loved cocking, her kind eyes turning into sharp knives at the sight of the newcomers and examined our ''guests''.

'They are some friends of mine and they will stay here for a while. I hope you don't mind...' I informed her unsure.

'No! Not at all, Miss! It's your house after all.' she replied reassuringly and smiled. I smiled back and started walking down the left side of the corridor and up the stairs making a sign for the others to follow me.

'I'll show them to their rooms then.' I said, more like shouted, over my shoulder and got out of sight but not before hearing a soft 'Yes, Miss.'

The old lady waited patiently until all of the guests along with the mistress disappeared into the big house. Once they were out of earshot, she made a run for the phone in the living room as fast as her tired feet were holding her. With a shaky hand she dialled the all too familiar number holding onto the receptor so tight you would have thought she was hanging on for dear life. Almost as if she was afraid of it evaporating. Disappearing into thin air. She waited in fear, counting the rings. She was always afraid when she had to make those calls. But she had no choice. She had to keep her updated. Other wise things were going to turn up bad.

She was not afraid of her. Oh, no. She was nice, calm, never shouting, understanding, a true lady. No... the old woman was afraid of the news she might receive from the lady with every call. Those were the ones that truly terrified her. After about three rings a soft yet powerful woman voice answered on the other line.

'Yes?' the voice asked calmly.

'Miss Cresentia?' the grey haired maid asked her voice wavering almost undetectable for a normal person. But the person on the other line wasn't normal. 'They are here. Just like you said.'

'How many?' the voice asked again, getting noticeably more anxious.

'Ten, Miss.'

'Perfect.' it responded, the edginess still present.

There was a pause. A long deafening pause in which the poor maid didn't know if the line broke or if she should speak or just wait. She chose the last though, hoping she was doing the right thing.

'You know what to do, Othil. There is a train tomorrow. I expect them to be here around Sunday.'

'Yes, Miss.'

And with that, the call ended leaving the maid standing there starring into space and wandering if her decision was the right one. If her most wished yet later dreaded decision was going worth.


Disclaimer: I do not own any characters that have appeared in the anime/manga Naruto.
I also apologise for any spelling mistakes that may have escaped me. I have been working on this sequel for so long that I ended up getting a little a lot bored of it. (:

~I hope you enjoyed~

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