
By Sn1perAJ

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Steve and Kono have been together in secret for 2 years. They had hid the relationship from everyone includi... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5

chapter 6

728 13 12
By Sn1perAJ

Konos pov
Me, Chin and danny were currently sitting in the waitting room at the hospital.

I still couldn't get the image of Steve's Lifeless Body out my mind, his Blood still over my hands and on my pants from where i had knelt in the pool of blood.

I had cried in relief when Danny had told me he had found a weak pulse, Steve was still hanging on to life.

I was so scared i couldn't lose him, we had a wedding to plan and a baby on the way.

I felt arms come round me and look up.

Chin was holding on to me.

"It's gonna be ok, his a fighter cuz" he said.

I hugged him back and cried in to his chest.

"His right Kono Steve's to stubborn to die he'll be alright" Danny said rubbing my back.

I nod because it was true Steve was to stubborn to die.

"What are we gonna do about Lori, she knows the truth now" i said.

"You don't worry about her, me and Chin will sort her out once we know how SuperSeal is doing" Danny said.

I nodded putting my hand on my bump.

"Cuz you should go wash up, you got blood all over your hands" Chin said.

"I will once a doctor tells us how Steve is" i said.

We sat there for what felt like years, in reality it had been 4 hours.

"Commander Magarrett's family?" I heard a voice say and jumped up.

"That's us" i said.

"Follow me" the doctor said.

We followed him and he took us to a family room. I was nervous.

"How is he?" Danny asked.

"Commander McGarrett..." he said and i cut him off.

" him Steve" i said.

He nodded.

"Steve is in critical but stable condition, his up in ICU. The bullet thankfully only deeply grazed his head and that i think saved his life." He said looking at us.

We all sighed in relief, i just knew there was something else.

"There is a but coming isn't there?" I asked.

"But.....the bullet and most likely the hard fall too has fractured his scull" he said.

I gasped in shock, oh god he fractured his scull.

"W....What about his brain that ok?" I asked trying to hold it together.

"There is some swelling, but we are keeping a close eye on it, we placed him in a medical indused coma to give time for the swelling to go down" he said.

"He'll be ok right?" Chin asked holding my hand.

"The next 24 hours are the most critical, if he gets through them ok I'd say he has a very high chance of survival" he said.

"Will he be brain damaged?" I asked.

"We don't know we couldn't see any signs in the scans apart from the swelling so far, we won't know until he wakes up" he said.

"Can we see him?" Danny asked.

"Of course follow me and I'll take you to his room" he said.

We all stood up and followed the doctor to Steve's room.

Once i knew where the room was i wen't and washed my hands.

After getting all Steve's blood of my hands i looked in the mirror.

"His gonna be ok, he has to be" i said to myself.

Putting a hand on my bump i took a deep breath and headed back go Steve's room.

I wen't inside and took in a shocked gasp.

The doctor had said Steve was in a coma, i knew what that meant but seeing Steve so lifeless still and with all those tubes snd wires, i was unable to hold back a sob.

I was over and next to Chin, taking Steve's hand being careful of the needle in the back of his hand.

His normally warm hand felt cold.

"I'm here Steve, Chin and Danny are here too. You are gonna be fine babe" i said.

A week later
It had been a week since doctors had first put Steve in to the indused coma, the swelling had finally gone down and they were lifting the drugs.

I had sat beside Steve holding his hand, but he didn't wake.

The doctor had told me it could take days, weeks or even months for him to wake up, the good news was that he was reacting to pain and sound even if he hadn't woken yet.

A few days later
Me, Chin and Danny are all sat in Steve's room, talking to him and talking about the case plus what had been happening with Lori.

We all turned to look at Steve when we heard a moan.

"Steve?" I said and grabbed Steve's hand, i felt him give my hand a weak squeeze.

"That's it baby, can you open your eyes?" I asked using my free hand to move hair from his forehead.

His eyes fluttered but didn't open.

"I'm gonna go get his doctor" Chin said leaving the room.

"Come on baby, I'm here open your eyes for me" i said rubbing the top of his head gently.

He groans his eyes fluttered again and this time opened in to slits.

He blinked a few times.

"Hey" i said with a small smile.

His eyes move round the room taking in the surroundings before finnally they found mine.

"K-ono?" He got out weakly.

"It's me baby I'm here your ok, Danny is here too" i said.

"Hey partner" Danny said.

"Da....danno" he said weakly.

Chin came back in withthe doctor and stepped back and out of the way but still in sight so Steve could see and know they were still there.

I'm just so thankful Steve woke and remembered us, now we just have to wait and see how things go and what the doctor will say.

I felt both Danny and Chin grab my hands and i squeezed them.

♡Sorry about it being a short chapter, hope you like it anyways.😊♡

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