tøp lyrics

By ImanliUnicorn1905

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Car Radiø
The Judge
Hølding Øn Tø Yøu
Nøt Tøday
Stressed Øut
Fairly Løcal
Message Man
We Døn't Believe What's Øn T.V.
Tear In My Heart
Øde Tø Sleep
Kitchen Sink
Nico and the Niners
Pet Cheetah
Neon Gravestones
Lane Boy

Fake Yøu Øut

28 7 9
By ImanliUnicorn1905

Fake Yøu Øut

I want to drive away
In the night, headlights call my name

I, I'll never be, be what you see inside
You say I'm not alone, but I am petrified
You say that you are close, is close the closest star?
You just feel twice as far, you just feel twice as far

And I'll fall
And I'll break
And I'll fake
All I wanna

And I'll fall down
And I'll break down
And I'll fake you out
All I wanna

I'm so afraid
Of what you have to say
Cause I am quiet now
And silence gives you space

I'll never be, be what you see inside
You say I'm not alone, but I am petrified
You say that you are close, is close the closest star?
You just feel twice as far, you just feel twice as far

And I'll fall
And I'll break
And I'll fake
All I wanna

And I'll fall down
And I'll break down
And I'll fake you out
All I wanna

It's the same game today as it always is
I don't give these places fake my name explaining this
And the wrists of my mind have the bleeding lines
That remind me of all the times...
I have committed
Dirty dirty crimes that are perfectly form-fitted
To what I've done and what I'm doing
I'm brewing and losing and spewing infusing
And believe me that's what all the kids are doing
What kids are doing are killing themselves
They feel they have no control of their prisoner's cell
And if you're one of them then you're one of me
And you would do almost anything just to feel free...
Am I right? Of course I am
Convince me otherwise would take all night
Before you walk away, there's one more thing I want to say
Our brains are sick but that's okay

And I'll fall
And I'll break
And I'll fake
All I wanna

All I wanna
Yeah, and I'll fall down
And I'll break down
And I'll fake you out
All I wanna
Yeah, and I'll fall down
And I'll break down
And I'll fake you out
All I wanna

I'm so afraid
Of what you have to say
Cause I am quiet now
And silence gives you space

Bu şarkı fazla mükemmel 😍

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