That Girl || x Genji

By dearful

34.4K 582 186

I've had my eyes on this girl - long silky brown hair draping over her perfect body, honey brown eyes I can m... More



1.1K 23 13
By dearful

I whine to the sensation of something warm touching my body. My eyebrows scrunch together as I peer open my eyes. A fuzzy figure of a girl sitting on the edge of my bed. Is this a dream? Why's there a girl beside me in the morning? I grumble from all the thoughts so early in the damn morning. This is probably a dream anyway, I mentally say to myself as I shut my eyes close again.

The girl grumbling beside me. "Is this the Genji I fell for?" Her voice ringing in my ear as I try to remember the familiar tone. My bed creaks softly as she leans closer to my face. "Maybe he'll wake up if I kiss him..." Her voice playful as she giggles, her breath tickling my face. "I watched too many Disney movies last night."

This voice...It's Hana, right? She goes silent as I feel her breath on me still. What is she thinking? I can't wake up now. I'm too curious about her motives. Also, did I hear her clearly when she said 'Is this the Genji I fell for?'. Today's the one exception day where I don't wake up in the crack of dawn so I'll give her an earful on that later.

Her hands clenching tightly on my bed sheets as her cheeks redden. "Why am I getting so nervous around him now?!" She whines as her words get stuck in her throat. "Shit. My heart is beating wildly. I'm both refreshed and scared all at once."

Hana sure talks to herself a lot...I try to relax my face but I so badly want to shut her up with a kiss. Fuck it. I groggily open my eyes as I sit up on my pillow.

"Who's talking so much beside me so early in the morning?" I groan as Hana stays quiet. I reach over to her hand placing a kiss. "Morning, princess." I smile at her as she avoids my gaze but her outer corners of her lips curve into a smile.

"Morning." She whispers as I smile at her.

"A little bird told me something nice last night." My tone playful as she raises a brow.

"What did it say?"

I tap a finger to my chin, "Something along the lines of 'Maybe I like you too'"

Hana's eyes widen as she takes her hand back and covers her face. "I'm leaving now!" She scurries out of the room as I chuckle.

"Was the birdie right?!" I yell out.

"WHO KNOWS." Hana yells back as I shake my head with a smile. I run my fingers through my hair and exhale.

"This is going to be an exciting day."

- - - -

After my usual morning routine, Hana and I grab our bags and head off to campus. I park my car in the busy parking lot as Hana pulls up beside me. After my morning wake up Hana's keeping her distance which only makes me want to tease her about it. I reach over to my passenger seat and throw my backpack on my shoulder and close my door.

"Are you going to avoid me all day?" I ask Hana as the two of us walk towards the classroom. She shrugs and looks at me with blushing cheeks.

"Maybe." Her voice low as I crack a smile.

"This only proves to me that you do have a crush on Genji Shimada." I say slyly as Hana grips onto her backpack strap tightly.

"A what?!" A voice booming behind us stops us on our stroll. Oh, it's Jack. Perfect timing. I turn around with a devilish grin as his brows scrunch together and his arms crossed. "What did you just say Genji?"

I can't help but smile wider as I wrap my arm around Hana's neck, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"That Hana has a crush on me that she doesn't want to admit yet." My eyes glimmering at his as I watch him slouch his shoulders.

"No way. I don't believe you in the slightest. I need Hana to tell me herself." Jack growls as I feel Hana stiffen beneath me. I pull away from her as she pinches her cheeks and ruffles her hair.

"It's too early in the damn morning!" She yells as she quickly walks into the auditorium leaving me with Jack. An unhappy expression on his face creeps closer to me as he angrily walks forward.

"What happen to you two yesterday? You two are giving off this vibe that I don't really like right now."

I look at Jack with a confident smile. "You let your guard down, bud. Hana needed someone yesterday and I happen to fill the shoes."

Jack clicks his tongue and bumps into my shoulder as he follows after Hana. I pat my shoulder and shrug. My only goal now is to have Hana admit her feelings.

- - - -

Classes went smoothly with the occasional murmurs from Jack and hesitant Hana. My hands in my pocket as I walk over to my car to find Jack sitting on the hood of it. I raise a brow as Jack turns his gaze towards me. As I walk closer to my car, Jack stands up with his hands in his pockets. 

"Hi?" I say confused. Jack purses his lips and hangs his head low, releasing a dragged out sigh. 

"You win." He murmurs under his breath. What did he just say? 

"Come again?" I ask him as he grits his teeth. 

"You win. Hana told me any time now she'll tell you too." His words aching his heart as his facial expression looks horrible. 

"Did you really like Hana that much?" I ask him as he groans.

"Probably more than I thought I did. It felt nice to have a girl that can relate to a sensitive topic, you know? But as usual I'm always a step behind." Jack drags his words as he kicks the air with his foot. He looks back up to me and offers a hand. I give him a firm grip, shaking his hand as he gives me a weak smirk. 

"Hey man. There's plenty of fishes in the sea." 

"Yeah, but you caught yourself a fine one." Jack mumbles as I shrug with a smile. 

"I only got lucky this fish escaped from it's net." 

Jack surprises me with a pat on my shoulder. "You sure did. Hana told me a little bit of your confession. Who knew you had a cute side." Jack finally laughs as silence soon follows. "Well, go head home. I'm sure Hana will call you anytime now." 

I nod my head and wave Jack bye as I settle in my car. My phone vibrating in my pocket. 

"How convenient." I smile.

But my smile soon disappeared as I see the caller ID. ' Hanzo '  I groan from the sight but unwillingly answer.

"Yes?" My tone obviously annoyed.

"That's how you greet your brother? How rude. I haven't seen you in a long time." I roll my eyes and scoff. I just saw this asshole a few days ago, did he forget? 

"What do you want Hanzo?" I mess with the keys in my hand as I lean back in my seat. 

"Oh, just wanting to catch up with my brother. I overheard that my brother has feelings for an ex of mine. Is that true?" 

I bite my lower lip and place the keys in the cup holder. I never told Hanzo I have a thing for Hana. I couldn't anyway since those two were an item. Besides, what uncool brother am I to fall in love with his brother's girlfriend - correction, ex. It's wrong...but I so badly want her to be mine. 

"Genji?" Hanzo's voice sends me back to reality. 

"And if I do, what can you do? You two aren't a thing anymore." I answer him bluntly as Hanzo chuckles on the other line. 

"Isn't this breaking the bro code, Genji? You're a man that follows his rules, right? You know not to date an ex of your brothers." Hanzo's voice deepening the more he speaks as I feel my chest tighten and fist clenching tightly. I know it's wrong, dip shit. You don't think these thoughts crossed my mind the entire time you two were together? Your disgusting fingers traveling her gentle body, that filthy tongue going down her throat, and I hate to think of you being inside of her. 

"She's worth breaking all the rules." 

A silence on both of our ends. I don't think Hanzo realizes how overpowering my feelings are for this single girl. These feelings I'm feeling right now...I can't explain it. Just the thought of her sends my heart racing, the air I breath suffocating me, and my mind racing beyond my control. My patience is running on a thin line the more I'm around her but I have to keep my cool so I won't scare her off with how serious I am for her. 

I click my tongue and run my fingers through my hair.

"Now if you're done talking. I need to see her now. I'll tell her by the end of today how I truly feel and you can't do anything about it...because she's no longer yours, brother." I hang up the call before he has a chance to utter a word. I shift my gear into reverse and back out of the parking lot and straight towards Hana's house. 

- - - - 

My palms are insanely sweaty as I rub them on my pants. Hana's car is parked in her driveway as I look at it from the side. 

"She's home." I whisper to myself as I place a hand over my heart. I'm thankful for a strong heart because if I had a weak one, I'll surely be in the hospital by now. I shake my nerves off as I get out of my driver seat. My feet heavy as I take a step closer to her front door. 

I wonder what she's doing right now? Will she ignore my knocking? I bite my lower lip and shut my eyes closed as my hand hovers over her front door. Damn, I'm scared. How do girls do this on the daily when they confess to me? I should've appreciated their courage more. I inhale and exhale slowly as I nod to myself. I got this. 

My hand inching closer to the door as I'm pumping myself up to knock. My heart and mind fighting one another as I quickly turn around and place my hands to my sides. I open my eyes as the sun greets me with it's bright rays. 

"Shit, this is nerve wracking." I mumble. But I can't hover around her door without having the neighbors think I'm a creep. I inhale deeply and turn around facing the dreaded door again. Fighting my mind and heart, I knock loudly on her door. I did it. I knocked on her door. 

"Coming!" Hana shouts from the other side as I hear her quickly walk down her staircase, a few clicks sounding her unlocking the front door. I watch the door open revealing me Hana. I swear that door felt like it was opening in slow motion. 

"G-Genji?" Her voice nervous as I give her a small smile. 

"Uh, hi." I greet her as she gives me a small smile in return.

"What are you doing here?" Her tiny frame leans on the door as she crosses her arms. She's adorable. 

"A surprise drop in." I say to her with a grin as I inch my way inside her house. I've never actually been in her house before. An open living room/kitchen plan, staircases leading to the upstairs that probably contains three rooms, a guest room on the bottom floor with a guest bathroom. The decorations very minimal but very Hana-like. I can't help but smile at her girlish taste as I scan from one room to the other. 

Hana closes the door behind her as I slide my shoes off making myself at home. 

"Care to give me a tour?" I look down at her honey-brown eyes as she playfully rolls them. 

"Guess I have to." She jokes as she takes my arm and shows me the place. Leading me from the living room to the kitchen and then to the guest room and bathroom. "And upstairs is where I sleep in one room, game in the other, and there's a vacant one for now." 

"Can I see?" I ask her as she blushes. 

"Sure if you want." She whispers as I follow behind her. Hana opens her bedroom door as the two of us enter. The inside rather minimal than I expected. A twin bed in the corner of her room that only has a few pillows propped up on the bed frame, a shelving unit above the bed frame that holds a few books and picture frames, a tiny nightstand with a single lamp, a vanity across from the bed, a white leather love seat on the other end of the room, a fuzzy rug in the middle of the room that ties everything together, fairy lights on every inch of the wall, and a few shopping bags here and there. 

"Cute." I say to her as she shyly smiles and sits on the edge of her bed. I sit beside her and the thought of Hanzo pushes into my mind. He's probably the first guy she let in her room. The single thought making my chest tighten. 

"This is the first time a guy is in my room." Hana whispers as my eyes widen. I turn my head towards her. (Probably too quickly too.) 

"No fucking way." I say to her as she giggles beside me. 

"Yes fucking way." She replies as I look at her room again. 

"Hanzo's never been in here?" I ask her as she shakes her head. 

"We never made it that far up here." Her words sounding bitter as she recalls those memories. "But I'm sort of thankful for that." She looks over to me with pink cheeks. I can't help but blush at her words and her expression. 

"Why do you say that?" I wiggle my eyebrows to ease the awkward atmosphere as she rolls her eyes. 

"I'm sure you know why." She whispers as the two of us sit there quietly. I'm sure Hana knows why I'm here. She's waiting for me to confess, right? The atmosphere feels a bit too tense. I should've planned my confession to her. I want to make this a confession she'll overthrow Hanzo's. Tch, even now I'm trying to beat Hanzo in something. 

Hana messes with the ends of her skirt as I clear my throat. My palms are sweaty again. 

"Hana." My voice cracking in a moment like this. Hana looks at me with sincere eyes as she tries to hold back her laughter from my voice crack. 

"Yes?" Her tone adorable. 

"I'm sure you know why I'm here." I slowly say to her as I eye her hands. I gently rest my hand over hers as I feel her stiffen but quickly relaxing from my hold. "I've confessed to you before but today I want you to take this confession a bit more serious." I gaze into her eyes expecting her to look afraid but only to find her gazing at me with tension as well. I suddenly feel more nervous from her serious gaze. 

I bite my lower lip as I keep my gaze on her. My heart beating loudly as my palms feel more sweaty. "I've fallen in love with you ever since you and Hanzo were an item. I tried burying these feelings because I respected Hanzo and you as a couple. But damn, it was hard. Every time I caught a glimpse of you my heart felt weird...It was a feeling I never had from any other girl. So I thought I was getting sick or some other ridiculous lie I told myself to not admit this was love."

"I spent my time avoiding you so I won't have this weird feeling in my chest again. I fell into my old habits of having one night stands here and there. I thought I was back to my usual self but when I saw you, that feeling washed away. My efforts were pointless again." I close my eyes and smile. Those thoughts I had in the past were foolish. 

"But, one day I told myself 'fuck it.' I knew I was madly in love with you - my brother's girlfriend. Something so wrong felt so right." I didn't realize my tone of voice became whispers as I grit my teeth. "I didn't know how long it would be until I had my chance with you. I prayed that maybe one day you'll notice Hanzo isn't great and I'll happen to be there so you'll realize I was the one. Despite the fact that the two of us barely spoke. But I didn't expect things to actually fall into plan, a bit worse than I expected but I was still thankful I had a chance. I'm a selfish jerk that only wanted you." I run my fingers through my hair as I look at the floor. I release a sigh before continuing. 

"I was thankful you came to me when you needed someone. You have no idea how happy I was when we started to talk more. My feelings for you only growing the more I spent every breathing second with you. Things went smoothly and then Jack came and became another obstacle for me. But, I'm a man who doesn't let anyone take what's rightfully mine." I glance over at Hana again as I look at her blushing face. I intertwine my fingers with hers as I bring her hand towards my lips, planting a soft kiss. 

"I don't like sharing, Hana." 

Our eyes locking on each other as my chest tightens up from her sincere gaze. 

"I'm so madly in love with you that it's hard for me to breath, sleep, think, and eat. I haven't felt so sure of anything in my life until I met you. I'm willing to break every rule just to know that you're mine." 

Hana bites her lower lip as I rest her hand on her lap, my face leaning closer to hers. 

"I love you Hana." 

Like a light switch turned on, Hana's tears pour out from her eyes as I seal her lips with my own. This sweet touch that I've so badly wanted feels perfect.

My lips hungrily kissing hers as she tries to keep up, I rest a hand behind her head as I hold tightly on the other. I'm not sure how long we kissed but I didn't want it to end but I know we have to breath eventually. Our lips part as I wipe away her tears with my thumb. 

Hana mutters a few words between her hiccups. "I love you too Genji...I'm so sorry I realized so late." I shake my head as I pull her close into an embrace.

"At least you know now, Hana." I whisper into her ear as I stroke her hair, a smile on my face as I squeeze her tightly. "So, can I call you mine now?" 

Hana giggles below me as she nods her head. "I'm yours." 

- - - - 

Holy moly, this was so longggggg. BUT YAY! THEY'RE FINALLY A COUPLE. c8 I can't wait for those sweet lemons now xx. 

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