Stuck With You

By MarleeGrey

20.4K 548 547

One elevator ride may be the start of many things. When a group of Seattle's surgeons get stuck in an elevato... More

Just My Luck
Break the Silence
Bad Decisions
Raise Your Glass

Lets Play A Game

3.1K 98 125
By MarleeGrey

"This sucks," Cristina grumbled, complaining about the groups current situation. "Is there someone we can call?"

"Ghost Busters!" Mark exclaimed with a grin, sounding more like a child then a grown man. Derek started chuckling on cue.

Both Meredith and Cristina exchanged confused glances before glaring at the attending's before them. This was no laughing matter, especially when they could have been drinking had they not of stumbled into this.

"This isn't a time to be joking around you morons! We need to get out of here," Addison snarled. The glare she sent both men shut up their laughter immediately. She wasn't one for small space, in-fact she hated them. The stuffy elevator was taking its tole on her patiences.

"I'll call Richard," Callie offered, pulling out her cellphone. A few seconds later he answered. "Hey Richard, it's Torres... I'm great-uh kinda stuck at the moment... Well, the elevator stopped... We tried... We tried that too... We're probably stuck between floors... In here I've got Sloan, Shepherd, Montgomery, Robbins, O'Malley, Stevens, Karev, Yang, and Grey." The Latina paused for a moment while Richard figured out how long it would be.

"Hours! What do you mean!?" She cried into the phone. "... Okay, call me if anything changes... Bye."

Most the group had understood the idea of what had been said, but the Latina explained anyways.

"It's going to be a while because of the holiday, they can't get here right away," Callie sighed.


Small conversation passed through the enclosed space for a while, though by the time the first hour rolled by, everyone was was on the brink of insanity.

Unlike Miss Sunshine giggling in the corner with George, Cristina had no interest pretending this could be a good thing. She'd much rather be spending her Labor Day drinking, lots of drinking. Though her opinion took an interesting turn as a fun childhood game came to mind.

"We should play a game," Cristina offered. Everyone sat up slightly at the mention of doing something other then staring off into space.

"What game are you suggesting, Yang?" Mark questioned, eyeing the raven haired intern suspiciously.

"Truth or Dare."

Scoffs rang out through the elevator, though Cristina quickly recovered, completely unfazed. "I'm sorry, did you all have something better to do?"

"I'll play," a redhead called from beside Cristina, earning numerous surprised glances. "What? I'm bored and this could be fun," Addison finished with mischief crossing her tone.

"I'll play," both Alex and Mark agreed immediately after.

Numerous agreements followed.

"I'll go first," Mark cooed, searching the room with a new found interest. "Meredith, Truth or Dare?"

Surprised the attending referred to her in such an informal way, Meredith sat up and quickly answered, "Truth."

"Alright, how old were you your first time?" A questioning glance from Meredith made him add, "You know? When you first had—."

"—Mark, that's—" Derek started, shooting his friend a threatening glare, Meredith quickly cut him off.

"Sophomore year, I was fifteen."

Eyes widened at the reality of the interns answer, though her honesty only brought the friendly game to another level, just as Mark had been hoping.

"Alright Mer, your turn."

"Alex, Truth or Dare," she smirked.

"Dare," he answered, with a nonchalant smile.

Meredith grinned noticing the tension between Alex and Addison. "I Dare you to kiss Dr. Montegomery... On the lips."

"What are you? Twelve?" Alex accused, eyeing the now grinning intern.

"That's my Dare, and I'm not changing it," Meredith finished with an amused laugh.

With a questioning glance toward Addison, Alex had no idea what to do, though he didn't have to think long. When he turned to face her, Addison's lips were already pushed against his in one quick and careful motion.

Surprised by the gesture, Alex was unsure of how to react, though it wasn't long before he kissed the beautiful woman back.

Addison pulled back first, bitting her lip in an attempt to hide her embarrassment, an old habit of hers. Porcelain skin blushed red as her hair at the clear realization of kissing Alex Karev, though she had to admit, it was a good kiss.

Mark's fury was almost unmistakable. The way Addison was smiling and blushing back at the intern only added to his anger. She had enjoyed their kiss, that much was obvious.

"Your turn, Karev," Callie bit out between grins. Being on the receiving end of Mark's glare, she quickly put up her hands in mock defence.

Arizona couldn't help but notice the million dollar smile still lively on the woman's face. She couldn't stop the contagious grin that came after.

"Izzie, Truth or Dare?"

Not wanting to be the victim of another kiss, Izzie played it safe. "Truth." Little did she know how wrong she really was.

"If you had to sleep with one person in this elevator who would you choose?"

"Technically you said sleep with not have sex with-"

"You know what I meant—" Alex started, Izzie quickly cut him off before.


"George?!" Alex questioned, eyes wide.

The chosen intern's cheeks flushed a bright red at the mention of his name.

"Yep, he's the most decent man out of all of you." It took a second for her to add, " sleep with."

"I happen to think Derek's pretty decent," Meredith added with a grin, she looked over to meet the sparkling blue eyes belonging to the Nero surgeon behind her.

"He's not bad," Addison laughed. Derek's embarrassment only made her smile grow.

"Barf in my mouth," Cristina grumbled dramatically. "Get a room."

"We should play Spin The Bottle," Mark suggested.

"When you find a bottle, let us know," Callie mused, giving her friend a pointed look.

Shuffling around in his pockets, Mark pulled out his pager and spun it on the floor. "Spin The Pager."

Seconds passed as no complaints were made, Arizona spoke, breaking the silence. "Who's going first?" She questioned.

"You are," Mark was quick to answer, his nonchalent grin spreading as she shook her head.

"Oh, I don't think—"

"Spin Robbins, unless you're... afraid?" The question hung in the air, daring as she glared in his direction.

Sighing, Arizona grabbed the pager from Mark's hands. Ignoring his obvious joy taken from her discomfort, she spun the pager.

Soundlessly, the small black box spun around the room, only when it came to a full stop did sound fill the air. Laughter rose as Arizona looked up to meet the dark brown eyes peering back at her.

"Isn't there a rule about kissing people of the same gender?" Callie's voice rang out, discomfort obvious.

Hurt flashed within the blonde, though her face gave nothing away.

"Nope!" Mark sung. "Kiss her!"

"You know, it's totally fine if—"

In a bittersweet instant, the Latina's lips were pressed against the blonde's, silencing her halfhearted pleas. Fireworks went off somewhere in the back of Arizona's mind, though little did she know she wasn't only one feeling sparks. Silence hung in the air as the two pulled apart, no one daring enough to break it, other than Mark Sloan, that is.

"I called it."

"Shut up," both woman demanded simultaneously, though the grin on Callie's lips stole all seriousness from the situation.

"I'm going!" Mark's voice rang out through the elevator. He spun the pager.

Slowly it spun, turning circles slower and slower as the seconds grew. Only when it stopped, did the brown eyes belonging to the person it had landed on widen in protest.

"Oh no, no, no!"

But fate had spoken, she had no choice.

Izzie was kissing Mark Sloan and that was final.

I hope you enjoyed! What do thinks gonna happen? Let me know in the comments.

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