Unexpected // h.s.

By DependsOnForever

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~Unexpected no. 1~ Sharissa has never been lucky, but that doesn't stop her from living her life. After Edwar... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 9

32.3K 163 49
By DependsOnForever

Chapter 9

I got back to my hotel room and began packing up my things before Harry left. I had told him I would see him once the tour was over and promised I would send him updates on everything with the babies. Once he was gone, my feet carried me to the phone and I told the desk person I would be checking out sooner that I had anticipated and that I would need someone to help me take things to my car. I had a long drive ahead of me, one I anticipated would be worth it.

Within ten minutes I was downstairs with then bellhops who helped me carry my boxes to my car. I told them "thank you" after I checked out and went to help load things in my 2012 Chevy Camero. I almost didn't have enough room, but I managed to squeeze it all in, even some in the front seat. I started up my car and buckled myself in, driving away from Aberdeen for hopefully the last time. 


*A Day Later*

"Rissa! Rissa, wake up!" Niall was standing next to me. I blinked my eyes a couple of times to have them get used to the bright lights that were above me. "Thank God." Why was Niall still here? He was supposed to be on tour, wasn't he? More importantly, where was I?

I tried sitting up and that's when I realised I was in a hospital. "Niall, aren't you supposed to be on tour?" My eyes kept wanting to shut but I forced them to stay open, I had to stay awake.

"Niall is she awake," a familiar voice asked. Harry walked over to me, kneeling also.

Niall looked between Harry and I and spoke, "I'll give you two a couple minutes." Niall smiled at me, rubbing his sleepy eyes. 

"Rissa, I thought you said you'd be taking care of yourself?" I furrowed my eyebrows and leant against the pillow. 

Shaking my head, I replied, "I was. The last thing I remember was driving. How did I end up in a hospital?" Harry sat down next to me and grabbed my hand. 

"They say it was a small crash, but it was enough to knock you unconscious. They said that you're fine, everything looked fine." I let go of a breath I didn't know I had been holding. "I'm heading out in about thirty minutes though. Paul isn't too happy that I'm cutting it this close." I nodded, understanding that I had caused them so much pain.

"Harry, thank you for coming. I love you and I hope you get back safely." He said that he knows he would. "Hopefully this time I can make it back without getting hurt." I chuckled and noticed that a doctor came in. 

"Baby, I'm gunna go ahead and go. I mean it, no more scares." I nodded and took in the kiss he planted softly on my forehead. I let the doctor check on me and I answered a few questions he had for me. Within twenty minutes he told me I could be released today, which shocked me because I hadn't been here for more than a couple hours at the most. 


I pulled into my driveway at around 2 in the morning. There was another car parked out front. It looked like Danielle's and soon enough she appeared from the front door. "Sharissa, I've been worried sick! Don't you leave like that. Ever. Again." I nodded my head and gave her a huge hug. "Now, how about I help you get these in the house and we can talk about this tomorrow after we've woken up? 

"Dani, that sounds fabulous. There are some boxes in the front seat, but they're pretty light so I'll get those, you can start in the trunk with some bags." Daniella did as I had asked her and I opened the passenger seat to get the lighter boxes. "Did Harry call you?"

"Yeah," she puffed out as she stood up. "He called me and told me you were in a little wreck. What's the car damage?" I sat my boxes down and helped her set hers down on the couch. 

I turned back to the door. "Uh, Just a few dents I believe. They're on my side tho. There wasn't much impact on the car, hence why I didn't really get hurt." Dani nodded and grabbed a couple bags this time. I took one and that was it.

"Well, that's not too bad." Just need to lay off driving for awhile. "I swear you're accident prone." I laughed as soon as I shut the door, agreeing with Danielle. "Harry asked me to stay here with you, make sure you're alright. Do you mind?"

I smiled over at Danielle, "No, not at all, Dani! You can stay. You know where the guest bedroom is." She smiled at me and sat down on the couch. "Oh, hey in one of those boxes by you, there's my prenatal vitamins. Can you get them out? I need to take some." Danielle found the right box and handed me my huge bottle. 

After I had taken them, I let out a big sigh of relief and told her I would be heading to bed. She agreed and followed me up the stairs but went into the guest bedroom while I went into Harry and I's room. I laid down on the bed, neglecting to cover myself up, and rested my hand on my tummy to feel my babies. My perfectly healthy babies. I couldn't wait to share the news with Harry of our twins, but I didn't think it was the right time. Especially with him on tour. Instead, I texted him that I had an ultrasound and they said that the baby was healthy. I figured he was fast asleep, which he needed the rest anyway.

Speaking of rest, that sounded good to my ears, so I took my own advice and fell asleep to the feeling of my babies in my tummy.

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