An Heir

By Vanhessa

139K 3.8K 304

Book One of the Heritage Series Imogene is thirteen, and for the past six years her life has been the most co... More

Part One- Awakenings and Beginnings
Part Two- Books and Photographs
Part Three- A Meeting with Snakes
Part Four- In Sickness and in the Absence of Health
Part Five- My Mistress
Part Six- Wanted: Invisibility... or not
Part Seven- Professor Boggart
Part Eight- Insults will get you killed
Part Nine- Poison
Part Ten- The Birthmark
Part Eleven- The Curtain Rises
Part Twelve- Dreaming
Part Thirteen- Family
Part Fourteen- The Ancestral Centre
Part Fifteen- Questions left Unanswered
Part Sixteen- Regurgitation
Part Seventeen- With Morning Comes the End
Part Eighteen- Remorse, Regret and Rebirth
Part Nineteen- Failure
Part Twenty- Hallowe'en
Part Twenty One- Be the Broken or the Breaker
Part Twenty Two- claims of innocence
Part Twenty Three- Strange or Stranger
Part Twenty Four- Just a Theory
Part Twenty Five- The Start
Part Twent Six- Moderate Success
Part Twenty Seven- The Faulty Patronus
Part Twenty Eight- Sick
Part Thirty- Happy Birthday
Part Thirty One- Chasing the Ginger Cat
Part Thirty Two- A trip to Hogsmead
Part Thirty Three- The Final Exam
Part Thirty Four- The Curtain Rises
Part Thirty Five- Fought in Desperation
Part Thirty Six- The Curtain Closes

Part Twenty Nine- Merry Christmas

2.6K 83 8
By Vanhessa

It was just going dark in the Shrieking Shack and I stood in almost perfect silence as I awaited the languid rising of the moon. I was standing naked pressed against the wall, holding my breath as my body ached bitterly, my eyes were beginning to droop and I felt so tired- and I hadn’t even transformed yet. It gave me hope that we had finally found something to knock me out thoroughly enough that I wouldn't be able to hurt anyone.

As the moon rose like a sunflower head in the sunlight, my knees weakened and I collapsed to the ground; my body taken by the pain, I blacked out.

My dream that night was the worst yet. What made it worse was that I knew it wasn’t just a dream.

I was running, the ground was moist underfoot and water splashed beneath my feet as I ran, checking behind me, hearing a snarling noise similar to that of a dog. My dark hair whipped around my face as I ran around a corner and directly into the wind. I heard the rattle of the wind in my ears and just behind me there was a great howl. Wild eyed and seeing no-where else to go I bolted down a side alley that I hoped would take me away back towards the orphanage, but in the dark and the cold and in all my panic I had lost count of the number of times I’d turned and span around and I had lost all sense of direction.

I was lost.

I was small enough that I could hide behind a bin at the end of the alley- but I couldn’t stop my deep panting breaths or the sound of my thumping heart that was straining to remain encased in my chest at the sudden massive exertion. I was sure that whatever was chasing me could hear it. Again I heard another howl and I tried to cower deeper into the corner made by the bin and the brick wall, there was another and it seemed further away. I waited another ten minutes and finally decided to make a run for it, I stood and dashed off into the dark.

At the head of the alley he stood.

I ran straight into him and my small body was no match as he threw me to the ground, his coat billowing and his boots splashing across the wet concrete towards me. I had smashed my head against the floor and I tried to shuffle backwards and to regain my feet but he lifted me by the front of my shirt and pressed me to the uneven wall, only then did I see his face.

He had narrow lips that were pulled back to reveal razor-like teeth, his eyes were cruel and glowering and his nose was crooked like it had broken and not healed properly. I tried begging him to put me down but he laughed nastily. Suddenly he was biting into my neck.

I screamed but got the feeling no-one could hear me, as if I was being swallowed up in a vacuum, I felt tears sting my eyes and did nothing to hold them back. I was in so much pain, my body felt as if it were on fire, as if the gates of hell had opened up and I’d been thrown inside to burn. It hurt so much.

I woke up and even though I was pressed against the door I was still in the room. However the thought was secondary to the tumultuous amount of physical pain that I was in, everything hurt.

I was lying crumpled up against the door like a plastic bag, my knees up by my chest and my hands in front of me.  I was bleeding from several long scratches along my arms and as I carefully levered myself into a seated position I noticed I also had them down my legs and across my abdomen, a particularly bad one ran from just below my left breast to the top of my right hip. I recalled my dream and felt my neck, it felt hot under my touch, but I was brought out of my recollection as I readied myself to get up. Standing I pressed my hand to my head, stopping just in time to retch noisily and cough, my lungs sounding angry; of course that then set off my nose and blood started streaming down my face. With my hand to my face I stumbled over the floorboards and fell into the cupboard, my calf felt tight and the light that shone through a crack on the wall made my head pound and spin in-phase. I righted myself and opened the door scrabbling around blindly for the rag in my bag which I found and pressed to my nose firmly to stem the flow.

Mother of god.” I muttered before retching again- blood came up accompanied by a decent amount of bile. I lifted my wand from the bag and waved it over the puddle, making it vanish, thankful that I didn’t need to recite the spell aloud. My eyes closed, I dared not look down to take an inventory of the rest of my injuries, they were all throbbing painfully and though a few had begun to clot, others still dribbled blood in an almost sluggish manner.

I finally worked up the courage to stand and I dug my hand once more into the bag to retrieve my clothes and dressed hurriedly but cautiously, some wounds tearing open painfully and causing me to wince. I'd gotten my clothes on and headed for the door again with my bag when my legs buckled and I fell to my hands and knees, tears streaming down my face I took a few deep breaths to ease my churning stomach but I only felt worse and just as I was getting up my arms gave way after a terrible struggle, I fell with a loud bang to my side and cried out at the impact to my already sore ribs.

There was a knock at the door.

“Imogene are you okay?” Professor Lupin called. I wiped my eyes of tears and sniffed audibly.

“Yeah,” I mumble-shouted in the direction of the door, “I just fell.” I’d dropped the rag when I’d fallen to use my hands to stop myself face planting into the grimy floor boards and blood had resumed its course down my face, I pressed the rag back and felt the bleeding ease as I stood very careful, tugging the door open. Professor Lupin looked beat up and as usual he had a look of soreness about him, I was thankful to see that he wasn’t limping or bleeding visibly.

“Did it work?” I asked him and he nodded.

“You didn’t get out of the room if that’s what you mean. I did hear you howling and whining quite a bit though so I presume you weren’t quite yourself.” He sounded croaky and I just nodded dumbly up at him. Had it been any other day he would have smiled. “Let’s head up to the castle then.”

We were halfway up to the castle when I had to stop to catch my breath.

“I-it’s nothing.” I insisted to my Professor as I struggled to carry on, clutching at my side which was burning angrily.

“Imogene have you not learnt by now that you telling me ‘it’s nothing’ only makes me positive that it is most definitely something?” His left eyebrow was arched high wryly and I sighed, tensing up my jaw.

“Professor I’m suffering pain from several lacerations along my stomach, arms and back, some of which are bleeding. On top of that I think I’ve re-broken my rib and I'm freezing because my scales have made me partially cold-blooded, can we hurry up and get to the school so that Madame Pomfrey can fix me?” I said it very straight forwardly and he looked taken aback.

“That was… honest.” He continued and helped my shivering body up the steps into the castle. We entered the Entrance Hall and I smiled in gratitude, although it was weak I hoped he realised that I wasn’t angry, I was actually very pleased that the potion had more or less worked- I was slightly less pleased with my dream-memory-thing but I could deal with that later, and in private.

Professor Lupin was limping by the time we reached the giant double doors of the Hospital Wing and both of us were thankful that the school was devoid of people.

“There you two are.” Madame Pomfrey said exasperatedly, ushering us forward and into the long room, she drew a curtain around the bed that she pushed me onto and gestured for Professor Lupin to go into her office.

“Alright you know the drill by now.” She wistfully said and I nodded slightly as I very gently stripped down to my underwear.

“Some of these deeper cuts will take a little longer to heal.” She informed me, pity thick in her voice.

“Yeah I know,”

“Did the new Potion Professor Snape make for you work?” She asked in a hushed voice, when I nodded she looked pleased. “If only we could do something about your claws.” She muttered more to herself than anyone else. I just stood there trying my best not to vomit or pass out, my head felt like it was being smashed to smithereens and my stomach was trying to wreath knot itself. I swayed slightly as Madame Pomfrey bandaged up my ribs and my right arm, which was particularly hard to heal before she sat me down with a glass of pumpkin juice she’d mixed with a remedy for my bruises, headache and stomach.

“Alright you can go back to the commons Imogene, and I want to see you at lunch today, you need to be eating.” She paused then and smiled in a motherly fashion. “And Merry Christmas.”


I realised around twelve that I was going to have to go to Christmas lunch and lie to Hermione and Ron and Harry and try and look like I was feeling well, and of course I was terrified what Madame Pomfrey would do if I didn’t show.

Sthyss, will you join me for dinner?” I asked in feigned extravagance, I was drowsing and there was no energy in my voice so it sounded ridiculous but had Sthyss been able to he would have smiled up at me from my atop my stomach, “I am going to stay down here, do you think you should really be going though?” He hissed gently, it was good to know he cared.

I can’t really afford to miss it; I have to make sure that Hermione doesn’t get suspicious of me as well.” I stood and placed him back down onto the couch which was just rising from where it had moulded to me lying down on it. “I’ll see you later then,” I was shaking as I straightened and dragged myself up the stairs lethargically. I had half an hour until lunch and I stood over the the sink in the bathroom examining my face in the mirror. I had a few nicks on my left cheek and nose and a nasty bruise flowering along my jaw, I must have given myself a right beating last night. I filled the basin with warm water and washed my face gently, it was soothing on my intact skin but stung the cuts like a bitch, my nose had stopped bleeding and I could have done with a shower but I would just wait until I took the bandages around my ribs off tomorrow. I dried my face off and seemed to have gained a colour other than green, my head was still pounding and I couldn’t see clearly out of my right eye but I couldn’t help that so I walked back downstairs, past Sthyss who was pleasantly asleep.

“Sorry I’m late Professor.” I apologised as I entered the Great Hall. Most of the teachers- and Madame Pomfrey were already seated at the table apart from Professor Trelawney and the only teacher that I had been hoping to see. Professor Lupin was missing and I hoped to god he was late, although from looking around the table as I neared it Hermione, Harry and Ron weren’t present- maybe they wouldn't show up.

“That’s quite alright Imogene, please sit.” He gestured to a chair that was placed between a Ravenclaw boy who looked like he was probably in his second year and Madame Pomfrey, although there was a gap between myself and the Matron for other guests. I nodded my gratitude and ignored the boy; who scooted his chair slightly away from me as I sat, I ignored him apart from a brief tensing of my jaw, I might have been tired, grouchy and ready to bite someone’s head off but I knew that screaming at a second year at Christmas lunch with all my teachers would be highly inappropriate. We appeared to be waiting for other students and apparently I wasn’t too late after all. At the head of the small table in the centre of the room sat Professor Dumbledore of course; wearing a green robe and chatting casually to Professor McGonagall who sat to his right and trying to get Snape on his left, to join their conversation about Cornish Pixies or something along those lines. I sat in silence and continued allowing my eyes to wander around the table. The only other student was a Hufflepuff, I wouldn't have known what house the other two were in except I had seen them both around the school in their uniforms and could identify them reasonably well. Professor Sprout looked across the table at me and I met her kind smile with a weak one of my own.

“How are you going with the book I gave you?” She asked, I had asked for extra work at the end of the term from all my teachers and Professor Sprout had directed me to a book meant for O.W.L. students, I had been flattered that she thought I was ready to read such advanced material and the book hadn’t disappointed me, it was extremely interesting and outlined all the possible uses for many household plants and other more exotic specimens.

“Really well thanks Professor, I never knew that there were so many uses and methods for cultivation there are for such simple plants, I mean the chapter on Foxglove was seriously cool.” I half grinned half cringed at a sudden sharp pain in my side and moved uncomfortably in my seat.

“I’m glad you think so; there are so many students that fail to grasp just how much effort goes into maintaining medical and alchemic stocks.” She gave me a motherly look of concern, she had obviously seen me wince and I looked to Madame Pomfrey who had turned her attention from Professor Flitwick and had her eyebrow arched and her lips pursed in my direction. I looked away quickly and just caught movement in the corner of my eye near the massive doors. Turning I forced a smile at my three friends.

“Merry Christmas!” Dumbledore exclaimed and I was thankful he hadn’t greeted me as such; I probably would have turned and fled. They all sat down between me and Madame Pomfrey and myself and I was glad, this way I wouldn't have her glaring at me every time I turned to my left- no instead I had Hermione scrutinising me carefully. “Crackers!” Dumbledore again very enthusiastically announced and turned with his cracker in hand to Snape; Snape seemed reluctant and looked down at the cracker rather dejectedly as he pulled the end offered to him. The witch’s hat topped with a stuffed vulture that appeared managed to bring the first genuine smile to my face which both Harry and Ron returned. Dumbledore who was looking very happy of course immediately donned the hat as Snape pushed it towards him.

Up to that point I hadn’t paid much attention to the food that as usual was piled high along the table, or Filch either, who sat near the other end of the table looking shabby as usual.

“Everyone help themselves.” Dumbledore said as everyone simultaneously reached for tureens and platters heaped with potatoes and Yorkshire puddings and roast beef. However just as I plucked up the bravery to reach for the cauliflower cheese the doors to the Great Hall opened, meekly around them appeared Professor Trelawney whom I had rarely seen out of her classroom. Dumbledore greeted her brightly and drew a chair out of thin air between Professor Flitwick and Snape.

“Wait headmaster!” She said suddenly in her normal gloomy voice. “I dare not sit else we be thirteen, and never forget that when thirteen dine, the first to rise will be the first to die.”

“I’m sure we won't experience any freak indoor lighting storms Sybil, now sit down before the food gets cold.” I could have hugged Professor McGonagall for the reprimanding in her tone and the sulky look on Trelawney’s face as she sat like a grumpy child. Things then ran smoothly and I had just placed a potato in my mouth when Professor Trelawney had to open hers again. “Ah, but where is Professor Lupin this afternoon?” And I almost made a projectile of my roast potato, only just managing to keep it in my mouth, for Hermione had just span to look at me suspiciously, I just shrugged and forced myself to chew.

“That is a very good question Sybil, the poor fellow seems to be ill again.” Dumbledore turned to me and I sat there thinking, ‘please don't ask me, please don't ask me.’ he opened his mouth. ‘Fuck.’ I thought. Then he rather bizarrely looked back own and took a large forkful of peas.  

“Surely you already knew that Sybil.” Professor McGonagall added tartly and I smiled down at my plate.

“Of course I knew Minerva but it is hardly polite of one to parade that one is All-Knowing.” She replied in a misty voice. I snorted gently as did Hermione and Professor McGonagall.

“If you must know Minerva,” She began, sounding defensive and more than a little ruffled. “I have seen that Professor Lupin won’t be with us for much longer, he seems aware of it as well, I offered to crystal-gaze for him and he positively fled.” I actually chuckled this time, to myself though, Hermione was sitting next to me after all. That was when Dumbledore interjected.

“I’m sure that Professor Lupin is in no immediate danger,” He paused and looked at Snape, “I trust you made him his potion Severus?”

“Yes, Headmaster.”

“Then, I am sure he’ll be better in no time.” I couldn’t help but note the brief, stern glint in his eyes towards Professor McGonagall and knew that the discontinuation of the conversation wasn’t to protect Professor Lupin but to shield me from any questions concerning my own health.

After I’d waited for everyone to gorge themselves on the lavish meal and all the food was almost gone I stood.

“My dear!” Professor Trelawney cried and I thought I’d accidentally hit something. “You-”

“I doubt that Imogene is in any danger Sybil, unless a mad axe-man is waiting outside the doors waiting to slaughter the first one into the entrance hall.” I joined the laughter and noted the put out look upon her face. “Wait up,” Ron said as he and Harry stood too, “You coming?” he asked Hermione who shook her head.

“I just need to speak to Professor McGonagall about something.”

“Ah Imogene, actually I was hoping I could have a word too.” Dumbledore called from the head of the table and I nodded. I strode to the head of the table and Professor Dumbledore stood and took me off to the side of the hall, slightly away from the the table.

“I heard that the potion Professor Snape gave you worked.” He whispered, lowering his head. I nodded.

“Yes, though I don't know if I prefer it to being awake.” Then I shook my head, realising what I was saying. “No, actually I do prefer it; at least with the potion I didn’t hurt Professor Lupin.” I said it very solemnly and so I wasn’t expecting the grin that Professor Dumbledore gave me.

“You definitely shouldn’t be in Slytherin.” He chuckled and straightened. “Off you go, we’ll talk more on this some other time. Merry Christmas Imogene.”

“Merry Christmas Professor.” I smiled and walked to the doors.

Just as I was opening them I heard voices on the other side.

“What do you reckon is wrong with Professor Lupin?”

I peered around the massive doors and spotted Harry, Ron and Hermione. Hermione gave Ron a look that said a number of nasty things then stormed off.

“What did I say?” He asked Harry looking lost and I chose then to walk out for the doorway.

“She probably just needs a minute to calm down; she’s had a lot of work to do.” I explained from behind them and they both span around looking surprised. I remembered what Sthyss had said a few days ago about getting Ron to trust me so I could get to Pettigrew and even while I knew it was manipulating, I thought he was sweet and so quite slowly I walked up to the both of them and kissed them both on the cheek, Ron first and then walked back down to the commons.

It seemed my efforts had been for nothing though, because Hermione obviously still thought Lupin a werewolf, I couldn’t understand why he hadn’t just shown up to dinner; god knows he couldn’t have been that bad. Could he?

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