Lost and found ( boyxboy, Wer...

By Miekehogeboom

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(Book 1) The 12 year old Knightly Silverstone who had been adored by his parents throughout his whole life fe... More

Chapter 1. A good life.
Chapter 2. Rude awakening
Chapter 3. Do or die situation
Chapter 4. The fight to survive
Chapter 5. Losing faith.
Chapter 6. A fateful meeting
Chapter 7. Abandoned
Chapter 8. A new beginning
Chapter 9. A new school year
Chapter 10. I'm back.
Chapter 11. Because we're friends.
Chapter. 12 Underestimated
Chapter 13. Unknown feeling
Chapter 14. The talk
Chapter 15. Is this love that i'm feeling?
Chapter 16. Is this love that i'm feeling? Part 2
Chapter 17. Regrets
Chapter 18. A sweet kiss.
Chapter 19. Confused
Chapter 20. I want to see Micah.
Chapter 21. Connor's birthday
Chapter 22. He knows
Chapter 23. He hates me.
Chapter 24. Mates
chapter 25. It's going to be alright.
Chapter 26. The confession
Chapter 27. Difficult roads ahead
Chapter 28. A powerful mate
Chapter 29 A powerful mate part 2
Chapter 30. Nightmares
Chapter 31. Love life
Chapter 32. Betrayal
Chapter 33 Broken hearts
Chapter 35. Lost love part 2
Chapter 36 Lost love part 3
Chapter 37 Determination
Chapter. 38 The gathering
Chapter 39. Mistakes
Chapter 40. A warrior's strength.
Chapter 41. A mates mark
Chapter 42. Being strong
Chapter 43. Feeling lost
Chapter 44. Familiar faces
Chapter 45. Disappointments
Chapter 46. Out of control
Chapter. 47 Knightly's wrath
Chapter 48. Micah's resolve
Chapter 49. The aftermath
Chapter 50. Wrong decisions
Chapter 51 Powerful words. Part one
Chapter 52. Powerful words. Part two
Chapter 53. Meant to be together
Chapter 54. The Silverstone pack.
Chapter 55. Trust
Chapter 56. You can rely on me.
Chapter 57. Lost in my pain.
Chapter 58. Lost in my one sided love.
Chapter 59. The determination to break the curse.
Chapter 60. Death warrant.
Chapter 61. A troubled past.
Chapter 62. Micah's mission
Chapter 63. In despair
Chapter 64. Exposed
Chapter 65. Obstacles
Chapter 66. Calm before the storm
Chapter 67. Loose ends
Chapter 68. A war cry
Chapter 69. He who messes with us dies.
Chapter 70. No mercy
Chapter 71. The proposal
Chapter 72. The announcement
Chapter 73. Proof of power
Chapter 74. Epilogue

Chapter 34. Lost love

9.1K 480 55
By Miekehogeboom

Thanks for your support guys. 

Micah's P.O.V

When i heard someone ask me "Can't you heal him?" in a deep voice i turned around to look at the person before i answered him to not be rude. The minute i turned around i was startled by the strong and dominant aura of the person who was now standing next to the beta.

The man was truly gorgeous and had beautiful grey eyes with specks of silver just like my son. I could feel the energy of an authority figure radiating from him and immediately could sense that he was an powerful alpha.

I bowed my head and greeted him with "Alpha". When i looked up i saw the man wince. Was he in pain i thought to myself and quickly looked in anger at my son when i heard him growl again. Kingsley whimpered seeing me angry and hugged me tightly.

I knew how dangerous alpha's could be when they feel challenged and didn't want any trouble because we would be staying for three more days at the hotel. I caressed Kingsley's back to calm him down and sighed. I looked at the man again and said "I'm sorry to say this but i don't really have the time to heal him alpha besides i'm sure that any healer would be capable to heal him"

The alpha frowned at me and before any of them could ask me anything again i bowed my head and tried to leave but was stopped by the beta's mate. He grabbed my free hand and asked me with tears in his eyes "Please can't you heal him. We have been to every country and healer you could think of to try to heal my son but with no luck. Nobody could heal him can't you help us please"

I pulled my hand from his grip and looked at Kingsley who was now irritated. He was now clutching my shirt and was rubbing his face roughly on my shoulder while whimpering. I suddenly got an idea seeing his actions. I needed to keep Kingsley busy while i worked on the case and just got the idea exactly how to do that.

I looked at the beta's mate and said "Ok but it will cost you". I heard the alpha growl hearing that but didn't pay him any mind. The beta's mate wiped the tears from his eyes and said "I'll give you anything you want. Please just help my son". Hearing that i looked in his eyes and asked him "Does this hotel and the whole property belong to you?"

He first looked puzzled at me then shook his head and answered me with "No, it belongs to my alpha but he'll give it to you if you want it because he's the brother of my mate". I smiled at him because he was so sure that his alpha would agree and felt the ears of Kingsley perk up. "I don't want some building" i said to him while looking in to his eyes.

He whimpered and the beta put his arm around his middle to pull him closer to him. "what do you want then?" asked the alpha annoyed. I looked at the alpha and said "I want you to close off the surrounding forest of the hotel till we're here and i mean it when i say this. Nobody should be allowed to enter the forest without your permission"

The alpha looked puzzled at me and asked me "Why do you want me to close off the forest and what about patrol then?" I looked at Kingsley and said "Because my son loves hunting and running in the surrounding forest. I'll allow you the alpha, beta, gamma and delta in the forest but don't bother my son he can be aggressive at times"

The alpha looked at Kingsley lovingly and said "I'll do as you asked". The minute Kingsley heard that he clapped his hands and yelled "Yes". I always wondered who he got that from. The alpha chuckled at his actions and stepped closer to ruffle his hear but Kingsley immediately turned his head and hugged me so he just gave him a pat on his back with a pained look.

Then i heard the beta ask me suddenly "When are you going to heal my son?" I looked away from the alpha and said "Come to the clearing in the forest with your son at eight o'clock and bring two more of your closest loved ones. I need five people" and walked away with Kingsley in my arms.

I walked back to the sofa and felt all the eyes on me again. I heard Kingsley breath softly and knew he fell asleep so i decided to take Kingsley back to the suite. I put all my papers back in to the envelope and walked to the elevator. When i arrived in my room i contacted Luca and asked him to look in to the three rifts we didn't hear about.

I had exactly two hours to myself and decided to take a nap with Kingsley. I was already planning on taking him running if he suddenly woke up. While he ran and played i could prepare for the ritual for healing the boy. I pulled Kingsley's clothes off and put him in a simple t shirt and shorts. When i was done i laid him down on the bed and changed in to something simple too.

I climbed on the bed pulled Kingsley closer to my chest and fell asleep. I only woke up when i felt Kingsley hit my face. When i opened my eyes i saw that he was wide awake.  He was sitting with crossed legs and playing with his locket. I quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek and asked him"Did you sleep well baby boy?"

He frowned at me and said "Yes but i want to go running papa". I quickly looked at the clock and saw that it was already 7.30. I stroked his head and said "Ok but just give me a minute". He huffed at me and i quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up. I changed in to something decent and left Kingsley in the clothes he was wearing because he was going to dirty it anyway.

I gave Kingsley some simple loafers to wear and walked out the suite with him trailing behind me. He started singing some song Natalee thought him and giggled when he mistakenly left a word out. I pushed the button of the elevator and while i waited with crossed arms for it to arrive Kingsley hung on my arm and said "Papa, you sing too".

I looked lovingly at him and thanked God that i asked Natelee to teach me the song too. I started singing the song and intentionally left a word out now and then. Kingsley laughed out loud and said "Papa, you don't know the song. Let me teach you". We both started singing the song and suddenly heard the elevator door open.

The moment the elevator door opened i noticed that the elevator wasn't empty. A beautiful girl with a nice body was standing in the elevator looking surprised at me. She was probably the same age as me. Seeing the door open Kingsley immediately stepped in the elevator and pulled me by my arms. I followed him and pushed the button of the ground floor not minding the beautiful girl.

Kingsley hugged me by my middle looked up at me and asked me "Papa, can i play as long as i like in the forest?" "Yes" i said to him and continued with "But only if you promise to stay away from the clearing when i'm busy". He gave me a toothy grin and  said "I promise papa". I heard the beautiful girl gasp but didn't let it bother me.

The elevator door opened and Kingsley immediately ran in the direction of the front door of the hotel. It's going to be a long night i thought to myself and ran behind Kingsley. The moment Kingsley reached the treeline he started taking off his clothes and shoes. He changed in to his big grey wolf form and started yipping happily. I quickly casted some spells on the forest and the hotel to keep him safe for as long as we would be staying there.

I knew that his wolf "Moon" was in control by his yipping and gave him a kiss on his muzzle. Moon started licking my face and i said "Go have fun". He immediately ran in to the forest and howled loudly. I chuckled and shook my head when i heard that.

 I wasn't worried about my son because i would exactly know what he was doing or where he was by the bond we have and if he was in some kind of trouble i would be there in a heartbeat. I picked his clothes up folded it then picked up his shoes and casted a spell to take me to the clearing. The moment i arrived there i casted a spell to create a pentagram.

I created some torches with magic and put it around the pentagram to make sure the clearing was well lit then casted the spells that were needed for the ritual. When i was done and looked at the my watch i saw that it was exactly five minutes till eight and decided to check up on Kingsley. I closed my eyes and concentrated on his energy. I was happy to see him fishing in his wolf form in the lake and felt proud when he caught a big fish.

I then suddenly heard the voice of Luca. "Leader" he called me and i quickly opened my eyes. I frowned at him because i didn't expect to see him this late. "Yes?" i asked him. He sighed and said "I looked in to the three incidents of the rifts and found out that the shifters were telling the truth but couldn't find out why the pack leaders didn't bother to tell the councils about it"

I looked at him and said "Then i guess we'll have a lot of things to talk about at the meeting don't we?" Lucah nodded and said "I'll prepare the papers leader". I sighed and looked at the stars. "Mark all the rifts on a map while you're at it" i said to him and heard him reply with "Yes leader". I knew he was gone when i couldn't feel his energy next to me anymore.

I decided to check on the torches and the moment i turned around in saw that the alpha was already there with his pack members. The beta was holding his mate by his middle while his mate was holding their son in his arms. You could feel the love they had for each other and i smiled at them. Next to them stood a man in his twenties. I couldn't see any resemblance so i wondered who he was.

Then the beautiful little girl that was standing next to the aplha caught my attention. She was probably fourteen years old. She was fidgeting and looked like she wanted to say something so i asked her "Is there something you want to say beautiful?" She nodded yes with tears in her eyes and said "Yes, i'm Lilith and can i hug you?" I don't know why but it broke my heart seeing her like that and i said "Yes". I opened my arms and she flew in to them while crying.

The only thing i could say to calm her down was "It's ok beautiful. I'll heal him and he'll be stronger than before". She nodded wiped her tears and walked back to the alpha. She grabbed his hand lead him to me and said "Thank you and i like you to meet my brother Knightly Silverstone. He's the alpha of the Silverstone pack". The alpha looked in shock at his sister and reached his hand in hesitation out to me.

I grabbed his hand and immediately felt a spark through my body but didn't let it bother me. "I'm Micah Lockwood and i'm the leader of the warrior angels" i said while shaking the alpha's hand and heard the alpha gasp hearing that. 

Before the others could step forward to introduce themselves too i walked up to them myself. The beta immediately reached his hand out to me and said "I'm Connor Goldsteen the beta of the Silverstone pack and this is my mate Alec Culling. These are our children Princeton and Andrew. We have another eight year old boy at home and i'm the alpha's brother" 

I frowned at him because it was already difficult for me to handle one little boy how did they manage to handle three i thought to myself. I smiled at him and said "Your blessed". He grinned at me and said "Thank you Micah".

 After that i walked to the middle of the pentagram and said "I want you to listen carefully now. This is a very difficult ritual so i'm going to warn you. Whatever happens don't move from your place or the spells will be broken and he'll be worse than he was before. Do you understand?"

They all nodded and i said to the Connor "Put your son in the middle of the pentagram and go stand at the end of the pentagram". Connor walked to the middle of the pentagram with his son in his arms and placed a kiss on his head before he laid him down on the ground then walked away.

The boy whimpered and started crying. I walked up to him and stroked his head to calm him down. Princeton immediately calmed down and i leaned in to give him a kiss on his cheek. Then i put a sleeping spell on him so he couldn't feel the pain.

His head went immediately soft in my hand and i carefully laid him down on the ground. I instructed everyone where to stand and said "Think about how much you love him. Your energy will reach him and it will give his body the strength to survive". 

I then started the ritual by changing in to my true form. Thanks to my father i could now change in to my true form without anyone noticing. I started casting spells after spells. I noticed that not only the  body of Princeton was cursed but his blood too. I immediately understood why other healers couldn't heal the boy. 

The small demon in Princeton was small but powerful. Someone made sure that the boy wouldn't heal. I saw the shaking of Princeton's body and knew that he wouldn't survive any more spells. The only way to heal him now was to cut through him with my silver sword. I could cast a spell to only hurt the demon.

I conjured my silver sword and walked to the body of Princeton. The demon sensed me coming and shook the body of Princeton even more. Seeing the fear in him i smiled and casted my sword to slice through Princeton's body. I suddenly heard loud growling from behind me and immediately knew who the growls were from.

I didn't even bother to turn around and sliced through Princeton. The demon flew from Princeton's body from the impact and before he could fall on the ground i saw a big grey wolf jump above me to catch it. The minute the big grey wolf caught the demon he started shaking it by his neck and wagging his tail.

My eyes widened and i yelled "Kingsley no. How many times do i have to tell you not to put filthy things in your mouth huh?" When i started walking up to Kingsley i heard Princeton scream from  pain and felt Connor and Alec move from their spot. I quickly turned around and yelled "Don't move. Stay were you are". They immediately took a step back hearing the tone of my voice.

I casted a healing spell on Princeton and he calmed down despite the breaking of his bones. When i was sure that Princeton was all healed i broke all the spells and said to Alec "Go hug your son. He was brave". I then walked to my own son in anger while i changed in to my human form and asked him "Now what to do with you?"

Kingsley could sense the anger in me and whimpered but still didn't let the demon go. The demon was whimpering from the pain of my sons sharp teeth and my son was enjoying giving it to him. I knew it would be hard for me to make him let the demon go so i said to him 'Bring him to the alpha. I'm sure he needs him for questioning"

He yipped and walked proudly with the demon in his mouth to the alpha who looked startled at him. I walked behind him and stood next to him in front of the alpha. I said "Alpha" and before i could finish my sentence the alpha said "Call me Knightly please". "Ok" i said to him because i was too tired to argue with him.

Kingsley started wagging his tail again and i said "Knightly meet my son Kingsley. He caught the demon and you better interrogate him before my son gets bored and rips him apart". Knightly smiled at Kingsley and said "Good job" while patting his head. Kingsley yipped and rubbed himself on Knightly's leg.

I felt my anger boil again and i yelled "Don't encourage him". Hearing my outburst Knightly started laughing loudly and i looked at him angrily. Seeing my reaction he quickly said "I'm sorry love". I snapped my head to look at him when i heard that but before i could say anything Lilith ran to us and grabbed her brothers hand.

"You got to see this Knigh" she said and pulled him away from me. He must have mistaken me for his mate i thought to myself and pushed the whole incident to the back of my mind. I knelt down and tried to make Kingsley let the demon go despite the only thing what i wanted to do was kill it. But i knew that Knightly needed it for questioning.

I ruffled my sons fur and said "You can let him go now baby boy. I'm really proud of you and i know that Dada will be proud too when he hears about it". He looked at me and asked me "And uncle Matt?" through our mind link. I smiled at him and said "Yes, uncle Matt, uncle Noah, aunt Natalee and mama also will be proud of you because your their baby boy".

He yipped happily hearing that and let the demon go. I quickly casted a cleansing spell on Kingsley and a binding spell on the demon. I walked to the tree were i put his clothes and ordered him to change in to his human form. When he changed back i helped him with his clothes and shoes.

I was just about to cast a spell to take us to the suite when i got tackled by Lilith. She kissed my cheek and said "Thank you for healing my nephew". I caressed her back and smiled at her. Kingsley got jealous again and tried to push her off me but Lilith pulled him in to her arms and hugged him tightly. 

I tried to get up but my knees buckled when i heard Lilith whisper "I love you Kingsley" in his ears. Kingsley looked surprised at me and i was speechless.

Thanks for reading guys. The next chapter will be in Knightly's p.o.v so keep reading.

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