Bad Ass On the Big Screen ➳ a...

By hemmingshoodie

5.1K 174 28

❝they all think you❜re bad ass.❞ More

(author's note)


161 7 0
By hemmingshoodie

My mom called me.

"I'm sorry honey... work is crazy... I won't be able to make your birthday."

I sighed. She had been gone for a week, and now she couldn't even show up for my birthday.

"How long will you be gone?" I asked, annoyed.

"Another two weeks..." she said.

"So you'll be back the 2nd week of September? Really?" I let out another sigh.

"I'm sorry, honey... I love you. I've gotta go. I love you. " She said.

"Yeah whatever." I replied.

I knew it wasn't technically her fault, but I was still mad she wouldn't make for my birthday. Ashton came downstairs, still pulling a shirt over his body, and saw the expression on my face.

"What's wrong, baby?" he asked.

I sighed. "My mom won't be able to make it for my birthday. No birthday party, nothing. She won't be here until the second week of September."

"I'm sorry, babe." He said. "You have me for your birthday though. I'll take you out for a romantic dinner."

"I love youuu." I said, burying my face in his chest, laughing.

He laughed too, and grabbed me by my shoulders, lifting me off his chest. His lips met mine, and left them no sooner than a minute later.


On my birthday, Ash took me out for a romantic dinner, and then took me bowling...

"Bowling?" I asked, laughing.

"Yeah." he got a ball.

"Real romantic." I said, laughing even more.

"What?" he said innocently. "This romantic stuff is new to me. I haven't been this romantic since 7th grade. This is a real step up for me."

"Your adorable." I laughed again at his innocence. I loved that he could make me laugh without trying.

We were the only ones at the bowling alley who had dressed in a tuxedo and dress, therefore we got stared at a lot. Ashton won. I suck at bowling.


When we got home, and Ashton unlocked the door, and turned on the lights, I saw bumps everywhere. We walked into the kitchen only to hear "Surprise!"

I faked my surprise face, and I must've not been a very good actress, because everyone had a confused look on their face.

"You guys are terrible hiders." I said, laughing.

Then everyone went on with the party, and Calum showed up with a black-and-white haired friend.

"I thought I told you not to have any drinks." Ashton said, gesturing to the plastic table in the corner of the room filled completely with drinks from corner to corner.

"No, it's okay. What's a little party without something to drink?" I asked.

I must've had a confused look on my face because once Calum looked at me, he introduced me to his friend.

"This is Michael." He said pointing to the weird- haired guy.

"I'm Molly." I said, holding out my hand to him.

He took it, and said "That's what I was told."

After that, Ashton and I headed over to the plastic table and got something to drink.


I woke up, and my head was pounding. The sun was insanely bright, so I got up to close the curtain. That's when I realized I was completely naked. I quickly grabbed my robe before anyone walked in.

I looked over to the side, and there was a body-shaped lump under my covers.

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