Fearī Teiru: Finally Free [S...

By ThatBlondeBimbo

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AU - Alternative Universe - ஐ Fearī Teiru, as we know it, is a story where our heroes lived a magic filled... More

Note de l'auteur
1 - Her Beginning
3 - Their Beginning

2 - School

351 16 6
By ThatBlondeBimbo

I'm updating again, and dedicating this to Cryptic_Eyes , 'cause I don't know you at all, but thank you so much for the support. I truly appreciate it! Also, for this chapter, I have no idea what Natsu would be like as the 'good' boy, and Lucy is already the Rebel... So I'm making them both rebels. XD Sounds good? Sounds good.

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♛   L U C Y    H E A R T F I L I A   ♛

"School's gonna be a bore, again." She complained to her butler, who was in the middle of serving her breakfast. Lucy knew she should be talking to her maids about school, but she couldn't help it. People these days were stupid.

"Madame, please." Her butler had his British accent, and Lucy was slightly annoyed at why a British person would come to serve as her butler. "Not everyone is as smart as the head of the Heartfilia Konzern." Her bowed and placed her cup of  yogurt on the table beside her plate of sliced fruit, Lucy never actually had an appetite for anything heavy in the mornings.

She stabbed her fork through a slice of peach, and dipped it in her yogurt. "Thanks." Lucy waved her fork around absentmindedly, her head lost in thought. 

How many people had she broke? How many times has she been suspended? How many times has she saw the blood and felt the urge to throw up? How many times has she had blackouts in the washroom, and woke up crying her eyes out?

More times than she could even count.

- - - - -

It had been a dark night. 

The fire was flickering weakly in the living room, the only sounds that were heard was the crackling of the wood and the labored breathing of a woman who goes by the name of Layla Heartfilia lay there on the bed. She had requested that her bed was moved to the living room, because of the light that always shined through the windows. But since the thunderstorms had started, it seemed as if there was no sunlight at all these days.

"Lucy... Come here..."

Though she was a young girl, she knew that her mother was sick. Sick beyond whatever her mind was capable of thinking about these days. Lucy knew that her mother needed her for something, and she wanted to by her side every second of whatever time she had left.

"Yes, oka-san." She replied obediently.

"It'll be all right." Layla muttered to assure her only child.

"It'll be all right, are you sure... oka-san?" The young girl wasn't sure that her mother was telling the truth, or not.

Lucy didn't want her mother to die, even if her father would be around, her life just wouldn't be the same. All the other girls she was friends with would tell her about their mother-daughter bonding times, and she would be an outcast. She would be different.

That was the best part, being alone was fine with her, but only if she had her mother's support. Her father just wouldn't understand. 

"Of course, sweetie. I'll just be going for a while..."

It was cruel of her mother, to crush Lucy's heart like that. At the time, Lucy didn't know, but her mother was never returning. When she goes, she'll never return. Lucy'll never see her mother again.

Lucy nodded, and went when her mother told her too. Little did she know, her mother passed away that night.

She didn't even get to say good-bye.

- - - - -

Lucy jolted awake from the memory, shaking her head and glancing at the clock.  The hands on the clock read 7:45. School starts in exactly 15 minutes, not that she cared about the time, it was just the amount of people near the schoolyard that bothered her. She was never really close to people, except for her best friend, though she hadn't seen him since the last party she was at.

"I'm leaving." She called out to whoever was listening, then swung her bag over one shoulder and headed down to the garage.

For regular people, just one look at the Heartfilia Konzern's cars is enough to make them feel nauseous with how rich they possibly can be. Lucy's family were always chosen to drive the newest cars, and just the parking lot for her cars takes up the lower part of the manor. 

The blonde girl glanced around the miniature parking lot, deciding on driving a Porsche today. The dark car looked pure, no scratches, no nothing. Maybe she should take it out for the whole month, but then again, what about the new car that was supposed to come in in a few weeks?

"Oh well." She muttered to herself, opening the door and getting in the driver's seat. She revved the engine, her face showed a look of confusion. She seemed to have forgotten how to use the car. "It has been a while..." were her words as the lights shut out, the garage door opening with no sound at all. 

The radio had some type of rap music blasting out from it, making the car purring silently. This was why she loved the car. It had a lot of power, but was quiet.

- - - - -

The school was sorted into a few groups. Goths. Popular Kids. Newbies. Nerds (or people with glasses and are not 'hot'). Eco-peps. Geeks (Yes, they're different from nerds, shocking, eh?) And a few other weird subgroups. Lucy, being a female of blonde hair, and brown eyes, would be sorted into the stereotypical blonde girl, but with different colored eyes. When her best friend from the other school came over to say bye, the crowd swarmed her.

The girl shook away the memories. It was all thanks to him.

That friend she had since... Well, since forever. Maybe she'll see him today, after all, his school passes her's, and he usually stops by when he's running late. His parents had shared a business deal with her father, before they all died. But the weirdest thing was that she and him met at a party. Of course, they ruined all 'Formal-ness' of the party, but they became close friends. Close enough to be friends... with benefits. Or siblings would work too.

Lucy sighed and stretched her arms, it was tiring, just the thought of school. She allowed herself a small smile and composed herself, turning off the engine and the radio, opening the driver's door.

The average emotions for her to feel when people started whispering was three emotions. Hate. Anger and Amusement. Oh, was she messed up.

But did she ever care? Nope.

Her brown eyes wandered the school parking lot. There weren't a lot of cars to be proud of, but her's was definitely the best by -- Oh, look. Here he comes. Named the most 'hottest' boy by the current teenage population, the one who put up with her all these years, and the one who she loved to death.

Lucy waved at the boy as he began walking towards her. He was too slow, she decided. A smile grazed over her rose colored lips as she knew what to say, correction: yell. "Hey Sting! Hurry up and get over here, now!"

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