Who am I? Hermione Granger..O...

By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

427K 8.7K 6.6K

Hermione and her friends, Harry and Ron are destined to defeat the Dark lord and the death eaters one and for... More

Questions and back to Hogwarts
Meeting The Malfoys
A Plan
Ron becomes suspicious of Hermione
Mother-Daughter reunion
Family Moments
Emergency Death Eater meeting
Blood traitors?
Going back?
Back to The Burrow
Change of Plans
The Order meeting
A talk with Draco and This could change everything
Ugh Great, They have to ruin everything
Traitor in our midst
Punishing the Traitor
Planning his demise
A battle and A Huge Loss
Attack on the Burrow
Family Moments Part 2
Sirius' Funeral Part 1 -Family reunion
Sirius' Funeral - Part 2
Torn apart
Moving day
Back to Hogwarts (again)
Hermione's 16th birthday
Malfoy Manor
What does it take!?
Death Eater meeting
Authors note
Birth (Time Skip)
The Beginning of the end.
Preparing for Battle
The Final Battle

Back to Hogwarts

10.7K 239 148
By Jubbly-x-Bubbly

The next 2 days were a blur for Hermione, nothing interesting happened as there was not another order meeting and no one came to visit.So getting on that Hogwarts train was a relief as it gave her something to do and it cured her boredom somewhat.However Ginny Weasley has been talking about her joining the quidditch team nonstop for the past two days and because of this Hermione had not got the chance to speak to her parents again and she now had the urge to strangle the youngest Weasley. She saw her aunt and uncle saying goodbye to Draco and risked a small smile in there direction, luckily they noticed her and mirrored it , well Narcissa did, Lucius stared at her with cool indifference.

"Ohh i cannot wait to see Hogwarts again , wonder when the first match.....' Hermione zoned out and looked out of the window of the cabin that she was sharing with Ron, Harry and Ginny as the train began to move. Ugh, she really missed her parents, Hermione wondered how her dad has been getting on with the Horcruxes and promised herself that she will contact her mum tonight to find out. She was brought out of her thoughts when someone came to the door and caused Harry and Ron  to start shouting, quite loudly.She looked towards the door and hid her smirk, it was Draco.

"Shut up Potter" He snarled "I was merely looking for my friends, I don't want to be anywhere near your pathetic group"

"Hah, friends, like you have got any" Ginny stood up for her group of friends.

"Ahh little Weaslette ay" Draco mocked, pushing Ginny away "Bloody hell Ron, you would think your parents were meant to be rabbits" Ron lost it, he started to scream at Draco, Hermione could not make out what he was saying but was sure it was about his and Draco's parents, she immediately grew angry when she heard the words "Narcissa and Lucius" and "Bitch and prick" come out of Ron's mouth. Ugh she could also feel a headache coming on so decided to step in.

"RONALD WESLEY" She snapped, Causing all eyes to look at her "must you be so loud, i have a headache" Ron stared at her wide eyed

"B-but 'Mione he's the one who - who started it " Ron sputtered.Hermione rolled her eyes

"Well i'm finishing it" She grumbled before turning to Draco "Why have you got to be so cruel" she asked hiding her smirk and raising a eyebrow, challengingly ,Draco also hid a smirk as he looked at his cousin.

"Oh shut it mudblood " He put emphasis on mudblood, causing her to glare at him, he realised his mistake and carried on "I do not have to answer to you" He took one last look at the cabin and scoffed before turning and walking down the corridor.

"'Mione what was all that about, why in the name of hell did you stand up for that Knob head?"Ron asked her when everyone sat back down.

" Oh for gods sakes Ron, whats with the language?" Hermione snapped " I did not stick up for him but rather i got you to stop shouting, as i had said, i have i headache" She Scowled before getting a book out of her trunk. Ron rolled his eyes as he received another lecture from Hermione.

"Oh and one more thing" Hermione said after a moment "Don't call me 'Mione , my father called me that"

"Your father as in...?" Ron asked, Harry and Ginny glowered at him while Hermione feigned confusion

"Kevin Granger?" She said slowly (AN I don't know the real names of the Grangers and i can not for the life of me find them so They are going to be called Kevin and Jean Granger)

"Oh right sorry, forgot his name" Ron laughed awkwardly as Harry and Ginny continues to glare at him.Hermione rolled her eyes and returned to her book, Pretending to ignore the whispered conversation the other 3 were having. It was about her and her parents.

"Listen, it wont matter if she finds out, she won't betray the order and go to become a death eater" Ron whispered. HAHAHAHAH if only you knew Ron Hermione laughed inside her mind

"No Ron, Remember what Dumbledore said, She must not know otherwise it could put us all in more danger" Harry replied.

"Exactly, Ron, What if she goes running to her parents and helps them to kill Harry" Ginny joined in, Hermione assumed someone must have filled her in as she was not at the meeting Hermione witnessed, She was really struggling to hold in her laughter after she heard Ginny's comment.

"Oh please this is Hermione we are talking about, She won' t go running to Lord Voldemort" Ron scoffed and rolled his eyes

"What about Lord Voldemort?" Hermione interjected, enjoying the looks on their faces. Both Harry and Ginny sent Ron a look that clearly stated Nice going idiot.

"Um we- We were talking about his Horcruxes" Harry stammered

"Oh" Hermione said "Ok then" she said cheerfully before turning back to her book, this time actually ignoring her friends


After a gruelling hour and half of sitting with the people she had begun to despise more and more, the train finally stopped at Hogwarts. Hermione sighed in relief, at least she will be kept from Ginny talking down her ear for a while, she followed the rest of the students making their  way of the train and into their dorms, she walked Ginny to the 3rd year girls dorm and then walked to the fourth year girls dorm, with full intent to talk to her mother, However when she got there she noticed all of the other girls in her year unpacking and sitting on their beds.She smiled and greeted them, though she was groaning on the inside, she hate to wait even longer,people were probably in the bathroom and common room, so she had no privacy.

Oh fuck this She thought " i'm going to the bathroom"
" Hey Lavender" She turned to the girl she hated most, more than anyone " Is there anyone in the Bathroom" The girls also had a bathroom in their dorms, something which the boys did not have, just incase they experience any accidents. When Lavender shook her head, Hermione grinned and said "I'm gonna take a bath then, i did not have time for one this morning or last night, tell the girls if they try to come in"

"Sure 'Mione" Lavender grinned.Hermione turned away from her, trying not to kill her.

" Don't call me that" She muttered, not even sure that the other girl heard her and went in to the bathroom, locking it and casting a silent charm, a weak one so the girls can hear the water going but not her talking, to avoid suspicion. She smiled as she brought the necklace up to her face and tapped it with her wand.

To her surprise Narcissa was not the one who answered but rather Bella, who was smirking evilly.Hermione laughed as she began to draw the bath.

"I know that look, What have you done?"Hermione chuckled

"Just winding Lucius up" She smirked "Whats up baby?"

"Nothing, just wanted to talk" Hermione smiled "Hows dad getting on?"

"He's fine"Bella sighed "He left yesterday morning and has already replaced the ring and cup, like you said"

"Are you all right mum?" Hermione said, catching the sigh Bella let out.

"Actually Hermione,No i'm not" Bella looked down,Hermione's eyes widened and she gripped the necklace tighter, Bella noticed this "Oh No no, its nothing bad, at least I hope not" She bit her lip and looked of to the side "I'll tell you when you and Your father come home, ok?"

Hermione furrowed her brow but nodded

"You are not dying, right?" She joked, smiling when Bella laughed

"No, nothing like that" Bella chuckled as she shook her head "i'll leave you to your bath, I love you"

"I love you too, speak to you soon" She said as the image faded. She put her necklace back in her pocket and undressed, getting in the tub but she could not help but think about her mum, Whats wrong with her? Why is she so worried? What is she so worried about?

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