Ivan Martinez X Reader

By VanillaBunnyxox

18.9K 369 173

Moving into the Team 10 house is super easy. Or is it? Find out with two twins fighting to grab your attention More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 13 pt 1
Part 13 pt 2 (part 14)
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Please read
Please read

Part 12

794 17 11
By VanillaBunnyxox

"You did amazing out on the field today."
"Thanks Ivan, love you." I gave him another kiss then walked over to J.
I got into Jasper's car and we drive to Starbucks.
"So.." I said laughing. "Wanna prank Ivan later?" I continued.
Ivan was already jealous of mine and Jasper's friend ship and how we hung out all the time.

"OMG YES IT WILL BE HILARIOUS." He said laughing. Like full on laughing. Like if he laughed any harder we would be off the road.
"Yo! Ok focus on the damn road!" I laughed as the car swerved.

"Ok so let's do the cheating girlfriend prank." I said getting my camera out.
"WASSAP GUYS!" I yelled into my camera. "I'm with my bestfriend Jasper right now and we are planning to do the cheating girlfriend prank on Ivan.

We pulled up at Starbucks and got inside. The line was surprisingly not to long today which was good.
"So Ivan texted me saying he's going to the gym for two hours. We'll be home in about half an hour maybe so we can just hang out and I can introduce you to Team 10." I said to him, my camera stilling recording.

We ordered our drinks and sat down at a table. I started vlogging a bit more before a young girl, maybe around the age of 13 or 14 came up to us, literally almost screaming. Jasper was pretty internet famous too. I had almost 7 million subscribers and he was a YouTube and Instagram model (lol) who had 12 million followers on Insta (damn boi) and almost 5 and a half subscribers. Being on Team 10 definitely gave me a boost in subs.

"OMG JASPER AND Y/N!" She yelled.
This was honestly one of the first few times this has happened to me.
"Can I please get a picture?!" She said, already taking her phone out of her pocket.
"Sure!" J said, getting out of his seat. We sat in a small booth and I took the picture in selfie mode. It looked like this.

(This is the closest I could find so just imagine they're at Starbucks k? K.😂)

She gave us a hug and walked off with who I guess was her mum.
"She was a bit excited." I said laughing.
We finished our Starbucks and drive back home to the Team 10 house. It was only about a 15 minute drive but the whole way we were just doing carpool karaoke. It was lit. 😂

We made it home and I introduced Jasper to all the people that were home at the time which was almost everyone. Logan for some reason was there so they talked for a while. (ya know since we all grew up together)

Before we knew it ivan texted me saying he was going to be home in 10 minutes so we had to set this up fast. Everyone in Team 10 knew about the prank and Tessa was going to try to act like she's stopping from Ivan from going upstairs to make in suspicious.

J put his shoes at the front of the bedroom door and put his shirt on the floor in the room. We hid 4 cameras because Tessa said we could use her extra one. We put one downstairs for the view of Ivan coming home and Tessa trying to stop him from going upstairs. We hid one in the hall was of upstairs so you could see him coming to the bedroom and we put two in the bedroom. One was facing the door to get his reaction we he first walks in and the other one was focused on the bed.

Jasper's p.o.v
We are pranking Ivan soon. Little does y/n know that I told Ivan and we set up a dead boyfriend prank so it's like a backfire kind of thing. So we put fake blood in the bathroom and Ivan's camera was placed in a hidden spot in the shower. As soon as Ivan sees us, he will over react and walk into the bathroom. Ivan will lock the door and pretend to kill himself.

No one except me and Ivan knows about this extra prank we're doing.

Y/n p.o.v

Message from: Ivan😍❤️❤️

Ivan😍❤️❤️: pulling into drive way now see you soon. 💖
read at 3:49pm

I put on a sleeveless crop top so it looked like I was naked if the covers were over me. I got on top of Jasper and it was honestly more awkward than I thought it would be. We pulled the covers over us just as we heard the front door open.

"No what's going on Tessa?!" I heard muffled voices say. I tried not to laugh as I made fake moaning noises. The door suddenly bursts open.
"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N?!" Ivan yelled.
"WHAT THE HELL!" Said Emilio from the doorway.

Ivan's p.o.v

I was trying so hard not to laugh as I tried to make it look like I was crying.

Y/n p.o.v

"Baby it's not what it looks like!" I said getting off Jasper.
"Then why are you half naked?! Am I not good enough?!" He yelled. I saw tears form in his eyes and I felt so bad.

Jasper's p.o.v

Damn he's a good actor.

Y/n p.o.v

I got out of the bed and went over to Ivan. I put my hand on his arm and he jerked it away instantly.
"DONT TOUCH ME! WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME?!" He screamed as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Ivan it's a prank! It's just a prank!" I said trying to hug him.

Ivan p.o.v

Now's the time!
I ran into the bathroom and locked the door.
"Ivan please come out don't hurt yourself please it was just a prank I'm so sorry!" I heard u/n shout from the other side of the door. I got out one f my shavers and took out the blade. I laid down in the fake blood and put a bit on the razor.

Emilio kicked down the door to see me lying on the floor.
"IVAN NO!" He yelled.
"IVAN DONT LEAVE ME!! WAKE UP NOW YOU HEAR ME!!!" Y/n screamed. She was screaming and crying so loud I swear she was going to loose her voice.

I felt hands wrap around me and a head on my chest.
"Ivan please don't leave me." She said, crying into my chest.
"OMG!" Nick yelled running to the bathroom.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!!! IVAN WAKE UP!! IVAN!!" Jake screamed, bursting into the bathroom. He put me on the bed and tried to check for a pulse.
I don't think he has tried to do that before because he literally said "guys I can't feel a pulse."

Y/n screamed and ran over to me, hugging me tighter than she ever has before.

I caressed her face and she sprung up. I sat up and kissed her on the forehead. Her makeup was running and her eyes were red and puffy from crying.
"I'm so done with this house you guys are so fucked up." Nick said leaving the room.

"IVAN! WHAT THE HELL!"  Y/n shouted. She slapped my arm before leaving the room.

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