Repeating Cycle

By bpatton2901

18 1 0

Heartache meats words. A poem Ive been righting for a while More

Untitled Story Part

18 1 0
By bpatton2901

The heart's desires so hard to fight

Always getting harder to hide

Trying to keep it confined

Always being told you'll never amount to anything

People always leaving

Always feeling unwanted

You've never really belonged

The walls slowly built up over time

As do the scars

The stone walls you've built up

He tore them down as if they were nothing but cloth

He helps you and guides you to get better

He's the first

Its kindles your feelings towards him

And unknowingly he committed larceny

He stole your heart

You think he is the most amazing person

He lights up the room when he walks in

You see no flaws

Soon you find yourself lost

Knowing you can't have him

The pain is like nails in your back

Heart throbs and pain fill the night

Poignant feelings linger all around waiting to crush you

Appearing in dreams always out of reach

Haunting you around the corners of every hall

Can't get over him when you try and try

Kind and funny makes you fall again

Sweet and caring make you fall harder

Again and again you fall for him

Frustrated tears make you feel weak

Friends asking if you still like him

There's just something you can't let go

Now your whole world seems dark and bleak

Your drowning fighting with everything you have left

Almost reaching the surface to be pulled back again

People say the others opinions of you don't matter

But they do

And his matter most

When you hear the truth and what he really thinks

That makes you sink more

So you distance yourself but he gets you to comeback

You can't help it

You go back

You love him

But he doesn't love you

Then the cycle repeats

Every Time you see him you can't help but smile

Always wanting him to look at you

When he does you look away

You tell yourself you're strong

Your weak

You tell yourself you don't need him

You do but you don't want to

You want out of the never ending cycle

You want to run but you're glued in place

You tell yourself you hate him


Seeing him happy with someone else

You say it's ok he's happy

What about you

Your heart turns to dust

Leaving a hole where it should be

You cover it with a fake smile

Soon enough you're hollow and empty

Always covering your sadness with a happy mask

Trying to fill the hole

Your life turned into a lie

Falling into the bottomless pit

As you fall you curse about Cupid

Cupid and his stupid arrows

The arrow he shot you with


Love and rejection was your curse

To bad it wasn't the same as Sleeping Beauty's

Then you could just sleep through the pain

Instead you got the most painful curse

You guarded your heart for years

He got you to let it down for just a second

He took the damaged heart and dropped it

It hit the ground shattering into thousands of pieces

He swept them under the rug

Doing all this with his breathtaking smile

You scream


And scream


No one hears you

People say he's just a boy

You're expected to just get over it

You wish it was that simple

When bitten by a snake you're suppose to suck out the poison

but you let it spread

finally you think your going to get peace

but he sucked the venom out along with your breath

through shaky breaths you thank him

Even though he was the snake that bit you

So you wander further into the labyrinth of feelings

You're just getting more lost

Twisting and turning in agony

Screams echoing off the walls

You trip over a root falling to the dirt

you beg and beg to become one with it

You have no energy to get up

So you lay in the dark

Silent tears slip down your face

You hear footsteps coming closer

You can't see everything is getting darker

Right before you're gone you see him

Your heart forgives him

Then the cycle begins its repeat

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