Temptation [Sam Thompson FanF...

By vengeances

41.2K 655 159

(on hold) Model and fashion icon Skye Starke steps into the television show Celebrity Big Brother. With new b... More



1.5K 29 13
By vengeances


   The lights in the bedroom turn on, immediately waking me from my slumber from the intensity. Rolling over in the bed, I nuzzle my head further into the pillow, pulling the covers higher on my body. I notice that Jemma isn't sleeping next to me, which makes me sit up a little, glancing around the bedroom.
Thanks for the lights, it's visible that everyone's already up, leaving me as the last one in bed. As the door swings open, I turn to see who it is, when I see Jordan walking in with his head down, looking a little gloomy.

"Hiya Jord, you okay?" I question as I yawn, waking up slowly.

Jordan glances over, smiling weakly at me as he runs a hand through his hair. He doesn't say anything, he only walks over to his bed, making it for a change until it's all tidy. I keep watching him as he hesitates before everything he does, when he finally breaks down, his head in his hands.
Sitting up in the bed, I kick my legs over the side, pushing myself off of the bed until I'm standing on my feet. As I quickly pull on a pair of shorts, I don't bother to cover my bra as I walk over to Jordan.

"Come here," I gently speak to him, as I wrap my arms around his neck.

He slowly closes his arms around my waist as he relaxes into me. We hug for a while, as he just stays silent, the only thing audible is our breathing.
Eventually he pulls back, smiling weakly again. Taking his hand in mine, I guide him over to my bed, sitting him down as I cross my legs opposite him, pulling the duvet over my upper torso.

"Sorry it's just last night..." he trails off with a sigh. "Sarah made me feel like my energy and happiness was a negative thing, so I confronted her yesterday, and, well..."

I rest my hand on his knee, tilting my head. "What happened after that?" I ask gently, my voice calm.

"Jemma went in and just made it so much worse," he shakes his head. "Sarah called her a slag, then Jemma mentioned that Sarah had an addiction — but it's just that all of that was unnecessary," he sighs, clenching his jaw.

I nod my head, before pulling him into another hug. "Because you're happy in here doesn't mean you're happy in the outside. I'm sure she didn't mean it in a nasty way, but I understand why you took that the way you did," I smile at him, rubbing his arms as we pull away.

He stays silent so I talk again. "And Jemma shouldn't have said anything, and both of them are in the wrong for what they said to each other. Don't think that it's your fault," I kiss his cheek before we get up and head into the living room.

Before doing so, I quickly run over to Sam's bed, picking up one of his jumpers. As I turn back and head to Jordan, I notice him raising an eyebrow at me.

"What? Boys jumpers are so much comfier," I grin. "Plus Sam's clothes smell nice," we bleh then chuckle before exiting the room.

* * *

As I join Paul out in the garden, I notice Sarah on her own further down. I turn to Paul with concern, raising my eyebrows.

   "Should I go and talk to her?" I ask him, glancing back at her.

Paul shrugs. "She said last night that she feels excluded from the group — the younger ones and the older ones," he informs me. "You had an argument, but you apologised, so I don't see the harm?" He tilts his head.

I pull him into a hug, smiling at the warmth. "You know I love you, right?" I question playfully.

   "Obviously, I'm Paul Danan," he grins.

We both giggle before I stand up, making my way over to Sarah as Paul watches. Cautiously, I move to stand in front of her, smiling softly.

   "Mind if I sit?" I ask gently, in which she shrugs.

Taking a seat on the grass next to her, the air feels thick with tension. Neither of us talk, as she pushes the sun glasses up in her face a little more to hide her obvious red, puffy eyes from where she's been crying, most likely. Therefor, I decide to break the silence.

   "I heard about what happened last night," I begin, as she looks down at her hands. "I didn't know you felt excluded from mostly everyone here," I speak gently.

Her lip quivers slightly, before she takes a breath. Still, she doesn't speak, so I do instead.

   "I want to say that I do think that you're genuinely a lovely woman, and that things have been hard in here," I speak slowly, trying to think of the right things to say. "I just want to say that I would love it if we can put everything behind us and try to get along, because you — of all people — don't deserve to be feeling so low," I smile softly.

She hesitantly looks over at me, before something shocking happens. She speaks.

   "I don't want to argue either. I know you were looking out for Paul, and I took it too far, so I want to apologise too." She apologised, catching me by surprise. "Thank you for coming over to talk to me, I appreciate it."

Laughing lightly, I shake my head.

   "I'm glad we've sorted things out," I smile. "Let's go inside and make some tea and have some gossip, yeah?" I offer her.

She nods, smiling lightly. I open my arms, offering her a hug, as she then leans over and wraps her arms around me. I then quickly stand up, joking my hands out for her; she takes my hands, where I help to pull her to her feet, before the both of us head inside — not before Paul gives me a thumbs up for my deed of the day.

"Morning you sexy people," I sing as Sarah and I enter the kitchen.

Most of the housemates wave at us, the others busy cooking food. Bringing Sarah to the table, I sit down with her, the two of us joining Brandi, Jordan, Sam, Shaun and Helen at the table.

"Good morning guys," Shaun greets us politely.

I smile at him. "Good morning, Shaun,"

Turning to Sam, he hands me his mug, with I take a sip of, grinning as I taste the familiar tea. I hand the mug back which he rests between the two of us in the coffee table.

"So I was thinking, how about we all sit outside later and just everyone has a fun time?" I voice aloud to the others as everyone nods and agrees.

Sam rests his hand on my knee, his other hand holding onto a piece of toast. I watch in amusement as he bites into the toast, crumbs scattering all over his tshirt. I chuckle at him before wiping them off, my hands trailing over his toned chest and stomach.

   "Hold on, is that my hoodie?" He tilts his head to the side as he glances back to my face.

I grin sheepishly at him, biting my lip to hold back my laughter. He rolls his eyes playfully as he moves his hand up my leg a little, returning his attention to a conversation between him and Jordan.

   "Can Skye please come to the diary room." Big Brother asks.

Getting up from my place at the table, I stand up, pushing the chair back in. Sam waves and smiles as I walk away, returning the gesture. As I exit the kitchen, I bump into Jemma who glares at me a little.

   "Oh, hey, didn't see you in the bedroom, didn't know where you were," I greet her, confused at her attitude.

   "Don't play friendly with me, you're off with Sarah after having a fight," she almost growls.

I widen my eyes, furrowing my eyebrows at her. "What? I only checked up on her, Jem, what's the problem?" I ask confused.

She rolls her eyes at me before storming into the garden. Stunned at the girl I though was my friend only moments ago, I shake my head in confusion. Shaking the thought from my mind, I make my way up the stairs, until I reach the diary room.
I open the door as I walk into the small room, taking a seat in the chair. I rub my face, before leaning back, waiting for Big Brother to speak.

   "Hello, Skye. You must choose to housemates to nominate. Please state your first nomination and give your reason why." Big Brother asks.

I raise my eyebrows, holding my hand over my mouth as I think about my decision. Nodding, I begin to speak.

   "The first person I want to nominate is Karthik," I reveal. "He still hasn't made any effort with me what-so-ever, and he makes me feel uncomfortable with the jokes he makes," I answer, giving my reason.

   "Thank you. Please give the name of your second nomination and your reason why." Big Brother asks again.

I bite my inside of my cheek gently as I think. "I'm going to have to say Helen. She has spoken to me once, no twice in pretty much this whole time. I've sat with her and tried talking and she just gets up and leaves. I don't like that attitude,"

   "Thank you, Skye, you may now rejoin the house,"

With that, I smile and wave goodbye, before exiting the diary room. Walking back down the stairs, I spot Chad on his own, so I run over and hug him, as he chuckles. He wraps his arms around me, returning the hug, before we both break apart.

"How are you feeling after the eviction? Not still thinking about the crowd's reaction, are you?" I question, tidying up his hair after I messed it up a few moments ago.

He shrugs. "I know you said you couldn't hear boos, but I swear no one cheered," he sighs.

"I don't agree with that, but even if they did, I'm sure their opinions have changed. You're a lot more involved with everyone and I think you're opening up more now. Besides, I think you're my favourite American housemate," I grin.

We talk for a while longer, before he heads outside to smoke, while I enter the bedroom to find Jemma prancing around in one of Trisha's see through dresses, practically everything on display. It was a little uncomfortable, as I sit next to Trisha on her bed.
She links her arms with mine as she cheers Jemma on. I don't say much, still confused over Jemma's reaction, though as she turns to me, she only smiles widely, as if she hadn't said anything at all.

"What do you think, Skye? Do I look like a princess?" She asks excitedly.

I smile at her, nodding. "Besides your whole junk flashing about, you look magical," I chuckle.

"Thank you, I—" she's interrupted as Sam tries to flick her nipple, as awkward as that sounds.

I cringe, gasping at Sam. "What the hell?" I chuckle, Trisha and I both laughing in hysterics.

As Sam tries again, Big Brother calls them both into the diary room. As the few of us in the bedroom gossip, we grow a little worried.

"He's not in trouble, is he?" Jordan frowns, glancing out of the bedroom.

I bite my lip anxiously. "I think so... he was only messing about though," I point out.

"Did it bother you when he did that? You know, cause that's another girl and not you?" Trisha queries.

I shake my head, laughing a little. "Of course not, it's not like he grabbed some other girl and necked her," I insist. "And why would it? It's not like he's my boyfriend, he can do whatever he likes," I clarify with a smile.

* * *

  After Jemma and Sam clear up everything with Big Brother, a few hours later we gather on the couch at Big Brother's request.

   "Housemates, it's time to see the result of your nominations," Big Brother announces.

Glancing over to my left, I notice Sarah biting her finger nails, as even Amelia anxiously plays with her hair. I lean over, taking both of their hands in mine to calm them down.

   "The housemates facing the public vote are Sarah, Chad, Helen and Karthik," Big Brother announces.

I pull Sarah into a hug, reassuring her that she'll be fine, before doing the same with Chad. He seems the most upset with it, so we talk for a while, before he heads out the back with Sarah.

"Sam, everything is so messed up," I groan, laying next to him on the couch.

He wraps his arms around my body, pulling me closer to him so that I don't fall off of the sofa. "How come?" He questions.

"I'm tired and I want to cuddle. Help," I frown as I bury my face into his chest.

He lets out a chuckle, hugging me tighter. Jordan then runs over, laying on top of Sam and I, as he squashes us with his whole body weight.

"Jordan, you heavy kid, get off," I giggle, trying to push him off of us.

He sticks his tongue out, shaking his head, as he wraps his arms around Sam and I. Jordan then falls between the both of us, forcing Sam to spoon him, as he then spoons me.

"Jordan, I am literally barely even on the couch anymore," I point out, complaining.

He groans before getting up, holding me bridle style so that I don't fall on the floor. Setting me back down in Sam's hold, he turns and leaves the room, entering the kitchen. Sam nuzzles his face into my neck, pressing a single kiss on the skin.

   "You need to stop doing that," I groan.

   "Why?" Ask queries.

I sigh. "Because it's making me like you even more,"

Before he has the chance to reply, Paul's voice booms through the garden and into the living room, both Sam and I jumping into our feet. Sprinting out into the garden, I immediately find Paul pointing at Sarah, looking more than infuriated.
Gasping, I lunge towards him, standing in front of him as he steps even closer towards Sarah. I press my hands against his chest, gently yet firmly pushing him further back.

   "How dare you imply or insinuate that I'm taking meds or pills of any kind?!" He shouts, his face flushed a dark crimson.

I move him further back, looking him straight in his icey blue eyes. "Paul, it's me, okay? It's Skye," I calmly speak to him, forcing him to walk further back, as Sam and Jordan both appear, helping me to calm him down. "Come with me and cool off, okay? It's not worth it, I promise," I lead him into the living area, before gesturing to the diary room.

Paul begins to walk, until he turns around. "Will you come with me?" He asks me quietly, still bubbling with rage.

Sam and Jordan exchange concerned glances, though I take Paul's hand, leading him into the diary room. We both take a seat, as I rub soothing circles into his back. He sits with his head in his hands.

   "I just exploded, and I must go and apologise to her. I just see so much of me in her and I don't want her to end up like me. I've completely over reacted, but what's she's said is just wrong," he stresses.

I pull him in for a hug, which lasts for quite a few moments, until he pulls away. We both get up, walking back out into the living area, as he sets off for the garden.

   "Can the three of us sleep together tonight?" Jordan asks Sam and I in a daydream.

Exchanging glances, Sam and I burst out laughing at Jordan. Doubling over with laughter, Sam and I lean on each other in hysterics, Jordan realising the double meaning to his sentence.

   "Oh. Oh! Not like that!" He scowls. "Unless you want to," he playfully offers, making Sam and I laugh even harder.

Jordan takes my hand, as I take Sam's, the three of us running into the bedroom. As soon as Jordan peels off his shirt and shorts, he's only in his boxers, as is Sam, as the three of us climb into the bed.

   "I love you two," I mumble, smiling as the two cuddle me.

Jordan turns so that his back faces my front, so I kiss his shoulder before mumbling a good night then, before turning back to face Sam. He smiles sleepily at me, his blue eyes bright.

   "Good night, SammyPie," I press a kiss to his forehead.

He grins as he pulls me closer. "Night SkyeBear," he plants a kiss to my nose.

We cuddle, until the lights turn off. He slowly moves his hand down to my legs, pulling me closer to him again. At this point, our faces are so close, that I feel his breath grazing my face. Glancing up, I smile as I move my hands to his hair, playing with the blonde locks of his.

   "I told you before, that feels amazing," he groans throatily.

I giggle as he throws his head back in pleasure, his face scrunching up. "You look cute like that," I chuckle.

He looks back down, grinning down to me. His legs tangle with mine as we lay together, before he pulls on my shirt. I pull the tshirt off, followed by my jeans, tossing them to the floor. His hands graze my sides lightly, whilst he locks our bodies together, pulling me into his chest.

   "We need to stop cuddling like this," he groans.

   "Why's that?" I query.

He's silent for a short while.

   "Because I'm getting too attached to you,"


Slightly uneventful on the part of Sam and Skye, but I was thinking of when Sam and Skye should share their first kiss?

Should Skye stay with Sam, or should she flirts more with Chad and Jordan? Or have a bit of a love triangle?

Please let me know of any suggestions you have in the comments.

As always, thank you for reading x

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