The Boy With the Cigarettes i...

By withthebigfellow69

15.9K 309 79

15 year old Robyn Benson is forced on holiday with her family, even though she feels she's too old for family... More

1: Fanta Lemon
2: He Throws Stones at my Bedroom Window
3: "You're Odd,"
5: The Cashier's Eyes
6: Confessions
7: Tears and Bonfires
8: Arguments
9: "One Day, This, Us, Will All Just Be A Memory,"

4: Getting Wet

1.2K 28 4
By withthebigfellow69

Jamie takes control over my bike. I don't mind, in fact I was glad to have a break - or at least that's what I tell myself. I know I wouldn't mind anything Jamie does.

We speed down the hill from the town to the campsite. I'm on the seat and Jamie is standing up and pedaling. I'm a bit scared, to be honest. I'm only holding on to the saddle and it doesn't give much balance; but I try not to think of that.

It's still early, and the early morning wind rushing through my hair feels amazing. I close my eyes to try and distract myself from the possible consequences, but it just makes me feel even more scared.

It isn't long until we reach the campsite. Jamie and I flash our passes at the guard and the barrier rises to let us in. 

"Shall we go back to mine?" Jamie asks me.

I nod. "Sure,"

When we get to his, Jamie leaves my bike on the porch and lets himself in like he did the other night. He turns to me and puts a finger to his lip, instructing me to be quiet. I, of course, obey. We enter his caravan, which smells of stale alcohol and tobacco. Jamie doesn't seem to react to it at all, maybe he's used to it.

"Brother's asleep," he explains while shutting the door to his room.

I sit on the spare bed again, crossing my legs as usual. "It's okay,"

Jamie goes into his cupboard with his "stash" and takes out a cigarette. After he takes a drag or two it doesn't surprise me as to why the caravan smells like it does.

"Sorry, do you mind?" he asks in a polite way that, I expect, was put on.

"No, it's fine,"

Admittedly, I don't mind the smell of cigarette smoke. If anything, I actually quite like it. It's a little uncomfortable in a room as small as his, if I'm being honest, but out in the fresh air it's not too bad.

I don't talk to Jamie as he smokes, and he doesn't talk to me. This makes us both feel a little uneasy, but still nobody says anything. I find talking to Jamie quite a bit of effort but he always keeps conversation interesting.

"What shall we do today?" I ask, finally breaking the silence.

He shrugs, "I don't know,"

"I guess we're stuck then,"



"You'll see,"

"When?" I inquire, growing impatient.

"Later, later," he replies waving his hand in the air.

"Oh my God, you're so annoying!"

"Piss off then,"

"Considering you're the one who stalks me - no."

Jamie flashes me a smile and then stands up. He holds a hand out to me. As I take it and he pulls me up he says, "Let's go,"


Jamie and I sit on the swings in one of the parks. It's the more quiet one, too distant from the centre of the campsite for children to wonder off to. There are a few Dutch kids running up the slide and sliding back down it repeatedly.

"Here," Jamie says as he hands me over his bottle of Pepsi.

I take a swing, but can't help but notice it tastes quite different.

"This tastes weird," I tell him.

"It's just because it's been sitting in the sun for a while."

"Where did you get it?" I ask, taking another drink.

"It was in my house, I took it out of the fridge just before we left."

I shrug and keep drinking. It was one of those really big bottles for sharing. Taking the hint, I pass it back to Jamie. It doesn't take us long to finish the entire bottle.

It is only when I stood up I realise not everything is right. Everything seems to spin and I notice I can't stand straight.

"Jamieee?" I say, dragging out the last letter, "Was there, eh, something in that drink?"

"Maybe," Jamie reply, winking.

I laughed, although I would've been mad otherwise. "What was it?"

"Who knows?"

"Please tell me J-J-Jamie," I beg.

Jamie stands up and approaches me. He seems to be much more steady on his feet than me. He takes my hand and while spinning me around he says, "There might've been a little bit of vodka in it."

I give Jamie a feeble slap on the arm. "You're so cheeky!"

"You're not quite drunk enough yet, I don't think."

"Do you have plans for me, Jamie Spence?"

"When did I ever tell you my last name?"

"You didn't, it was written on your underwear." I giggle, even though it wasn't actually. I can't even remember how I knew it, to be honest.

He shakes his head. "No it wasn't,"

"Or was it?"

"I don't have my name written on my underwear!"

I pat him on the head. "Whatever you say, dear."

"I think I like you better when you're sober." he says.

Jamie leads me back into the centre of the campsite. Even though it's only 12 o'clock there's a lot of people about. Wait, I'm drunk at 12? I wouldn't even be home from school at this time normally.

In my defence, I'm not fully drunk - not really.

Jamie takes us into the bar. It's pretty empty. There's an old man drinking whiskey in a dark corner. He stares at us as we walk in. I can't help but wonder Jamie's plan. We aren't 18, what does he propose to do?

Jamie goes up the the bar and asks the woman behind it a question.

"Puedo tener lo que pedí ayer, por favor?" 

The woman narrows her eyes. "Qué nombre se encontraba bajo?"


"Tienes 18 años?"

Jamie slides over some sort of card. "Desde luego,"

The woman inspects his card and then gives it back to him. She disappears for a while and then comes back with a box. She slides it over the table to Jamie. With a smile, he takes it and walks out. I follow.

"Would you like to explain?" I ask him once we leave the bar.

"I asked her for the order I ordered yesterday, she checked my name, age and I.D and then she give it to me. No big deal."

I snatch the card out of his back pocket. It was an I.D sure enough - but it wasn't his. It was his brother's. I study the picture on it. No wonder the woman believed him. Jamie and his brother almost look like twins!

"So the order wasn't yours?" I say, it sounding more like a question than a statement.

"No, it was my brother's."

"Won't you brother be looking for it?"

"He'll be too stoned to even remember," he says indifferently. 

Jamie and I walk until we find an empty piece of grass at the edge of the campsite. Jamie sits down and pats the space next to him. I follow his instructions and take the space. I'm a little more sober now, but I know it won't last long.

"Okay," Jamie says, handing me a bottle of something, "let's get drunk.


"Come on," Jamie calls from the other side of the fence, "it'll be fun."

I don't want Jamie to think I'm boring - more than he already does - so I follow his commands. I scramble up the fence and pull myself down the other side. Being drunk, as soon as my feet touch the ground, I stumble over.

Jamie helps me up and then goes over to the pool. It looks beautiful in the moonlight. There's absolutely nobody around and everything looks so peaceful. The only sounds that echo the cool night air are those of the crickets. Jamie takes off his shoes and shirt and jumps in, surprising me.

"Come on in!" he calls over to me, "The water's fine!"

I take off my shoes and stand by the edge. Even in my drunken state I'm still not sure if I should jump in. Before I can even attempt to lower myself in, Jamie grabs my hand and pulls me under.

"Jamie!" I yell when I reach the surface again. Before I can even finish telling him off, I laugh. And laugh, and laugh. It isn't even that funny but I laugh anyway.

The water is quite deep, and I have to stand on my tip-toes to have my head above the water, but it's not too bad - even in my clothes. Jamie is taller than me and can stand no problem though. His face, covered in little droplets of pool water, glistens in the moonlight. 

Jamie doesn't say anything in response. Instead he pulls me closer by the arm until our noses are almost touching. His eyes search my face, and a slight smile plays at his lips. My heart races so fast and loud I can swear he can hear it in the silence. He pushes a piece of wet hair behind my ear as I stare at him.

"You don't have to be scared," he whispers, taking my trembling hand and entwining my fingers with his.

"I'm not,"

"I'm just going to kiss you,"

"Then do it,"

It was such a classic thing for us to say. Actors wouldn't say that in romantic movies. When you think up a perfect situation in your head with your 'crush' or whatever, you don't include awkward dialog like that. But yet, it didn't make our situation any worse.

Just like I told him to, he presses his lips against mine. Butterflies erupt in my stomach at the sensation of his kiss. My head is foggy with drink and my senses are reasonably numb, but I've never felt this great before.

Jamie realises I can barely stand so he takes my legs and wraps them around his waist. He keeps me steady by holding on to my hips. Then he begins to gently kiss spots on my neck. I can feel his warm breath at my ear, giving me shivers.

"Hey, you kids! You shouldn't be here!"

Our heads whip over to the angry, slightly plump, security guard trying to open the gate. Jamie lets go of me as we swim over to the edge. Scrambling over the edge, I grab my shoes and run, Jamie following me. The security guard finally gets through the gate and is coming after us.

"Stop, for God's sake!" he yells, as if him saying that will makes us stop.

The rush of adernerline pushes me faster, the Spanish breeze brushes over my face as I whip through the air. I'm so scared of getting caught yet not really caring at all if I do. Even through my fright, I smile. I know this wouldn't happen at home, this can only happen here, with Jamie.

We reach the fence and begin to clamber over it. Jamie helps me over as I'm too slow. He grabs my hand and runs with me. When the guard eventually runs out of breath and gives up, we stop. 

"Wow, where are we?" I ask, gazing up at the enormous pine trees that loom over us. There are no lights about so it's pitch black, and the stars are clear in the gaps between the leaves. 

"Looks like we at the underbelly of the campsite,"

"What does that mean?"

"You know, like the dark, isolated part nobody goes to."

"Looks like it," I say.

 "Should I take you home?" Jamie asks.

"No!" I cry, far too eager than what I wanted. "I mean, the night's still young, and so are we."

"You aren't becoming a poet, are you?"

"No, I just still haven't sobered up yet."

Jamie laughs. "Do you want to go back to mine?"

I look down at my clothes which are dripping all over me. It would be nice to be dry. Then I look around me. The scenery is so beautiful, it seems like it would be a sin to leave it.

"Don't worry, we'll be back here another time." Jamie tells me, reading my mind.

"Then sure, your place would be nice."

We arrive at Jamie's caravan and he lets himself in as usual. Jamie gives me one of his t-shirts to wear and hangs my clothes out the window to dry in the breezy night air. Jamie retrieves a beer from his "stash" and offers to share it with me. This time I accept.

When the beer is done, I just lie in Jamie's arms. He holds me tight as I rest my head on his chest, feeling it go up and down with each breath. Jamie drags his finger lightly over my spine as I smile to myself.

"Night Jamie," I say when my eyes begin to droop.

He kisses me on the top of my head and replies, "Goodnight Robyn,"

It's been a long time since my last update but taa-daa we're here now. I know it seems like I'm rushing this but it's because I technically am. If this was a normal-length book I'd give more time for feelings to develop blah blah blah, but since this is a short story - and technically a summer fling - it has to move at a faster pace, see?

Yes, the title is supposed to be suggestive.

The song that's here is You Already Know by Bombay Bicycle Club as the opening line, 'the moment we forgot we were just good friends,' fits I think so ye.



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