The Chained Princess (h.s.)

By carmikeall

4.3K 150 55

An eating disorder is chaining them together. Soon, only one question remains-do they want to escape? More

Star I
Star II
Star III
Star IV
Star V
Star VI
Star VII
Star X
Star XI
Star XII
Star XIV
Star XV
Star XVI
Star XIX
Star XXI
Star XXV
Stellar Evolution Part I
Stellar Evolution Part II
Asteroids Part I
Asteroids Part II
Galaxies Part I
Galaxies Part II
Andromeda and Perseus
Constellations (epilogue)
Author's Note

Star IX

133 6 3
By carmikeall

(Important a.n. at the end :)


The entire front room was covered in violets. And it's a big front room.

The grand piano bench, which I have sat upon many a time, was now sitting Louis's MacBook Air, wirelessly connected to a Beats pill that was softly playing a really familiar song I couldn't put my finger on. How did it go?

"This night is flawless, don't you let it go, I'm wonder struck..."

Humming the song, I made my way through the through, weaving in and out of the spectacular display. Taking time in smelling the violets, it wasn't long before a small sign caught my eye. It was taped on the edge of the wall the grand piano was pushed against. It was small, and written in magic marker.

"To the roof," it said.

What's on the roof? It couldn't be more violets, there were enough down here to fill the entire city. Taking a last look at the door, the boys were now gone, or at least the voices stopped. Harry can be two completely different people and it really confuses me. Shaking my head, I crossed the room to the base of the sprawling staircase.

I slowly made the journey upstairs to Louis's room, which is the only way onto the roof. I walked the entirety of the familiar dark blue room to the French double doors that I shakily opened.

What will greet me once I go up there?

I took a deep breath and reminded myself that whatever it was, the guy who didn't was no longer here for a reason.

On the terrace, I climbed onto the windowsill next to the doors and hoisted myself onto the lowest part of the huge roof, not knowing what to expect.

Oh my goodness.

Candles, burning brightly, despite the wind.

Blankets, enough to make a makeshift bed, propped up against a small rise in the roof along with pillows. And next to that, the projector and mini screen from the computer room was set up, and Shrek was yelling at Donkey for following him across from the "bed".

This cannot be a coincidence, but I didn't tell him what my favorite movie was.

Oh my god, Louis, of course! The realization hit me that Harry must've set aside his deep annoyance of my best friend to set this up. I felt a warm sensation engulf my entire body and I just stood there like an idiot.

This...this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.

But then I remembered why Harry wasn't here to share it with me.

"Why do you think he did all of this anyway, to be a nice guy? We both know that all he wants to do is bang you, he's even told you that!"

I shook my head in anguish and bitterness. RD was right, Harry is only after one thing and I can't let him get to me.

It just sucks, it does.

Someone makes you feel so special and then their true motives are revealed. You see the venom behind the smile. The poison behind the eyes. The libel behind the words, it was all there and me and my stupid pride...

I can't help being the little sheltered girl I grew up being, tearing away from that role is impossible.

I slumped down and sat on the blanketed roof, my head swirling.

I haven't eaten.

I let myself lose consciousness this time. At least I was in control of something.



"Drom, come on."

I blinked rapidly, coming to, and was greeted by caring green eyes and rambunctious curly brown hair. Very different from the last time I saw that face. More angelic and caring. This is the face I'm obsessed with. He was holding something. It smelled like 1500 calories of grease and my nose wrinkled. I quickly sat up and felt lips on my lips.

We were kissing.

Harry and I. This was happening. And though this was out of nowhere, I don't know, I kind of expected it, so my eyes just naturally flew closed. It's so crazy, we're like magnets. But I can't help but think that our poles are not so opposite.

This electricity I'm feeling doesn't feel like anything I felt when I kissed RD. No, this was a first kiss. This was magical, perfect. I felt my hand grip the back of his neck to pull him in closer and he bit my lip.


I pulled away, trying not to lose myself. But I definitely kept my hand there. Definitely. I love his eyes.

"Have a good nap?" He grinned.

Responding with a sigh and dirty look, he held his hands up in defeat.

"Alright, alright."

He took my hand off his neck and held it, our fingers laced together and we never took our eyes off of each other. This is so intense, I cursed Shrek playing in the background.

"I apologize for defacing the house of your best friend with that shitdick's blood." Harry lazily said, not meaning it. But he's not gonna be any sweeter.

He was no longer wearing that beautiful tux, but instead, a black t shirt. How long was I out?

Wait, blood?

"If there was blood, it better be gone." Harry rolled his eyes, sparks still going through our interlocked hands.

"It's gone, yeah." We said nothing for a moment, I just repeatedly lost myself in his eyes. He spoke up again and set the bag down and took my other hand.

"I'm gonna kiss you again," he announced.

"No, you're not," I countered. Partly because I wanted him to and partly because I couldn't lose myself again.

"Yes, I am," he fought back.

"No, Harry, I'm not going to let myself get any more physical with you."

His eyes narrowed and I started finding my way back from them.

"I'm not asking you to have sex with me, I never ask that question." I could tell he was keeping his temper at bay because his grip on my hands tightened.

"And I'm not agreeing to you having sex with me, I never agree to that." I cooly responded.

"So just let me have the pleasure of kissing your god damn face, Andromeda, don't make me spell it out for you!"

Our widened eyes showed we both did not know he would say that. But his suddenly blank expression said he couldn't take it back now, and I hope mine said to keep going. Just in case, I whispered:

"You could spell it out if you want to..."

He let go of me and I felt like a blown out light bulb, or a dead firework.

He sighed, sat next to me, and looked at the stars now creeping out into the night sky.

"You know you're named after a constellation?" He asked the sky.

"That's some stupid shit."

"I heard." I grumbled. What does this have to do with anything?

"I can point you out, too. You're right there."

I just saw a bunch of stars, but I said nothing, because Harry's jaw was doing a thing I enjoyed.

"You brought fast food," I mentioned, remembering what was in his hand.

"Yeah, you need to eat," he responded rather shortly.

"So do you." I replied simply.

The jaw thing was happening again.

"I know," he said after a while.

Then I got it.

He wanted to eat with me. He wanted us to eat together. We're going through the same thing and he probably wants us to conquer this together. He doesn't have anyone else, and neither does I. I couldn't help but blink in silent surprise at the course of Harry's unpredictable actions.

"I'm more than a bad boy with an accent, if that's what they still call me." He loftily said, shrugging.

They do.

"I'm also great at shagging," he grinned.

But instead of replying to his hideous comment, I reached into the bag and pulled out a smash burger wrapped in paper and extracted another and gave it to him. "And I'm more than just a priss."

He smiled in spite of the thing, and I turned serious.

"You really want to do this?" He asked, I think he was talking more to himself more than me, because I was already unwrapping mine.

"How much more weight can I put on, anyway?" I awkwardly half-joked.

"I know the feeling," he mumbled.

"Are you ready?" I asked, staring at the sandwich.

He said nothing, instead he gripped my kneecap. And I knew he wasn't trying to be sexual. He was...nervous? Wow.

Me too. So I put my hand on top of his.

"Three?" He said.

I nodded in response, my heart beating fast, but I felt comfort, more comfort than I did approaching this was Louis.

"One," I tried to get my voice to stop shaking and continued.

"Two," he cleared his throat and I shook slightly, but I can't turn back now.

"Three." We said together, lifting our burgers and biting into them. And again. And again, and again, again until there was no more.

It felt disgusting, but I finished an entire meal. I couldn't help but beam at myself in disbelief.

"That's done," he sighed. "Finally," he added.

I nodded. "We did it." I said breathlessly.

He nodded as well. "We did."

"Don't puke," I added.

"I won't if you won't," he crumpled up his wrapper.

I began to crumple the bag as well until my hand banged against something metal.

Harry snickered and I gave him a look.

"Really, Styles?" I said monotonously.

"Shrek might be funnier if we were fried out of our minds." He responded with an eyebrow raise.

"You are disgusting," I spoke, extracting the thing and throwing it at him.

"Don't forget, I did all of this for you," he packed the stupid bowl and I rolled my eyes.

"No one told you to." I shrugged. "Why did you?" Casually slipping that in, I tried to look like I didn't care.

"Felt like it," he said, torching.

I groaned and turned away from him while smoke clouded my vision. He passed it to me and I shook my head.

"Not even to keep your food down?" He smirked.

"I don't give in to peer pressure." I responded.

"And you practice that by not dressing like they all do and acting completely full of yourself," the lighter clicked on the bowl again and I gritted on my teeth.

"You are so rude!" I said while Shrek and Fiona began making out, I wondered why that still couldn't be Harry and I, why he was such a jerk. No, I don't want it to be Harry and I. Harry is impossible to fall in love with.

More smoke blew in my face.

"I tell the truth, baby."

"This is why I don't believe you when you do sweet things, because you're an asshole." I sighed.

He laughed, already high.

"I got the princess to swear. It sounds hot on you." He said, laying down.

"Just stop," I groaned. It was no use. None at all. I should just leave while in behind. I can't change a person.

I stood and looked at him. "You better find your way out of here before the Tomlinsons get home, or I swear I will fucking kill you." I spoke menacingly.

"Bye, princess!" He called, trashed.

I'm so done right now.

My stomach rumbled, but I kept it down. I can do this alone.



I arrived home to find my cousin laying on her car in an even worse state than what I left Harry in.

"Char?" I said, slamming my car door.

"She smashed a beer can on the hood and rolled over. She had on a short pink dress with tulle and sparkles.

"I fucking got stood up," she hiccuped.

"What? Oh no, Charlie!" I climbed on top of the car with her.

"Don't. Boys are just fucking dumb worthless shitheads." She slurred. I rubbed her back and nodded. She spoke the truth.

"Fuck RD!" My cousin cried.

My heart skipped a beat.

"RD asked you?" I looked forward to hide my disbelief.

"Yeah, fuck him." She responded. She handed me a bottle of alcoholic lemonade and I sat in confusion.

What an asshole.

"So glad I didn't sleep with him," she mumbled, I was fuming. I can't believe he did this to Charlie, just to get me away from Harry.

I opened the bottle with my teeth, a skill I learned at dance camp, and downed half the contents. A chill wind blew, but neither of us flinched. I sighed and finished my first drink, reaching for another in the case in between us.

The universe sucks when boys are in it, because they never realize the gravity of the damage they cause. Impulsive decisions ruin everything, and that's all they seem to know how to make. It's tragic.

"Happy fucking prom night, Char."

"Same, little cousin."

We clinked bottles.

*I just wanted to say that I'm really grateful for the votes, reads, and comments I'm getting for this story! And all my others as well, I keep track of every single thing in a journal, so I notice when the read count goes up or when somebody votes or comments or even adds to their library because I like to thank everyone individually for supporting me, it really feels the best, so thanks loads, I love you (: <3*

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