Eden's Wall

By Anoxsu

120 11 18

**This is only the first 3 chapters of my completed manuscript** When Princess Sera's mother perishes, he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2


67 8 15
By Anoxsu

Sixteen-year-old Princess Serenity ripped off the coat her betrothed had given her and threw it into the snow. Even in the cold, she felt that Hector's gift burned her skin. She could never marry that cruel man, how could her father even suggest such a thing? After all the stories they'd heard of his barbaric nature against women, her father had still given him her hand. She understood Hector was an honored Knight among her people, but that certainly didn't give him the right to do anything he pleased. Grabbing the reins of her chestnut mare, Sera rode fast and certain towards the only place they wouldn't search for her: Umbrage.

She shot past the wall built to separate Sterling from Umbrage, and once on the other side, her heart was ready to erupt. Every shred of her insisted she return, and yet, she kept the horse running. These recent days had been wretched. First, she found out that Hector had asked for her hand. Later, when his disgusting hand had bit into her thigh as he tried to steal her innocence, she'd broken the candle holder and slashed his face. Now, they were searching for her. Searching so they could drag her back to him, and death would be favorable over the life she had waiting for her.

Finding the shore, she tugged the reins and came to a stop. Sera watched the ocean's waves as they rolled over the sand. If only she could disappear into them, she thought. She dismounted from her horse and felt the cold of the ring on her finger. A gift? More like a brand, marking her to be his. Ripping it from her hand, she threw it out into the thrashing water. She watched the shine of the band disappear into the darkness, and for a moment, she felt free.

"That's quite a throw there."

Serenity turned to see a shadow behind her. She pulled out the broken candle glass, it's hue of blood proving its danger. "Who's there?" she shouted into the distance.

"I'm Alaster, I'm armed but I won't hurt you." The shadow drew his arms up in surrender and stepped closer. Sera saw the sword gleam in the moonlight, but it stayed in place at his side as promised.

"No. No, you stay right there," She stuttered and backed into the surf. "Don't you move, or, or I'll hurt you." She threatened, raising her weapon.

Alaster froze, "I'm not going to take a step. But I must ask, is that blood on your hands? Are you injured? There's a medic just a short ride to the—"

She cut him off and said things she knew were dangerous, but didn't care in her current state. "I'm not a woman of Umbrage. I'm not anything," depression hit her as she realized her true place in the world, "all I am is property."

"Please come away from the shoreline Miss. Those waves have been known to drag men to their deaths."

She saw the stranger come toward her and lost all will to fight. Letting the glass slide from her fingers, she stepped further into the surging Sea. Hoping for a quick demise, Sera closed her eyes as she was pulled from her feet and into the icy depths. Was this what she came for? The end? Drowning seemed like an appropriate way to meet death. After all, she was barely able to tread her own waters. She waited for the element to fill her lungs, when strong arms pulled her from the water.

Alaster ripped off his shirt and wrapped it around her bare arms while holding her chattering body close to his. "Christ, what were you thinking dressed in such a manner with the temperatures so low? And then to dive into the sea? Do you wish to tempt death?"

She brought her numb hands to her face and cried. "My life, it's all over. I can't go back."

He held her closer and pulled her hands into his, desperately trying to warm them."No it's not, you're here and you'll make it through this. Where are you injured? Please, let me help you."

Serenity continued as if he hadn't said a word to her. "I had so many plans. I wanted to study and to teach. I wanted to learn about healing and life. I was supposed to make a difference."

"You still can, you're breathing and very much alive." He said as he tried to feel around for injuries.

"I never wanted this."

"Shhh," he held her tighter, "Shhh, it's alright. Whatever it is, it's over, and you're here. But the blood... if you're hurt—"

"It's... not... mine." Serenity said between sobs and felt him take a deep breath.

"I see," he pulled her back and put his hands on her face to make her look at him, "is someone else hurt?" He softened his eyes and asked calmly, "Did you hurt someone?" He stared at her for an eternity and wouldn't let her look away. Finally, she nodded.


His eyes widened, "Did you kill them?"

"No. But I will if he touches me again, and he will since I am his." Serenity heard the anger in her voice.

"This man you hurt, he's your husband? They can hang you for that." He looked around them and then back at her, "why would you do such a thing?"

"He isn't my husband yet. Let them hang me. And this is why," she took his hand and put it on her shoulder hoping he could feel the bite marks. She heard him suck the air through his teeth and knew he did. "And this," she lifted her dress to her thigh and exposed her bruised skin which he trailed his fingertips over with a shake of his head. "It's because people are to be loved, not claimed, and I can't live that way."

"No one should have to live that way. Who was this man?"

"Hector." She looked up at him, "why do you ask?"

"I've heard of him, he is one of Sterling's better knights. He must have truly had his heart set on you to be marrying a commoner." He stood and offered his hand to her while she let him believe her to be a simple person. "I've met him on the battlefront a time or two and surely will again."

"You're an Umbrage warrior, then?"

"Something along those lines," he pulled her up and his hand seemed to linger over hers. "I understand you're from the other side of the wall and this is a dangerous place for you. Please, return to your land and know that this hell you live won't last for long. If it's one thing I won't tolerate, it's a monster among men."

"What does that mean? What will you do?"

"Whatever I want, I am the Prince after all."

"Prince?" Serenity hid her shock.

"Yes. Prince Alaster of Umbrage, duty bound to kill any Sterling Knight I come into contact with. I suppose Hector would fall under that rule, don't you?"

"But you can't—"

Alaster cut off her words as he pulled the sword from his side, she shivered as he pointed it at her. When he flipped the blade's sharp end against his palm and held it out to her, she was in awe. "Take this. It's much better than that shard of glass." When she grabbed the hilt, he pulled back and brought her against him. His voice was dominant and strong, "Stay protected, stay away from the war, and if we are ever once again free people," he gentled his tone, "come back to me. Tell me your beautiful name, your enchanting story, and stay a while."

"I can't come back," Sera heard a sadness to her own voice.

"I know you can't now, but perhaps someday." With a simple gesture that felt like fire, he kissed her forehead. "Now grab your horse and run, before someone sees you, and I can't help any longer."

Sera clutched the blade to her chest. She'd never been given a man's weapon, and to say the least, it felt empowering. She looked up at the tall stranger once more and her eyes sunk to the seal across his arm. He was the enemy and she should be afraid, and yet she felt safer on this shore beside the Umbrage Prince then she had in a long while. Heeding his warning, she tucked the blade away, mounted her beast, and fled the land.  

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank my two hard working editors, @ottenhaileyand @ForeverFic, for the suggestions they made to improve my prologue. They have both been great to work with, and I'm excited to continue this journey with them! 

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