Unexpected (Harry Potter fan...

By Hummingclouds

168 6 4

Who wouldn’t wish they went to Hogwarts? It’s a perfect school, much better than the one I go to now anyway... More

Unexpected (Harry Potter fan fiction)
Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley

The Hogwarts Express

28 2 2
By Hummingclouds

The rest of August was a breeze. It was September the first in no time and the Autumn breeze brew past the oak tree outside Number 26, Brigg street.

"Have you left out anything?" asked Mrs Robson for the umpteenth time. "No mum," sighed Alice Robson, absent mindly patting her cat, Crumbs.

"Let's go now! Derrick is waiting for us outside," said Mr Robson. Alice nodded. Her mum wasn't coming, but her dad was.

They stepped outside and instead of the cheery, dark haired Derrick, they received an over-enthusiastic red haired man that Alice had met in The Leaky Cauldron.

"I know you! You're Authur!" she said. He grinned broadly. "I'm Arthur Weasly!" he said. "My son's head boy at Hogwarts!" he said proudly. Arthur wore ordinary, normal clothes. "The muggle clothes really are very itchy, luckily Kingsley told me how to wear it," he said, scratching his back ,"otherwise it would have been very nasty."

"Mr Weasly, wheres Derrick?" asked Alice. "Oh Derrick, he er.. Had a rather nasty accident, an explosive duck escaped from Experimental Charms, they could be so careless sometimes," he sighed.

"What's edperimental charms?" Alice asked.

"Well, its a department from the ministry of Magic," he replied.

"There's a Ministry of Magic?"



"Blimey! Look at the time! We have got to get going now! Or we'll miss the Hogwarts Express! We have to apparate now. Alice, I believe you're familiar with Apparating?"

Alice nodded. Mr Robson looked excited.

"Hold my hand, and don't let go," Mr Weasly said. they both held his hand firmly. "Whenever you're ready."



The same suffocating feeling came again, and the two Robsons came out on platform 9 3/4 panting and heaving.

"You'll have to get used to it. The second time won't be as bad as the first," he said.

They hurried along the platform to the Hogwarts Express."Behave Ron! And don't forget get into fights!" said a plump woman kissing a ginger haired boy on the forehead. "Yes mum," said Ron and endured another hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"This is my wife, Molly Weasly," said Arthur. "And my son, Ronald. "He's head boy! That makes the whole family!" he said proudly.

An older, taller and less freckled version of Ron snorted. "oh, forgotten us have we? Because ickle ronikin's head boy, now we're-"

His lower lip trembled.

Mrs Weasly went over to pat him on the shoulder. "It's okay George," she said soothingly. George shook his head. "I just still can't accept the fact that he's... gone! And it isn't "we" now, it's just me.

Mr Weasly steered Alice and her father to the Hogwarts express. "I'm sorry you had to see that, in the Second Wizarding War, his twin died fighting," he said.

The two Robsons stared at his sympathetically. "I'm sorry," said Alice softly.

"Now! Harry Potter is here too! He's rather famous you see, I'll introduce you to him." They walked over to where Harry was standing.

Alice glanced at the Giant clock on the wall. It was 10:54. The crowd was getting larger as more families piled in platform 9 3/4.

"Harry!" greeted Mr Weasly with a handshake. "Mr Weasly! Good morning! How are you?" he said, shaking his hand.

"Couldn't be better! Alice is a muggleborn, I'm replacing Derrick, her guide, he's at St Mungos, tragic accident involving the explosive duck from Experimental Charms compartment," he said.

"I hope he gets better, there was a poisonous duck last year, what will they throw next?" Harry smiled.

"Well, i'd better get on the train. Ron and Hermione are in the prefect carriage, I'll sit with Neville and Luna," he said. "Oh, Alice! Do you want to come? It would be rather crowded though, with all the wanting my autograph.."

Arthur laughed. "Harry, it would be more than "rather crowded"! You defeated the you know who for the second time last year and ended the second Wizarding war!"

Harry grinned. "See you soon Mr Weasly! Bye Mr Robson!" he called. He and Alice dragged their trunks to the Express. "Bye dad!" Alice called. "I'll write to you!"

They walked into the compartment where a boy and a girl, who Alice assumed were Luna and Neville were sitting. "Oh hello Harry! Have you had a nice Summer?" asked Luna.

"It was brilliant, thanks Luna!" said Harry. "How was yours?" Luna had a very dreamy voice, as if her mind wasn't there. "Mine was great! Daddy and K went searching for a Crumple Horned Snorkack, the last one was destroyed."

"How was your's Neville?"

"It was brilliant, Harry! Gran made me repeat the seventh year, I'm pretty sure everyone did, since you can't really count on it as a year of learning was it."

"Who's your friend here?"

"Alice is a first year! Mr Weasly's her guide," said Harry. "She's a muggleborn."

"Welcome to the wizardly world Alice!" said Neville. "Thanks," said Alice.

"You've got a cute cat there," said Luna, her glassy eyes focused on Alice's cat. "His name is Crumbs," said Alice. Luna tickled his nose. Alice also notice Luna didn't blink as often as normal people.

They talked about Hogwarts, the Wizarding world, Houses, Hogwarts again and when the trolley came past, Luna, Harry and Neville all bought Alice food from the Trolley.

It was getting dark as they finished the last of their cauldron cakes, chocolate frogs, Bertie and botts every flavored beans and pumpkin pasties. A brown haired girl and a red haired boy jumped into the compartment.

"Sorry Harry, blimey, being Head Boy is tough work! All by myself of course, Hermione was helping a girl find a lost rat or something," the red haired guy complained.

"Hey Ron, Hermione, this is Alice, she's a first year, and muggleborn," said Harry, introducing Alice to Ron and Hermione.

"Nice to meet you!" said Hermione sweetly, shaking her hand. Ron sighed. "I swear! They're getting shorter each year!"

Heroine nudged him in the ribs. "Ron. We were first years once," she said sharply. Ron shrugged.

"Yeah, but we weren't this short."

"Anyways, we should change into our Hogwarts robes now, where nearly there, see that? It's Hogsmeade, it was founded by Hengist of Woodcroft, the Three Broomsticks used to be his home, you can visit here when you're in your third year, it's very beautiful at Christmas. There are lots of fun things, there's Honeydukes, the best sweet shop I know, and Zonkos, it was reopened his year... "

Hermione talked as Alice changed. She listened with fascination, being a Muggle was terrible, without having magic and everything.

"Oh, I shouldn't tempt you should I, you'll be dyin to go there but you've got 2 more years!" sighed Hermione.

"Oh no, please, do continue," Alice urged but they were already there, the train was slowing down and soon came to a halt.

"Good luck Alice! I hope you're in Gryffindor!" Hermione, Harry and Ron said as they filed out of the compartment.

"I'm in Ravenclaw, it'll be good if you're in my house, but Gryffindor will gain an excellent student," piped Luna and walked off.


Okay, I didn't proofread this :C so forgive me for terrible grammar or spelling or punctuation. Enjoy :)

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