Town Of Undertale

By SatireSurquedry

122 7 0

Town of Undertale is a short story about the Undertale characters in the game "Town Of Salem". The story foll... More



7 1 0
By SatireSurquedry

Muffet woke up that morning to hear the sounds of screaming in the square. She jumped out of bed and ran outside to see a glorious sight.

"Muffet I thought we had a deal!" Sans yelled angrily.

Mad Dummy had died and his role was mafioso. It appears he was stabbed by the Serial Killer, but surprisingly there were no mafia kills.

"Town! We have to lynch Muffet, she is the Serial Killer plaguing us!" Sans then looked at Chara. "You were immune, you are the executioner right?"

Chara was surprised, she thought he cover as serial killer was blown but the stupid mafia thought she was executioner. "Oh uhhh... yea my target is Alphys" she stuttered

Muffet then realized that the mafia and serial killer were about to out vote her and get her lynched, so she devised a plan.

"Pssssssst" Whispered Muffet to Chara. " I am the executioner, turned..ehehe.. mayor. If you lynch me, they will realize you are Serial Killer and out vote you. However, if you side with me, we can lynch Sans, and you kill the other mafia"

Voting was about to begin and Chara still hadn't responded to Muffet's whisper. Time ticked by until the bell rung and it was time to vote. The two mafia and Alphys voted on Muffet,  but Chara thankfully voted on Sans. Muffet happily followed and Sans went onto the stand.

"What are you doing Chara? Muffet will kill you! She is serial killer" Sans pleaded. "Inno me down and get her!"

The voted ended with 5 votes guilty (3 were Muffet's, one was Chara, and one was Alphys) and Monster Kid voted Innocent (Disguiser).

"REPORT THE EXECUTIONER!!!" Were San's final words.

The bells rung and it was time for everyone to go back to their homes, and all fell silent

This is the end of Day 6.

Muffet started to play out her plan in her head.

"Well.... there are 4 of us left...."

Me- Executioner/Mayor

Chara- Serial Killer

Monster Kid- Disguiser turned mafioso

Alphys- Lookout/ My target.

"Chara kills Monster Kid tonight then we lynched Alphys tomorrow and we win!" Muffet felt so proud that she celebrated with a slice of cake and special spider lemonade.

"AHHHHHHHH!" a scream came from across the town.

"Ehehehe!~" Muffet snickered. "I guess it's about time for beddy bye!"

She then got up, laid down in bed, and drifted off to sleep.

This is the end of Night 6

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