She Saved Me | Tom Riddle

By _itssamanthaa

588K 19.1K 12.9K

Everyone knows how the story of Harry Potter ends. He destroyed the horcruxes, won the duel, and Voldemort wa... More

Something Strange
The Girl
Tom Riddle or Voldemort
The Next Step
The First Day
First Inspection
Beginning of Summer
Family Dinners
An Adventure
The Pier
Second Inspection
Thoughts & Feelings
The Object
The Trial P. 1
The Wand Complex
Diagon Alley
End of Summer
Return to Hogwarts
Classes Begin
Conflicting Conversations
Quidditch Season
Memories & Change
First Match
The Full Story
Threats & Confessions
The Boy
Turning Point
Stand Up
A New Feeling
Facing Reality
Falling Apart
Lasting Effects
Birthday Wishes
An Act of Faith
A Moral Paradox
The Truth
A Celebration of Fear
All Is Fair
One Step Foward
The Idea of Progress
Love and War
What The Future Holds
Quick Update

The Trial P. 2

8.8K 412 285
By _itssamanthaa

Oh lord this was difficult. Hope it turned out all right 😅

Also, updates will become slower now that classes started for me again. BUT, I wrote out the outlines for both stories so I know what to do with each chapter, yay!


Listen: Darkest of Intentions from Avengers: Age of Ultron soundtrack (second half)

* marks the second song: Philip Glass-candyman suite

19| the jury

The room was buzzing as Tom stepped into it. As he was lead to the chair in the center, he studied the newly reformed Wizengamot. They were all watching him closely, giving him the feeling that they weren't going to be forgiving. The stands lining the walls behind the chair were filled with witnesses and others who were allowed entrance. He caught sight of Ava and her parents sitting in the second row to the back left of where he will be sitting. The auror escorting him pushed him into the chair and moved to stand behind it, where he would be watching. The loud pounding of the gavel broke through the noise of the room and caused silence to take over. Tom looked up to see an older woman standing at the podium.

"Attention members of the Wizengamot and other consented personal. Today we are brought here for the trial and questioning of Tom Marvolo Riddle." She paused as whispers broke out from the crowd. Once they were silent again, she continued, "many of you may know of who this is before us. For those of you that do not, here before us is Lord Voldemort reborn into his younger self." The crowd began to speak again until the judge pounded the gavel. "The defendant has claimed to have no recollection of the events that have taken place in the last decades and we are here today to see if that is true."

She then addressed Tom directly, "should we decide you are untrustworthy to be set free, your immediate removal will take place and you will be escorted to Azkaban. If we find you were speaking the truth and pose no threat, you will be released back into the care of Carmine and Gwenyth Merin. Is that understood?"

Tom nodded, "yes." He swallowed thickly as Baron-Coax entered and stood off to the side. He knew she would vouch for his good behavior over the last few moths. Not knowing what else she will help him with, however, made him anxious. He had never felt so alienated before.

The judge nodded before shifting to address the whole room. "Now, we will proceed with an explanation of how you came to be on Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry grounds on May second." She glanced at the paper on the podium in front of her. "It is stated here that after the events of that day, the body of your previous self was left in its spot until removal. However, a student of Hogwarts, Ava Merin, later found you there instead. This is a statement made by the new Headmistress, Minerva McGonagall. Is this statement true Mister Riddle?"

Tom met her eyes, "yes."

"This was also witnessed by Harry Potter, correct?"

Tom couldn't help but cringe when he heard the name. He responded with a nod, hoping his reaction wasn't noticeable.

The judge looked away from him after his nod to glance down at her notes. "You were then taken to the Headmistress and brought to her office, where she explained events of the last fifty years." She looked back up at the crowd, "recollection of such events were further denied after this conversation. It was decided, by decree of the new Minister, that Mister Riddle would be placed somewhere out of public eye until this day. Who decided to have you placed with the Merins?"

Tom tensed, not expecting to be asked that. "I believe it was first suggested by Professor Dumbledore's portrait."

"By a portrait?" The judge pursed her lips, "this idea was accepted by both the Headmistress and the Minister as well. Now tell me, why was this suggested?"

Tom cleared his throat, "I am not sure. Perhaps they thought I would benefit from being around someone my age."

The judge nodded slowly. "Have you enjoyed your stay with the Merins so far?"

He nodded. "I have, very much. They've welcomed me and I'm grateful to them for opening their home to me." He said this in hope to appeal to the judge and others in the crowd.

"I see." The judge folded her hands on the podium and studied him. "I would like to hear from representative Baron-Coax on her evaluations of your behavior over the last two months."

Baron-Coax came forward towards Tom, but wasn't looking at him. She had her hands clasped together as she walked and looked around the room. She stopped just before the podium and turned to address the crowd. "I would like to start by saying I was surprised with my findings in my evaluations." She briefly glanced at Tom, "Over the past two months I have revisited the Merin household and spoken with the family, as well as Mister Riddle himself. It seemed that he had adjusted quite well with almost no mishaps." She noticed the way some people in the crowd whispered to each other in disbelief over her statement. "Now I know that is hard to believe. Frankly I didn't think it would be possible for him to acclimate so quickly."

Tom scowled slightly at her. Was this her idea of helping?

"But yet," she continued not giving attention to him, "I was proven wrong. Not only had he been on his top behavior, but he also connected with the family. Particularly, the girl who found him." Her eyes swept the crowd up to Ava, who looked down from everyone that turned their attention to her. "Ah yes, it seems Mister Riddle here has found himself a new friend. Something new from what I've heard."

Tom became stiff at Ava's sudden mention. He wished he could turn around to look at her. He knew others took notice of Baron-Coax's gaze shifting to Ava. He also knew her insinuation wouldn't go unnoticed either.

"Curious, isn't it? How someone that caused so much chaos could turn the hearts of one family." Baron-Coax then turned to face the Wizengamot. "He has yet to have a wand in his possession, so perhaps we can't know for sure whether he can be trusted. However, as much as some of you wish for it, I simply could not find a reason to condemn him in this moment." The members of the Wizengamot showed various reactions, not understanding how that was possible. "I implore all of you to remember that this isn't Lord Voldemort in front of us today. This is a boy, lost in a world he doesn't know anymore. He may not be completely innocent in this form, but tell me. Is he really the one responsible for what happened this last year? Or is he too, a victim of fate."

The Wizengamot looked at each other, thinking over her question. Baron-Coax turned back to the crowd and met Tom's gaze. "That is all I have for you today." With that she was excused by the judge and returned to her place by the door to the side of the stands.

The judge cleared her throat, "thank you. I believe it would be best to move onto the events of the past few years specifically."


It felt like hours passed as the judge went through every event and every crime committed by him. It was hard to believe some of it. He was left sitting there, listening, to the accusations. Stuck in his thoughts and questioning everything. He did all of this? So much of it was far beyond his original plans. Some of it was even unbelievable to him. It started to make him wonder. Was he still that person? Was he still Voldemort? Or has he been given the undeserving chance to start again. Was he willing to take that chance?

As the trial went on, Tom felt his hope of winning it slipping further and further away. He was forced to face and listen to testimonials of those affected by his choices. The anger and hatred towards him radiated off of each of them. The Headmistress even read a note from Dumbledore, which made Tom tense up. The man had the audacity to claim he wished him the best when Tom knew that wasn't true. The two of them never saw eye to eye. For Dumbledore to say he was redeemable, given the right circumstances, caused suspicion. He always felt uneasy around the older wizard and no amount of time would change that.

Tom looked up as the next person came forward to speak. He took a sharp breath when he saw who it was. Harry Potter.

They made eye contact as Harry stood at the front of the room. Tom felt like he couldn't breathe with him there. He knew it was irrational considering he didn't know the boy personally. All that he knew was from what he was told and he felt nervous being around him. This was the boy that defeated him twice and now he was here. He was going to be the nail on the coffin to his trial. Tom wanted to yell in frustration knowing where this was going.

"Thank you for joining us today Mister Potter." The Judge said this as she pulled out another sheet. "You have something to add to this?"

Harry glanced up at her, "yes, I do. It won't take long."

"Then you may proceed," the judge said as she indicated with her hand for him to continue.

"Right." Harry paused and looked around the room at all the people watching him attentively. "Well first, I'd like to say that I never imagined I'd be here. I hadn't planned to speak today, but I saw something that changed my mind."

When he said that he had glanced up at Ava. She sat back slightly, wondering what he meant. She didn't know he planned to say anything either, meaning he decided to just recently. What made him change his mind and what did she have to do with it?

Harry looked away from Ava and back to Tom again. "I'm sure everyone knows how I feel about Tom, or at least I imagine they do. He's done horrible things in his youth and later in his life. I've personally been affected by him, which you know." He paused to clear his throat when he noticed Tom tense up. "I thought it was over that day. I didn't think I'd ever see him again and I definitely never thought I'd face him like this. Last time I saw him he was, well he was Voldemort."

Tom frowned again at the distinction. He wasn't expecting Harry to separate him from Voldemort. Especially after everything.

"But today I'm facing Tom Riddle. The boy, as Professor Dumbledore said, who made all the wrong choices." The crowd began to break out in quiet conversations. Harry swallowed nervously, "he was right. Tom Riddle made bad choices since he was a child. He couldn't help it though, not at first. His pain and anger with the life he was given manifested into something dark. I guess I can understand that."

Tom remained uneasy as he could hear all the people behind him. His interest was peaked by Potter's speech. But he was still wary.

"I always thought he was just evil, just the dark lord who couldn't understand any of that. Until I learned more about him." He paused to meet the eyes of those watching him. "He allowed himself to become consumed by his darkness instead of fighting it. He may still be scary to all of you, but to me he's not. He's lost, inside, and has never had the chance to find himself. Which is why I feel sorry for him."

Tom could tell the people weren't thrilled to hear this. He could almost feel their displeasure filling the room. None of them held sympathy for him.

The judge stepped in to bring back control in the room. "Is that why you chose to come today?"

Harry glanced back at her, "yes and no. I wanted to make a point." He turned back to address both the crowd and Tom. "I could never forget everything he did, but I can learn to let it all go. You don't have to forgive him and really, he doesn't deserve it. But maybe, him having a second chance means he'll do things differently. Hopefully at least."

"You mentioned you witnessed something that influenced your testimony," the judge said when he paused, "what was it?"

"Something I never thought I'd see." His gaze again wandered up to Ava. "I saw someone show him genuine kindness. Naturally, they're a very open minded, caring person. But this was different, special. I saw him accept it and embrace it." He tore his gaze away from Ava as she looked down. He didn't want to bring too much attention to her. "If he is to go free I hope he welcomes that kindness fully." Harry looked directly at Tom then. "You really don't deserve to be alive again and have another life. So I hope, for your sake, that you don't throw this away and cause anymore pain. No one deserves that, especially her." He glanced at the judge as he dismissed himself, going back to his spot in the stands.

The judge took a few minutes to gather herself. Sighing, she placed her papers in a pile and looked up to the room. "I believe we've heard enough today. A lot has been revealed today and I believe I speak for everyone when I say it has been eye opening." She paused and folded her hands together. "However, I don't believe a decisions can be reached today. Therefore, Mister Riddle, it would be in the best interest to keep you here until we reconvene."

Tom sat up straighter and gripped the chair. Of all things he didn't expect this. He looked at the auror moving towards him, eyes wide and jaw tense. As he was grabbed and brought out of the room, he looked behind him to catch sight of Ava. She looked as frantic as he did. The last thing he saw before the door closed was Potter, who looked confused himself.

In the stands, Ava looked from the judge to her father. She shook her head in disbelief. Her father placed his hand on her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. She didn't understand why this was happening.

"Ava, stay calm. I'm sure he'll be fine."

"Did you see the way he reacted?" Ava gave her father a stern look not letting him dismiss this. "This wasn't something we planned for."

Carmine nodded slowly. "I know. I'm just as surprised as you, but we'll have to go along with it for now."

"Needing more time isn't a good thing."

"Not necessarily." Carmine lowered his voice so only she'd hear him, "after Harry Potter's testimonial, I'd imagine their unsure on how to handle this situation. They weren't expecting him of all people to defend Tom."

Ava bit her lip. "Now it's a matter of whether Harry's words will have the ultimate say in this." She shook her head, "I can't imagine how Tom's handling this."

"Best not to think on it," Carmine said as he stood up. He helped Ava up and smiled at people passing by. "Potter bringing you into that wasn't expected either."

Ava looked through the crowd to where Harry was. "No it wasn't. I don't know if it was good that he did, but it's too late now."


Two days.

That's how long it took for them to make their decision. Tom had been held at the ministry during that time. They didn't know where exactly, but they did know it wasn't pleasant for him. Carmine had been trying his best to keep Ava preoccupied while trying to do his own research on the progress of Tom's trial. For the past two days Ava had been frivolously sketching to keep herself from thinking about him. She had just finished the third sketch of the tree in their backyard on the second day when her father told them. Tom's trial would continue the next morning. Anxious didn't quite describe the feeling they were experiencing at the moment.

The next morning they were back in the same room again. Ava breathed in when they brought Tom in. He looked even more tired than two days earlier. He hadn't slept. Everyone was tense with either fear or excitement of him being imprisoned. The Merins were clearly the odd ones out, not wanting to see him locked away. But they didn't care if everyone knew that. Not today.

Tom was rigid in the chair. The last two days felt endless to him, stuck in a small room without a window or other light source other than a small lamp. Guards were placed outside of his door as if he'd be able to get out. He was completely trapped there. For two days. His body stayed in its rigid form as the judge called attention of the room. Even as she addressed him, he refused to look up. He prepared to hear those words that would seal his fate and end his second chance before it began. He was resigned to losing.

"We have gathered here today in continuation of the trial of Tom Riddle. We have heard and seen everything we need to hear to decide what is best for the wizarding community."

Everyone braced themselves for his sentencing. Tom took a deep breath as he finally looked at the judge. He knew what was coming.

"After countless hours of discussing and debating, the jury has reached this difficult decision. On this day, the Wizengamot and myself have decided to pardon Tom Riddle of the crimes committed by Voldemort as they are being considered separate people."

The crowd began to roar in mixed reactions of anger and upset. Tom lost his breath shortly, not believing what he heard. Ava and her parents exchanged surprised looks as people around them began yelling.

The judge banged her gavel to quiet the room. "I understand how upsetting this is for some. However, this decision was made after careful consideration." She addressed Tom then, "this is the only chance you'll receive from us Mister Riddle. Should you step one foot out of line, you will be immediately detained without retrial. Do you understand?"

Tom nodded still in shock. His binds on the chair were released and he stood slowly. He was lead out of the room and away from the protesting crowd. It felt like everything slowed down in that moment as he passed Potter. The two of them made eye contact, almost daring the other to say something. Neither did and Tom stepped through the doors. He was brought to a room to wait for the Merins. He had his back to the door and was pacing, waiting nervously for them. Then he head the click of the door and turned around. Ava stood there with her parents behind her.

She quickly stepped in front of him and smiled. "You did it. You won." She pulled him into a quick hug not caring if it bothered him. Tom hesitantly placed his hand on her back. For once, he didn't mind the contact.

Gwen smiled at them as they pulled away. "Now that that's done, let's get you home."

Tom watched them head out the room as he stayed back. He took a minute to process what happened. They didn't see it, but he smiled at what Gwen said. He was ready to go home.

AN: guys I've been really struggling lately. Whenever I'm doing something where I just kind of space out, I think of all these great dialogue or monologue pieces. But when I get to actually writing it out...I can't get it. Honestly, I need to remember to at least write things out in my phone and Im going to try to do that. Hopefully that helps.

Also, I finished this at like 1:00 am so I apologize for any mistakes

Good luck to everyone who started school by the way!

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