Marriage Fit For A King {Klan...

By KlanceandPhan

365K 12.9K 31.3K

Keith Kogane. He works in a small Diner along with his older brother Shiro and younger sister Pidge. When his... More



36.7K 1K 1.7K
By KlanceandPhan

Keith's POV

"Order up!" Shiro called, setting a plate of breakfast on the order window. I smiled to myself and picked it up taking a few other plates with me. I delivered each plate of food to each table, walking over to a new one and taking the pencil from behind my ear.

"What'll it be Hunk?" I asked, one of my only friends, who sat alone at a table, looking around, obviously waiting for someone.

"Just a coffee.... Oh! and some of your tarts too." He smiled.

"Sure thing!" I smiled walking off. I walked over to the counter that sat below the order window. Grabbing a plate and coffee mug, filling the mug and placing a few tarts on the small plate. "Shiro. Have you seen Pidge?" I asked through the window.

"Not since this morning, no." he replied, as he continued to cook.

I shook my head with a sigh and walked over to Hunk with his coffee and tarts. "Here you go." I smiled, noticing Allura now sitting across from him. "Would you like anything Allura?"

"Coffee. I'll need some. I've been up all-night waiting for a letter from the Prince. I really hope I do get one. I've always wanted to attend a ball..." Her voice drifted off and I shook my head smiling.

I walked back to the counter, as the door burst open. "Keith! I got a letter." Pidge exclaimed. I grabbed a mug and filled it with coffee, walking back over to Allura and Hunks table. "Keith, are you not listening to me? I got a letter." I just rolled my eyes and set Allura's coffee in front of her. "From the Prince." Pidge continued.

"No fair!" Allura exclaimed, Hunk laughed.

"Pidge, we can talk about this later. Work first." I let out a low growl. Pidge nodded and I continued to wait on different tables.


Shrio, Pidge and I sat at a table. "I got invited to a ball. I don't know how to dance." Pidge groaned.

"You should go. Only a few people were chosen." Shiro commented. "Plus, you have a plus one, take Keith."

"What?" I asked.

"Keith, just go to the stupid ball with me. Please?" Pidge begged.

"Fine. I'll go, only because I can brag about it to Allura."

"And because you think the Prince is pretty cute." Pidge snickered.

"I do not!" I felt my face blush,

Shiro shook his head. "Come on, we've got a long week ahead of us."

Lance's POV

"Lance!" My Mum called. I groaned and got up from my bed, I was dressed in my usual, of blue jeans and a white and blue long-sleeved tee. My crown, that I was forced to wear, sat a top my head. I sighed and made my way down stairs, my younger siblings passing me. I walked into the throne room. "Mother. Father." I greeted nodding my head towards them.

"My eldest son. As you know you are next in line for this thrown-" My Father began.

"In order to claim it you must have a Queen." My Mum chimed in.

"Yes. So, for you to meet a 'Queen'. We're going to be-"

"Holding a royal ball! In your honor!"

"We've invited the fairest maidens from all around-"

"We also invited some beautiful ladies from the towns! Because it doesn't matter who you choose-"

"The ball is tomorrow night at 8, be ready." I nodded and left the room, shutting the large door behind myself.

"Are you okay?" Lanny asked. I jumped at the sudden sound of her voice.

"I'm not okay. I'm going to be forced to marry some girl. What if I don't find the right girl. You can't rush love-"

"Lance. I'm your twin sister. I get what you mean, trust me, you'll find them." She smiled. With that she walked off. I sighed again and went back up to my room.


"Lance McClain! Baja aquí, ahora!" I heard my Mother scream from down the stairs. Startled, I moved quickly and fell off my bed. I groaned getting up from the floor. I ran my fingers through my hair and fixed my clothes, grabbing my green and white hoodie and pulling to on, before grabbing my crown and placing it on my head. I had fallen asleep at 3pm. What else was new? I sighed and walked out of my room and down the stairs. "Lance, Vamos a la ciudad." She told me as I reached the bottom of the stairs, "Tal vez veas a alguien que te parece lindo." She winked and giggled to herself. I rolled my eyes and smiled at her. She walked off and I followed, we made our way to our car. We got in, and took our seats as the car started up. We do this weekly, go into town, spilt up and have some fun, I have a friend in town named Hunk, we're pen pals basically. He's always telling me about this restaurant, so I figured I'd go. "Lance, if you see a girl in town you like, give them one of these." My Mum handed me at least 4 letters. I just smiled at her and looked out the window, watching trees and things pass by.

"Lance. Have you seen anyone you like around the town before?" Lanny asked.

"Not really..." I mean there is one person... She sighed and I looked back out of the car window.

Not much later we reached the town. "Remember. Be back here by 6!" My Mum clasped her hands together as we had all gotten out of the car. She smiled widely and her and my father began to walk off. Lanny took my two younger sidling off somewhere, so that left me, all alone. I watched my parents walk out of sight and took my crown off my head, putting it the back seat.

"Lance. That's not a good idea." Coran, one of our helpers, warned.

"They'll never know." I smiled. He laughed and shook his head a bit. I turned from the car and began to walk off.


~Word Count: 1022~

First chapter to my first ever Klance fic! I hope you enjoyed this chapter cause, I sure enjoyed writing it!

I posted the description for this on my Instagram (Self promo) "imlikelancealot". GO FOLLOW IT. Please...?

Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and follow me for more!

Also, sorry if any of the Spanish is wrong, I live in Canada, where I learn French, not Spanish. My Popa, helped me with the Spanish, yet he is a bit rusty at it, mind you.

(Translations~ "Lance McClain! Down here, now!" - "Lance, We are going into town." - "Maybe you'll see someone that you think is cute.")



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