That Girl || x Genji

By dearful

34.5K 582 186

I've had my eyes on this girl - long silky brown hair draping over her perfect body, honey brown eyes I can m... More



899 16 3
By dearful

I glare at Hanzo as he sits down across from us, turning the chair around facing me.

"Long time no see little bro." He says lowly with a slick grin on his face. I want to punch that grin badly.

Hanzo looks over to Hana briefly before looking at Jack. "And who may this be?"

Jack growls as he answers him. "Jack. No need to introduce yourself to me. I know enough to know you're an ass."

Hanzo raises a brow but still holds that grin of his. "I guess Hana and Genji filled the blanks in?" I bite my lower lip as I peer over at Hana who's clenching her fists beneath the table. She's feeling uncomfortable most likely.

I turn my gaze towards Hanzo again.

"What exactly are you doing here?"

"I picked up a teacher assistant job. I get a little bored when Angel leaves me to go to work. Besides, a little pocket change won't hurt anyone." He grins at me as I roll my eyes. Of all the teachers here he had to pick this one. "I didn't do this on purpose either. Meeting you guys here is by chance."

Sure it is.

"Hanzo Shimada." The professor calls Hanzo as he gives us a wink before getting up and heading over to the professor.

As I watch him leave, I release a sigh. Hana finally exhales and unclenches her fist. How long was she holding in her breath? I follow her eyes at Hanzo - her brows scrunching together.

"Hey." I whisper to her to get her attention. Did she hear me? I place my hand over hers and give them a slight squeeze. Her attention now on me as I give her my best smile.

"Why are you looking at another man, Hana?" I try to joke with her as her cheeks flush a pink and she flutters her eyelashes.

"That's actually my line." Jack butts in our conversation as he leans forward to the two of us. "You are a natural casanova Genji."

I roll my eyes as I release Hana's hand. The professor starts his lecture and the three of us quietly listen while jotting or typing down notes.

- - - -

As the class ends I grab my bag and toss it over my shoulder. Jack already left the auditorium saying something about food.

"What are you doing after class?" I ask Hana who's busily putting her stuff away.

"Probably an early lunch outside? I need some fresh air." She looks at me with a slight smile. "Want to join me?"

I smirk at her. "I was going to invite myself anyway." She giggles beside me as we both leave the auditorium.

We walk a couple blocks away from campus to a local eating spot. (Yes we could've driven but the weather is turning nice...and I wanted more time with Hana.)

We enter a warmly lit cafe that instantly gives off a rustic feel. The walls a faded brick brown, bright red window paneling, soft cushion chairs to match the red of the window, cream colored tables, a huge chalkboard with hand written menu items, and miscellaneous frames hung in the tiny cafe/restaurant.

We both order hot cocoa and sit ourselves by the window to people watch. The atmosphere quiet as we stare out at the passerby's. I'm itching to talk to her but she probably wants this quietness.

Our beeper vibrates on the table and the two of us reach for it. We both softly chuckle as I take it from her.

"Stay here. I'll get it." I smile to her as I get up and get our drinks. I only wanted to watch her from afar. She's beautiful no matter what emotion she's in. I pick up our tray of hot cocoas and walk back to the table.

Her eyes looking at me as I sit down and hand her the hot cocoa.

"Thanks." She whispers as she blows on the piping steam before taking a sip. I do the same.

Smooth jazz plays in the cafe and a few wind-chimes ring as customers enter or exit.

"You're a great guy, Genji." Hana mumbles. My eyes dart to her as I raise a brow. What did she just say? I blink at her as she continues.

"Why didn't I see it before? If I just met you first and not Han-..." Her hand clenches on the hot mug as she tries to continue her sentence.

My hands move towards her without a thought. I cup her hands with mine as I stroke the top of her hand with my thumb.

"At least you know I'm a great guy now." I smile at her as she tries to crack a smile. "But you saying those words...does it mean you'll give me a chance sometime?" My eyes resting on hers as she playfully rolls them.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Jacks a great competitor too." She jokes as I scoff at her statement.

"Jacks not the one comforting you right now, is he?"

She shrugs and sips on her cocoa innocently.

"No, he's not...but him and I have a common incident we can relate to. Being cheated on." She jabs at me as I roll my eyes.

"That's one thing. But I can out do him 100 times more." I declare to her as I lean back in my chair, raising my mug to her as she giggles.

"This feels nice to joke around like this." Hana says with a smile as I smile back.

"Makes you want to date me, don't you?" I slip in as she shakes her head.

"Slow your roll there, Shimada."

I shrug my shoulders. "At least I tried." The two of us laughing.

- - - -

The rest of the classes dragged on in the day as I sluggishly walk over to my car. I press the unlock button and throw my backpack in my passenger seat. A heavy groan as I sit down in the driver seat and insert my key to turn on the car.

I hear a light tap on my driver window and see Hana. That's a surprise. I roll my window down and tilt my head. "Yes, love?" I smirk at her.

"Love?" Hana mimics as I feel my heart skip a beat. Damn I'm a sucker for her.

"Yes?" I joke with her as she giggles.

"I wanted to ask you if I can crash at your place. I need some help with the homework and I don't want to be alone."

I raise an eyebrow. "Well that's rather blunt. Sure, I don't mind having company." I grin at her as she nods.

"Great, I was going to barge in anyway." Her eyes glimmering as they meet mine. I can't help but chuckle.

"See you soon." I say to her as she walks off to her car. I pull out of the parking lot and drive over to my apartment.

Maybe this apartment won't be as shitty as it usually is today.

- - - -

Hi again! Sorry it's so short, I just got back from vacation and am currently at work. Things are slow here so I wanted to give you guys a quick chapter. I'll start developing their relationship a bit faster from now on!

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