Unique | Charlie Curnow (ON H...

By UncontrollablyInsane

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Ally Fisher describes herself as a complete wreck and unlike her entire family, sport isn't a huge thing for... More

Chapter 1- Sibling Goals
Chapter 2- Zac Fisher is Such a White Girl
Chapter 3 - "Name's Charlie Curnow"
The Many Faces Of Caleb Marchbank
Chapter 4 - Doubt
Chapter 5 - Footy 101
Chapter 6 - Dreams
Chapter 7 - To The MCG
The Many Faces Of Charlie Curnow
Chapter 8 - Coffee
Chapter 9 - Party
Chapter 10 - Truth Or Dare
Chapter 11 - Movies
The Many Faces Of Jack Silvagni
Chapter 12 - Mario Kart
Chapter 13 - Patrick
Chapter 14 - Stars
The Many Faces Of David Cuningham
Chapter 16 - Danced The Night Away
Chapter 17 - Brunch
Chapter 18 - Never Again
The Many Faces Of Marc Murphy
Chapter 19- Got Your Back, Brother!
Chapter 20 - The Other Curnow
The Many Faces Of Ed Curnow
Chapter 21- Anger
The Many Faces of Patrick Cripps
The Many Faces Of Sam Kerridge
Chapter 22 - Instagram
Chapter 23 - Jack
Vote For Jack Silvagni!
Chapter 24- Home

Chapter 15 - Cute Dates

711 11 16
By UncontrollablyInsane

I would go on a date with this cutie!

Ally's POV

I can barely contain my excitement for the date with Charlie today. I wonder what we're doing, all he told me was that we're going out for dinner but then he also said we're doing something after dinner. 

I'm currently sitting on the couch in the living room watching tv, I was all ready for my date. Charlie told me to dress formally as the restaurant we're going to is a really expensive fancy place. So I'm wearing a long white skirt and a high neck blue crop top. My hair was curled a little and my makeup was light.

Ally's outfit

"Where are you going?" Zac asks as he comes downstairs. I smile and stand up.

"On a date" I respond. Zac frowns.

"With Charlie?" Zac questions.

"Yep" I say. Zac shakes his head.

"Why? Just why?" Zac says. I open my mouth to argue but Mum walks in and beats me to it.

"Zachary, it's just a date. I'm sure Charlie is a lovely guy" Mum says. Mum is dressed elegantly with her hair clipped up into a elegant bun. Her make up was elegant, her walk was elegant. Everything about my Mum was pretty much elegant. I smile gratefully at mum. "And Ally, you look absolutely beautiful"

"Thank you Mum" I say.

"Charlie is in my football team, he's not lovely" Zac argues.

"Well he seems to make your sister happy and her happiness is what matters most" Mum says. Zac groans. Dad walks in.

"I agree with your mother, give Charlie a chance. Also Ally, you look gorgeous" Dad says.

"Thank you Dad" I say smiling. There's a knock at the door. "That must be Charlie" I walk off towards the front door and open it. It's not Charlie. It's Samo.

"Ally, hi" Sam says.

"Sam, hello. What are you doing here?" I ask curiously.

"Came to hang out with Zac" He responds.

"Oh, well he's in the living room" I say stepping aside so he can walk in. I follow him back into the living room.

"Oh wow Ally, I don't think that's Charlie" Zac says with a laugh. "He's probably not even going to show up"

"He'll show up, Zac" I say.

"Well don't come crying to me if he doesn't show up" Zac says.

"Leave her alone Zac" Mum says firmly. "And it's nice to see you Sam" Zac rolls his eyes at Mum's commands.

"Nice to see you too Mrs Fisher" Samo says with a smile. There's another knock at the door and my face lights up. Mum comes up to me and fixes my hair.
"Thanks" I say to her and walk to the front door. I open and sure enough, it's Charlie, he's dressed nicely and he has a little bow tie. So cute. Charlie looks at me from head to toe.

"Holy... you look amazing" Charlie says. I smile and look down trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing. I look up.

"I should introduce you to my parents" I say. Charlie smiles and we go back inside. I walk into the living room where everyone still is. Mum smiles gratefully and Zac glares at Charlie. My Dad puts his hand out and Charlie shakes his hand.

"You must be Charlie, we've heard great things about you" Dad says.

"Yeah only the great things though" Zac scoffs. I elbow Zac in the ribs. He scrunches his face up in pain and rubs the part where I elbowed him.

"Anyway, you two! Go have fun" Mum says. I smile.

"Thank you" Charlie says and next thing I know, we're out of the house and into the car. I buckle up my seatbelt while Charlie does the same. Safety first.

"Sorry about my brother" I say thinking about Zac's comment earlier. Charlie chuckles.

"It's all good, I know what he gets like. I'm on the same team as him after all" Charlie says kindly. I smile.

"This restaurant we're going to, is it really expensive?" I ask.

"A little but I'll pay for you" Charlie says.
"No, we'll split the bill" I argue.

"Ally, you're a uni student, I play football for AFL, you could probably barely afford it" Charlie says. I scoff.

"I may not be making the amount an afl player does but I still make money! I work at a cafe" I say. Charlie laughs and reaches over to squeeze my thigh. It sends tingles through my whole body. 
"I'm kidding... I'm sure you make some money but I'm not kidding about paying for you" Charlie says. I stare at him for a good 20 seconds. "What?"

"Why are you so nice?" I ask curiously. Charlie just shakes his head. He parks the car.

"Trust me, in my football team, there are people nicer than me and also we're here in front of the restaurant" Charlie says. I look out the car window and stare at the restaurant taking it all in. It is definitely elegant and beautiful. It was the type of place that only rich people would go too, the ones that walk around in fancy suits carrying car keys to their Mercedes. The type that take their white poodles for a walk in the park. I didn't belong here. I wasn't like any of these people. My brother may be on television a lot but I'm nothing compared to these people. I look back to Charlie who's smiling at me.

"Why don't we just go to a pub or something?" I ask. Charlie frowns.

"A pub? Come on Ally, this place has much better food than a pub" Charlie says. I sigh and open the car door. I guess I have no choice. Charlie does the same. He walks around to me and then smiles at me and locks his car. Then I hear a scream. A teenage girl stands about 3 metres away from us practically wetting herself at the sight of Charlie. She's looking up at him in awe and excitement. She comes closer to us and smiles at Charlie.

"Hi Charlie! I'm a huge fan of you and I was wondering if I could get a photo?" The girl asks pulling out her phone.

"Sure" Charlie says. The girl stands next to him and raises her phone in the air. They both look at the camera and smile. She lowers her phone and turns to Charlie.

"Thank you so much" the girl says and she places a hand on his chest. Then she looks at me with a glare and then innocently smiles at Charlie. "Bye Charlie" and then she struts off. She glared at me, damn. She needs to chill.

"Does that happen often?" I ask Charlie. Charlie grins.

"Only sometimes but if you think that's bad, you should see what it's like at open training" Charlie says.

"I don't think I want to see" I reply.

"I can understand that" Charlie says kindly. He holds out his hand and I gratefully take it. "Let's go in" We walk inside and wait to be taken to a table.
A lady approaches us with a warm smile.
"Table for two?" She asks.

"Actually, I have a reservation under the name Curnow" Charlie says professionally, almost like he does this often. The lady smiles.

"Oh, Curnow! My boss did tell me you were coming. I'm new here and I've heard you come here a lot" the lady says.

"Yeah, I could tell you were new. As you said, I come here often" Charlie says flashing her a charming smile. Then I feel it. Jealousy.

"Well, allow me to assist you two to your table" the lady says. She picks up two menus and walks off. We follow her. She leads us to a table by the window. The people around us are dressed like they own a million dollars. They probably all do own a million dollars.
I sit down in a chair at a small marble table. The chair I'm seated on probably costs more than 3000 dollars. I would hate to break something in here. Charlie is seated across with me, his hands flicking through the menu. I stare my closed menu at the table afraid to open it. I wonder how much a simple meal would cost. I look back up at Charlie who is now staring at me with concern.

"Why do you look so worried?" Charlie asks as he lightly places the menu down on the table. I open my mouth to reply but I close it unsure what to say. I could easily offend him right now. I'd be likely to say something stupid about rich people or how this place is too much.
Charlie is still looking at me, he's waiting for my answer to the question. I have to say something.

"It's just... Out of all the places to go, why do you take me to a place that probably charges 100 dollars for a garden salad" I say. Charlie frowns.

"We can leave if you like" Charlie says with a tinge of disappointment in his voice causing me to instantly feel bad.

"No, I never said that! Just saying you don't have to treat me to perfection, I'm easy" I say with a reassuring smile. Charlie's face lights up a little and my emotions are flushed with relief.

"Well I'm glad you're easy to impress. Also the reason we came here is because my family are very close friends with the owner of this place. Our family comes here often so I've kinda just grown up with this place and it wasn't always like this. It started out small at first and it's grown into this" Charlie says. "And plus... we get everything cheaper here" I smile. Charlie smiles back and fiddles with menu.

"Wow, that's actually really cool" I reply.

"It's practically a second home to me. Our whole family loves it... well almost our whole family. Ed isn't much of a fan, he says it's too posh for his liking but he still comes here when family come here because he respects his family of course" Charlie says. Charlie Curnow, the guy that occasionally insults his friends and is way to up himself about his football. The guy that looks tough on the outside really has a heart of gold. Him and his family seem like they have everything perfectly planned out.

"Are you guys ready to order?" A sweet voice asks. I change my focus from gazing at Charlie to a waitress with light brown hair, features of a goddess and a smile that could bring the dead back to life. I blink at her for a couple of seconds then turn to the menu that I haven't even touched.

"Isabelle, do you possibly think we could have another five minutes?" Charlie says. Isabelle smiles and nods.

"Take as long as you like" she says still with a welcoming smile. She walks off to another table and takes the dirty plates.

I focus my attention back on the menu and open it. Surely enough, the food costs heaps. I scan the menu in search of something I would enjoy. I'm sure I would enjoy all of it but I can't order everything. So many decision, not clue what to choose. I close the menu and place it back on the table.

"I'm guessing you worked out what to order then" Charlie says.

"Nope, no idea what I'm gonna order... that's why you're gonna order for me" I say. Charlie blinks at me for a couple of seconds and then speaks.

"Um... Are you sure about that?" Charlie asks as if he needs my permission twice.

"Yeah, well you know the place well so you should order for me" I say.

"Okay, well in that case... are you allergic to anything or is there anything you can't eat? Because I don't want you to end up in hospital" Charlie says. I smile at his kindness.

"Well, I'm allergic to you but I don't think they serve you on a plate so" I joke. Charlie smirks.

"Yeah, I may not come on a plate babe but that doesn't mean you can't have some of this" Charlie says gesturing to himself. Heat rushes to my cheeks and I don't know what to say. I don't know if I can say anything. "But anyway, is there anything you can't eat. Like are you vegetarian or vegan? Are you part of a religion that can't eat certain foods? Are you allergic to anything or maybe you just don't like a certain food?"

"Charlie, I'll eat anything" I respond. Charlie nods.

"I'm glad you're not fussy" Charlie says. "Most girls are"

"That's rude, stereotyping girls" I say. Charlie raises his hand in the air as if I was pointing a gun at him.

"I'm not saying all girls are, just some of the ones I know are" Charlie says. I shake my head smiling.

"You're an idiot" I say still smiling. Charlie smiles at me.

"I know" Charlie says. The same waitress known as Isabelle comes up to our table again.

"Ready to order Charles?" Isabelle asks with a giggle. Charlie rolls his eyes but with a smile on his face. Charles? Why does she call him that? They must know each other really well.

"Sure am Izzy, the usual for both of us" Charlie says. The usual? I wonder what that is.

"Of course" Isabelle says with a menu. She takes our menus and then she walks off.

"Charles?" I question. Charlie just laughs a little.

"Isabelle and I know each other very well. We're very close. We grew up together" Charlie says. "Charles is her nickname for me and she knows I hate being called that but she does it anyway"

"Does she hate being called Izzy?" I ask.

"Nope, she hates being called Belle more than anything, she says it reminds her of the Disney princess and she's not a fan of Disney so" Charlie informs. I gasp.

"Not a fan of Disney? Is she human?" I ask. Charlie laughs. "I love Disney, especially the classics"

"What are the classics?" Charlie asks.

"Well, Mulan, Aladdin, Snow White, The Little Mermaid, Bambi, The Lion King, The Beauty and The Beast and there's so many more" I say.

"That's a lot" Charlie says. An idea pops into my head.

"We should have a Disney movie marathon sometime" I say. Charlie laughs.

"Yeah sure" Charlie says. I can't tell if he's joking or being serious.

"And we can invite Isabelle" I joke. Charlie laughs again.

"Oh yeah, she'll looove that" Charlie says sarcastically.

"Tell me more about her anyway" I say curiously.

I know I'm so evil ending the chapter in the middle of the date! I just don't have much time to write at the moment. I've tried keeping this chapter kinda long though. Hope it's still good!

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