
By crimsondragin

3.8M 108K 31.1K

Highest rank #1 General fiction 14th August 2017 Two mafia families. An age old rivalry between them. No one... More

1*. The Valentini Don
Family tree { contains few spoilers }
2. Arrival Of A Princess
3. Secret identities and Calls
4. The Revelation
5*.Questions, curiosity and Complicated systems
6. The Letter
7. Meetings and War Declarations!
8. A New Dawn
9. Their First meeting
10*. More Questions
11. Alyssa O'Reilly
12. Taken
13. Bring her back
14. In the Enemy's lair
15. The Aftermath
16.* Unexpected Meeting
17. And so it begins
18. Enigma
19. Library confrontations
20. The Lost Frisbee
21. Midnight conversations
22. Disturbing Events
23. Confessions and Punishments
24*. A Hunt Begins
25. An Epiphany and A Challenge
26. Under the Moonlight
27. Start of Something New
28. A Couple At Last !
29. The Gift
30. Departure and New Arrivals
31*. Hunted
33. The Heart of A Dove
34. Titan's Fiery Wheel
35. The Dancing Warrior
36. Old pain, New wounds!
37. Playing with Fire
38. A Devil's Vow
39. For Whom The Bell Tolls
40. The Beginning Of An End
41*. A Beast and A Dove
Author's Note
42. A Match Lit, A House Burnt!

32. First Day Chaos

91.5K 2.6K 1.5K
By crimsondragin

Dedicated to Croptop21 and NMalik_ for your lovely comments and support! You guys are truly awesome!!! ❤❤❤

Amazing banner made by IshaBhardwaj6 😍😍😍

This chapter is not edited, so please excuse any grammatical errors!

Wolsford Academy, New York.

....there are guards all around the ground. The security has been heightened. So if you need any of us just send a guard -"

"Liam", Amara laughed, "You've already told me this twice before."

"Yes",Damien mocked. "My ears will start to bleed if I have to hear you repeat the entire thing once more."

"Why did you have to invite him with us?",Liam complained as he glared at Damien who just rolled his eyes in return.

"Liam, don't be rude",Amara frowned lightly at him.

Liam grimaced. "I'm sorry Amara. It's just that I don't have a good feeling about this event. And Cian has really put me on edge."

"Cian? What did he do?",Amara asked him.

In the two days that she has been in New York, Amara had hardly seen him except for during the meal times.

"Nothing! Don't worry about it",Liam told her, just as their car rolled inside the school compound.

Amara stepped out from the car, taking in the crowd of various students.

"Let's go", Liam told her and Amara nodded as she followed him, Damien beside her.

She had not even stepped two complete steps in the main entrance when she heard someone call her name.

Amara turned around, only to be engulfed in a tight hug.

"You're finally here.... I have been asking Caden about you since morning. I was about to come to the Sullivan mansion to meet you."

Amara laughed at her friend's excitement.

"Veronica!",she exclaimed.

The two girls pulled apart and Amara smiled up at the older girl.

"It's so good to see you",Amara told her happily.

Veronica beamed at her before her eyes fell on the two boys standing next to Amara.

"I'll take over from here boys",she told them dismissively.

Liam just rolled his eyes, too used to this attitude from his brother's girlfriend.

"Remember what I told you Amara", Liam told her once again before leaving with Damien.

"Come on, there are so many people who are waiting to meet you", Veronica told her, looping their arms.

They made small talk as they walked before they finally came upon a group of girls and boys.

"Vanessa? Look whom I found", Veronica called out.

Vanessa Avdonin, turned around at once, her eyes lighting up when they fell on Amara.

She skipped towards them, and Amara hugged the girl lightly.

She had known her since she was quite young, having met her on social occasions.

The Avdonin family along with the Callaghan's were her Grandpa's Irish allies.

Another girl followed after Vanessa. She looked at Amara as if she had brought Christmas early for her. "You are Amara Sullivan? You're dating Valerio Valentini, aren't you?"

"Leah", Veronica snapped coldly, even before Amara could open her mouth to speak. "Mind your own business. Don't go around gossiping any nonsense."

Amara smiled at her friend. Veronica could be sweet as candy but sharp as ice when she wanted to. She turned to look at the other girl.

"You got my name wrong. My name is Amara Sullivan Romero",she scowled lightly at the girl before walking pass the group.

"I'm sorry Amara",Vanessa caught up to her, "She had no business to interfere in your personal matters. She's quite new here, still learning you know..... "

Amara sighed. "You don't have to apologise for someone else Vanessa. It's alright."

"Thanks", she replied back, relieved. "I should run back and ensure that Veronica hasn't torn her apart in two. See you later",she called out.

Amara sighed softly. She had not expected that people would be so straightforward with their curiosity regarding Valerio and her.


Her cheeks pinked slightly when she thought about him. She was starting to miss him. Her lips tingled slightly, when she thought about their last meeting.

"Miss Amara?"

Amara jumped on her spot slightly, turning to look at the boy who had addressed her. He looked to be around fifteen years of age.

"Yes?",she asked him politely.

His eyes were fixed on the bracelet around her wrist, the very bracelet that Valerio had gifted her.

They snapped back to her when she answered. "My name is Tarquin Gallucci My family is one of the oldest Valentini's allies in Germany. And I wanted to be the first one to welcome you. It's an honour to meet you", he said taking Amara's hand in his and bowing low over it.

Amara stared at him shocked, quickly snatching her hand back. She opened her mouth, but no words left her. She was saved from coming up with a response when she felt a presence behind her.

"Get away from my sister, Gallucci", Cian told him coldly.

"I do not take orders from you Sullivan. I bow to no one except him and his", the response was equally cold.

Cian's eyes flashed and Amara looked between the two boys, before glancing around. She could see that a few guards had their eyes on them. Standing away respectfully but keeping a close eye in case they needed to intervene.

"She is not anyone's",Cian gritted out, his jaw tensed.

Tarquin's eyes flickered over the bracelet on her wrist once before he smiled coldly at Cian.

He bowed to her once again, before turning around and walking away.

Amara glanced at Cian hesitantly.


"When did he give you this bracelet?", he asked her in a hard voice.

"Not long ago",she replied back.

"And did he tell you anything about it? It's history?"

"He said it's a family heirloom", Amara told him.

Cian snorted. "Ask him again",he ordered her.

Amara frowned but before she could ask him anything else he quickly left.

She sighed sadly, watching her cousin walk away and wondering how long this could go on.

"Oh we finally found you."

Amara put up a small smile on her face when she saw her friends from Italy approach.

"Emma! Sofia!" Amara greeted them.
"What were you two doing?"

"Touring the school. It's infrastructure is different from the one back at home", Sofia replied.

The three girls spoke amongst themselves for a few minutes before they were joined by Veronica, Vanessa and a few of their other friends, all the while unaware that they were being observed very keenly by someone.


"Harley", Abigail called out, poking her head inside the large room. "What are you doing here? You never visit this section of the comman room."

"Hmm? Nothing", Harley replied back distractedly.

Abigail closed the door behind her quietly, walking further inside and her eyes widened when she saw what her friend was up to.

"What are you mixing in the glasses? "You can't spike food items!",Abigail exclaimed, horrified.

"Keep your voice down", Harley hissed, not taking her eyes off from her work.

Abigail stared at her friend in shock. She watched as Harley opened several packets containing some kind of powdery substance and carefully mixed it in random glasses of juice.

"Harley stop it! What are you mixing in these glasses?"

"Don't make so much noise. It's just some kind of chili powder, alright?!", Harley finally snapped.

"What?", Abigail shouted, "Where did you get it from?"

"I nicked it from a few of the boys. They were planning to mix these in drinks that are going to be served in the boys comman room", she answered back gleefully.

"Have you even tasted it? Do you know what it tastes like?", Abigail asked her.

"I guess we'll known soon enough", Harley shrugged nonchalantly, emptying the last three packets of chili in a single glass alone.

She sniffed the empty packet very carefully, before tucking it in her pocket along with the others.

"Whatever it is.... It's very strong",she muttered, satisfied.

"Don't do this".Abigail almost begged the girl. "If anyone comes to know -"

"But they won't, will they?",Harley asked her with raised eyebrows.

"Come on. The other' girls are about to come in here any minute now", she ordered, taking the horrified girl's hand in her's and pulling her along. "And as much as I would love to see the reactions, it would be too suspicious if anyone saw me in here."

She closed the door behind her and dragged Abigail down the corridor, ignoring her indignant shouts.

"Let go of me",Abigail insisted, snatching her hand back and glaring down at the other girl.

"Then don't go around telling anyone what you saw", Harley ordered her.

"You are being irrational and childish", Abigail snapped before her tone softened. "There's still time, Harley. We can go back and... "

"You are being too soft", Harley interjected. "It's just a little chili. Nothing life threatening. Let's see how these rich princesses handle a little spice in their life", she mocked.

"Little?",Abigail repeated in disbelief. "You emptied three packets in one entire glass alone, Harley -"

"Stay out of it Abigail. Don't mess in my plans",Harley snapped at her one last time before walking away.

A few minutes later Harley was turning around a corridor, when she almost slammed into another figure.

"Move!",she snarled, not even looking up at the girl and storming away.

"Watch where you're going",Emma spat after the girl, rubbing her shoulder where they had collided.

"Are you alright Emma?",Amara asked her friend, concerned.

"Some of these people are awfully rude", Sofia muttered staring after the girl.

"Let us go. Veronica and the other girls are going to meet us in the comman room", Amara suggested and the three girls resumed their walk.

"What's got her fuming?", Veronica asked, the moment the three girls entered the room.

"We ran into a girl as we were coming here. She was uh... quite unpleasant", Amara admitted.

"She was just plain rude",Emma muttered angrily.

Veronica exchanged a look with Vanessa, the smile falling of her face.

"Dark hair? Blue eyes?"

"Yes!" Emma agreed.

"Do you know her?",Amara asked Veronica curiously.

Veronica stared at her with an undecipherable look.

"I do....just ignore that girl Emma.",she said, standing up and walking towards the centre table, where various food items were kept.

Amara followed after Veronica. Her answer had been hesitant, something that didn't often happen with the older girl.

"Caden ordered all your favourite drinks, Amara",Veronica told her as she picked one glass and passed it to her.

Amara smiled at the thoughtfulness of her older brother as she took the glass in her hand.

"Who is she, really?", Amara asked, taking a sip from her glass of juice, a frown immediately coming on her face.

"Why does it taste so different?",she thought internally.

"Amara did you hear me?",Veronica asked her.

Her eyes snapped towards the older girl.

"I'm sorry. Did you say something?", Amara enquired apologetically, taking another long sip from the glass and regretting it instantly.

"The girl, Amara",she heard Veronica say.

Her voice sounded as if it were coming from a far away tunnel.

"Her name is Harley....."

Amara blinked rapidly. She could feel herself getting sweaty all of a sudden. Her throat felt as if had been set on fire.

"She is Cian's girlf...AMARA!", Veronica shouted when the younger girl swayed dangerously, the glass slipping from her hands and shattering on the floor.

"Amara! What's wrong?",Veronica caught her quickly, steading her.

Amara instantly knew what was wrong with her. She'd had this kind of reaction only twice before. And the cause....

"B..lack p-pepper",Amara chocked out with difficulty.

"What happened to her?",another worried voice sounded from somewhere behind her

"Get Caden and Allister quickly! Go", Veronica screamed.

Amara was heaving. She felt sick. Her arms were shaking. She raised her hands, clawing at her throat desperately, hoping to sooth the sheer burn she was feeling.

"Oh my God! My entire mouth is burning", she heard Sofia's voice cry.

"Chilies! Someone spiked the drinks with chilies"

Water spilled from her eyes as she heaved in gulps of air, sinking down on the floor.

She could feel the flurry of movement around her. One voice shouting over another. She kept her eyes shut the entire time, feeling more and more dizzy by the second.

"What's happening here?!",she heard a familiar voice shout.

"Caden!", Veronica called out frantically.

Amara felt hands pull her up. She was picked up and being moved quickly. She opened her eyes, blinking up at her older cousin.

"C-Caden",Amara gasped, struggling to keep her eyes open. "Peppers..... Can't.... I c-can't breath..."

The last thing Amara heard were Caden's frantic orders for her to keep her eyes open, before darkness engulfed her.

Sullivan Estate, New York.

"Is she asleep?"

Liam's head snapped towards the entrance, only to see Damien standing there.

"Yes. Keep your voice down", he admonished softly.

Damien nodded his head as he walked further in the conservatory.

"What are you doing here? I thought that you would have gone to the school along with others",Liam asked him curiously.

"I could say the same about you", Damien pointed out calmly.

"I had my fill last night",Liam smirked wickedly.

Damien nodded at him distractedly as he ran his hand down Amara's soft hair, before adjusting the covers around her more securely.

"My father and grandfather are furious", Damien told him quietly.

Liam grimaced." What do you think is happening here? No one is happy with what happened. Father was on call with grandpa almost the whole night. And Grandma was getting hysterical. I think she is coming back home today. Mother sat by Amara's side the entire night, even though there was a doctor waiting on hand if the need arised."

Damien glanced at his sister again. She looked pale and tried.

He frowned when his eyes caught something. He pulled back the covers slightly, his eyes widening in shock.

"Why is her throat so red? It wasn't like this yesterday",Damien hissed angrily.

Liam grimaced. " She might have done that unintentionally. It's all because of the chilies. She is already so allergic to black pepper. And mix it with chilies...."

"It must have hurt her so much", Damien muttered in pain.

"I saw the packets of the chili powder that was mixed in the glasses... They were customised to make the taste sharp and hot...... to burn."

"I almost wish that I would have punched those bastard's more", Damien growled. "How dare they? They could have spiked the boys drinks too but they went after the girls."

"They are all going to pay Damien. Be calm", Liam told him quietly.

"Do you remember what happened the last time she ate black pepper?", Liam asked him softly, after a few minutes of silence.

Damien nodded. "How can I forget? She was nine then, scared us all half to death."

"I blame it on your family genes Romero", Liam told him lightly. "She gets this allergy from your side of the family"

"Father did say once that Aunt Cristina was extremely allergic to any kind of pepper", Damien agreed.

The two sat in comfortable silence, both of their eyes on the sleeping, golden haired girl.

However the silence was broken when a guard hurriedly knocked on the glass doors, before coming in.

"Master Liam , the Valentini heir has just entered the estate", he informed them, his eyes on the floor.

Liam dismissed the guard and turned to look at Damien, who, to his surprise looked pale and terrified.

Liam didn't have much time dwell on his strange behaviour as he saw Valerio walk down the cobblestone pathway, through the glass doors of the conservatory.

The image that Valerio made sweeping down the path, eyes deadly and furious, his anger like a storm around him, made a spike of fear shoot through Liam.

Valerio entered the room and swept passed the two occupants as made his way to Amara, coming to a halt next to the couch that she was asleep on.

"Valerio...", Damien began hesitantly, only to stop short as Valerio raised his hand once, silencing him.

Liam watched as Valerio crouched down on the floor, his eyes only for Amara. Very hesitantly he ran his fingertips across her flushed cheeks, an action so gentle and affectionate in itself that Liam didn't believe that Valerio would ever be capable of it.

"Why is she out here? She should be in her bed, resting."

His words were steely, laced with disapproval as he glanced with dark eyes towards the two boys, demanding an answer even without speaking another word.

"She wanted some fresh air so we came out here but she fell asleep on the couch", Liam replied. "And I didn't want to rouse her back, especially since she hardly had a good sleep last nigh-"

"What the fuck is that?"

The two boys jumped in their spots.

If they thought he was angry before then it was nothing compared to how he sounded now. He sounded.... Feral!

Damien followed his gaze and grimaced in pain when he saw the redness around Amara's throat.

"She did it herself Valerio. The chili that was mixed in the drinks... It really burns the throat. Plus Amara is extremely allergic to black pepper, which was also a part of the mixture.....

Valerio tuned him out as he fisted his hands, not daring to touch her, no matter how desperately he wanted to. What if he hurt her more?

The silence in the room was broken when Silvano came running inside, a mobile phone clutched tightly in his hand. "Valerio! It's Father! He wants to talk to you.... "

"And I already told him that -", Valerio hissed, only to quieten when Amara shifted restlessly in her sleep.

He looked at her once, before he grudgingly extended his hand for the phone.

"Uncle Lorenzo", he greeted quietly.

Liam looked at Silvano questioningly but Silvano just grimaced in return.

"I will try", Valerio answered shortly, tossing the phone back to Silvano.

"What did he say?", Silvano asked Valerio hesitantly.

Valerio turned around and just stared at them and Liam felt a shiver of genuine intimidation run down his spine at the dichotomy between the Valentini heir's icy control and the almost unbearable rage in the eyes that stared them down unblinkingly.

"He asked me not to kill anyone."

Silvano's eyes widened at his answer. He knew from Valerio's tone that he was being serious. Dead serious.

He exchanged worried glances with the other two boys.

If Valerio left the room now then his carefully concealed rage would blow up and Silvano didn't even want to think about the repercussions it could cause.

He was frozen in his place as Valerio leaned forward and quickly brushed his lips along Amara's temple, murmuring something very low for them to catch before he stood up and turned around to walk out, not even sparing the three boys another glance.

Silvano took a step forward automatically. He had to stop Valerio. He needed to stop Valerio. But how? How could he or anyone else stop him now? Valerio would definitely kill the ones responsible for this. There was no way around it. Valerio was impatient and desperate to punish the ones who had caused the girl he loved even the slightest bit of pain and suffering.

Just as Valerio was about to cross the threshold, a soft voice called out his name.


All the occupants in the room froze at the soft whisper.

"Is....that you?"

Before anyone could have even blinked, Valerio was across the room once again.

"It's me sweetheart",Valerio told Amara, cupping her cheek in his hand.

A small smile, so fragile and delicate lit up her face that Valerio held his breath, afraid to blow it away.

"I.... missed.. you",she murmured so quietly that Valerio had to lean forward to hear what she was saying.

"I'm here now",he breathed, caressing her hot cheeks, staring in her eyes the entire time.

"You're angry", Amara stated, peering up at him drowsily.

She winced slightly when she heard her own scratchy voice. Her throat felt raw from pain.

In response Valerio's eyes became even more furious. But he hesitantly raised his cold hand and massaged her throat very lightly.

"Don't talk", he commanded in a tenor of voice reserved only for her.

"You shouldn't be",she murmured, ignoring his command.".... I like it when you smile."

Valerio's eyes softened.

"Rest baby",he ordered her.

Valerio watched as her eyes fluttered closed and he resisted leaning forward and placing a kiss against the closed eyelids. Instead he stood up but before he could even take a step away, he felt Amara's hand clutch his wrist weakly.

"Will you not stay a bit longer?",she asked him sadly. Hope and vulnerability shining in her eyes.

Silvano sucked in a sharp breath. This was it. Valerio would never refuse her anything.

And he was proven right when Valerio didn't even hesitate as he knelt down next to her again, taking her hand in his and kissing each fingertip lightly.

"Whatever you want", he promised.

Wolsford Academy, New York.

"Go! Go! Go!"

Harley snorted in amusement as the chant around her grew louder, leaning forward in her seat, excitement gleaming in her eyes.

She had been here for a few hours now. The sun was slowly setting but the amphitheatre was filled with students, all of whom were enjoying the spectacle going on.

"This competition isn't over yet guys", one of the boys in the arena shouted loudly, his voice being heard above the noise that the students were making. "Let's up the stakes a little more, shall we?"

Harley watched in interest as a few guards quickly walked in the arena, placing glasses of juice and plates containing.... more chilies.

"Whoever amongst you finishes up their respective plates first, will get a chance to have as much water as you would like before the next round begins."

"Who is that?",Harley asked the girl who was sitting ahead of her.

"That's Sebastino Selvaggio. His sister was one of the girls who drank the spiked drink ",came the answer.

Harley smiled internally. She wished that she could have seen the reactions first hand.

Her musings were disturbed when Harley felt someone sit next to her.

"You finally came, I didn't expect you to come here."

"I need to speak to you Harley",Abigail told her quietly.

"Not now...I'm having fun here", Harley dismissed her.

"Fun? This is slow torture! These boys are being punished for a crime they did not even commit", Abigail snapped.

Harley looked at her friend finally, but to her shock Abigail was staring at her as if she had committed a horrible crime.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", Harley frowned at her. "I admit that I didn't know how the chili really worked and from the few rumours I've heard, it makes the person feel as if they are on fi-"

"You don't know anything that's happening, do you?", Abigail asked her in utter disbelief.

"What is there to know?",Harley snapped.

"Are you not wondering why the boys are being punished so publicly? Why nearly all the elites are down there in the arena? Why do they look so bruised and roughed up?"

Harley stared at her unblinkingly. She had wondered the reason behind it.

Abigail smiled at her mockingly.

"Your little trick did turn out to be horrible for someone Harley.... For Cian's sister."

Harley gasped, shocked.

"You remember what I told you about Veronica not being the Queen?",she asked. "You did not listen to me. And now because of you how many are going to be held responsible for what happened? You've hurt the Que-"

The two girls jumped slightly when four quick shots were heard, followed by the loud shattering sound of the glass breaking.

Harley's eyes snapped back to the centre of the amphitheatre where she could see that the large glass tankards of water lay broken on the ground, glass and water mixing.

All eyes turned towards the one who had expertly broken them with such accurate precision.

Harley's eyes fell on the tall figure, clad in all black as he walked down the stairs. His footsteps echoing loudly in the silence that had spread across the students at his arrival.

The silence built and built, heavy with the weight of the cold rage coming off of the unknown boy in icy waves.

He looked like someone who didn't have to grandstand, or make people crawl to inspire fear in them. He had that self assured and lethal air around him that one would immediately associate with someone not to be messed with. He knew who he was and what he's capable of.

Harley was proven right in her assessment when the entire congregation of the German students stood up from their seats, anticipation and near reverence clear on some of their faces.

Beside her Abigail gasped in horror.

"Oh my God! It's him. He's here", she whispered, sounding utterly terrified.

Her hand gripped tighter around Harley's arm, preventing her from moving even an inch.

Harley didn't need to ask what had her friend worried. She got her answer the very next second when his cold, authoritative voice rang out in the near silence.

"What's the hurry boys? This game has just begun!"

Hello everyone! This chapter took some time to pen down, but I sincerely hope that it was worth the wait ^-^

Don't worry about the influx of the new characters. Many of them would be present only in a few scenes, lol.

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has been voting for BOUND in The Fiction Awards 2017! I can't express how amazing and lucky I feel when I see that someone has voted even once for the story! You guys motivate me alot! Thank you sooooo much ❤❤❤❤❤

If you liked this chapter then please VOTE, COMMENT AND SHARE!

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