The Easy Score

By MariahSinclair101

514K 14.2K 920

"I'm going to fuck you with my fingers," he growled kissing down my back as I crumbled into mush from the hot... More

The Job
Kidnapped by Abercrombie and Fitch
Obey or Pay
Shower Time
That Tingling Touch
The Lesser of Two Evils
Liquid Courage
Jealous Much
Along For The Ride
Love maybe?
The Reality of the Situation
Who to Kill
Not Noah, Not Kyle
Sealing the Deal
Something's Not Right
Needing Him, Fearing Him
Saying Good-bye


13K 406 21
By MariahSinclair101

I'm going to go back and edit this but I wanted to give you all a chapter for now. Don't forget to vote and comment!


"How many women have you been with Jax?" I ask raising my head off his shoulder to look into his eyes while we lie on the bed, me spooned on top of him.

"Why does it matter?" It's more of a statement than a question but I'm going to get answers regardless because I want to know more about him and I'm insecure needing some assurance.

"Because I'm sure it's a lot and I don't understand why you would want me over tons of beautiful women." My arms are now crossed on his chest, my chin resting on my hands gazing at his handsome face that I can admire more clearly since he has removed most of his obstructing beard.

"Reilly," he strokes the loose strands of my hair behind my ear speaking gently, "It's because you're not them is why I want to be with you. Any woman that I've been with in the past was never anything serious. It was always just about sex and for the most part they knew that. I wasn't looking to fall in love. You're more beautiful then any of those women, you're perfect and you don't need to question that." The slight touch of his fingers against my skin warms me sending tingling vibes to dance around. I can hear and feel his sincerity throughout my body, I know he means what he says.

I blush taking it all in, enamored by his sweet sentiments. It gives me confidence that maybe I am special because I am nothing like those women, my differences making me stand out from the rest. He's always made me feel like I was more than just a pretty face or a fuck to him but that doesn't tell me everything I need and want to know.

"Didn't you ever want someone you knew you could trust, who would always be there for you? Someone to wake up next to every morning who wasn't some stranger?" I'm digging deeper. I don't understand how someone doesn't want to love and be loved back. I don't understand how anyone would want to wake up alone everyday for the rest of their days with no one to share their life with. Jax isn't a cold man, he has a good heart, I can't believe someone like him would close himself off to that extreme.

"It's not always that easy, you've learned that from Kyle. He couldn't be trusted and he hurt you." Jax's expression turns more serious. There's a sadness in his eyes and his voice, a pain he keeps locked up inside that seems to be making him act this way.

I should leave it alone but I don't want any secrets or hidden pasts, I don't want anything to be able to destroy us. I always sensed something missing with Kyle but with Jax I feel complete, I've been made a whole and I never want that feeling to disappear. For us to work I need to know everything about this man, the good with the bad.

"Did someone hurt you too? Is that why you always just slept with women instead of having a girlfriend?" It occurs to me that there was probably a female version of Kyle that was in his life.

He carefully begins to brush my hair back leafing his fingers back and forth placing a hand to my cheek, "A long time ago. I caught her sleeping with my brother and that's when I left home for good. I don't talk to my family anymore. The last I heard they were married. I was always getting in trouble, my brother was the good one, excellent grades, well mannered, didn't drink, didn't party,  the perfect son so my parents respected her decision to be with my brother over me."

"I'm sorry that happened to you. That's fucked up. If she would do that to you then she never loved you and she did you a favor." I sit up and take his hands in mine. I know his pain all too well.

"She did do me a favor because now I have my wild little daisy who's about to get fucked again," his saddened expression turns cheery as flips me on my back so it's flat against the mattress, tossing a leg over me straddling my body.

"She did me a favor too," I smile but then I start to frown.

"What's wrong?" Jax asks concerned seeing the quick change in my attitude. I need to tell him something, something I know he's not going to take well.

"I don't want to keep anything from you. I met Noah before you took me. When I first saw him with you I figured you knew so I didn't say anything." I had been holding back telling Jax because of his temper and jealousy. My small connection with Noah wasn't a big deal but Jax would think otherwise.

"What?" His voice deepens, his tone raspy filled with anger. The look on his face is anything but happy.

"He approached me one day when I was out grocery shopping. He convinced me to give him my number. I had my strong hunches that Kyle was cheating again so I went out with him for spite. We went out a few times but nothing ever happened except for a kiss. I assumed getting to know me and try to get information about Lee was part of the plan when I saw Noah in the car. It wasn't until I started talking to Noah more at the cabin that I found out no one knew we had gone out a couple of times. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to upset you." The way Jax is looking at me is quickly making me regret telling him.

Jax moves off from up top of me standing up, clenching his hair tightly in his hands frustrated. He starts pacing back and forth tugging away at his thick strands looking down at the floor, "Do you like him?" He glances over to me.

"I can't believe you can even think like that. I told you I love you, I've given myself to you. When I kissed Noah it was during a moment of weakness. I had caught Kyle in a lie. He had told me he was going out with his friend Brad but I ran into Brad and he had no idea where Kyle was. I only ever thought of Noah as friend." How could Jax possibly think I would want anybody else but him?

I knew he wanted to fuck you," Jax huffs fisting his hand, punching it into the solid wood wall.

I jump up from the bed running over to him. Grabbing his hand I inspect his bloody knuckles that are all scraped up and bruising. "Jax please calm down. I'm not like you're ex, I would never cheat or lie. I love you. Let me get you cleaned up baby," I take my other hand to the side of his face gently caressing his cheek. I hate that he's hurting physically and mentally, I hate the way he doubts my love but being betrayed myself I understand how it can be hard to trust.

I start to cry afraid he won't believe me, that he'll run off and do something insane.

"I'm sorry Reilly, I didn't mean to get you upset. I love you." He takes me in his arms and pulls me tight against his chest. Comforting me with his embrace it let's me know that everything will be alright. At least for now that is. When we get back to the cabin with Noah around I'm sure that will change.

"I told you because I love you and want you to know everything. I'll never keep anything from you now come on," I release myself from his arms taking his good hand in mine, tugging us towards the bathroom, " you're getting blood everywhere."

After I get Jax all cleaned up we decide to go downstairs to get something to eat then he takes me out and teaches me how to ski. The rest of the day goes smoothly with no more talk of Noah. We enjoy ourselves, we enjoy each other with two more days left in paradise. I just hope nothing else ends up going wrong.

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