Our Year (Completed)


1.7M 47.6K 2.5K

*Being Edited, will also upload edited chapter once they're all edited* I wrote the first part of the book wh... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thriteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty (FINALE CHAPTER)
Bonus Chapter (Thank you for 400K)
Never The One
New Book!
Frozen - Vampire Romance Book
Little Update!! 1.59 M Reads!

Chapter Twenty Nine

33.8K 1K 45

"So you'll know from the blood test what's wrong with me?" I asked the doctor that I was sitting in front of. This morning I got up early and came to the hospital to see what was wrong with me. I just couldn't understand why I felt so sick and really just not feeling good.

"Yes, I'll be back when the blood tests have came in." He told me then left the room.

While I waited I opened up some gossip magazine and seen pictures of Jason and I from the party a couple nights ago. I never in my whole life thought I would be in one of these magazines. I never ever thought it would happen but here I am holding one with myself in it. It was such a strange feelings.

I went from have nothing and being a nobody to being a billionaire's wife and having money. It was all so crazy to me.

When the doctor came back into the room I put the magazine down and looked at him. "What's wrong with me?" I asked, frightened of him answer.

"Oh there's nothing wrong with you, Serena." He gave me a smile.

"Then why am I feeling this way?"

"You're pregnant. Congratulations."

I felt sick to my stomach just then, I-I was pregnant. I was going to be a mother... Jason was going to be a father....

I ran to the bathroom and threw up.  Once I cleaned myself back up I went out back to the doctor.

"Are you alright?"

"N-Yes. Thank you, Doctor." I quickly grabbed my jacket and bag and bolted out of the hospital.

When we were driving back to the house I felt so sick. How would I break it to Jason? Could I even tell him? Would he make me get rid of our child?

My hand went over my stomach, our child, my child. I was having a baby. I was carrying a tiny life inside of me. I couldn't believe it.

"Mrs. Manning, we're back."

"Thank you." I got out of the car and went inside.

"Jason?" I called for him but I didn't get an answer. What should I do? I don't think I should stay, I couldn't. Staying would mean Jason he would eventually find out, with only seven months left of my marriage to him my belly would be sure to pop up very soon, the earliest it would pop would be about three months.

Jason would lose it if he finds out I'm pregnant, he doesn't want kids. Like he says, not from me or anyone else.

My mind was made, I grabbed a pen and paper and started to write him a note:


        If you haven't noticed, I've left you. I'm sorry to do with but we were both unhappy, why be in a relationship if we're both unhappy. Oh wait, the contract. Don't worry about that, don't pay me anything and whatever I owe you or anything just send me a bill or something. I'm sorry, Jason, but honestly, this is for the best. I hope you find someone one day. Don't look for me.


Once I set the pen down I realized tears had been pouring down my face. I knew I was in love with Jason but we wouldn't stay together after these seven months, I knew that and I've accepted that.

Looking down at my left hand I seen the beautiful rings Jason had given me. It saddened me to take them off but I did and sat them with my note, then my bank and credit cards then my house keys, and my phone he had given me.

I ran up to my room and packed a bag super quick. I let the house with only my suit case, once I had walked far enough away from the house I seen a bus stop and sat down on the bench: tired out.

I had walked quite a long ways before reaching this bus stop. Just a few minutes later the bus came, I claimed onto it with my suit case and paid for my ride. I sat down somewhere and leaned my head against the window. I wanted to lose my eyes but I was scared I would fall asleep and miss a stop.

Time passed as I sat on the bus, I had been watching out the window. The next stop had been about thirty minutes away from my old apartment. It was a perfect place to look for a place to stay,

I got off the bus with my suitcase and started looking around. After awhile of walking I came across an tiny little beat up house, it was blue and needed a paint job. By looking at the front door it looked a white brown colour now instead of the white I probably once was.

I dug in my purse before finding a flip phone, I had bought it for emergencies. It was old but it still worked. I dialled the phone number that was one the sign and called them.

"Hello?" A woman's voice asked.

"Hi, I'm interested in your home on 780 Hills Road."

She scoffed, "Someone interested, that's a surprise."

"Well I am, how much a month?" I asked.

"$500, everything included."

I didn't say anything at first, it was too cheep, but by the look of the house there were a lot of things wrong with it. "Okay."

"I'll meet you their in about a half hour." She told me the hung up.

I waited for her to show up. My door kicked a couple of pebbles that were near by my foot. It was on the door step where I sat that I realized what was happening. I was able to fully process everything. I was pregnant. I was pregnant with Jason's child. I was having a child, a child. Maybe it would be a sweet baby girl or an adorable little boy. All I knew was that I was scared, I was scared of being on my own and with a child, but it was my choice and I'm fine with it.

I stood up when a car pulled up. A girl with short red hair got out of the car and her heels clicked behind her when she walked up to me.

"Hi I'm Chloe," Said the redhead. "Follow me inside and you can take a look around." She unlocked the door and took me inside.

The house didn't look so bad on the outside, there was a living room, kitchen, two bedroom and a bathroom, and a fenced in backyard. It may not be the nicest house on the outside but that could be easily fixed by new paint, and fixing up the yard and maybe even the roof.

The second bedroom was painted a soft yellow colour and I knew it would be perfect for the baby.

When I made up my mind I went to the from area of the house. "Five hundred a month right? Everything included?" I asked Chloe.

"Yep, everything included for five hundred."

"I'll take it." I took out some cash from my bag and gave it to her. There was already some furniture here so that was good.

Once Chloe left, I brought my stuff inside and left the house. I went to Walmart and grabbed some cheep cleaning stuff and some hair dye. Once I paid I stopped by a couple places and applied for jobs.

As soon as I got back to my new house I went into the bathroom and put the hair dye in my hair then put it up before cleaning. About thirty minutes later I went and washed the dye out of my hair and blow dried it, my hair was a red brown colour now instead of chocolate brown it used to be.

I got back to cleaning and the house was soon cleaned up, it looked- and smelled so much better now. It looked brand new in here.

I ran my hand through my hair as I sat down. The only thing I hoped for my child is that he or she is happy and healthy. I did feel bad, my child would never know their father. What would I say to them? Of course the truth wouldn't be it.

I hoped nothing more then for my child to grow up happy, I would stop at nothing to have that happen.


Jason POV:

The dark late night sky casted over the once beautiful sunny day, I noticed how late it was when I stepped out of my car and went inside the house.

Kicking off my shoes, I pulled my jacket off and hung it. The house was quite, it made me wonder if Serena had gone to bed already.

I went into the kitchen and the microwave said 10:54 in blue numbers. Was it really that late? I had got caught up with so much work I barley noticed the time when I left my office.

I went upstairs and found Serena wasn't in her room, or mine, or any other room or even the library. I got a little worried and went on looking for her only to find a note and all her stuff gone.


        If you haven't noticed, I've left you. I'm sorry to do with but we were both unhappy, why be in a relationship if we're both unhappy. Oh wait, the contract. Don't worry about that, don't pay me anything and whatever I owe you or anything just send me a bill or something. I'm sorry, Jason, but honestly, this is for the best. I hope you find someone one day. Don't look for me.


What the fuck.

Why the fück would she leave? We had a füćking contract! A fûcking contract! How would I got on? I needed her for appearances! I couldn't be the laughing stock! I was Jason füćking Manning the billionaire! Not Jason Manning the guy who got left by a wife he didn't even want!

I grabbed a glass and a bottle of Brandi. Screw the cup. I threw the cup that I had just filled up against the wall and drank straight from the bottle. The burning of the Brandi felt amazing. This is just what I needed. I needed to get roaring drink and pass out to forget the bitch Serena. Who the fučk does she think she is? Leaving me!

I took a few more swings from the bottle only to get drunk as the night went on and I passed out on the couch.

In the morning I woke up groaning from the hangover I had. Boy, was I stupid to get drunk last night.

I went to the kitchen expecting to find Serena makings a breakfast, but I found nobody. Then the events of last night hit me, Serena had left me. That's why I have this terrible hangover.

My wife I had actually grown to tolerate had left me. I would miss her cooking, I would miss her- Did I really just think that? I would miss the way she would put her hands on her hips when she got sassy with me or if she was telling me off. I would miss her fowl mouth. Her puśsy. Her lips against mine. I would miss the way he hips swayed as she walked, the way she made me get so hard. I would miss the smell of her, I would miss finding her reason or drawing in the library.

Oh fućk.

I was on love with her.

~Twenty Nine chapters later and Jason admits his feelings for Serena 😂! So she left him and she's pregnant! Who expected all that?! Haha! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter ! Please do comment and vote and share!
Sorry for such the late update! Please forgive me! School started back up but hey, the update it here and enjoy it! Please check out my other books! There's two ones if you didn't know already! One is the second book to The Sex Academy! And the other one is a president affair story! Enjoy!


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