Inimitable Love. (Harry Style...

By MohikaArya

9.3K 1.7K 2.6K

{Highest ranking: #35 in Directioner 14/10/2018} "And Angry Bird?!" That deep husky voice called out for me... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
BONUS PART. (Harry's P.O.V.)

Chapter 42.

133 21 67
By MohikaArya



As soon as he spotted us in the taxi, the deep scowl on his face lessened a little but didn't fade away.

"I'm coming to your side, don't go to your dad without me." Harry quickly paid off the expense and I hadn't even noticed when he jogged up to my side of the car and opened the door for me.

My heart was thundering in my chest leaving me to wonder how heavier it can go.

"It's just your dad, baby. We have got this." Harry endearingly held my hand in his warm ones which were now shaking with some fear having unknown reason.

Just like Harry said, it's my dad. Why am hyperventilating so much? He might be a little over worried that why was I gone and why my phone was at home.

"Good evening, sir. How are you?" Harry greeted my dad by extending his hand out to shake which Mr. Franklin accepted giving a quick shake back. He suspected that our hands are joined together but didn't say anything. Is that a sign hinting that he knows we love each other?

"Where were you both?" Without even answering his question dad began his question era.

I gulped down a lump in my throat and squeezed Harry's hand tighter. I can't lie from my dad, but at the moment I can't speak the truth either. He is completely oblivious how Nick has irritated me twice and how I've fought against it. I thought there was no need to tell him that. Maybe Harry and I considered it a trivial problem in the first place.

"We will tell you everything. Let's just go inside and then talk?" Harry's neutral expression had somehow calmed down mine and dad's anxiety as he nodded and shoved his hands deep inside the pockets as Harry took the lead to unlock the main door.

I could hear constant tapping of my dad's foot on the concrete floor because of which the tension between the three of us was only increasing.

"Please come in, sir." Harry's over polite voice echoed throughout the empty house and we both slowly padded our way in.

After what it feels like hours we all finally settled ourselves on the couch, me sitting with dad and Harry alone on one of the comfortable boss couch.

"Ciara, dear I'm asking where were you? Your phone was at home. Your mom knew that you were out only for the timing and you barely live in home." Dad started off calm and somewhat concerned and then turned towards Harry, "I know I can trust her with you but still I can sense something wrong is going on. Isn't it?"

I must admit, the room was becoming suffocated. Too much suffocated for my liking. I was completely clueless what should I answer to my dad. I couldn't even comprehend the outcomes. But for sure he will burst out of fury and might rush to the police which I do not want, ever in my life. He has huge shit load of reputation in society and if he gets into public figure like this, he will be greatly affected and I know he is pretty much stressed from the long ass time he spends in office. I don't want to add into his list of headaches.

The only way to answer my dad is Harry. When I slightly turned my head to see his expression, he was having that similar stern facade which he usually has when he's processing something important and is going to make a very remarkable decision. Anyways, I always find it sexy.

He gave me a look hinting that he is doing everything okay and then heaved a heavy sigh which again, he usually does when he is gong to speak for so long.

"I am willing you tell you everything, sir. It's just that you have to know it's none of Ciara's fault but all mine." He had an apologetic look and my dad's face was completely unreadable. He must be judging the whole situation like me too. How should he react and what is he going to tell right now. I'm my dad's daughter, I know that.

After assessing what really Harry had said, my thinking capacity became blurry. I officially don't have any idea what is going to happen from now. I can't make any efforts to make this situation any better, so I just crossed my fingers and started hoping for the best.

Here, the shit goes down and our New Year starts like this. How dramatic.

"All this has been solved out and he is not going to do any of this thing from now on, I assure you that." The most important concluding sentence and finally Harry's narration of all the situation had been made.

After good fifteen minutes of explaining this discussion thing is coming to an end. Much to my surprise, dad took it very calmly. I thought the moment Harry would mention that someone tried to harm me, he would punch Harry in the face and then would find Nick and beat him to death and then go to the authorities. Thankfully, none if it happened.

Instead, dad was all ears to Harry all the time and as my boyfriend explained everything, like fucking everything, my dad eventually accepted the fact that we have grown up. We can handle things on our own and if it becomes too hard to handle, we can seek help from them.

Yet, I feel bad for keeping things from dad. I know Harry is a family to us, but it had been much better if I had told him everything from my point of view and that too personally. Now, I really can't do anything so as dad because the case has been closed as fast as how it had started.

"Are you sure you have told me everything or still there's something more that I should know?" Dad raised his eyebrows at both of us.

"Oh, you know everything." Harry nodded assuringly and with that dad got up to leave, so did we both.

Dad and I both moved towards the door and Harry following closely behind us when suddenly dad turned around to face Harry and I simultaneously, "Didn't your mom allow to stay with Harry tonight?" I swear he was hiding a little smirk which thereupon lightened up the whole environment.

With the corner of my eyes I could see Harry biting back a grin as well.

"Uh, yes. I remember. I'll just come back after a while, okay?" I hurriedly swam my hand across the place in front of me and beckoned dad to open the door so that we both could leave.

"Dad, are you angry with me?" I asked with a small voice closing the main door behind us.

Dad sighed, "I'm more disappointed. It's just that I expected you to tell me before I could ask. I know you are strong girl but the fact that you never hid anything from me, ever, can't be ignored as well."

A pang of guilt rushed over me and I wanted to kill myself for being so distant to my own life giver. I am such a jackass for closing him off from my life and keeping things from him.

"I'm so sorry, really. I promise you it won't happen again." I dumbly held my dad's firm hand and he pulled me in for a hug. Daughter-dad-hug.

"Just be safe. Know that I'm always here for you no matter whoever leaves you or is with you; including Harry." He pulled away just to look down at me, "People may come and go, but parents remain forever." He smiled a little gesturing that he is about to leave so I moved away waving him a goodbye.

Whatever he had said left a great impact on me. What did he really mean by that? Does he want to say that he thinks Harry will leave me?

With a confused mind I opened the door only ending up witnessing a completely empty and quiet drawing room.

"Where are you Harry?" I asked out loud and heard a faint 'kitchen' word being yelled from the end of the hallway.

With long strides I marched up to the direction of the voice and finally spotted Harry with his back towards me while he was chopping something.

"What are you making, Harry?" I trailed my way towards him and wrapped my arms around his slim torso and his colonge filling my breath.

"I'm making pasta for us." Harry mumbled turning in my tight grasp to cradle my face with his warm hands and kissing me longingly.

He lightly ran his hot tongue across my bottom lip and I whimpered parting my mouth giving him a chance to slip his tongue in. I further leaned into him wanting more than just kissing when all of a sudden dad's words start ringing in my mind. Know that I'm always here for you no matter whoever leaves you or is with you; including Harry.

Instead of letting Harry grab me by my bum, I abruptly pulled away with a heavy hammering heart and my breathing wild.

"Baby, are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He precariously held my chin in between his index and thumb so that I could look at him. His eyes searching mine for any reason.

"Y-yes. I'm okay." I broke the piercing eye contact and tried to look elsewhere because his gaze was yearning to kiss him again, "Let's just eat and sleep." I moved away from him and grabbed the spatula to stir the mixture being boiled in the pan.

He gave me a confused expression, possibly wanting to ask the reason for my distant and almost abnormal behavior but chose to shut his mouth close and start cooking for us.

"It's very good." My muffled voice caused Harry to look at me with a smile, "We both prepared it. That's why."

I nodded, still chewing every piece of pasta and inhaling it's aroma filling up the atmosphere.

After eating enough to fill up our stomachs we thought it would be a good idea to watch something on television. After bantering for a while, Harry listened to me and we settled on Fast And Furious 5. But we both were noticing an awkward tension filling up the environment because of which even when Harry was just sitting beside me, it felt like he was miles away.

Even though my eyes were focused on the t.v., my mind was roaming around elsewhere. Will Harry eventually get bored and leave me? I love him. I love him too much and it's not that I don't want to feel anything for him. He cares for me, respects me, protects me, is always by my side whenever I need anyone the most. He's my everything and I can't even think of living without everything. I've grown so much attached to him within these one hundred twenty days.

"Babe?" Harry tightened his grip around my shoulders which caused my head to snap at his direction, "What's wrong?" He brushed away the little strands of hair covering the sides of my face.

"Nothing." I pursed my lips wondering if I'm really over thinking for this whole thing.

"I know when there's something wrong with you or not. Please tell me what are you thinking right now?" He practically begged and his eye colour changed to the softest shade of green and all I wanted now was to pull him towards me and kiss the hell out of him.

"I-I think that you... I mean, Harry I think you will.." I started searching for the right words to make a coherent sentence.

"Baby, you mean what? Take your time." He rubbed his hand up and down my arm and I leaned further into him and the soft, warm couch.

"Areyougoingtoleaveme?" I fiddled with my fingers and spoke as fast as Nicki Minaj and I wondered for a second that he didn't understand because of his blank expression which soon changed to a petrified one.

"Angry Bird, what's wrong with you? How can you think like this? I'm never going to leave you." He broke our cuddling position and stood up and I almost thought he was going to leave when he sat on the floor on his knees and held both of my hands in his, "You mean more than the world to me. I'm willing to give up anything for you. Don't ever think I'm going to leave you because it's a lame thought. You don't even know for how long I had been waiting for 'that' perfect girl in my life who could cope up with my shit and could balance me like she's a part of me. I have finally found you and I'll be damned if I let you go. I don't want a death wish, baby." In the end he smiled a little, his left dimple lightly appearing and all my tension was thrown out of the house as I hugged him tight.

"My pretty girl needs to stop worrying over little things which won't happen ever in this world." He purred and I buried my face deep into his bare neck and kissed it earning a quiet hum from him.

"I'm so sorry for telling all that to your dad. I know it wasn't my place to confide in him but you were so panicky that I couldn't help but speaking for you." I gazed at his perfect emerald eyes and gave him a slight nod, signaling that it's fine which I don't know why he took as a hint to join our lips together. Not that I mind.

His soft minty lips were massaging mine slowly, leisurely, savoring every millisecond of the moment and pulled me by my hips because of which I was half sitting and half standing by the couch. I locked my fingers in his soft curls only to listen his satisfied moan giving me a chance to slide my tongue in his mouth.

I was surprised by my own action. It's always Harry who does this tongue dance but at the moment my tongue was exploring his mouth and I felt Harry smiling into the kiss. My heart was bursting from elation and my stomach was almost full of butterflies in them.

I felt him tugging at my loose full sleeved t-shirt and we both broke the contact so that he could pull that shirt over my head, discarding it somewhere in the room.

Inside I was wearing a thin women's vest because it was very cold outside so I didn't feel naked but I heard Harry suck in a breath.

"I love it when you wear so many clothes." He deeply stated and I looked up at him from beneath my eye lashes. "It turns me on even more." He gave a devilish smirk making my insides detonate with lust.

He grabbed my hips lifting me up in his arms and I shrieked in response, Harry's loud laughing following after.

He hastily placed me on the couch and hovered over my body, his lips tracing wet paths with his tongue starting right from my lips then to my jaw, neck and collarbone. His warm breath was driving me crazy igniting my whole body from his touch and the tingling sensation at the pit of my stomach begging me to make a move on him.

I tried to yank his shirt off his body and he detached his lips from my shoulder to peel that clothing off him.

I gawked at him in awe. His body was so perfect. His abs fully complimenting his toned front and his firm chest keeping its texture till my hand trailed down to his deep v lines.

His impatient groan brought me back to reality and he hooked his arm around my waist, "We're going to the bedroom. I want to touch you fully. Fuck I love you so much." He breathed in my ear and I involuntarily tilted my head the other side when his mouth began sucking on the joint of my neck and shoulder.

"I love you too Harry." I moaned when I felt him marking me with his love bite on my neck.

Just minutes later we both were tangled around each other with my legs looped around his waist and his hands going everywhere, from my back to my hips then to my breasts. On the other hand, his lips never stopping that impeccable devilry. He placed me on the bed with my head resting on a soft pillow and he greedily took my vest off following my jeans as he hurriedly popped open the button and pulled them down kissing my toes in the process driving me fully crazy.

"Take your pants off." I sat upright on the bed and he nodded lightly fiddling with the button but soon ripping it open and slid it down his slim legs.

He again hovered over me, his lips holding an innocent smile until I felt his warm hand cupping my pubic area. I widened my eyes but shut them quickly when he started massaging me through my panties.

"I can feel you're soaked right through your panties." He gently pushed the only layer aside and started rubbing circles around the sensitive area of nerves.

"Oh, Harry." I arched off my back from the bed as he started planting kisses all over my chest down to the valley of my breasts. That uncontrollable assault which he was doing down there changed my erratic breathing into loud moaning when he slipped two fingers inside me, pumping them in and out slowly.

"Open your eyes princess. Look at me." I followed his instructions and the euphoric feeling warmed up my whole body and I wrapped my arms around his wide shoulders, lightly scratching them and feeling his contracted muscles since he was holding himself up just with one arm.

"Harry I'm just there." I screamed loudly in pleasure and he suddenly pulled out his fingers, sucking on them.

I let out a frustrated sigh and he chuckled in response, "Our night has just begun, baby." He pulled his body away from me to reach over the drawer on the side of the bed to pull out a silver foil, ripping it open with his teeth, almost the rarest and sexiest sight I could ever see and slowly stood up.

"Will you take off these boxers for me, please?" He pouted his lips and I internally moaned looking at how more sexy he can ever go.

I made my way to him, sitting on my knees and painstakingly slowly gripped the band of the boxers taking them down.

His member sprung free and I almost gasped at the size of it. I've seen it many times but still I can never get used to it. I wrapped my fingers around his length and gently started pumping it up and down and looked at Harry who was already staring at me intently with his black eyes and his bottom lip sucked in between his teeth.

"I'll go crazy because of you." He pulled me up by my shoulders and pushed me back to the bed covering his hard on with the barrier and took off my undergarments right after.

A blush crept across my cheeks and suddenly I wanted to sink inside the bed, away from Harry. I have never been confident from my own body and I never will. But like the way Harry gazed at me, with full adoration and hunger, I can't even hide myself from him. If he gets pleasure from looking at 'this' body, then I can do anything for him.

"So fucking beautiful." He cooed and his tip pressed at the entrance of my body making shivers run up at both of our bodies, "And it's all mine."

I kissed his cheek, "I'm all yours Harry just like you're mine." He smiled at me giving me a long peck.

"I think it won't hurt much this time but if it does, then please tell me." He kissed me once again and finally perfectly joined our bodies together.

That unfamiliar stretch again came to my body but this time it wasn't as painful it was before. I gripped Harry's shoulder tighter and felt his contracting and relaxing muscles every now and then and how hard he was trying to regain his stability above me.

I pushed my hips forward earning a groan from him which certainly provided us a new angle. I open my legs further to feel all of him and he does so by thrusting himself completely in me.

"Fuck, baby it feels so good." His voice rung in my ear as I was trying to control my breathing but none of it happened. My whole body was set on fire going through different layers of heat every second making my toes curl with euphoria and the remains of which were clear on Harry's back. It's too much pleasure and I'm willing to feel the maximum extent of it.

His arms supported me when I arched my back to connect us from heat to toe. Oh, how deliciously our bodies fitted together.

"I'm close." My lower abdomen tightened just like how it did a few minutes ago when Harry's fingers were inside me.

"Baby yeah, just come for me darling." He bit my earlobe and one of his hands dipped down to the place where our bodies were connected to massage me and that was it. My vision went white as my eyes rolled at the back of my head and for a moment I forgot how to breathe.

I heard Harry taking my name and falling apart as well and then his body lightly collapsing on mine.

We took our time easing our breaths and touching each other before pulling away.

"That was so fucking good." Harry rolled off from me and plopped beside me on the bed, pulling me to him.

"Yes it was." I answered in a small voice feeling shy all of a sudden.

I moved away wrapping the sheets around my naked body to search for any clothing only to realise we had discarded them in the drawing room itself. I heard Harry's chuckles behind me and I turned around with a fake scowl.

"You look so sexy naked but still I'll give you my spare t-shirt." He winked and moved to a closet taking out a black t-shirt and I grabbed it with my one hand and with the same hand grabbed my panties off the floor and moved to the bathroom.

"Hey! That's not fair! You just made steamy love to me and now you're shy to change in front of me." I heard his little unsatisfied rant which had me laughing to myself.

If the highest amount of love is a bucket full, then I love him deeper than a sea.



Longest chapter I have ever written in my two and a half months of writing career.

Don't forget to vote and comment friends!

Take care. X

Until next time,
Much love,
Mohika Arya.

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