Thug Love: The Land Of The Lo...

By ziyaDeVon

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It's been 10 years and a lot of things has changed in Rue's life . She was and is prepared for anything. With... More

Chapter One -The Struggle
Chapter 3- Obstacles
Chapter 4- Gettin to Business

Chapter Two- The Good Old Days

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By ziyaDeVon

Tasha sat there looking at the TV. She was now in her 40's but she didn't seem to age a bit . She missed when everything was perfect in her family. When she had a husband and two kids by her side now she is all alone . She can't seem to let go of her husband but she wouldn't dare let him know that . Not ever .

Her husband walked in the living room and she instantly got up and walked out . He followed behind her .
"Tasha, it's been 10 years . 10! And you still can't let that go .. I've said sorry over a million times . But that's fine . You don't have to walk away when I come in the room . We live together you know ?"
"Yes, it's been 10 long years but I could never forgive you for stepping out on me and keeping it a secret for so long . Being that your son is around our kids age you had to cheat on me before I got pregnant with my babies . And to realize that is hard because I thought we was in love . But I guess not . I know we live in the same home because I built this shit with you but , I would never ever sleep in the same bed nor room with you, you did me dirty . So stop talking to me about this . Cause I don't wanna hear about the time my husband cheated on me with another women that's probably more attractive than me . " she said then walked away to her room then slammed the door.

Trey sighed then walked into the kitchen to Grab water . He decided to try once more . He was tired of the tit for tat game .. every time she went off like this , he just let her be but not today . He missed his family .

"Tasha. Look baby I'm sorry man, can you open the door? " he heard sniffling from the other side of the door then foot steps.
"What ?" She said in a low tone .
"Can we talk" he said pushing the door open then afterwards sitting on the bed.
"OK, what ?"
"Look, it's been 10 years . And I miss my wife dearly . I know I messed up but you have to understand that I was young, I was real young and I was dumb . " he shook his head ."I know that I haven't been able to speak to you being that I had cancer and shit. But I love you and I just wanna spend the rest of my life with you , I want to be how it was when we were young. I'm not gonna lie and say that we weren't moving fast because we was .. but now I'm old . I don't have time for this. I don't wanna die one day and you be sad because we didn't get to say I love you one last time . Baby please give me another chance " he said with tears in his eyes . He has held that in for so long .

"Okay , we can try this one more time , but Let's take things slow . " she said then hugged him .
"You hungry? " she said
"Starving " he said rubbing his stomach
"Okay how about you help me cook Sunday dinner ? So we Can actually have a decent conversation ? We can invite our kids over even chino" she said then stood up
"Okay. We haven't seen our family in months " he said rubbing his head .

Jaques and I was fooling around when my phone started ringing . The caller ID said 'mom'
"HI mom" I said trying to keep my composure while quees kissed on my neck.

"I wanted all my kids to come over for Sunday dinner . SO Can you call chino and Christopher so that we can start in 3 hours from now ?" Rue looked at her phone to see if this was really her mom.
"Mom, we haven't done Sunday dinner in nearly 10 years . Is there something you wanna tell me ?" Rue said then squinted her eyes .
"Oh, hush child . Just tell them please , love you " She said then hung up .
Rue had a confused look on her face .
"Babe? What's wrong ?"
" my mom wants all of her kids to come over for dinner, that's weird ."
"Maybe she wanna start back up the family tradition "
"Humm maybe "

Rue did as she was told then took a shower with Jaques. To save water of course! They stood in the shower for two hours. Until she told jaylin to take a shower and to put something on so that they could leave .

Rue and her family finally pulled up she seen multiple cars which lead her to believe that most of the people she loved was there .

She knocked on the door and it opened up . Her mom looked better than she has ever looked in awhile and she was greeted by her .
"HI baby, HI son in law and  my little pumpkin" she said then touched jaylin nose . She walked in to see her brother and his fiance sitting on the couch she ran to him and hugged and kissed him .

"Okay I know we haven't seen each other in awhile but damn" he said then laughed . She then nodded at his fiance . She didn't get to know her yet but she didn't think that that would ever happen . She then seen Dee, her wife and her son .
She was excited to see her too she jumped in her lap . Deee! How have to been! Oh my god! We have so much to talk about !" She said then hugged her tighter . " hi Christy" she said then hugged her tight too . She loved her best friend and Christy together . They were perfect . "HI baby boy !" She said then picked up Domonic from the floor . He looked so much like dee it was ridiculous.
She then heard the door open then a "yo! Any one in here ?" Then instantly knew who it was .
"Chino from the Gambino. Hi brother how have you been ? " she said then jumped up to hug him since he was so tall .

"I've been good . "
"Ayeeee, bro" Chris came to dapped up Chino.
"Wassup Lil brother. You treating your old lady well ?" He said then eyes Chris.

"You already know "
Everyone else greeted him then it was time to eat .
"Okay so , I have an announcement to make everyone !" Tasha said then smiled .
"Okay mom spill it ! You got diabetes ?" Chris said then looked at his mom
"No boy, now hush! "
"So , I've decided to give your father another chance she said looking at Chino, Chris and rue.

"Well about time !" Rue said then stood up clapping her hands .
"We've also decided to do another wedding but maybe a small one in the house since you know, money is low " she said then looked down then at her husband , God did she love that man . She walked over to him then kissed him .

"Ewwwww" Chris said
"Okay well that's good . That's great !" Every one said then laughed. "Dig in yall!"

All of us honestly had a good time together . We laughed , sung , danced . It was like old times but better since we was older .

SO, I've decided to change the dee character to of course Domo and chrissy.
But this chapter tho
Give feed back .

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