Golden Wanderer (DOCTOR WHO F...

By anarchyy

9.2K 317 22

"Are you always going to be running around saving my life?" He grinned at the young girl. "Pretty much, an... More



933 38 3
By anarchyy

expect nothing. live frugally on surprise.

-  Alice Walker


Genetics had meant she was uncoordinated in her build. Short torso paired with long legs, so often had been subjected to her disappointment but in that moment they meant she could sprint up the idle escalators with lightening speed. It would have been faster if the metal stairs weren't standing still- but she couldn't really complain.

Farren's hair, thick and heavy, whipped at the space between her shoulders wildly as she ran towards the first floor and whilst in full-motion- like you would –she threw both her small palms on top of her head to prevent her newly borrowed cap from slipping off it. She didn't even have the time to imagine how silly she looked.

The sole of her shoes, begging for attention again, strained against the floor as she came to a sudden stop- luckily too as she landed within close proximity of the horrid mechanical voice. She didn't know whether it bored or terrified her, but having to listen to it repeatedly kind of dulled its menace, it was more like an annoying squeaky toy by that point in her life- and she'd do anything to shut it up.

From a few steps back, Farren watched the Dalek roll towards a wide-eyed man in a brown, pinstripe suit matched with pale shoes and a billowing, tan trench coat.

"THE DOCTOR WILL BE EXTERMINATED!" The machine shrieked almost frustrated, as if those words were on its robotic cadence far too often, it's 'arm' was carefully poised to aim and fire.

Farren's eyes scanned the skimpy man, drinking in his spiked brown hair that stuck upwards as he fumbled about his pockets. He seemed nervous. Still, the young girl held his image in her mind and willed her physical form to warp. From top to bottom, like a liquid was being poured over her head, she mirrored the appearance of the funny looking man almost perfectly- just in time too as he was on the very verge of being obliterated.

"The Doctor? Weird name, is that me then?" Farren challenged in her tone, stepping closer to the machine and kicking her toes onto its metal surface. She frowned whilst assessing the new voice that hummed through her vocal cords, bit not satisfied with it. "Oh, I sound weird."

The Dalek's head spun around almost rabidly, the lower half of its metal casing followed suit and if Farren hadn't- in her new form –ducked and pushed herself away, the eye stalk would have probably knocked her out cold. "Sorry, but that's a bit rude." Her words were a squeak in a manly voice and she stifled a laugh, much more focused on how she could very well be minutes away from death.

The man, previously on the edge of his impending demise- now bewildered, stared on at the scene unfolding with wide eyes. He had witnessed the way the human-looking teenager morphed to replicate him. Glasses, coat, sticky-uppy hair and all.

"Do I sound like that? -- I don't sound like that." He complained once he'd swallowed down the shock. For the moment the anomaly was his saving grace. The Dalek then twisted back around to him, it had begun to build some form of doubt.

"Oh I'm not happy about it either- Oi! Over here!" Farren called wildly, successfully drawing the Dalek's attention back to her and running backwards. She didn't even dare blink as it rolled closer and the feeling of new feet in weirdly worn out shoes almost had her tripping onto her back, her body and mind clearly not quite used to the new form she'd assumed.

Farren had morphed on whim, to an entirely new and strange physical build that had her feeling uneasy. Even though her biology never changed, the exterior changes- every cell reforming and recoding –made her horridly light-headed.

"YOU ARE THE DOCTOR. YOU WILL BE EXTERMINATED!" It droned almost shakily then as it fired off several laser blasts which Farren skilfully dodged. She went on that way, running and dodging before the strange man so helpfully- sarcasm heavy on the word –quipped jestingly.

"I'm The Doctor."

As any other, he had a furious set of questions ready to roll off his tongue, all of which would've been the directed at the teenager- who by now, he guessed, wasn't human. Not completely anyway. And though, he was somewhat infamous for his bad timing, he knew conducting an interrogation whilst a Dalek looked to exterminate wasn't smart- and he wasn't completely stupid.

Farren, if not pulsating with surging fear and adrenaline—could have growled with edging frustration. It was as though the man had a death wish as he pranced around with his comfortable smile, urging the Dalek to chase him.

"No, I'm the Doctor." She retorted- really to anyone of the two as she was focused more on containing her panic. Her plan was spur of the moment, it wasn't pre-meditated in anyway shape or form, it was just reflex and with that—a lot could go wrong.

To make her nerve-fuelled fear worst, the machine resorted to spinning around aimlessly and firing with little care of who or what it harmed. That lack of care was built deep within their biology; it really didn't give a shit about any sentient being within its vicinity. A good plan for itself, not so good for the Doctor or Farren.

Glass shattered from practically every corner—loudly too. Farren held a foreign arm over her face, trying her best to prevent blindness. Her optic nerves were extremely sensitive and she had yet to evolve and become strong enough- both in mind and body –to manipulate her biology, she could only just morph her exterior. She did it well, but out of a human, rushed or less-than-clever scenario, it was pretty much just a party trick—albeit a very alien one. But her 'silly party trick' was keeping her alive at that very second, so it wasn't the time to be complaining.

She and the man rushed around in disorientated paths, spewing ragged breaths as they dodged shots and argued in one go.

He couldn't quite catch on to the tone of her voice, it seemed, as she insistently willed him to play along. In the bigger picture, she was the one with the plan, no matter how unorganised and he didn't seem to be on any similar level so that gave her the higher authority. Of course, he couldn't understand that.

"No, I am," He insisted and she could have screamed.

"I'm The Doctor."

"You don't even know who I am."

"No, you don't know who I am."

Their stubborn battle was cut short as he responded with a yelp instead of a retort, almost tripping over a decoration plant.

Farren took his faltering step as a golden opportunity to start at the ground. She dived wildly towards the cold surface and hit her chin against it, pain surged through the lower half of her face- but it was the least of her worries.

The façade she held faded away and she morphed back to her original form, her body could only hold the exterior image for as long as she held the image at the front of her mind, otherwise she would begin to weaken. As she weakened, her body- mind too –would begin to search for another source of energy to absorb to help her hold her form for as long as she could, it'd drain her conscious soul for fuel- which was stupid on its own, but it'd bring on her death and she would die in a foreign form because her body favoured the consistency of hiding than living.

Luckily, the process would only begin if she were to hold a form for month-long intervals without break- though because the universe usually did have it out for her, the new face and adrenaline teamed with cold fear seemed to quicken the process, her young age did nothing to help. She could feel her heart beat furiously quick- and she would have to be just that, quick.

Due to the strange mans lack of gracefulness, the Dalek had deterred his attention to him and she took it as the opportunity to crawl silently behind it. It was risky stuff, especially when the maniacal thing shot blindly with hot fury melded with doubt- it wasn't ever really a good mix, especially in a Dalek.

Her elbow hit the ground and she winced as she fumbled for the last explosive on her belt. Without so much as taking a second to think, Farren stuck the home-made weapon onto the bottom of its metal casing- and the creature really didn't make it an easy job much to her dismay.

Still, as quickly as her reflexes worked, she jumped up and ran towards the strange man, pushing him away.

"Run!" Her voice bellowed over the sound of glass shattering and laser firing. She would have been lying if she didn't say that adrenaline didn't save her, it had her mind working a million miles a minute as she tapped at the screen around her wrist.

Similarly, to before- though now with an additional spectator –Farren watched the Dalek aimlessly float and having its self-detonation unwillingly triggered, the Dalek shrieked- properly screamed noises of hateful protest but they were quickly cut short and the silence swallowed the place instead.

He was the first to bit through the silence- because he had so many questions.

"I- You- you morphed into me, literally and," His fingers snapped as though that would hurry the words out of his mouth. "What was that thing you put on it? –Wha- How did it kill itself? What did you do- who are you?" His words had a lot of varying emotions strung to them and Farren blinked- how the hell could she keep up with all of that?

"I saved your life," She squeaked, gleaming slightly with a sarcastic smirk "The explosives are just proto-types really, I've just been fiddling around with the stuff. They penetrate the metal exterior with wires that extend to the Dalek's main controls giving off fake electrical brain waves that command and carry out its death- Suicide technically. They can only work on damaged Daleks I think- its easier to manipulate things with fear or doubt or really anything un-Dalek and amplify it." Farren wasn't exactly about to be humble about one of the miracles she'd invented, with her own hands and brain. Pride bled through her words even if she was weary of any sort of repercussions, it was too early to tell if there were any.

"All controlled from this," She waved her wrist in his face, showing off the small screen that doubled as her compacted ship, "So, you know, you're welcome."

He was dumbfounded, momentarily- but she still could see it clear as day on his face. Wide eyes, parted lips and high-raised brows. His stubbornness suppressed the excitement though, "I had it under control," He insisted and leaned back as he pushed her wrist too close to his face "I wasn't going to die."

Ah- Farren thought –Embarrassment, grown ass man saved by a short blonde alien, young one too.

"Oh yeah- no! You had it all under control, what was I thinking?" She comically threw her hands in the air, they flailed to add emphasis to her deliberately exaggerated tone.

Farren- really did save his life, she knew that without needing him to admit it aloud. He lightly smiled then, a feat of amusement at the choppy haired girl who knew she'd saved his life even if he was in no hurry to admit it.

The air was the tiniest bit awkward and Farren racked her mind for the first thing to strike conversation on- his stare was becoming severely uncomfortable. "You should invest in better running shoes."

Farren pointedly stared down at his feet and almost smacked herself- running shoes, oh brilliant Ren. "I feel like you do a lot of that," A pause "Running, I mean. Not being on the brink of extermination by Dalek." She clarified as she stumbled over the subject at hand- she assumed very little of the strange man. The only thing she could really conclude was that he was light years away from being human- those big angry machines didn't take such a burning interest for someone that was human and he seemed to have been alive for quite a while with the Dalek fighting to exterminate him.

"Oh, you'd be surprised," He laughed and she fought the urge to grin at the laugh, it was as though he wasn't on the brink of his demise just seconds ago because he laughed like someone had given him a massive free box of donuts and like- twenty pounds. He moved a hand from his pocket to extend it towards the moody teenager.

She took it.

"I'm The Doctor,"

"I gathered as much," Sarcastic amusement was rolled into her words "I'm Farren." A slanted smile accompanied her introduction and she held back a grimace at the clamminess of his hand.

"Farren," He tried "Good name that. Nice name. Fare-En." He pronounced it contently as his hand recoiled to hide behind his back "English origin right? Means 'adventurous' dunit?" She could barely blink an answer as he rattled on "Means ferret in French though, bit less brilliant that." His grimace was humorous and the teenager—on the verge of a strop, rolled her eyes, she'd only known him for a few minutes and so she certainly didn't appreciate him making fun of her name.

It- the conversation –quickly became dull to her, so, she spun on her heels to find her way out of the shopping centre. Her interest resided in more important things- big metal, scary things . . . pepper pot looking- things.

She found though, that the Doctor was probably just as curious and relentless about her, hot on her heels as her shoes smacked against the solid ground.

His tan coat fluttered at the backs on his knees with every massive step he took. He was almost awkwardly gangly- Farren noticed –and sharp-featured all over. Sharp nose, curious eyes, sticky-uppy hair and bold thick glasses.

Try as she might- she couldn't shake him off and so, she came to a stop and turned back to him. Arms crossed, one foot propped in front of the other as her ankles too crossed.

"What are you then?" Clearly he'd taken her defeat for as a go to talk some more "You're certainly not from around here, no can't be. Not human enough- I mean –you did just morph." His yapping was more annoying than anything and Farren was easily growing frustrated as his investigative words polluted the air.

She didn't understand how he did it- talked so much for someone that's almost died, she was sure he was supposed to be in some sort of shock and not assuming an interviewing personality- ignore him Ren, her conscious smartly advised and so, she marched forward, re-starting her departure in a different direction but he wouldn't stop.

"S'impressive that, morphing" He pronounced the word, clearly enthralled "Handy thing too," Then, his hands shot out to grab her shoulders- she almost tripped as he spun her around to face him and she all but appreciated that.

The Doctor craned his neck to level his eyes with her height, he did it so he could stare curiously at her appearance- rudely too.

"Get off," She protested and shook his slender hands from her shoulders and re-assumed the crossed arms over chest.

To him- her appearance was almost joyously youthful. Pale hair choppily fluttered all over her head and down just a little past her shoulders, paired with a messy and too-short fringe that slipped out of her leather red cap- making a jagged line across her forehead. He assumed her hair was self cut- and he'd assume right.

Her nose was swooping and one of the defining features of her face- the eyes though struck his attention almost immediately- they glimmered a wild shade of yellowy-gold and swirled with shades of dark copper towards the black pupil, they seemed older than her soft face, dusted in freckles of white which made them seem like glitter.

Farren, trying her best to keep cool and level headed and not threatened- stared straight back at him. Ignoring the braces sliding a little of her shoulders. It was hard to appear broodingly menacing when everything about her betrayed the attempt. "You owe me you know."

He ignored her assertive statement for a second- hovering high and low to observe ever ticking detail. Mainly because the air around her seemed to be one he'd recognised- obviously in any other circumstance he'd 'bleep' her as Donna so brilliantly put it, without consent with his sonic screwdriver he could have stunted all his impending questions.

Of course though, the universe did as it always did and drew him the short straw. It'd been missing from him for two days now and he was the tiniest bit- no –almost completely, useless without it. He'd almost gotten killed by a Dalek for goodness sake- it was probably somewhere in the TARDIS though.

"Owe you?" He finally uttered and she brighten up a little from her frown- standing a little taller and arms crossed, still, in a failed attempt to seem somewhat threatening. She noticed his brief faraway look and to him, she looked like a moody pre-teen if anything.

"Um- Duh, I just saved your life," She reminded with a huff, a 'thank you' surely wouldn't have hurt his ego that much.

Of course he thought her proclamation was absurd- laughing loudly "You morphed into me and ran around arguing until you magically got it to kill itself with your homemade detonator . . . thingy. I would hardly call that saving my life." There were many faults to his defensive statement, but nonetheless, he didn't back down.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Would you have preferred it if I swung in on a bloody vine and swooped you up in my strong, muscular arms your highness- would that have been more to your taste?" She mockingly sneered and pulled the brim of her red cap to yank it down. As she did so, the leather hat formed light shadows over her face that shielded the bright colour of her eyes but defined the low-stooped set of her frown. "I think I want your coat."

The Doctor- truly had met his match and grinned gleamingly at the words fluttering off her lips. They were delightfully infantile, brave and challenging- the very essence of a teenage alien and he expected no less. Though his entertainment was fleeting when he properly caught wind of her words, the last few to be specific.

His hands flew to his pockets and pulled the coat closer around him- he really did love the coat. It was just the right amount of comfortably warm and well- cool. He held it tightly around her slim frame. "You've got to be joking!"

Farren only shook her head. "Not even a little bit."

"Janis Joplin gave me this coat- and I don't even know what you are."

Children- when not given what they wanted, often threw tantrums that came in many forms. For some it was screaming, flailing, it was holding their breath until they became blue- but for Farren, it was willing her physical form to mirror the odd man and mock him in his own voice.

"I don't even know what you are." She lightly grinned as he blanched, obviously uncomfortable with her juvenile tantrum-tactic. Luckily for him, she held it for mere seconds and her choppy-haired head made its return with a smile of mock sweetness- feigned innocence.

"Right, I don't sound like that. I dunno what you're doing with the voice . . . thing, but I definitely don't sound like that." He complained, briefly throwing his hands up in the air- frustrated, yes, but so hopelessly intrigued.

I give up- Farren thought defeated, spotting a familiar EXIT sigh from the corners of her shielded eyes. She decided then, that bargaining was an obvious waste of time.

Her hands found their way to her pockets easily and she spun around on the spot making to talk towards the door. Then as quickly as she made her decision, she paused and turned back around to offer a goodbye.

"See you soon Doc," The all-too familiar childish smirk dancing to brighten her features, spiting the dark shadows her cap had cast.

"Oh come on, at least tell me."

She didn't say anything, only tipped her cap mockingly.

"Ah, what the hell." He exclaimed- spur of the moment and she looked to him with curiosity. It was a comical sight, one eye squinted nosily over at him.

Farren quickly understood the jist of his motion as he began to slide his slim arms out of the confinements of his sleeves. Gathering the coat in his hand after rummaging in the pockets, he threw it her way with a strong arm.

The colour of her eyes instantly lightened to a pale yellow as a smile stretched her cheeks wide to bare teeth, she stared down at the coat in her arms and a small smirk dared to make its way onto his own lips. You couldn't really- not smile at the sight of a teenager, a kid, so hopelessly excited about a coat.

"Wait," Farren was warily suspicious- she learned to be after a few years of independence; though despite her disbelief she still held onto the coat tightly. "You're not bluffing?"

His response was simple, followed by the quickest laugh and bouncing steps thundering against the granite flooring. "I owed you." His eyes followed a blue box a few feet away and he made do with walking backwards "Strictly borrowing though," He waved his finger warningly in her direction "Next time I see you, I want it back. Understand?"

She could only nod, focused more on pushing her arms through the still-warm sleeves. He ran inside of the box and hung his head out the door frame comically. "See you 'round Farren."

Farren hummed in agreement, spinning around once and watching with dizzy sight as the coat fluttered out and around her ankle- lightly skimming the floor. Her hand stroked down the small creases along the sides and then hid into the hollow pockets- it was a cool temporary garment that she'd cherish- she thought. Even though the tail end of the coat slid onto the floor behind her feet due to its length teamed with her mismatched height.

A whirring sound buzzed from straight ahead and she looked up, away from her newly acquired apparel.

The box, blue and wooden, that the Doctor had flounced into was fading away loudly and her breath caught in her throat at the sight that played out. A ship- proper ship, her predictions were true, 'cus he was so fucking far from human.

But her shock was fleeting- it wasn't like she didn't see alien stuff before. She turned the coat collar up, failing brooding and more like child in dress up, and speedily made her way out of the exit.

Her eagle-eyed gaze was met with a mass of uniformed officers consulting hysteric crowds of humans and Farren separated herself from them. She leaned against a crumbling brick wall- her shoulder gathering the bits that chipped off.

She carefully watched on as an officer console a crying woman, his hand on her shoulder as she quietly shook and he soothingly spoke.

One Dalek was somewhat possible, she remembered a single one had teleported before she could have done anything. But two? Two was the impossible number.

"Right," Farren spoke to herself as she watched the officer under her gaze walk away "To work then."

She slipped her journal out of her back pocket and mirrored his form, beginning towards the crying woman a few moments after the real officer's departure. Farren imitated the way he held himself almost perfectly- shoulders firm and held back in a stance of confidence. Posture straight, authoritative and matched with a crooked hat to match a slanted smile of comfort.

She wiped her new fingers against the material of the police cap and beamed to herself in the foreign form. "Love a good cap." A few paces away from standing before the stranger and clearing her throat. "I'm sorry Miss, could you repeat everything you just told me? I need to jot it down for official reports."

Farren held her light navy journal up in thick fingers and flicked it open as the woman hastily nodded- agreeing to lightly sob through her recollection of events.

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