Anhedonia || Ckonny_Nickole »...

By vonlane

7.8K 301 235

"I don't see it as a disability, it's more like a syndrome. A strange one that doesn't let me enjoy in peace... More

Credits & Proof: @Ckonny_Nickole
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Part 2

912 46 33
By vonlane

He hated cold climates as much as he liked them. It was the only time in which he didn't know if he enjoyed the ambient or not because on one hand, it was fucking cold, but on the other, there were less people on the streets—meaning he didn't have to deal with all those people smiling and happily yelling for whatever reason.

He didn't have to deal with people being happy.

He would never admit that deep down—very deep down— he hated summer because it was the season in which he was more conscious of the daily unhappiness he was forced to get used to.

That specific day, he felt like going out to wander the streets as to take out his frustration caused by a strange event that happened a few nights back that wouldn't leave him in peace for various days, or perhaps weeks. As much as he had hoped for that uncomfortable sensation to disappear overnight, it seemed to have grown worse along with the intolerable desire to meet that person who was 'unintentionally' mortifying him. And yes, with quotations because Menma blamed the idiot dressed as a girl for not being able to peacefully fuck all the women he had tried to do after that day.

If sex had been interesting for the first few seconds before, then now it was too boring. Before, he would at least keep himself busy, even if it were a bit entertaining to make the woman moan despite him not feeling anything at all.

He was used to not feeling anything from anything, but ever since he met that guy, his stomach seemed to be a sort of mixer that mixed every emotion he had never felt before only to bother him. But that only happened when he remembered him, which was every quarter of an hour.

When Menma noticed he was damning the boy with the purple lipstick out loud in a public street, he decided that it was best to go drink something hot because it was too cold out. Without hesitating much, he entered a new café where he hadn't placed too much attention on until he saw the enormous line in front of the cashier: where each and every person in line was an impatient woman as they shouted and pushed against each other, trying to arrive at the cashier first.

He thought of immediately leaving but the conversation that some girl had started in front of him caught his attention.

"Wow, he's handsome. Why didn't you tell me before that someone like him worked here?"

"Because apparently he's new."

Ah, so that's why all the ruckus. He rolled his eyes in annoyance and clicked his tongue. 'Must be some damn simpleton.' he thought, as this was not the first time he had witnessed how a bunch of young girls went crazy over any guy that stood out from the rest.

His click of the tongue managed to get the girls' attention as they now turned to look at him.

"What?" He mumbled sourly.

"Oh! You're also very handsome!" One of the girls shamelessly let out and immediately, Menma felt himself become the center of attention as the entire line turned around to look at him.

Far from feeling uncomfortable, he maintained his serious and uninterested look—the one that seemed to always be his best charm to make anyone willing to be taken anywhere by him. However, this time, he only wanted coffee and nothing more.

"It's true, he's very handsome."

Or that's what he'd thought until he heard that voice from up ahead. His attention immediately went towards the boy who dared call him 'handsome' without any shame whatsoever.

The tingling in his stomach seemed to have anticipated his irremediable encounter with him.

"Although that hair color doesn't really suit you, to be honest." He then added, giving him that same smile he remembered when he first met him days back at the club.

Despite the fact that he was now dressed as a normal boy, if it weren't for the fact that he was standing behind the cash register, one would think he was just another customer. The boy's eyes held that same charm to them as when he first met him dressed as a woman. One could even say—not admit it out loud, of course—that he looked more attractive with his natural face and stylish clothing.

What the hell was he thinking? Menma frowned uncomfortably and made way to get to him. The aroma that that boy emitted... it was as pleasant as it was in his memory and it engulfed him immediately.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He could've complained or thrown a punch at him for leaving him alone that time, but from his lips came that angry question that seemed to entertain the other as he only let out a carefree laugh.

"I work here," He responded. "Do you want anything? Before my shift ends..." He discreetly gestured towards the clock on the wall with a movement of his head.

Menma heard the female crowd complain, but even so, he took advantage of the situation. He couldn't let this bastard leave once again.

"A coffee," He then ordered, his cold blue eyes fixated on the other's black ones before adding: "And your unbearable company."

"Oh!" Surprised, the boy looked at him for a few seconds before winking a flirty eye. "I don't think there's a problem in that, but my company is included for free in your purchase when you add an extra coffee to your order."

Tsk. This guy was seriously too much for him. "Sure, whatever."

Without anything else, Menma went to sit at the tables near the back after paying, leaving the other alone with the crowd of angry girls as they would no longer be attended by him. Why did he feel like that boy had done it on purpose? It was only a matter of minutes before the other could appear with both coffees and sit in front of him, smiling without any worry.

"It's been some time, no? You looked better as a blond. Why'd you dye it black?" The boy asked, not worried about the fixated look that he was giving Menma, as if he were trying to look inside him or something like that.

Menma didn't respond to his question as in reality, he had no answer as to why he had decided to dye his hair black.

"I haven't seen you at the club since then," The boy continued talking as he didn't seem to like the lack of communication.

Menma took a sip of his coffee, returning the gaze towards the boy who seemed to not get bored staring at him. "I found a better place than that crap."

"Oh? Can you take me?"

He hadn't expected that petition in the least, but even so, he couldn't help to respond it with malice.

"Will you go dressed as a girl?" To Menma, the boy's 'infatuation' was still an odd mystery.


His blue eyes opened wider, more than normal, upon the response. The memory of the boy with purple lipstick and the dress that brought out his stylized figure came to mind immediately. He looked at him without trying to hide it as took a long sip of his coffee. In some way, having him sitting across from him after that was strange. Even more strange, however, was the fact that the fucker was so attractive like that without anything on his face.

Before he could even say anything, the boy laughed.

"It's a joke. I only do that when I'm bored." He assured.

"Tsk. Do you seduce men when you're bored as well?" Now that definitely seemed to escape him entirely. Menma didn't realize it until he finished saying it, but since he had already done it, he wasn't going to go back. "Because I still can't forget what you were trying with me that time."

Who could forget that guy dancing so close to his body while telling him things that confused him?

How to forget the guy that made him feel strange like he was doing now?

It seemed like a joke, but with each word the boy with dark eyes let out, the more interest he had in getting to know him. And this had never happened to him before.

"I wasn't seducing you," The other defended himself, keeping quiet after saying that. "Or was I?"

What Menma didn't expect was having his company's face so close to his, close enough that his breathing mixed with the other's and the aroma that emitted from his cologne combined with his own.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Did I seduce you?"

"I already told you that I'm not—"

"You didn't get the urge to stop me and take me someplace else when I told you I had to leave for my girlfriend?"

He hesitated. This guy seemed to be reading him from the calm way he had asked all of this. He couldn't understand it, he really couldn't understand how one person could be so...

"Why didn't you stop me, eh?" The boy insisted, biting his bottom lip and anxious to get an answer that satisfied him.

...goddamned attractive.

"Because I had already told you that I don't fucking like men," Menma replied, roughly pushing him back. He frowned to maintain his serious and uninterested image, although, it seemed that with this guy, it didn't work.

Not when his interior was swirling uncomfortably.

"That's what I thought," The boy finally commented, finishing his coffee. "Then should we go out today? My name is Sasuke, by the way. Although they call me by my nickname 'Charasuke.' Charasuke Uchiha."

"Then what the fuck do I call you then?"

"However the bitter kitty wants to call me."

Menma punched the table with his fist, bothered. It was too damn hard following this guy. Usually, it wasn't so difficult for him to have a conversation with anyone. This guy came and went from one side to the other as if looking to confuse him, and, at the same time, grab his attention completely—something he was definitely getting and it was fucking with Menma.

Why wasn't his damned incapability not making itself present right now? It would be so much easier to tell him he wasn't interested in the least and leave without caring. But no, there he was, not wanting to end the conversation with the idiot because as much as it bothered him, he enjoyed his company a bit.

"Uchiha bastard," He said and the expression of horror his partner made was very entertaining.

"Ouch... and your name is?"

"Why do you want to now?"

"Isn't it obvious? Gods, don't tell me I should've asked for it when I took you order."

This guy seriously didn't seem like he wanted to bore him.

"Menma Uzumaki." He replied.

Menma didn't understand as to why the faint blush on the Uchiha's cheeks when he heard his name until finally, he got up and said as he left a card on the table: "Take care of me, Menma."

Only to then leave somewhere else, leaving Menma once again without giving him the time for his breath to return to normal upon hearing that. For a second, just a single second, Uzumaki thought it had been the nicest thing a guy could have ever said to him in his entire fucking life.

The boy with blue eyes began thinking about how the boy had the strange ability to leave just like his will to stay anywhere and continue what he was doing.

He took the card that Charasuke left with his email address. Suddenly, the idea of going to the club with company didn't seem boring.




The idea of getting out of the house in general usually took time to materialize as he got over it with ease and tended to think that, why leave if he couldn't enjoy anything in the first place? All because of his stupid way of being.

But today was different—impatiently, he waited for the exact time to go to the club with an anxiety that almost scared him; he had never felt anything like this before.

He didn't go looking for Charasuke at his house. No, his conversation with him had already been strange enough for him to even think of going out to look for him like when one passed by to pick up a girlfriend before a date. Tsk, what nonsense.

He waited for him inside the club, drinking a new liquor until he saw him appear dressed normally and searching for him. He made no kind of gesture but waited there for the other to find him on his own and approach him just as quickly.

The taste of the liquor seemed incredible at this moment. His brow furrowed, effectively proving that, whenever that guy was near, he could finally enjoy a few things even if they were small, fuck.

"Have you been waiting long for me? I got lost," Charasuke sighed, sitting next to him and inspecting the place before Menma. "You look more handsome than in the afternoon."

Menma clicked his tongue upon that observation. "Seriously, are you gay or what shit?"

"Don't get mad, Menma." He didn't know from where, but the Uchiha offered him a rose, pushing it against his face as if obligating him to accept it. Ah, they were from the flower vase behind him.

Menma threw the flower towards the floor in a bad mood.

"Why did you want to come?" He asked, interested.

"I just wanted to entertain myself," His partner responded, getting up from his chair to head towards the dancefloor, grabbing a girl by the arm who quickly accepted to dance with him.

And while he danced all smiley with one girl and another, Menma thought there was really something wrong with himself.

A strange feeling engulfed him before he could do the same as his date and walk out to dance with some girl who wouldn't mind entertaining for a while.

But it wasn't entertaining in the least. It was as if returning to doing the same thing as always. Being alone without a single emotion on his face nor within himself, moving from inertia, waiting to find some emotion in ending the night with some girl who would end up being one of many and would lie to saying they had been great during sex.

From time to time, he would throw a glance towards Charasuke, who seemed to not be there since a while ago. What was this? Deception? He felt it in the moment in which his date had gone over to flirt with many women that he thought he couldn't keep count. He danced for a bit more and as was usual, chose someone whom he'd take with him when a hand from behind took him by the other hand to turn him around and then hug him happily around the neck.

The intoxicating aroma and the soft texture of those familiar hands gave him chills.

"Menma, Menma, there are too many girls, I can't seem to choose with whom to leave with," Charasuke said, starting to dance with him with a tired expression.

"Didn't you have a girlfriend?" He couldn't help to throw it in his face before separating him so he could let go but managed to get no distance between them. He was annoyed that Charasuke had only used him to bring him here and have fun by himself.

"Umm, you see... I'm not so loyal, let's say."

Menma rolled his eyes upon the obvious.

"So you're thinking of sleeping with someone today," He commented, trying more to follow the conversation than anything else. The atmosphere changed pleasantly whenever Charasuke was near; he should take as much advantage as possible.

"Totally. I like women. The sweet smell of their perfumes, the taste and texture of their lipsticks..."

"You love them so much, you dress like one." Menma interrupted on purpose, making the other blink a few times before submitting to a strange silence.

Charasuke had stopped moving completely and seemed to focus on one single point of interest. Menma asked himself if he had said something wrong or dangerous, but made no move to apologize. What's more, the Uchiha didn't seem bothered, it actually looked like he was going through some type of sudden inner conflict or revelation.

"Will you come with me?" Suddenly, the dark-eyed one asked with a strange look, but not less seductive than before. Even Menma could assure that that new glint in his expression was something too attractive to look at.

"To where?"

"To fuck with them."

Now the confused and conflicted one was him. What kind of improper invitation was that? Charasuke didn't look like he was joking, in fact, he seemed to be speaking way too serious to ignore it.

"An orgy?" Menma questioned.

"Does it bother you?"


The idea seemed attractive this time, especially when Charasuke grabbed him by the hand without saying anything more and dragged him over towards a group of girls that, as strange as it seemed, were already getting the idea that they'd fuck altogether.

And that's how it was. The hot atmosphere and the typical silk sheets of those types of places with private service never seemed so attractive and pleasant like it did on this occasion. There were four girls, very attractive and too good during sex. They shared them in pairs so that all of them would have the opportunity of being with both and it was so incredible. That day, he truly understood why everyone had sex like crazy in these types of places.

But he knew that he was only feeling good because Charasuke was close to him, fucking with other girls on the same wide bed, sending him occasional glares to annoy him as they had not once graced each other nor spoken at any moment. 'To each his own.'

At first, when he had seen Charasuke naked, he had been taken aback. He believed him to be skinny, but he was more toned than he imagined, so he wasn't surprised that the girls all fell at his feet like all men did to his precious face. He was a deadly weapon, no doubt.

The pleasure was making him a beast during sex as he wanted more and more, sinking deeply into that sensation that he wanted to experiment so many times and it seemed to bother no one. He heard a giggle near him, taking attention away from pouncing over a girl to concentrate all of his attention on Charasuke, who appeared to be doing the same, looking at him impatiently. Neither of the two said anything and they only continued with the movements of their bodies with their gazes fixed on each other.

Menma thought the uncomfortable sensation would return to his stomach and that he had a crazy idea that wasn't what it was since the pleasure wouldn't let him think right.

Charasuke seemed strange as well, much more than him, even. As if he wanted to say something he wouldn't dare to but instead tried to say with his gestures and dumb smiles. He approached him at one moment when he had finished with one of the girls and placed his hand over Menma's shoulder, making his body shiver with that simple touch.

"Let me borrow her," The Uchiha asked in a whisper, calling the girl over and gently asking for a blowjob while Menma continued with his own activity of fucking the other girl on all fours.

Maybe it was a thing of his, but having Chara's shoulder rub against his and doing the same thing was much more stimulating.

And it was even more so when a pale and soft hand grabbed him from the chin to bring him closer to that attractive face whose black, shining eyes observed him expectantly before closing when finally, their lips found themselves in a warm kiss that made him reach his climax.

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