Broken (BoyxBoy)

Por FrozenEscence

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(Book 2 in the Memento series) Can be read as a stand-alone Gabriel is broken and believes he can't be fixe... Más

Chapter 2 - Who you are
Chapter 3 - Proper Introduction
Chapter 4 - Restless Night
Chapter 5 - School: Good or Bad?
Chapter 6 - Hope
Chapter 7 - Time
Chapter 8 - Spilled Truths
Chapter 9 - Temptation
Chapter 10 - Promises
Chapter 11 - A Little Bit Of Calm
Chapter 12 - The truth about Gabriel
Chapter 13 - The truth about our world
Chapter 14 - The truth about Cameron
Chapter 15 - Where Are You?
Chapter 16 - Back To The Facility
Chapter 17 - Saving You
Chapter 18 - Unspoken Truths
Chapter 19 - Claiming My Keeper
Chapter 20 - Welcome To Our World
Chapter 21 - Eyes Like Fire
Chapter 22 - Tough Day At School
Chapter 23 - Left Hand Man
Chapter 24 - Training In Progress
Chapter 25 - Great Honour
Chapter 26 - Promises

Chapter 1 - Help me

926 31 1
Por FrozenEscence

Welcome to book two of Memento, to avoid confusion I recommend reading the first book beforehand but if you decide to jump that book and rush straight into this one, I will try to clear up any confusion. And things should become more clear the more you read.

I hope you enjoy, I had fun writing this one and hope you have fun reading it.

Comments and votes are always appreciated. So without further ado here is the first chapter of Broken.


*Cameron's POV*

I ran as fast as my legs would take me, my heart beating loud in my ears, it was the only reassuring thing, knowing I was still alive, knowing my heart was still beating. I didn't know where I was going, nor did I care, I just ran for as long as I could.

I was never a lucky person, which is why when the skies opened and rain began pouring down hard, I wasn't exactly surprised. I mean, this was just my luck, right? The rain hit the pavement, hard, drenching me from head to toe. That's when I saw the building, it looks to be maybe a school?

Quickly looking behind me, nobody was to be seen but I wasn't going to risk anything. Heading now in the direction of the building, I tried to pick up my pace more but my feet were already hurting too much.

My energy and strength were both running low with every second that passed but I wouldn't give up, not now. Not now I can finally taste the freedom I've been craving my whole life.

Finally reaching the doors of the building, I didn't stop nor hesitate as I threw the doors open, rushing inside. There were people everywhere, this could be good. But could I trust them?

"Somebody please help me!" I probably looked a mess as I stood there wide eyed and completely drenched. People stared back at me, all sharing looks of surprise. I probably would have laughed at their comical reactions if I could.

I stood staring, confused as people began to back away, probably thinking I was crazy. Well that was an understatement...

I sighed aloud, prepared to turn back around and continue my adventure in the rain when I felt a hand fall onto my shoulder. I jumped back, pressing myself against the nearest locker, my heartbeat picking up as I stared at the boy in front of me. Calming my breathing, I closed my eyes for a second before taking a deep breath and reopening them.

The boy in front of me apologised, a sincere smile stood clear on his face, I couldn't help but stare at him in amazement. A boy stood behind him, watching me carefully with a gentle smile. Why were they smiling?

"What's your name?" The boy in front of me spoke, causing me to snap my attention back to him. My name?

"Cameron." That was my name, not that anybody ever used it. Why would my name matter?

"Hi Cameron, I'm Adrian. This is my boyfriend, Zach." He held his hand out towards me and I tried not to press myself closer to the locker behind me as I stared at his hand. Handshake?

Hesitantly, I outstretched my hand, connecting it with his. He shook my hand with a careful grip, it was different.

"Cameron?" The boy behind him asked. Zach, right? I watched him, carefully, acknowledging that he had spoken to me without having to actually talk.

"You said you needed help?" He moved to stand more to the side of him but it was then I saw that it was Adrian keeping him behind him. I didn't speak just nodded, flicking my eyes from Zach then back to Adrian. Could I trust them? Adrian didn't seem to trust me.

"What can we help you with Cameron?" Adrian asked, watching me intensely. Yeah, he didn't trust me.

"I-uh" I scratched my head, avoiding eye contact. I came here to get away from them but I was suddenly hit with the sense of fear and dread. What if I made a mistake? What if he was right and there was no escape? Was I doomed to spend my life there, trapped, just another experiment, just another patient? No, I was more than that.

I didn't realise I was hyperventilating until I felt Adrian's hand on my shoulder once again, trying to calm me down.

"Cameron, listen to me. You're safe now, you're safe here." His hand on my shoulder was no longer a problem as I tried to push the thoughts away from my mind. I was breathing too heavily, I clenched my eyes shut as I tried to focus on my breathing, bad idea.

"Cameron! Look at me!" I think it was Zach that spoke and I pried my eyes open, turning my attention to him and trying to understand what he was saying. He placed his hands on either side of my head and started talking. Well more like asking me questions.

"How old are you, Cameron?" Why would that matter at a time like this, I answered him anyway.


"What's your favourite colour?" I stared at him baffled this time. My favourite colour? Why would anybody care for that? Most people didn't even care for my name.


"My favourite colour is blue," he smiled. Was this guy on drugs?

"Red." The confusion was strong in my voice, but he just carried on smiling.

"So how about we go somewhere private and talk?" Adrian intervened and only then did I notice my breathing had returned to normal. I stared at Zach in pure amazement, he helped me? He smiled brightly, noticing my expression before he took Adrian's hand in his.

"Are you coming?" Adrian asked as he began walking down the corridor, Zach close at his side. Not speaking but simply nodding my head, I followed them through the school.

We didn't walk for long before we reached a door. Adrian opened it, entering with Zach and I hesitated, still unsure if I could completely trust them. What if they just want to hurt me like everybody else? But Zach did help me earlier and I guess here with them is a lot better than where I just came from, so I followed them into the room.

The door shut behind me with a bang, making me jump. Where are we?

"The locker room, it's probably the only place empty at this current time." Adrian answered my question? I stared at him in shock, backing up once again as Zach stared in horror. Adrian kept a calm and composed face as he watched me.

"Heh, was my expression that obvious?" I avoided looking into either of their eyes as I walked around the locker room, taking in my surroundings.

Adrian didn't answer my question, just watched me with a curious expression. I cleared my throat before taking a seat on one of the benches, my feet ached and I'm sure they would thank me for the rest.

"So Cameron, where are you from?" Adrian took a seat on the bench opposite from me and Zach quickly joined, sitting beside him. Adrian wrapped his arm around Zach's shoulder and pulled him closer against himself. That's right, he called him his boyfriend. So, they are in a relationship? What did he ask again? Oh right, where was I from? Hmm good question.

"I'm from here." I was born and raised here in this city, in this town, just in a secret facility.

"Okay," he nodded, I think he was analysing me. "Well just so you know, you can trust us." His eyes shone a bright silver at the end of his sentence, and I forced a smile.

"T-thank you. Heh the lighting is weird in-here." I scratched my head, wanting to leave immediately. My craziness was showing again but this time it was worse, I had to calm myself down to avoid a repeat of earlier and simply closed my eyes for a moment. Maybe I do belong there, maybe I am as crazy as they told me.

"You asked for our help, Cameron. What can we help you with?" It was all seriousness with this guy, huh? That's okay, seriousness I was used to. But how do I explain this?

"Some people are after me, bad people. I managed to get away but I'm worried they might come looking for me. I just need to get away from here but it's not safe, they could be anywhere." I tried to explain what I could to the best of my abilities, but it was hard when I couldn't tell them everything.

"Who are these people, can you tell me?" I shook my head at the question, what if I told them? Would they take me back?

"Okay," Adrian sighed, rubbing his forehead. Why do I always make people's lives hard?

"I'm sorry. I can get out of your hair; I just needed a place to hold up for a while. I-I can get a bus ticket out of here or something." I think I read that once somewhere, I wonder if I can find a bus stop?

Zach looked worried as he shared a glance with Adrian, leaning into him more and watching me, warily. Would they let me leave?

"Cameron, we can help you. There's just someone I need to talk to first." He looked torn and turned towards Zach. I understood now, he didn't want to leave me alone with him, but he didn't want me left on my own either.

They stared at each other for a while longer before Adrian sighed, turning back to me.

"Look, I've got to go find my...friend. I'm going to be honest with you, I don't really want to leave my love alone with you but I don't see any other option. I'm trusting you not to lay a finger on him while I'm gone."

"Babe..." Zach placed his hand on Adrian's arm.

Adrian sighed once more, sending me a warning look before he ran off towards the door, he left and I was alone with Zach who sat back down on the bench opposite me.

"Why are people after you, Cameron?" I couldn't answer that question but without an answer I must seem rather suspicious. Why must my life be so hard? I just want to be free. I-I just want to be happy. What did happiness feel like?

"I can't answer that, Zach. Although it may be hard to believe you can trust me, but I understand if you don't. I really don't think it matters, I just need a way out of here."

"Where are you going to go?" Good question. Where could I go? Hmm, paradise? I've read about paradise, it sounds amazing and I found myself smiling slightly, my eyes closing on their own. I turned back to Zach, seeing him watching me, still.

"Paradise." He looked confused at my answer but didn't respond after that, he looked lost in thought and I found myself watching him this time. He seemed nice; I wonder what he's like. Could he be like someone in my books? They were always my favourite people, they seemed more real than the people around me but maybe the books were all just fantasies, maybe people like that didn't really exist. The thought depressed me.

A couple minutes passed before the locker room doors barged open and Adrian walked back in with another boy behind him. They all looked around my age, I suppose we were in a school so it would make sense.

Adrian re-joined Zach on the bench opposite and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a hug. I wondered what that was like.

The other boy stepped towards me, coming to stand in front of me and I suddenly found myself feeling nervous once more.

"Cameron, right?" His tone was soft as he spoke to me, but I didn't dare speak, just simply nodded. I noticed Adrian and Zach walking towards the door and I started to panic.

"They have to go to class but do not worry, you are safe with me." I looked at him questionably, unsure on whether I could really trust him or not, what if he was bad?

"I'm a good person, Cameron. You can trust me and to be honest we're probably the only people you should trust right now." My eyes fell on a bag he had in his hand, he handed it towards me but I just stared at it.

"A change of clothes. I'm sure the wet clothes you are currently wearing are rather uncomfortable, and I want you to feel comfortable around me." A small smile lingered on his lips and I found myself liking the guy. It wasn't a forced smile like the ones the people back home wore. No, I couldn't call that place home. I've heard about what home is really like and that was nothing like it.

"Thank you." I took the bag from him and pulled out the items of clothing, a pair of loose jeans and a long sleeve black t-shirt. I began to change and the boy looked away, moving his gaze around the locker room. I realised I didn't know his name, should I ask?

"What's your name?" The jeans were a good fit, slightly loose for comfort and I immediately felt slightly better, I pulled on the shirt and turned my attention to the boy that hadn't answered my question yet. I didn't press the matter, just simply watched him as he examined me.

"Kaden," He answered. "My name is Kaden."

"Thank you for the clothes, Kaden." I tried to smile but the action was so unnatural to me that it felt weird, so I just stopped, he returned the smile either way.

"Adrian explained that you have some bad people after you, can you tell me who they are?" He spoke kindly and I felt myself calming around him.

"I can't say."

"I fear I may not be able to help you if I don't know what the danger is. Is there any information you can give me, just so I have more of an insight about what we're up against?" We? Was he going to help me?

"I can't tell you who they are but they are bad people. They think I'm-uh-crazy, b-but I'm not, I s-swear!" He was right, I'm an idiot.

"Why do they think you are crazy, Cameron?" His voice remained calm and gentle, almost understanding.

"I-I can't say." how could I explain something like this? He'd think I was crazy for sure. Sometimes even I question my sanity.

"You can trust me, Cameron." He placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder but I still couldn't tell him the truth, not yet.

"I'm sorry," I sighed "I just can't say." I felt guilty, this guy actually wanted to help me but that would change once he knew the truth.

"I understand, you don't go to this school?" It was formed as question but there was no question about it, he knew.

"No, I'm-um-home-schooled." Technically speaking.

"Okay, well there's no real solution right now but I don't want you leaving on your own. You are safe here with us. So, this is what we're going to do, you will attend school here for a while, don't worry I will sort out your schedule, so you will have all of your classes with either myself, Adrian or Zach. I will look out for you and I will speak with Adrian, see if you can stay with him for a while, how does that sound?" I stared at him baffled, was he really going to go to this much effort to help me? I felt a warmth in my chest that I couldn't explain, it was a new feeling, it felt alien.

I didn't know what to say, I didn't trust myself to talk at the moment so I simply nodded, hoping I wouldn't regret my decision but something told me I wouldn't, something told me I was safe here with him.

"Okay, good. Now we should head to class because we already missed first period." I still couldn't speak so I nodded once more and he headed towards the door of the locker room, I followed silently behind him.

Thank you.

I know he couldn't hear me, but I couldn't trust my voice and I still wanted to thank him. I'll be sure to tell him later when I regain my voice. He led me down a couple corridors before we stopped in front of a door. The bell shrieked above us and nearly gave me a heart attack, as I jumped, Kaden smiling discretely at my not so discrete reaction. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my thumping heart as it hammered against my chest. People poured out of classrooms, leaving the one we stood by now empty and Kaden entered before me, moving towards a man that stood behind a desk at the front of the classroom. The teacher?

They exchanged a few words as I stood a couple feet away from Kaden, glancing around the classroom. Some more people entered the room looking at me curiously and I jumped once more when I felt a hand grab my arm. I turned to see Kaden and relaxed, he led me to the back of the classroom before he took a seat near the window, I stared at him, feeling lost as my gaze went around the classroom once more, it was getting pretty full now.

"Cameron." I snapped my attention back to Kaden and he gestured to the seat next to him. Oh okay. I sat down next to him and rested my arms on the desk. This was my first time in public school and it was kind of exciting.

People filled the classroom, taking their seats, and when the last person entered, the door was shut, and the teacher stood tall at the front of the class, smiling. Was everyone this smiley?

The teacher started the lesson and it took me a minute to realise we were doing Mathematics, not my favourite subject but I was pretty good at it.

Everything was so different here; I analysed the other people in the room, and they seemed to be rather-uh-bored? Their interest was lacking and I shot a confused look to Kaden, his eyes met mine instantly, it was kind of creepy, he must have sensed my eyes on him. He shot me a curious look but I just shook my head, turning my attention back to the teacher. The lesson was pretty interesting and far more relaxing than what I was used to. The teacher handed out work sheets for us to complete and I heard a groan from beside me. I turned my attention to find a rather short girl with her head in her hands.

"Are you okay?" I asked and she turned to me surprised, her eyes scanned over my body before she smiled. So many smiley people, hmm, maybe I could get used to this?

"I hate Maths," she whispered. Hate? Hate is a strong word, Maths isn't that bad.

"It isn't that bad." Her eyes seemed to grow slightly before returning to normal size and she chuckled slightly. What was funny?

"Well to each their own but I don't like Maths, never have," she shrugged. I was about to say more but Kaden nudged my arm, I turned my eyes to him, and he shot me a warning look, signalling to the teacher. Crap! Not supposed to talk in class. Damn it, I knew this...I knew this. I dropped my head in shame as the teacher placed a couple of worksheets on my table.

I finished my worksheets and pulled my attention away from the desk, I stood from my seat, taking the worksheets with me and approached the teacher who was sitting at his desk. He turned towards me with a questioning look.

"Everything okay, Cameron?" He said quietly, probably not wanting to disturb the other students.

"Yes, sir." I handed him the sheets and he shot me a look of surprise, his eyes falling on the worksheets, so I returned to my desk. Kaden was looking at me weirdly and I shot him a questioning look but he just shook his head. Other people were staring at me, confused. I felt rather uncomfortable but I tried to ignore it. I sat there for what felt like forever, why were people still working? Oh no, did they get more worksheets than me? Am I missing something? I started to panic and once more I felt Kaden's eyes on me. I turned towards him about to ask if I was missing something but before I could he shook his head.

I stared at him confused, before I heard the teacher speak.

"Cameron, come here a minute please." Oh no! Did I do something wrong? Cameron, you idiot! What did you do this time?

I took a deep breath and rose from my seat, slowly making my way towards the teacher. Okay, just breathe, you can do this. I stopped in front of his desk and was about to apologise, but before I could he started speaking.

"Do you like Maths, Cameron?" His question confused me.

"Uh-It's not my favourite subject but it's okay-I guess...I-I mean-" He smiled, and my surprise cut off my sentence.

"It's okay Cameron, you don't have to pretend to like my subject, in fact most people don't. I was just surprised at how quickly you finished these, as you can see the other students are still working, and all the answers are correct. You are very intelligent, Cameron." He smiled once more but I just stood like an idiot staring at him in shock. Me? Intelligent? No...

I didn't know what to say so instead I let a small smile appear on my face which was rather difficult, his words hadn't fully sunk in yet, actually I'm not sure I believed him. My whole life I was called an idiot, who was the liar here?

"Thank you," I said, turning around and taking my seat once again. I zoned out for the rest of the lesson, lost in my own thoughts but soon students started to finish and took their papers to the front of the class, along with Kaden who was one of the first.

Once everyone was finished, they returned to their seats. The teacher spoke a few words and then the bell exploded, making me jump once again. People rushed out of the classroom like the place was on fire, eager to leave. Kaden came to stand beside my desk.

"Ready?" I nodded, standing from my desk and left the room with him. I was curious as to what class we had next but instead he led me to a room with just Adrian and Zach inside. I found myself smiling as I approached Zach.

"Hello," I greeted, he looked surprised but smiled back, greeting me.

Kaden was talking to Adrian at the other end of the classroom so I left them to their privacy and turned back to Zach.

"We just had Maths, do you like Maths?" He leant back against the desk and seemed to relax slightly.

"I don't mind it, I just had History."

"I love history." I really did, it fascinated me, I couldn't wait for that lesson.

"I don't mind it, but English is my all-time favourite subject." I smiled, feeling my cheeks hurting from the unfamiliar action.

"Mine too, I love English and I love to read."

"I don't read as much as I should." He ran his fingers through his hair, before I could reply Kaden and Adrian joined us.

"Cameron, for the time being you will sleep at Adrian's house, so every day after school you will meet with Adrian at his locker and you will drive home with him," Kaden explained, watching for my reaction.

"Okay." I didn't know what else to say, I was really nervous but I didn't have any other option, so I will just have to deal with it.

"So what are we doing?" I questioned, wondering why we were here.

"We get a 15 minute break before our next lesson," Kaden explained. I just nodded but I couldn't help but wonder what they did in them 15 minutes. What was there to do? Before I could question myself more Adrian started talking.

"I have Science next," Adrian sighed "I don't like Science." What? How can you not like Science?

"I have Maths," Zach sighed.

"Oh my poor baby." Adrian wrapped his arms around Zach, pulling him against him, I watched as they gazed into each other's eyes. Is this what love looked like? But that was when I saw their eyes glow and I forced my eyes shut. Not again!

Kaden cleared his throat but I refused to open my eyes.

"We have history next, Cameron. Do you like History?" I opened my eyes at his words, they were all watching me and their eyes had gone back to normal. I breathed out before turning to Kaden.

"I love History." He smiled, placing a hand on my shoulder before shooting Adrian a rather intense glare. He looked rather sheepish as he avoided eye contact with him.

Not long after, the bell rang again and we separated once more from Zach and Adrian. Kaden led me to our next classroom and we once again took a seat. The next few hours passed pretty quickly and I was really enjoying myself.

Kaden and I were currently walking down a long corridor that seemed to be heading to a set of double doors, my curiosity was through the roof today, but everything was so new and exciting, I couldn't help it.

"Where are we going?" I asked, my eyes looking everywhere before finally settling on him.

"Lunch time," he simply said as he pushed open the double doors. Inside were a bunch of tables, I stared in shock. So many tables and they were filled with people eating and talking.

Kaden led me to the section where you get food and there were so many different options. It was all very overwhelming but it was a good feeling, I was excited.

"What do you want to eat?" Kaden asked but I had no idea how to respond, back at the facility we didn't get a choice in what we ate, we just ate what we were given which usually wasn't very nice. I shrugged my shoulders and he led me to a food bar, so many different options.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing at something that immediately caught my attention, it looked delicious.

"That's pizza, it's really good but I wouldn't recommend eating too much." Adrian got his food and I got myself a slice of pizza, it looked mouth-watering, I was so excited to try it.

I followed Kaden and he handed me a drink before we went to the counter to pay for our food. Crap! I didn't have any money, I looked at Kaden in panic but he just smiled before paying for both of our meals. He then led me over to an empty table.

"Kaden. You didn't have to do tha-" He cut me off, shaking his head slightly.

"Don't worry about it, Cameron. You're under my care now." I smiled before turning my attention to my food. I licked my lips before I realised I didn't grab a knife and fork. I went to stand but Kaden stopped me.

"Where are you going?"

"To get a knife and fork." Kaden chuckled, telling me to sit back down.

"Okay so you don't need a knife and fork with pizza. You eat it with your hands," he explained, but I just sent him a weird look. What?

"Why would I do that?"

"Because that's how it's eaten. So just grab it by the crust and bite into the end." He shook his head, but I didn't know why.

I tried what he said and picked up the pizza, it was easier than I thought it would be, but it still felt weird and then I bit into it. My taste buds tingled as a moan left my mouth, my eyes closed to savour the taste but they opened when I heard someone laughing. Zach and Adrian had joined us and Zach was laughing, while Adrian was looking at me weirdly.

I didn't care, it was delicious, the best thing I've ever tasted, and I quickly took another bite.

"Have you never had pizza before?" Adrian asked looking dumb founded, I simply shook my head, my mouth too busy to talk. That was until someone else joined us at the table and I choked. Adrian, Zach and the new boy looked at me concerned as Kaden hit my back. Zach quickly opened my drink, handing it to me. I downed a good amount of the drink, clearing my throat and my choking stopped.

"Are you okay, Cameron?" Zach asked, now that I'd stopped choking. I nodded, letting my breathing go back to normal.

After they were sure I was okay, they greeted the new guy.

"Hey Gabriel, how're you?" Adrian asked, tilting his head forward slightly.

"Not too bad," he responded before taking a sip of his juice. Wow, his voice was so smooth and I found myself watching him as he guzzled his drink. He's eyes fell on me with a questioning gaze and I felt my cheeks getting warm. What the hell was that?

"What are you staring at?" He questioned, looking confused. I gulped and forced myself to breath as I tried to come up with a response.

"You're beautiful." My hand went to my mouth as I felt my eyes get wider. What did I just say?

Gabriel. Wow even his name was beautiful. What was I thinking? I think this pizza is messing with me, at the thought I pushed it away from me, that's when I noticed their faces.

Gabriel looked beyond shocked, confusion written all over his face. Zach looked horrified, Adrian looked concerned and Kaden tried to hide the shock from his face, he was doing a pretty good job but I could still see it.

Damn it Cameron, you idiot!

"I'm sorry." I hung my head, avoiding eye contact with them all. "I don't know why I said that."

"It's alright," his voice softened, catching my attention but I immediately regretted it as soon as my eyes locked onto his. I couldn't stop the gasp that left my mouth but I wasn't the only one as I heard gasps beside me, but I couldn't pull my eyes away.

Gabriel looked so confused, his eyes glowing silver but clouded with hurt, I wanted to run away again but I couldn't, I couldn't pull my eyes away from him. I wanted to remove the hurt, I didn't like it one bit.

"Gabriel!" His eyes snapped to Kaden, returning to their normal hazel colour and I finally managed to tear my eyes away, only to return to him a second later when he stood from the table and left, that's when I noticed blood slowly leaking from his ear. My heart ached, pain overtaking my senses. My eyes screwed shut and a buzzing filled my ears, someone was talking but I couldn't make out a single word they were saying. My mouth fell open in a silent scream and then everything went black.

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