Calore /Maven Red Queen Fanfic

By NostalgiaDreams

3.2K 73 19

Maven Calore, the monster on the throne. Powerful in spotlight. Deadly. A true silver. Or is he? Is he really... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8.
Authors Note

Chapter 9

174 5 1
By NostalgiaDreams

Her mother was always wary. Watching her now, I thought back to that day. It had only been a year, yet she had grown so much.
My breath hitched in my throat as Cal stepped aside,revealing a young woman with beautiful white hair swept into a ponytail, her skin glowing and her eyes alarmingly pale pink. An albino. She stared at me, scrutinising every part of me. After a while, she looked down to the swaddle in her arms. Two pale arms rose from the swaddle - a baby. She stepped over, all the while looking straight into my eyes, searching for something. Then, she held the baby out to me. Shocked, I slowly took it. The pale baby peered out from behind its white eyelashes, it's eyes like it's mother's. Wisps of white hair framed her face as she studied me intensely. Then it let out a small gurgle, smiling at me all gums. I looked back to its mother. My mouth opened slightly, unsure of what to say.
"Let me explain," Cal began, "This baby comes from a long line of healers, some of the most powerful-"
"May I explain?" A soft voice said, and I turned round to see the mother standing and looking at Cal. Cal nodded, and a small smile spread across the mothers face.
"My name is Setora , and I come from House Listania."
"But I've never heard of that house" I said, my face turning into an expression of confusion and suspicion. She smiled sadly.
"Unfortunately, our house was wiped out for being so placid and against the idea of Silvers ruling Red. Only a few of us managed to escape the wrath of King Tiberias, after we had advised him to remove himself from Queen Elaras side. House Listania is the second house of healing , however we are more powerful than the Skonos house . We can fix people mentally." She smiled again, as if remembering something.
"Young Tiberias here sought us out, despite the fact we eliminated all rumours of us being alive. He knew there was a possibility a few survived, however his father did his best to cover this up for his pride." My mind paused, trying to process this information. We had a chance to save Maven? I blinked, and Setora was in front of me, leaning over the bundle in my arms.
"This," she said, her affection shining through her words, "This is our latest child. We would like to stop the monarchy corruption, so you may train her in preparation for this task of 'fixing' King Maven. We have yet to give her a name." My mind whizzed through a thousand possibilities, unsure of what to call her. Then it clicked.
"If we get to choose,it should be Cadi " I said, sliding my back against the stained wall and holding out a finger to the bundle. She took it, smiling and writhing slightly. Her mother looked on fondly.
"That name should be adequate." She answered, tucking a stray white strand behind her ear.'
Now I watched as Cadi toddled around, her thick white hair cut into a short bob as she laughed. Looking over to me, I nodded at her and she bent over the struggling man.
"Just let me die" he screamed, trying to escape Cadi's iron grip. She put a finger to her lips, hushing the man, before closing her eyes and working her magic.
You could see it in his face, small changes. He stopped struggling as hard, his eyes brightening and his features shifting into that of a half smile. He looked dazed when Cadi stood, sitting up and looking about.
"How you feel?" Cadi asked softly, as the man stared in wonder.
"Good... I feel good..." shaking his head, he turned around and walked away slowly. I too shook my head with disbelief, feeling a surge of pride. When Cadi was seven,she would enter Mavens world and turn it the right side up for good.
For now though, she would have to train. I clapped at Cadi and she grinned, impressed with herself. She really was adorable... but would she be enough to save Maven? I chewed my lip , consumed by uncertainty and anxiety with this thought. A question I could yet not answer. Only time would tell.

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