Grimm Tragedies pt 1.

By orpheus23

45 0 3

Have you ever thought what is it like to be the grim reaper, and how does one become such an omnipotent being... More

Grimm Tragedies pt 1.

45 0 3
By orpheus23

The Grimm Tragedies

                                             Chapter One

A young man sits in front of a lake it’s dark out and the moon is reflecting off of the water. The moon is full tonight giving the shaded world an eerie orange glow. It is the time of the harvest; the farmers have been working diligently to bring in the crop. It leaves a dusty smell in the air the same kind you would expect if a house has been unkept for a long period of time. The air is muggy and hard after the brief rain from earlier that day. The young man pulls out a silver plated 9mm pistol; he examines the gun as if he didn’t know where it came from, as if it fell from the heavens and into his hands. A small smile crept on his face, but to what satisfaction did he get from this man? A man in a red hoodie slowly creeps behind the young man, but he is too preoccupied examining the gun, which gleams in the moon light onto his face showing some of his features. His face is young with brown eyes that shine with curiosity and his hair is halfway down his neckline also covering his eyes slightly.  He is a slender fellow looking as if he could eat some more red meat to fill his figure.  He was tall not tall enough to be a N.B.A. basketball player, but tall enough that most people walked up to him and gawked as if he were.  The man in the red hoodie was waiting patiently on some unknown sign to move closer to the tall slender fellow. His breaths were very close in pace to one another as if he were excited to see him, but he was also very cautious to not be seen.  The young man gazed at the gun for a long time unknowing of the intruder behind him; the young man cocked the gun and pointed it to his temple. He smiled and softly said, “Sometimes it’s all too much for me to handle so I bid you Adieu.”

The man in the red hoodie cocked his head waiting for the loud explosion that was already ringing in his ears before the boy even pulled the trigger. He crawled on his stomach trying to get a better look at this mysterious man who he’s been spying on for almost an hour now.  As he was about a foot away he heard a small click after the young man had pulled the trigger, the damn gun had jammed. The young man looked at the gleaming gun in disappointment as if it had committed some horrible discretion against him.  The man in the red hoodie smiled wide as the boy got up and threw the gun out into the lake making the water ripple out into circular patterns. “Stupid gun can’t even do it’s job right!” he said with utter disgust.

  Chapter Two

The man in the red hoodie let something drop out of his sleeve as he closed in on the poor young man unsuspecting of his last breath. The man in red was directly behind the boy grinning from ear to ear his teeth were yellow and stained with red, his eyes were a cold blue with yellow surrounding it instead of white, his hands were covered with dried blood from his last victim and his next victim laid in wait of his face. The young man sighed heavily and turned around to find the man in red in front of him smiling wickedly. The boy jumped back being startled by the unknown figure. He calmly asked, “What can I do for you sir?”

The man in red looked at him still smiling and said slowly, “You can shower me with your blood kid.”

The young man’s eyes were wide and his heart had started pounding so hard he thought he might not even need the gun anymore to do himself off, but the strangest thing occurred he felt like running but his legs wouldn’t move. The man in red quickly plunged the knife in the boy’s sternum ripping flesh and bone apart from one another. The boy gasped for air at the gaping hole in his chest as the man in red pulled the knife out for another strike. The boy fell to the ground crawling to get away as the man in red put another hole just right of his spine. The boy had never felt pain like this before like someone had poured acid on his skin and it was eating through slowly. The man in red laughed maniacally and growled at the boy, “Are you enjoying the toxins I put on the blade your nervous system will shut down in minutes. 

The boys breathing had slowed he couldn’t feel the piercing wounds the man had committed too, but he knew the end was near he saw the man tearing through his insides as the boy watched in utter knowing. The young man felt no pain he saw this entire scene of mayhem going on, and had no idea what to think. “Should I be scared that I’m dying or should I just enjoy that I don’t feel him mutilating my body.”? He thought silently.

The young man looked at the man in red as he got done and was about to walk off. “Why?” the boy said weakly.

The man in red looked back and smiled with a grin full of blood and piercing yellow. “Because my dear boy life’s to short to worry about death so I create it where ever I go.  What’s your name dear boy?” the man asked his head half cocked waiting for his answer.

Before the young man could speak his eyes became steel gates that were shut closed and everything went black there was silence and no one could brake it. The man in red stooped down to the mangled corpse of his latest victim. He pulled out a black leather wallet that reflected off of the moonlight precariously. It was drenched in a gooey red liquid that mimicked red syrup slowly cascading off of the wallet. He pulled out a driver’s license with the name Jeremy Grimm. The man in red smiled your destiny has been sealed Grimm may your next life be full of enjoyment and adventure. 

                                                           Chapter 3

Grimm’s eyes opened only to be found in a snow white room about the size of an office cubicle. A man that had a black hood covering his face entered the room through a red door opposite of where Grimm was laying. The door was quickly swallowed up by the white exterior of the wall after he had entered. The room had an odd smell about it like someone held a bonfire in there before he had arrived. Grimm was on a white tiled floor a little odd for an office cubicle Grimm thought quietly in his own imagination. Grimm noticed the man in the black hood and wondered where he had entered. A table had appeared in front of them seemingly from thin air. Grimm was startled and held his back to the blank wall hoping it would also swallow him up, but his hopes had fallen on deaf ears. The man in the black robe casually sat down at the mysterious table. Grimm slowly got up to ask what the man was doing here, but was interrupted by the man slamming a pen on the table and motioning for Grimm to sit down. Grimm opened his mouth to protest but quickly thought, “Why am I arguing with a creepy hooded figure. If I do what it says I might be able to survive.” He thought hopefully.

Grimm cautiously approached the table and sat down. The man in the black hood laid a sheet of paper down on the table. Grimm looked at the paper it had two small images of old farmer’s scythes surrounding an area of text that said, Reaper Agreement Sheet. Grimm looked at it for a long period of time. The man in the black robe motioned with it’s finger to sign it or get out. Grimm picked up the pen; it was quite an odd one having a pearl white handle and a blade as the point. Grimm tried to sign the paper but to no avail. Grimm looked at the hooded man, “Is this a joke how am I supposed to sign this with no ink?”

No sooner did the words come out of his mouth did the hooded figure grab Grimm’s hand. The figures hand was all bone he was literally a walking skeleton. Grimm grabbed for his hood to see the nature of this beast, as he did the pen came up and penetrated through his hand. Blood scattered over the paper and the table leaving a dreadful sight for any others that might have been looking on. Grimm relinquished the figures hood only to be replaced with the gushing mess that was his hand. The paper ignited into flames where his blood had splattered against it. Grimm’s hand healed up where the figure had sent the bladed pen through. It left a little white scar that had a star shape to it. The hooded figure said in a raspy voice, “It’s been a long time master Thatanos.”

Grimm looked up in surprise, “What did you call me?”

Grimm remembered from world history about greek gods; Thatanos was the god of death in ancient times over the god of souls hades. The hooded figure said with much oomph, “Thatanos the master of the dead and the collector of souls in the living.”

Grimm’s face turned a pale white, “That’s impossible I was just a twenty year old nobody, there’s no way I can be master of anything.”

The hooded figure grabbed his hand that he’d just punctured open; Grimm winced expecting another jab from the pen. The figure turned it over and showed him the small scar. “Tell me master Thatanos does this look like it’s a joke.” It said losing it’s patience.

Grimm examined it closely, “No, there must be some explanation why I was chosen then yes?”

The hooded figure nodded and stood up and walked over to a part of the white wall in the room. A blood red door appeared jutting from the wall and out to the figures hand. Grimm slowly got up worried what would be behind door number two.

                                                     Chapter Four

Grimm and the figure approached the red door, the figure slowly opened the door to a vast hallway that had many doors, but at the end of the hall was a large mural with a man standing over a jester that had been beheaded. The hooded figure pointed to the mural, “Go on touch it, you will understand everything from the beginning to your fate at the end.”

Grimm didn’t want to know, he was having enough trouble processing that he was the master of death. Grimm sighed and did as he was told. He gazed at the mural of the massacre that seemed like it had no cause. Grimm slowly reached out with his hand and touched the mural. As soon as his fingertips hit the cold stone the walls around him went black all the doors had disappeared and he was in total darkness. He turned around to see if there was any escape but the darkness was infinite and the silence was deafening. The only thing he could see was a small glimmer of light far into the distance. Grimm started walking to it, clear that was his goal point so to speak. About halfway to the small window of light, Grimm ran into something it was hard and it wouldn’t budge. Grimm felt around it to try to identify what the strange foreign object was. It was not till he felt a thud on the ground did he realize it was not an inanimate object, but a large living one that was not to happy about this fleshy intruder. Grimm backed away slowly only to find a pair of piercing red eyes staring directly at him. Grimm’s heart began to race as he knew that this was no friend to the young reaper. Grimm ran with all his might to the light the creature screeched tailing him. Grimm could feel the monsters breath on his neck was it toying with him? He felt a piercing pain in his leg, but he didn’t stop running he had to make it. The light was directly in front of him he could almost feel the warmth of it, the creature dove in front of him it was a giant raven with blood pouring from it’s beak. The huge avian creature looked at the morsel and cocked its head to the side. Grimm lost all ability to process the situation he was dumbstruck with fear. The raven lifted it’s head up and spread it’s wings out and let a blood curdling screech. Grimm closed his eyes knowing he was about to become bird chow. He waited for the beast to swallow him whole, but a strange liquid splashed over Grimm. He slowly opened his eyes to see if he was in the confines of the monstrosity, but came to find the raven’s head split in two, its brain protruding and it’s beak slightly open pouring out a crimson liquid. Lodged in the Raven’s skull was a large scythe that was engraved with the words, “There is no fear only death.”

Grimm looked at it and decides to take it to protect himself from any other creatures that might be lurking in the shadows. As he grasped the hilt of the scythe memories flashed through his head of his past life. His first date with Kristen Kraft and his wedding with Amelia Grimm flashed through his head. He also saw him mourning on Amelia’s death bed and how he swore he would avenge her in this life or the next. He saw all the people he slaughtered in the name of his late bride, and the silver-plated 45. Grimm now realized why he was a reaper not only to make up for his past discretions, but as well avenge his one and only love. Grimm slowly walks in to the light there is a pedestal and laying on a crimson red pillow with golden frills coming from the sides is a silver plated gun with the words engraved on it saying, “Justice is blind yet you can see.”

Grimm slowly picks it up he feel electricity run through his veins he knows what must be done. He looks around for anyone that assisted him when he was about to be swallowed by the raven, but nothing just him and this pistol and the silence of the darkness around him.

                                                     Chapter Five

Grimm appeared back in the hallway full of doors with the figure standing directly behind him monitoring him so if the reaper died he would carry him to the pitch-black door that sat right next to the red door that they came through. Grimm looked at the figure and slowly nodded his head in understanding. The scythe still in hand the pistol in the other both gleaming with brilliance. The hooded figure let out a raspy laugh and said, “Welcome back Master Thatanos.”

Grimm looked down, “That is not my name I am not a god nor anyone’s master I am a reaper, I am doing a job that is long overdue. You may call me Grimm, not Master Grimm, nor may you call me that name ever again.”

The hooded figures nodded its head in understanding and lead the way to the pitch- black door. Grimm could only imagine the horrors behind this door.  Grimm was looking down as they were walking and realized that a fair chunk of his leg was missing; his adrenaline was pumping when the foul creature took a nip at him and tore a good chunk of his leg off. About half way down the hall he finally stooped down and examined it, ”Will this wound heal up like my hand?”

The figure examined it and kept walking down the hallway towards the black door. Grimm sighed and followed the figure hoping that there would be some kind of medical treatment there. The black door was large and intimidating not that he hadn’t seen doors like  this but Grimm sensed that there was something off about this door. The figure looked at him then at the door, “Are you ready apprentice reaper?”

Grimm looked at him with confusion, “Ready for what sir?”

The figure flung open the door as if the heavy black chunk of wood and steel was made out of fluffy kittens. The room behind the door was vast with bronze chandlers that looked as if they were from the dark ages. Candles precariously sitting in the chandlers dimly lighted the room. On the ground was a blood red tapestry leading to an elegant throne made of gold and fine jewels, and on the throne sat a man in full black armor watching the young reaper as he stood motionless in the door way. The hooded figure gave Grimm a push to say go on he won’t bite… much anyways. Grimm looked up at the figure, “Are you sure this is the way?”

The figure picked up it’s head and said with some hostility, “If I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t have brought you here.”

Grimm sighed and began to walk down the tapestry towards the ebony figure that sat before him. The man in the black armor stood up towering well over Grimm. “What business do you have here reaper?” the ebony knight said in a booming voice shaking the room. Grimm looked back at the figure hoping for some assistance in his plight with the behemoth. The figure walked slowly up towards the throne, “Surt this young man is the prince of reapers we require a new blade on his scythe.”

The behemoth fell to his knees before the young reaper shaking the ground at his descent. Grimm looked around confused making sure his father had not snuck up behind him as some cruel joke. The ebony knight softly said, “Please forgive me prince of death if I knew it be you my impudence would not have been seen; I shall craft you a new blade at once.”

Grimm looked down at the hulking mass of black and felt a strange sense of pity towards him. “Please do not think I am over you sir if I am the prince of reapers and this is not some horrible dream you are my equal no one person shall be over me or under me, and this shall be my law and my promise to all.”

     Chapter 6

The ebony warrior gave out a hearty laugh shaking the room again, and brought the young reaper up on his shoulder. Grimm had not realized how massive the warrior was till he sat upon his shoulder the ground looked as if it was a ravine of pain if he fell. Grimm was taken to a large forge and at the center of it was a beautiful diamond anvil. The room smelled of sulfur and a strong undertone of burning copper. The walls were large and wide in stature it looked like the perfect place for this man. Grimm was sat upon a rock wall that surrounded the forge as the ebony warrior worked on a blade for his scythe. Grimm looked around at the surrounding walls and saw it was riddled with weaponry from basics swords to ornate assault rifles. This made Grimm’s head spin he had never seen so many tools of destruction in one room. The ebony knight looked behind him at the curious reaper, “Is there any one piece of equipment that speaks to you Prince Grimm?”

Grimm was eyeing a ebony plated 44. Magnum with a mahogany handle with platinum strips running down the barrel. “What about that one?” Grimm said pointing at the gun sitting by the maces and swords.

The Ebony knight picked the gun up, “What an excellent choice I made this in the mid 1700’s I had this vision of a six shooter with the stopping power of a sniper rifle and so the magnum was born.”

Grimm’s eyes grew large with wonder, “You created the first magnum?”

The ebony knight laughed with hardiness, “Why yes my dear boy they don’t call me Gabrion the master smith for nothing.”

Grimm looked around some more at the other wares, but nothing quite compared to the beautiful gun he had seen before. Gabrion had finished the scythe and handed it to Grimm, “The blade has been infused with both ebony and silver, and no amount of evil nor good is immune to the cutting power of this blade.”

Grimm looked at Gabrion hard, “What do you mean good? I thought I was only to take the souls of the innocent?”

Gabrion took of his ebony helm he was an old man probably in his 60’s to early 70’s in human years, but his eyes radiated with a crystal blue unlike Grimm had ever seen. “My dear boy souls are not all good some are evil some are neutral. Some are protected by the forces of both good and evil; this will not be any easy task but you must see it through.” Gabrion said with much wisdom in his voice.

Grimm did not understand but he decided he would do his best no matter what challenges he faced. Grimm examined the scythe Gabrion had given him, it was exquisite having both the silver and ebony cross over each other in a swirl pattern on the blade. The scythe was rather heavy due to the full ebony handle, but there was no flaw in it. Grimm smiled at his new equipment and was about to leave, but before he could walk out of the massive forge Gabrion stopped him. Gabrion laid the heavy Platinum 44. in Grimm’s hand, and said “This gun will tear anything a third cornshute, but you only have six shots a day with it so make them count. Look kid you have a lot of potential but don’t let it go to your head. Your journey begins here after you leave these halls your fate is up to you, when you return you will not be the same. Don’t let that scare you though you’ll have ups you’ll have downs but always remember what you said to me in the great hall; that takes a lot of heart and I will always remember it.”

Grimm looked at the old man with shinning blue eyes and nodded his head in understanding, before he walked out of the forge he said, “Thank you I will never forget what you’ve done for me.”

Gabrion smiled and returned to the forge thinking back on the adventure he had gone on before he became master smith. 

Chapter 7

Grimm walked out in the hallway seeing the robed figure once again as if he had not moved from the spot the two had left him at. The figure pointed down at Grimm's leg with his long boney finger. Grimm immediately noticed the chunk of his leg that was gone now was healed. "So if some one cuts off my head will it grow back," asked the young reaper impishly.

The hooded figure shook his head saying no you idiot you should know that. Grimm slightly winced at the thought of some ass hole cutting off his head and making a soup bowl out of it. The hall had changed during the time he spent with Gabrion in the forge. There were large oak tables covered with food from fruits, pies, and grimm's favorite roasted chicken. Grimm's mouth watered at the sight of the banquet, but the hooded figure pushed him towards the black door. Grimm struggled to get to the table as the figure continued to fight him to exile him from the confines of the room. Grimm kicked the figure's legs out from under him and no sooner had the figure let go Grimm attacked the food as if he were a savage. Gabrion walked out seeing the figure on the ground trying to regain it's composure after the brutal kick. He laughed heartily, "Now if this is not a man after my own heart I do not know what is."

The figure hissed at the two merry makers, "Enough of this foolishness there is much to be done in a short period of time!"

Gabrion gave the figure a hard look, "So you would deprive this man of nourishment Hex?"

Hex bowed his head in defeat knowing this is not one battle he could win, "I suppose not Surt after he eats we will return to the plain of death."

Grimm smiled and nodded at this agreement between the two beings that sat on either side of him. After the massacre of the delightful foods Grimm waddled over to Hex who sat in a corner fast asleep. Grimm shook the poor skeleton back to life as Hex proceeded to tumble out of the chair. Hex hissed at the young reaper and pulled him out the door before he had a chance to say goodbye to the Ebony knight. They were back in the hallway riddled with doors, and Hex looked at the reaper with anger. Grimm could see that Hex's eyes were glowing a bright red, and he knew there would be repercussions for his choice to stay and eat. Hex growled, "Are you ready for your first real test Prince?" 

Grimm looked to the side silently thinking so the giant raven and the infinite darkness was just an enjoyable outing for newbies? Yet, instead he said to Hex, "Yes sir, I've been waiting for a chance to try out my skills."

Hex gave him a toothy grin and pointed to a broken brown door, "This is where shit gets real." he said with a bit of playfulness in his voice.

Grimm gulped and advanced to the door that looked as if any normal being would have touched it they would live a life full of splinters. Grimm grabbed the brass door knob and proceeded to enter it. The door took him to a seemingly abandoned building.  White paint chips fell from it as if it were snowing, most of the windows were either boarded up or were broken from abuse by some unknown source. The place had a smell drifting from it like it had been the dumping sight for bodies. Grimm examined an old rusty metal sign that was covered up by brush, it read Heart's Mental Institution. Grimm pondered for a second before entering the building, "What in God's name could be in there that needs to be taken care of so badly?"

Grimm shoved open the large white doors that had paint chips raining on him as soon as he approached the stone front steps. A black liquid poured from the entrance almost making Grimm lose his footing at the doors. Bloated and mangled bodies littered the main entrance, a young lady in grimm's opinion caught it the worst having the phone cord around her throat hanging from the ceiling. When he saw the glass shards protruding out of her stomach he knew she was an example for all who entered. The lady hanging there couldn't have been any older than 16 probably wandering through the woods looking for kicks, what a pity such a young life had to be ended as such. Grimm caught the middle of the wire and pulled through with his scythe, the young lady fell and crumpled in a fleshy mass of blood and guts. Grimm continued his descent into the place seeing more and more bodies mangled from an unknown killer. Bodies hung from the wall as if they were horrific picture frames. The victims all differed from age, to color of their skin, and even the gender. The smell of the institution was horrific as if some one let hamburger go bad and let it sit for a couple of years. Grimm was at the end of the hall when it split in two, the signs read psyche ward smeared with what seamed to be fresh blood, or visitor area which seemed to have been polished recently. Grimm noticed that it was probably the only thing that wasn't covered in some sort of gore. He decided to go towards the psych ward knowing the visitor center was completely abandoned by all forms of life. The psych ward was the worst of all, having pikes that had human heads on them that were lit on fire and used as torches to light the way of this psychopath. The walk way was filled with an intricate pattern of human entrails making them go in swirls and stars. The ceiling had arms and legs hanging down from it swinging from side to side like some horrific amusement park ride. At the end of this was a boy about 13 years old sitting on a throne made of human skin and bones. Grimm was aghast at the sight of the boy, "How could such a young man do this much evil?"

The boy smiled, Because it's fun to hurt people and hear there screams, it makes me smile when they beg for their pathetic lives. I wonder if you'll beg for yours once I immobilize you. Grimm could see the innocence of the child was gone and it was replaced by something much more sinister something completely black and evil, but he couldn't fight a kid it wasn't in him.

Chapter 8

The boy's head did a 180 and his teeth turned into sharp spikes; blood started gushing from his mouth. Grimm could quickly see this was no ordinary child; he readied his blade waiting for the foul creature to lunge. The demon child just growled from his throat watching his prey closely, he snapped his head back in the right direction flinging blood on the already gore covered room. Grimm kept his distance trying to strategize on how to affectively take the mini monster down, "Well I could just rush him, but I bet his speed is unmatched considering he is a demon. I doubt brute strength will bring him down... so I'll wait." he though silently to himself.

The demon smiled his eyes turning a deep black, and his spine ripped through his skin having spikes jutting from the sides of the bone. Long sharp claws replaced the boy's already long finger nails, long ornate horns grew from the child's head. His skin turned a pale grey; the boy was no longer there nothing but the evil creature that possessed him. Grimm couldn't believe his eyes at the sight of this abomination, he thought shit like this only happened in bad horror movies. He had to destroy this evil; it was not fit for this world. The child laughed in a deep voice, "What's wrong reaper, are you scared?"

Grimm gritted his teeth losing his head for a moment at the creature mocking him. He rushed at the demon taking a swipe with his scythe, the demon dogged and placed a knee into Grimm's gut. Agh! Grimm let out a cry after the quick shot. He quickly retreated to a "safe" distance. The demon cocked it's head and gave him a razor sharp grin. "Well, are we having fun yet?" the creature mocked again.

Grimm looked for a chink in the theoretical armor of the demon, but the only thing he noticed is how prideful the demon was. How sure it was of being invincible. The creature made the move this time striking Grimm with it's spiked tail that was the poor kid's spine. Grimm flew into a pile of dismembered corpses. One of the spines from the tail was sticking in his side, profusely bleeding with no intentions of stopping. Grimm growled not in pain, but in pure unrefined anger aimed at the overly cocky demon. "So, you want to kill innocents, desecrate their bodies, and then talk shit? You're really a trifecta you little shit." he said slowly and with intent.

"HAHAHA oh is the big bad reaper getting mad?" it jested.

Grimm got up holding his side trying to stop the bleeding as best he could. His scythe glowed a bright red, and his eyes glowed a blinding white light. "I am Grimm prince of reapers, son to the mighty Thatanos you will fall here!"

Chapter 9

the demon snarled at the new inspired reaper, and decided it was time to end this little game. Grimm stood ready with scythe and pistol in hand for the onslaught that the demon was about to commence. The demon leaped at the reaper,but was slung into a gore covered wall. The demon let out a guttural growl showing it meant business now. The demon's make shift tail had now extended behind it unknown to the battle ready reaper. The tail slithered behind Grimm, and took a swipe at his knees. The shot connected grounding the reaper. Grimm taken off guard had dropped his scythe, but not the platinum plated pistol. Grimm fired two shots at the beast hitting it center mass. The holes sizzled and smoked from the newly acquired wounds. The demon hissed and the tail lingered over the reapers throat ready for a killing stroke. Grimm's scythe spun back to the reaper's hand also cutting the demon's primary weapon with it. The demon's mouth extended down and it let out a blood wrenching screech. It started to retreat when a shot went through the back of it's contorted head out of it's eye socket. The demon laid there twitching in a pool of oil colored gore. Grimm propped up had the onyx plated 44. magnum smoking in his hand. Grimm replaced the equipment in it's holster, and walked over to the now twisted body of the once proud demon. Grimm looked at it and curled his lip in disgust, "I don't get mad I get even."

The corpse of the fallen had now started glowing a dim red color in the shape of a orb in it's sternum. Grimm stooped down to examine it more closely, when a blood red orb exploded out of the body. It hovered there for a moment and then made it's way to the reaper's hand. It was the demon's putrid soul and it throbbed that of a heart beat. The twisted corpse was now back to it's original form. The child looked up at the reaper, "Where am I?" 

Grimm looked down at him in pity, "You're almost home kid." 

The boy flashed a smile at him and got up, "What's your name?"

Grimm's face lit up, "You can call me Jeremy."

Grimm touched the kids shoulder and they were in a hospital room, the boy laid in a medical bed sound asleep. Grimm walked to the end of the bed where the medical report was, it read Daemon Sanders age:10, diagnosis: coma. Grimm smiled and walked out of the room in his bloodied black hoodie, and blue jeans with a rip in the back of the knee. The spine that was in his side was now gone, and all of the wounds healed up leaving nothing more than small white scars. The mother ran into the room after the doctor told her the child had woke up. The mother looked down the hall only to see the reaper slowly making his advance out of the building. She smiled and silently thanked him, she didn't know why but she knew he was some sort of angel. 

Chapter 10

Grimm walked out of the hospital having a new found pride that he had saved an innocents soul, but his victory was cut short as a hole silently formed around his feet. He fell what seemed like hours; in all reality it was a matter of minutes till he hit the familiar red tapestry. Grimm slowly scanned his surroundings making sure this wasn't another test created by Hex. Hex was behind him and casually tapped Grimm on the shoulder. Grimm swung his scythe around behind him hoping to end any hostile in a flash. Hex grabbed the blade of the foreign object, and looked at Grimm with much sarcasm, "A bit jumpy are we?" Hex said in a raspy voice.

Grimm retorted, "Yeah, just a bit since some one sent me into the depths of hell on basically a search and rescue!"

Hex snorted and walked over to the jeweled throne, "My dear boy the depths of Hell is next week."

Grimm's eyes grew wide in fear. He walked in circles for a moment to truly grasp the concept that he might go to hell. Hex took Grimm's shoulder, "I'm just kidding kid that would be a suicide mission for an apprentice." 

The black door swung open behind them making an echoing boom that went throughout the room. A man probably in his late 40's walked in wearing a black and red hooded robe. Hex hit the ground bowing to the unknown intruder. The mysterious man slowly walked to the jeweled throne, and sat down grunting as he planted his rump. Grimm was pulled to the hard stony earth by his skeletal mentor. His face caught the full impact, it began to throb and his eyes began to tear up from pain. Hex hissed quietley in his ear, "Show some respect you little retch."

Grimm threw his hand off his shoulder, "Who is he?"

Hex glared at him with anger, "Your brother you fool."

Chapter 11

Grimm smarted back, "And how the fuck was I to know I had a brother?"

Hex pondered this for a moment but before he could open his mouth the man sitting on the throne said in a champion like voice, "Arise Hex and tell me what this peasant is doing in my throne room."

Grimm felt his blood began to boil and shoved Hex back on his knees as he was trying to get up. "I am the prince of reapers, and I know you are my brother but no one man is less than your or me."

His brother stood tall and looked amused at the reaper,"You dare challenge the king of reapers, Thatanos?"

"I am no longer Thatanos I am no god, but I will be an avenger to those who are weak, and are under you because of fear."

"How valiant a reaper that looks out for peons lets see how long you think that after I crush your skull with my boot."

Hex runs between the two, "Brothers should not fight and besides Lobo has immense power Grimm there is no way you could win this battle."

Grimm growled with anger, ' I may not but he will still feel my blade across his neck!"

Lobo laughed with dismay, "Oh, Thatanos I remember when father had spirit like that, but he fell at my blade his head rolling down the Forsaken Hill."

Grimm gripped his weapon until his knuckles turned white as Hex's face. "Let us do battle Lobo I look forward for the chance to dismember you piece by piece!"

Lobo smiled and nodded his head, "So be it, and when you see father tell him I said hello."

He snapped his fingers and the two combatants were standing on a mountain top surrounded by fallen warriors of ancient past. The air was heavy with the smell of blood, and the sky was a dark red color. The only vegetation was a tree with cherry blossoms budding from it. Lobo smiled ready for an onslaught of fury from his younger opponent.

This is where you fall Lobo, for father, for amelia, for the kingdom of death!" Grimm exclaimed his eyes turning a pitch black.

Lobo laughed, "Blah blah, blah lets get on with it, I..."

Before he could finish his sentence a small circle was dead center of his forehead. Lobo's eyes turned white and he fell shaking the ground beneath him.  Blood ran out of his new found pore and out of his mouth making a terrible gargling sound. Grimm's eyes turned back to the normal dark brown color, and he looked on at what he did platinum 45. shaking in hand. Lobo struggled to crawl to Grimm's feet still bleeding out of both his wound and his mouth. Grimm slowly walked to him expecting more pride-filled words, but instead the only words that came out we're, "Jack Frost killed Amelia."

Lobo took his last breath and laid his bloody maw on the cold unforgiving ground.

Chapter 12

Grimm sat under the cherry blossom tree and, reminisced on how he was alive he wanted to go to Japan when the cherry blossom trees bloomed. He had ended his brothers life, and was next in line to become king what would that be like. To be the king of reapers he thought silently. Hex appeared from a black portal his mouth agape at Lobo's unmoving corpse. Hex slithered over to where Grimm was sitting,"How did you kill him your only an apprentice!?" 

Grimm didn't look up he was lost in his thoughts about meeting dignitaries from Heaven and Hell, and who this Jack Frost guy was. Hex was just an annoying fly at this point, an annoying frantically screaming and waving his arms around fly. Grimm looked up at Hex and gave him a quick jab to the jaw, "Shut up." he said calmly.

Hex was grounded and sat quietly till the young reaper was ready to talk. After a long time pondering all of the mysteries that he still had no answers to, he got up and apologized to Hex about the violent blow. Hex shook it off seeing after piercing his hand and slamming Grimm's head into the floor it was well over due. Grimm looked at Hex, "So what now?"

Hex gave a toothy Grin well now we go home and prepare for your master's ceremony. Grimm eyed Hex, This is gonna hurt isn't it?

Hex gave a slight raspy chuckle, Oh, more than you could ever imagine.

The two counterparts walked through the portal to the throne room again. "Well let's get this over with, what do you have to do impale me with a red hot poker that had been sitting in corrosive acid that some how rusted and will give me some terrible flesh eating disease?"

Hex snarled at the reaper's smart ass remark, "Why no, you just have to collect one more soul, and boom pow your a master.

Grimm looked at him skeptically, "What's the catch?"

Hex smiled, "You have to have a partner of my choosing."

Grimm closed his eyes understanding that he had to watch out for them and couldn't lose them or he would more than likely fail. "Alright Hex and who would this be?"

A black hole appeared in front of the two and a fair looking lady appeared. She was a brunette with shinning green eyes. She was about 5'7 and was about a medium build. Hex said, "Meet Blossom the flower of death. 

Blossom looked at Hex with anger, "Are you kidding Hex I had my target on the ropes!"

Hex quietly said, "I'm sorry blossom but this reaper right here is about to begin his mastery test."

Blossom smiled, "Ah, I see my apologies and this would be?"

Hex grinned, "The future king of reapers my dear lady."

She eyed grimm for a moment, "You must be joking, this shrimp is supposed to be the king of reapers?"

Hex retorted, He killed Lobo in one move."

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah he was probably flapping his gums and ol' boy over here took advantage of the situation."

Grimm raised his eyebrows at the fact of that was exactly what happened, but stayed mute to not give himself away. Hex snarled, "Regardless of what happened he is next in line and he did kill Lobo."

She opened her mouth to protest again, but was cut short when Surt entered the room and said, "Blossom I thought I taught you better than to disrespect your elders."

Blossom looked down in defeat, "I'm sorry master Gabrion, I would be more than happy to take this reaper on his mastery test."

Hex flashed a toothy grin at the ebony knight, and continued to explain the guidelines of this mission to Grimm. After the eternity long lecture the two reapers were ready to begin their mission. 

Chapter 13

Grimm casually eyed blossom sneaking peaks of her face, it had been a while since he had seen a woman. It was very uncommon for a woman to become a bonafied reaper, but Blossom had been trained in the military in her previous life. An I.E.D. had taken her life and for a long time her pride, but the reaper corps saw she had potential. Gabrion was her instructor through her reaper mastery course, and the two of them destroyed a foot hold for evil in the war of souls. Blossom's weapon of choice was a slew of throwing knives coated with a liquid silver poison to shred most evil things, but she always had her trust Desert Eagle on her hip that she named "Violet."

Violet was her daughter in a past life that when her "late" husband kidnapped her and murdered her over a bad divorce with her mother. Blossom vowed revenge in this life or the next. Blossom looked at Grimm making sure he was ready for what was about to transpire. This would be no cake walk and she wasn't to sure if he had what it took to become a master reaper, but she trusted Gabrion and if he said Grimm could do it she would defend the young reaper with her life. Grimm asked Blossom if she was ready. Blossom give a quick smirk and signaled him with a full arm wave to figuratively charge at the imaginary infantry that was before them. Grimm and Blossom walked through the door until they came to a desolate field. The air was thick with smoke and the ground looked like a black blizzard had hit. The sky was a blood red with the black snow raining from it; the two reapers looked around for any signs of life. The field was empty besides the stumps of sharp glass that jutted from the ground. Blossom looked at Grimm sheepishly, "Well shit there cowboy seems like we got a bit of walking to do." 

Grimm smiled and looked at what seemed to be a small circular building in the distance. He thought back on how she called him cowboy and how it reminded him of an old anime he uste to watch before he died. It was about a bounty hunter that would go on misadventures, but it was set in the future. Grimm shook this off and then shook his head knowing he had to focus, besides this was his mastery test it was supposed to be hard. The two reapers had gotten about half-way to the circular building when Blossom had stopped dead in her tracks; if Grimm hadn't realized he would have kept on walking leaving his partner behind. "What is it?" he said his voice shaking a bit.

Blossom held her finger up still trying to listen for any disturbances. Grimm began to get agitated he hated being hushed or blown off, "Hey! What the fuck are you listening for?!"

By the time he had gotten done a hand crossed his face sending him reeling for a short moment. "Hush, you moron somethings up at that building, we need to hurry."

Before Grimm could even process this and react Blossom had already bolted in the direction of the circular building. :"He-Hey! Wait up!"

When they had reached the disturbance, a massacre was set out before them. It was like an army ambush had cornered the enemy troops and slaughtered all of them. The blood from the littered bodies conjured a river of scarlet down the rocky entranceway of the building. The building was very large and besides the holes from bullets, and blood splats on the outside walls it was a rather regal building. Having an ivory color on the 12 ft pillars, and a symbol that had a blue snowflake that had a crude red streaks following the outline. Blossom's face began to resemble that of a tomato, "That pompous son of a bitch!." she shrieked.

Grimm looked at her slightly confused, "Who would that be?"

Blossom sneered, "Didn't they teach you anything at the reaper academy, this is the emblem of the notorious serial killer Jack Frost."

Grimm's eyes went hollow, they flickered with a bit of red in them. His rage began to build in his chest making it harder to breath but easier to rush in and muck things up. Grimm looked at Blossom, "So what are we waiting for let's go make that vermin wish he had never been born."

Blossom was curious what was with the apprentice, of course the entire orderly structure wanted him dead. There was something different here in this young man was a pure unadulterated rage. Grimm gritted his teeth, "WELL!?"

Blossom lowered her head, "Look kid I don't know what happened to you, but we can't go rushing in there it would be a suicide decision for one, and two this is a general's mark not ol' Jack himself."

Grimm started to calm down at the explanation, "I'm sorry your right, so what's the plan?"

Blossom grabbed his hand and nodded her head as if the plan was already stated, Grimm cocked his head and lowered his brow. He knew what ever the plan was it was more than likely about to hurt. Blossom tossed the reaper through a bottom floor window, alerting all infantry that was and or is in the building to the new intruder. A group of pointy eared soldiers began to surround him, there teeth resembling that of rusted knives. They had pistols and assault rifles pointed at him, no where to go, no where to run, Grimm was in a bind. One of the taller soldiers started to poke Grimm with is bayonet that was on his A.R. Grimm slightly squirmed but tried to keep his composure, this was not really a situation you could get out of without looking like swiss cheese. The solder barked at Grimm to get upstairs and that General Swine would deal with him. Grimm slowly made his way up the winding stairs; thinking quietly to himself that Blossom had abandoned him. Blossom had made her way in the window shortly after the guards were focused on the "hand tossed reaper."

Blossom successfully killed two of the five guards that surrounded Grimm with throwing kunai. The Kunai barely made a sound till it hit the solders square in the back of the dome. The guard slowly slumped over and began to bleed out. The second one received a quick stab to the throat that forced him against a wall and pinned him there to be an example for others who followed the frozen king. Another guard was killed on the way up, due to an argument about who would get the reaper's silver plated 45. Grimm kept his finger on the trigger of the concealed 44. magnum. The two arguing guards got into it, the victor began to beat the others head into the hardwood railing. Sending the losers head, brains, and dignity flying over Blossom that was waiting till she could make her way up. She silently gagged at the sight of the guards remains that were tossed over the railing as well. The body laid motionless empty white eyes that starred at her the empty case at the top of the skull slowly oozing out red and pink material. Grimm was at a large oak door that was freshly varnished with something that reeked of lemons and cleanliness. The two remaining guards pushed the reaper in an oval room that had a circular rug that had the same snowflake as outside but with a little pink pig in the middle. A man probably in his late 50's sat in a black leather chair at a mahogany desk, He was balding and had a terrible over bite showing most of the top row of his teeth. He had small white horns that coiled around each other that resembled the tail of a pig on the sides of his head. General Swine eyed Grimm up and down trying to figure out who he was. A croaky voice came from him and it said, "Have we met before?" 

Grimm shook his head saying no where in god's name would we have met. General Swine gave a smile showing the whole row of teeth, the back few had grown up and jutted out like that of tusks. Grimm gave a quick smile trying to seem as innocent as possible. The two solders that were with him gave the general the silver plated 45. and the reapers scythe. The general looked at the items hard his eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of his skull. If Grimm had the chance that's exactly what would happen. General Swine started to laugh the developed in a series of snorts, "HAHAHAH *SNORT* HAHAHAHAHA *SNORT* death corps huh? What the hell are you doing here?"

Before Grimm could answer a sharp knee was planted in his stomach by one of the pointy eared guards. Grimm coughed and gasped for air as the blow had knocked the wind from him. The guard smiled evilly, "Feel good punk?"

Grimm smiled, "Please sir may I have another?" he said in the most sarcastic way possible.

The guard gritted his teeth at the reapers insolence and pulled out his firearm, "You know what all it would take it the go ahead from General Swine and you would be dead!"

Grimm smiled, "Oh big man got to have your daddy's permission first hm?"

Blossom watched from the outside trying not to cackle at the reapers blatant disrespect. The guard began to get angrier and pistol whipped Grimm across the head. Grimm laughed loudly as his head pounded from the pain, he felt where the gun had connected and a small pool of blood began to form. "Oh, darn now I have to get this washed, but thank you my head was getting a bit big from all your brothers that I slaughtered."

The guards eyes grew wide this time with a bit of fear, "My-My brothers?"

Grimm smirked, "Oh, yes bunch of cowardly snakes they were, but not so much anymore there a bit dead to be fearing anything. 

General Swine smiled and pulled out a sawed off shot from under his desk. The guard looked over and began to laugh, "Ahahaha, now Genera-."

The next sentence was the shotgun spraying the solders head across the wall. "Please excuse him he's always been a bit of a motor mouth." General Swine said casually.

Grimm chuckled and said, "No problem Jar heads usually are."

"I tell you what kid let me talk to Master Frost I think we could use you in the Fallen Angels army." General Swine said like any good recruiter would. 

Grimm tossed the idea around, but knew his place was in the reaper corps, by the time the shotgun blast had sprayed through the wall the last guard had spotted Blossom and was about to sound the alarm. Luckily the shotgun had hit him dead center of the chest and sent him over the railing with his other fallen comrade who had died by his hand. Blossom let out a sigh of relief and snuck to the edge of the door-frame where the General and Grimm were conversing. 

Chapter 14

The General went on about how great Jack was and how he was to be the savior of mankind through life and death. Grimm knew the truth about Jack though he had seen the carnage he can bring to anyone's life. Like how he gutted Amelia up and strung her up for him to see. Grimm began to lose his patience and was ready to end this lesser demons'  life.Grimm stood up out of the leather chair facing General Swine and said, "Look you seem like a pretty decent guy, and I don't want to kill you. If you don't give up your plight on this I will drill a hole in your skull with my gun."

General Swine's demeanor changed instantly, his happy go lucky attitude was replaced by a sour expression and a lot of heavy breathing. General Swine pushed a small red button that was under his desk and the two of them fell through the floor and into a muddy pit. Blossom rushed to the hole seeing the two creatures begin to square each other up. General Swine had ripped off his navy uniform and underneath sat a fat pink underbelly that had a large amount of spikes coming out of him slowly protruding and bleeding. Grimm looked on with disgust all he had on him was the concealed 44. magnum. His scythe was submerged with the mahogany desk along with the silver platted 45. pistol. General swine rolled up in a ball and sped at Grimm trying to turn him in to a flat chewed up piece of road kill. Grimm quickly evaded and began to search around in the brown muck for his lost equipment. Blossom was watching the young reaper frantically thrashing about as the pink ball of pain was coming for him. Grimm again rolled to the side letting General Swine crash into a wall stunning him for a moment. Grimm saw a glimmer of salvation as something shinny appeared from the mud. It wasn't his scythe but a dirk that was infused with some sort of precious metal. General Swine unrolled him self and began to chant some incantation of some sort. His tusks burst from his bottom lip ripping through the already mangled mouth. Grimm held the dirk in one hand and prepared for the worst. The now hog like warrior charged Grimm with the razor sharp tusks, Grimm dogged and gave the general a quick slice to the side with the dirk. The mud was becoming sticky and getting hard to maneuver through. Blossom jumped down and gave the general a few more holes to breath through, The general gave out a painful screech and began to thrash around trying to get the pain to stop. Grimm took this chance to find his scythe and sunk his hand down and began to feel around. The general drove his tusks into to the chest of the young reaper, Grimm was stuck on the tusks as General Swine began to lift his head up and down tearing the reaper's muscle form the bone. Grimm began to feel blood gargle in his throat, as much as he hated wasting the 44.s bullets this was a life or death situation. Grimm pulled the 44 out and pointed it at the general's meaty forehead. "Say hello to your master in hell for me you dirty swine *cough*" Grimm said with anger fading. The shot rang out but not from Grimm's 44 but Blossom's desert Eagle. The 44. dropped from the reapers hand and fell in the muck below, it started sinking slowly. The bullet had done it's job freeing Grimm from the tusks of the now late general. Grimm laid in the muck by the headless commander of the swine division. "Hehehahahaha Blossom we did it, but man I think I'm going to black out."

Blossom gave Grimm a light look of agreement and smiled at him, "You sure know how to bring the roof down kid."

By the time she looked back Grimm laid there motionless with a smile on his face 44 back on his hip and the 45 and scythe back in his hands. "Crazy recruits these days." she shook her head.

She knelt down to the young reaper and gave him a slight kiss on the cheek, she smiled and said," You earned it kid and now you will always have the kiss of death upon you."

A black sink hole opened and the two of them fell through to the throne room for debrief. Grimm slammed into the hard stone floor, the only thing he did was turn over and complain that his bed was a bit lumpy. Blossom shook her head and smiled. Hex placed the reaper in a king sized bed with a large red comforter. The reaper slept soundly for that night.

Chapter 15

*7th ring of hell, Frost House*

A man with Black hair and red eyes runs through a long corridor he appears to be frightened by some news he received. He crashes through a door at the end of the hall, "My lord My lord, the reaper corps have eliminated General Swine's platoon!"

A man with ice blue eyes, and frosted white hair looks on. "I knew that fat fuck wouldn't be able to survive much longer especially with this talk of a new reaper arising. The damn idiot probably got to close with those tusks and got his damn head blew off. What a pity can't find good help these days I tell ya Banka."

Banka looked at Frost rather concerned, What would you like us to do Lord Frost?"

Frost rolled his eyes at his head general, "What the fuck do you think I want you to do, destroy the reaper corps so we can take over this pathetic world. After that we march straight to the pearly gates and burn them turn thier metals into weapons so no one can overthrow us. Then after 100 years or so we destroy everything that isn't ours and wipe god's creature's from existence. Did that give you enough Banka?"

Banka looked down and bowed in a sign of respect, "Yes thank you Lord Frost."

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