The Gravity Zone

By camistar855

6 0 0

My little brother has decided he wants to write something so I'm giving him his chance!!! More

The Dome

The Moon

5 0 0
By camistar855

I was sitting on my couch watching the news, and the news reporter appeared on the television talking about NASA. "Our sources tell us the moon has been inching closer and closer towards earth" she said. She said that NASA was working on a project to stop the moon using spaceships, they also said we only had about six months until the moon reached earth if they did nothing to stop it. I wanted to check outside to see if I could see the moon but I knew my neighbors would've thought I was crazy.

I ended up changing the channel to quizby and my favorite show the flighters was on. I would care much more about there additional episode special event but my mind was still on the moon thing. I went to make a ham sandwich but, it didn't really taste right. I pulled a spider leg out of my mouth and found a spider in my sandwich. I went outside to check for an infestation and there were spiders almost everywhere and the neighbors were freaking out as well.

As days passed the sun got darker and darker, NASA only has two spaceships made. it's aggravating but I know they are working as hard as they can. The gravity somehow began to shift. Apparently multiple countries are trying to work together to keep the moon at a respectable distance. On earth the electricity is currently out with no explanation other than the moon has no boundaries at all. I keep hearing people say that they'll turn it on but I feel like I might die of boredom. Speaking of dying that what the plants and crops have started to do, trees falling and animals dying the earth is losing its life force at this point but the government has started underground farms to keep food flow high.

The spiders have been doing some horrible creeping around and some carry diseases that their happy to pass on. It's actually become a serious health concern so the government sent in these tough exterminators to get rid of the majority of spiders that lurk around. I for one would be happy to see all of them go.

Money. Ha. Money isn't a thing we use anymore. we share, share, share. share crops and water though luckily that hasn't been contaminated yet. I know we'll survive this! Especially since the government is putting in a dome soon.

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